theatre dance music film art fashion burlesque spoken

theatre dance music film art fashion burlesque spoken theatre dance music film art fashion burlesque spoken


SCHEDULE 10:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Descendant of Dragons Maximum Verbosity La Esquina 10 29 n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35 n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29 n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21 n The Man Fast Lindsey Ogle Vulcan’s Forge 10 29 n Mr. History Mr. History Crosstown Station 5 30 n Sirens and Superheroes Jeff Newman Arts Incubator 5 24 11:00 PM n Big Love Jessica Franz MET 10 27 FRIDAY JULY 30 6:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Death and the Publican Tara Lane Productions MET 8 35 n Infinite Thought (90 min) Alberta Forbes Screenland Crown Center 7 18 6:30 PM n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35 n The Good Book Variety Revue Lucky DeLuxe Unicorn Main 10 29 n Joe’s Cafe Rupert Wates Crosstown Station 8 33 n Just So Stories John Story Arts Incubator 5 27 n Lot O’ Shakespeare Timothy Mooney Rep Just Off Broadway 10 36 n My Night with Rock Hudson David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n Slip and Fall Guy Jeff Onore The Fishtank 5 24 n Create Your Own Reality Create Your Own Reality Arts Tech * 12 7:00 PM n Assemblage Groupe de Quatre Hemingway Gallery 5 23 n Dances of India Nritya School of Indian Dance The Pearl 7 30 n Descendant of Dragons Maximum Verbosity La Esquina 10 29 n Feel Good Feel Good Vulcan’s Forge 5 22 n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24 n Jen Lawless Jen Lawless Hemingway Gallery 5 24 n The Man Fast Lindsey Ogle Vulcan’s Forge 10 29 n My Girdle is Killing Me KC Society of Burlesque Crosstown Station 10 28 n The Squeaky Wheel — LIVE! Brian Shaughnessy Unicorn Jerome 10 21 7:30 PM n Big Love Jessica Franz MET 10 27 8:00 PM n Grind: The Musical Theatre Undeclared The Pearl 9 36 n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29 n I Am My Imaginary Friend David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n Monsterbox Entropic Buddha Screenland Crown Center 5 22 n MOO-sic Without Rules River Cow Orchestra Crosstown Station 5 32 n Morphotic (90 min) Butcher Block Productions Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Shaittie Shakespeare Alan Tilson Just Off Broadway 5 18 n Showcase of Magic Showcase of Magic Hemingway Gallery 5 34 n Skinny Dipping Shanna Shrum The Fishtank 10 33 n The US & THEM Reunion Jack Phillips Arts Incubator 10 24 8:30 PM n Cabaret Voler Voler: Thieves of Flight Crosstown Station 10 37 n ClairvoyDANSE City in Motion La Esquina 5 22 n Crossroads Reach Hemingway Gallery 5 32 n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21 n The Old Folks Make a Scene Trap Door Theatre Vulcan’s Forge 7 36 n Revenge of Rumplepunchkin S.H.A.R.D.S. The Pearl 8 34 n Sirens and Superheroes Jeff Newman Arts Incubator 5 24 9:00 PM n The Event Bob Paisley MET 10 21 n Fashion Show Fashion on the Fringe Arts Tech * 14 10 NO LATE ENTRY PERMITTED ONCE THE SHOW HAS STARTED Running time for all events is one hour unless otherwise noted. * Free admission with a Fringe Button. 9:30 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n American Alphabet Damien Torres-Botello The Fishtank 5 21 n Boobs, Burlesque and the Bard Bee’s Knees Burlesque Just Off Broadway 10 20 n Behind the Pasties Antonym Films Screenland Crown Center 10 19 n Cirque du Gay Dennis Porter & Peyton Westfall The Pearl 10 22 n KC Cabaret Goes to the Movies Kansas City Cabaret Arts Incubator 8 27 n The Last Straight Man in Theatre Too Much Free Time XS Lighting 10 36 n Mercury Mad Mercury Mad Crosstown Station 7 30 n Sex, Lust & Confessions of a Crooner Brother John Hemingway Gallery 10 21 10:00 PM n Fanning the Passion Amber DiGiovanni Arts Incubator 10 19 n Goodbye, Kansas (90 min) Frankie Krainz & Seth Golay Unicorn Main 10 23 n If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em Journeyman Theatre La Esquina 5 27 n KConsciousness Slam KConciousness Slam Crosstown Station 10 28 n Khaaaaan! the Musical Roddenberry Pie Off Center Theatre 10 33 n The Statistics Theatre of Relativity The Pearl 10 35 n Trials, Tragedies, and Triumphs KCKCC Dance Hemingway Gallery 5 28 10:30 PM n Spumoni (90 min) Arika Larson MET 5 19 n My Fragile Family Tree Shantz Theatre Unicorn Jerome 10 34 11:00 PM n Definition Given by Devastation Ryan McCord-Bey The Fishtank 5 33 n Gathering Point Shannon Peery Crosstown Station 3 34 n Hanky Panky (90 min) Lot in Life Productions The Pearl 10 29 n New Vaudeville K.C. Troupe DV8 Arts Incubator 9 37 n Resting Places Melissa Villanueva Screenland Crown Center 8 30 n Take My Breath Away Ogrot XS Lighting 5 31 n When We Were Queens Theatre Tilde Just Off Broadway 10 35 11:30 PM n Brawny Britches BOYlesque Off Center Theatre 10 21 n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24 n My Girdle is Killing Me KC Society of Burlesque Crosstown Station 10 28 12:30 AM n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Bellydance Fusion Factory Troupe Duende Arts Incubator 5 37 SATURDAY JULY 30 12:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Painting Workshop (120 min) Anastacia Drake Arts Tech * 12 2:00 PM n Best of the Fest (90 min) Kansas City FilmFest Screenland Crown Center 8 27 4:00 PM n Best of IFC Short Films (90 min) IFC Screenland Crown Center 8 24 6:00 PM n The Event Bob Paisley MET 10 21 n Short Films Presentation Senoreality Screenland Crossroads 5 33 6:30 PM n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Grind: The Musical Theatre Undeclared The Pearl 9 36 n I Am My Imaginary Friend David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n Path of a Dream Kingsville Manor Crosstown Station 5 29 n Shaittie Shakespeare Alan Tilson Just Off Broadway 5 18 n Showcase of Magic Showcase of Magic Hemingway Gallery 5 34 n Something Dangerous Raghsidad Unicorn Main 7 32 n Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story Hybrid The Fishtank 7 24 n The US & THEM Reunion Jack Phillips Arts Incubator 10 24 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE BURLESQUE DANCE FASHION FILM FRINGE MUSIC SPOKEN WORD THEATRE VISUAL ART YOUTH

