Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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1006 Chapter 30 Nuclear Energy and Elementary Particles24. For the following two reactions, the first may occurbut the second cannot. Explain.25.K 0 : (can occur) 0 : (cannot occur)Identify the unknown particle onthe left side of the reaction? p : n 26. Determine the type of neutrino or antineutrino involvedin each of the following processes:(a) : 0 e ?(b) ? p : p (c) 0 : p ?(d) : ? ?27. The following reactions or decays involve one ormore neutrinos. Supply the missing neutrinos.(a) : ?(b) K : ?(c) ? p : n e (d) ? n : p e (e) ? n : p (f) : e ? ?28. Determine which of the reactions below can occur.For those that cannot occur, determine the conservationlaw (or laws) that each violates:(a) p : 0(b) p p : p p 0(c) p p : p (d) : (e) n : p e e(f) : n29. Which of the following processes are allowed by thestrong interaction, the electromagnetic interaction,the weak interaction, or no interaction at all?(a) p : 2 0(b) K n : 0 (c) K : 0(d) : 0(e) 0 : 230.A K 0 particle at rest decays into a and a . Whatwill be the speed of each of the pions? The mass ofthe K 0 is 497.7 MeV/c 2 and the mass of each pion is139.6 MeV/c 2 .31. Determine whether or not strangeness is conservedin the following decays and reactions:(a) 0 : p (b) p : 0 K 0(c) p p : 0 0(d) p : (e) : 0 (f) 0 : p 32. Fill in the missing particle. Assume that (a) occursvia the strong interaction while (b) and (c) involvethe weak interaction.(a) K p : ____ p(b) : ____ (c) K : ____ 33. Identify the conserved quantities in the followingprocesses:(a) : 0 (b) K 0 : 2 0(c) K p : 0 n(d) 0 : 0 (e) e e : (f) p n : 0 Section 30.12 QuarksSection 30.13 Colored Quarks34. The quark composition of the proton is uud, whilethat of the neutron in udd. Show that the charge,baryon number, and strangeness of these particlesequal the sums of these numbers for their quarkconstituents.35.Find the number of electrons, and of each speciesof quark, in 1 L of water.36. The quark compositions of the K 0 and 0 particlesare ds and uds, respectively. Show that the charge,baryon number, and strangeness of these particlesequal the sums of these numbers for the quark constituents.37. Identify the particles corresponding to the followingquark states: (a) suu; (b) ud; (c) sd; (d) ssd.38. What is the electrical charge of the baryons with thequark compositions (a) u u d and (b) ud d? What arethese baryons called?39. Analyze the first three of the following reactions atthe quark level, and show that each conserves thenet number of each type of quark; then, in the lastreaction, identify the mystery particle:(a) p : K 0 0(b) p : K (c) K p : K K 0 (d) p p : K 0 p ?

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