Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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Current, 568–573, 586direction of, 569, 569fdrift speed and, 570–571, 586induced, magnetic induction and,663in lightbulb, 569measurement of, in circuits,572–573, 572fmicroscopic view of, 570–572,586notations for, 695tfor resistors in series, 593rms, 694–696, 718in superconductors, 579Current loop(s)in electric motors, 636–637,636fmagnetic field of, 644–645,644ftorque on, 634–636, 634f, 635f,650Cutoff frequency of light, 878Cutoff wavelength, 879Cyclotron equation, 637, 638–639DDark fringes, 788–789, 788f, 811in single-slit diffraction, 799Datingcarbon, 952–955radioactive, 953–954Daughter nucleus, 949Davisson, C. J., 888Davisson-Germer experiment,888–889De Broglie, Louis, 887fDe Broglie waves, hydrogen atomand, 912–913, 913fDe Broglie’s wavelength, 888,896Decayalpha, 949–950, 949fbeta, 950–952, 951fexponential, 946, 946fgamma, 952neutron, 990processes of, 948–955, 949f, 951f,953f, 955fspontaneous, 949Decay constant, of radioactivematerial, 945–946,966Decay rate, 945, 966Defibrillator(s)capacitor in, 555–556implanted cardioverter, 585–586,585f, 586tDendrites, 612, 613fDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),double-helix structure of,884, 884fDepolarization wave, 583, 584fDepth of field, of camera, 820Destructive interference, 788f, 789,811in single-slit diffraction, 799in thin films, 792–793Deuterium-deuterium reaction,982Deuteron, binding energy of,943–944Deviation, angle of, 736Dielectric constant, 556, 557t, 561Dielectric strength, 557, 557tDielectricsatomic description of, 559–560,560fcapacitors with, 556–560, 557f,558f, 560f, 561Diffraction, 727, 797–804single-slit, 798–800, 811of x-rays by crystals, 883–885, 883f,884f, 895–896Diffraction grating, 800–804, 801f,802f, 803f, 811–812in CD tracking, 803, 803fprism vs., 802resolving power of, 835–836, 838Diffraction pattern, Fraunhofer, 798,798fDiffuse reflection, 728, 728fDigital video disks (DVDs), usinginterference to read,796–797Diode, 574Diopters, 822–823, 837Dip angle, 627Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice, 985,985fDirect current circuitscomplex, Kirchhoff’s rules and,601–605, 601f, 603f, 604fDirect current generators, 674–675,675fDispersionof light, into spectrum, 738–739,738f, 739fprisms and, 736–738, 737f, 746Diverging lenses, 769, 770, 774–776,775fDNA (deoxyribonucleic acid),double-helix structure of,884, 884fDomains, magnetic, 648–649, 648f,649fDonor atom, 927Doping, in semiconductors, 927Doppler effect, for electromagneticwaves, 718Drift speed, 570–571, 586EIndex I.3Earth, magnetic field of, 626–628deflection of lightning strike by,633Eightfold way, 992–983, 983fEinstein, Albert, 843f, 849fon light quanta, 727mass-energy equivalence equationof, 861on photoelectric effect, 879special theory of relativity of, 844,849–858, 851f, 852f, 854f,855f, 856f, 868theory of gravitation of, 867–868EKGs (electrocardiograms),583–584, 584fElectric charge(s)conservation of, 499negative versus positive, 498, 498fproperties of, 497–499, 523Electric current, 568–573. See alsoCurrentElectric dipole, 510, 511fElectric field(s), 505–509, 523atmospheric, measuring, 512in atom smashers, 537–538of charged thin spherical shell,520–521, 520fof nonconducting plane sheet ofcharge, 521–522Electric field lines, 510–512, 510f,511f, 523conductors and, 514Electric flux, 517–519, 517f, 523Electric force(s)electric fields and, 506gravitational force and, 502properties of, 500on proton, 507Electric motors, 636–637, 636f,637fElectric potential, 531–542, 561created by point charge, 538–541,539ffinding, 540–541, 540fproblem-solving strategy for, 540Electric potential difference, 534,561Electric potential energychange in, 532work and, 531–535Electrical activityof heart, 583–586, 583f, 584fElectrical charges, quantized, 499Electrical energy, power and,580–583Electrical potential energy, 538–541,561Electrical resistivity, 587Electrical safety, 611–612

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