NO LATE ENTRY PERMITTED ONCE THE SHOW HAS STARTED Running time for all events is 60 minutes unless otherwise noted. * Free admission with a Fringe Button. 7:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Barnyard Sideshow Dumptruck Butterlips La Esquina 5 22 n Cabaret Voler Voler: Thieves of Flight Crosstown Station 10 37 n Crossroads Reach Hemingway Gallery 5 32 n Fanning the Passion Amber DiGiovanni Arts Incubator 10 19 n The Old Folks Make a Scene Trap Door Theatre Vulcan’s Forge 7 36 n The Squeaky Wheel — LIVE! Brian Shaughnessy Unicorn Jerome 10 21 7:30 PM n Best of the Fest (90 min) Kansas City FilmFest Screenland Crown Center 8 27 n Death and the Publican Tara Lane Productions MET 8 35 8:00 PM n 4.48 Psychosis EMU Theatre The Pearl 5 22 n American Alphabet Damien Torres-Botello The Fishtank 5 21 n Feel Good Feel Good Vulcan’s Forge 5 22 n Goodbye, Kansas (90 min) Frankie Krainz & Seth Golay Unicorn Main 10 23 n Joe’s Cafe Rupert Wates Crosstown Station 8 33 n Just So Stories John Story Arts Incubator 5 27 n Lot O’ Shakespeare Timothy Mooney Rep Just Off Broadway 10 36 n Not Just for the Birds Barstow School Off Center Theatre 5 20 n Sex, Lust & Confessions of a Crooner Brother John Hemingway Gallery 10 21 n Take My Breath Away Ogrot XS Lighting 5 31 8:30 PM n Deleted Scenes Seamless Dance Theatre Hemingway Gallery 7 33 n Descendant of Dragons Maximum Verbosity La Esquina 10 29 n The Man Fast Lindsey Ogle Vulcan’s Forge 10 29 n Mr. History Mr. History Crosstown Station 5 30 n My Fragile Family Tree Shantz Theatre Unicorn Jerome 10 34 n Sirens and Superheroes Jeff Newman Arts Incubator 5 24 n The Statistics Theatre of Relativity The Pearl 10 35 9:00 PM n Big Love Jessica Franz MET 10 27 n Fashion Show Fashion on the Fringe Arts Tech * 14 n Incendia Nocturnum: A Night of Fire Vesuvius Crown Center Pavilion 10 37 9:30 PM n Bellydance Fusion Factory Troupe Duende Arts Incubator 5 37 n Best of IFC Horror IFC Screenland Crown Center 8 24 n Hanky Panky (90 min) Lot in Life Productions The Pearl 10 29 n Jen Lawless Jen Lawless Hemingway Gallery 5 24 n Khaaaaan! the Musical Roddenberry Pie Off Center Theatre 10 33 n My Night with Rock Hudson David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n The Projects The Projects Crosstown Station 10 32 n Slip and Fall Guy Jeff Onore The Fishtank 5 24 n When We Were Queens Theatre Tilde Just Off Broadway 10 35 10:00 PM n ClairvoyDANSE City in Motion La Esquina 5 22 n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29 n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24 n Inspired Kacico Dance Hemingway Gallery 6 27 n My Girdle is Killing Me KC Society of Burlesque Crosstown Station 10 28 n Revenge of Rumplepunchkin S.H.A.R.D.S. The Pearl 8 34 10:30 PM n Tallahassee Patrick Dulaney MET 10 31 11:00 PM n Boobs, Burlesque and the Bard Bee’s Knees Burlesque Just Off Broadway 10 20 n Behind the Pasties Antonym Films Screenland Crown Center 10 19 n Holy Cow! Holy Cow! Hemingway Gallery 7 24 n KC Cabaret Goes to the Movies Kansas City Cabaret Arts Incubator 8 27 n The Last Straight Man in Theatre Too Much Free Time XS Lighting 10 36 n Mercury Mad Mercury Mad Crosstown Station 7 30 n Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story Hybrid The Fishtank 7 24 BURLESQUE DANCE FASHION FILM FRINGE MUSIC SPOKEN WORD THEATRE VISUAL ART YOUTH SCHEDULE 11:30 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Brawny Britches BOYlesque Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Cabaret