Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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A.32 Answers to Quick Quizzes, Odd-Numbered Conceptual Questions and Problems19. 10 23 s21. 10 18 m23. (a) conservation of electron-lepton number and conservationof muon-lepton number (b) conservation of charge(c) conservation of baryon number (d) conservation ofbaryon number (e) conservation of charge25.27. (a) (b) (c) e (d) e (e) (f) and e29. (a) not allowed; violates conservation of baryon number(b) strong interaction (c) weak interaction (d) weak interaction(e) electromagnetic interaction31. (a) not conserved (b) conserved (c) conserved (d) notconserved (e) not conserved (f) not conserved33. (a) charge, baryon number, L e , L (b) charge, baryonnumber, L e , L , L (c) charge, L e , L , L , strangenessnumber (d) charge, baryon number, L e , L , L , strangenessnumber (e) charge, baryon number, L e , L , L ,strangeness number (f) charge, baryon number, L e , L ,L , strangeness number35. 3.34 10 26 electrons, 9.36 10 26 up quarks, 8.70 10 26down quarks37. (a) (b) (c) K 0 (d) 41. a neutron, udd43. 70.45 MeV45. 18.8 MeV47. (a) electron-lepton and muon-lepton numbers not conserved(b) electron-lepton number not conserved(c) charge not conserved(d) baryon and electron-lepton numbers not conserved(e) strangeness violated by 2 units49. (a) 2 10 24 nuclei (b) 0.6 kg51. (a) 1 baryon before and zero baryons after decay. Baryonnumber is not conserved.(b) 469 MeV, 469 MeV/c(c) 0.999 999 4c53. (b) 12 days55. 26 collisions39.Net QuarksReaction At Quark Level (before and after) p : K 0 0ud uud : ds uds p : K ud uud : us uusK p : us uud :K K 0 us d s sss1 up, 2 down,0 strange3 up, 0 down,0 strange1 up, 1 down,1 strange(d) The mystery particle is a 0 or a 0 .

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