Voler Voler: Thieves of Flight Crosstown Station 10 37 n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35 n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21 12:00 AM n Spumoni (90 min) Arika Larson MET 5 19 n The Good Book Variety Revue Lucky DeLuxe Unicorn Main 10 29 12:30 AM n Khaaaaan! the Musical Roddenberry Pie Off Center Theatre 10 33 SUNDAY AUGUST 1 2:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE n Definition Given by Devastation Ryan McCord-Bey The Fishtank 5 33 n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35 n The Event Bob Paisley MET 10 21 n Gathering Point Shannon Peery Crosstown Station 3 34 n The Good Book Variety Revue Lucky DeLuxe Unicorn Main 10 29 n Khaaaaan! the Musical Roddenberry Pie Off Center Theatre 10 33 n My Night with Rock Hudson David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n Resting Places Melissa Villanueva Screenland Crown Center 8 30 n Shaittie Shakespeare Alan Tilson Just Off Broadway 5 18 2:30 PM n Barnyard Sideshow Dumptruck Butterlips La Esquina 5 22 n Fanning the Passion Amber DiGiovanni Arts Incubator 10 19 n Feel Good Feel Good Vulcan’s Forge 5 22 n Inspired Kacico Dance Hemingway Gallery 6 27 n KConsciousness Slam KConciousness Slam Crosstown Station 10 28 n The Squeaky Wheel — LIVE! Brian Shaughnessy Unicorn Jerome 10 21 n The Statistics Theatre of Relativity The Pearl 10 35 3:30 PM n Cirque du Gay Dennis Porter & Peyton Westfall The Pearl 10 22 n Death and the Publican Tara Lane Productions MET 8 35 n I Am My Imaginary Friend David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22 n Just So Stories John Story Arts Incubator 5 27 n Lot O’ Shakespeare Timothy Mooney Rep Just Off Broadway 10 36 n Monsterbox Entropic Buddha Screenland Crown Center 5 22 n MOO-sic Without Rules River Cow Orchestra Crosstown Station 5 32 n Morphotic (90 min) Butcher Block Productions Off Center Theatre 10 21 n Showcase of Magic Showcase of Magic Hemingway Gallery 5 34 n Skinny Dipping Shanna Shrum The Fishtank 10 33 n Something Dangerous Raghsidad Unicorn Main 7 32 4:00 PM n Assemblage Groupe de Quatre Hemingway Gallery 5 23 n Dances of India Nritya School of Indian Dance The Pearl 7 30 n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24 n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21 n If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em Journeyman Theatre La Esquina 5 27 n The Old Folks Make a Scene Trap Door Theatre Vulcan’s Forge 7 36 5:00 PM n Spumoni (90 min) Arika Larson MET 5 19 n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29 n Infinite Thought (90 min) Alberta Forbes Screenland Crown Center 7 18 n New Vaudeville K.C. Troupe DV8 Arts Incubator 9 37 n Slip and Fall Guy Jeff Onore The Fishtank 5 24 6:00 PM n Closing Night Party KC Fringe Festival Fringe Central * 28 DON’T MISS THE FRINGE HANGOVER, WHERE THE MOST POPULAR FRINGE SHOWS EXTEND THEIR RUNS A SECOND WEEKEND ON AUGUST 5-8. SEE ALL THE GREAT SHOWS YOU MISSED. 11


10:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE<br />

n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n Descendant of Dragons Maximum Verbosity La Esquina 10 29<br />

n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35<br />

n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29<br />

n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21<br />

n The Man Fast Lindsey Ogle Vulcan’s Forge 10 29<br />

n Mr. History Mr. History Crosstown Station 5 30<br />

n Sirens and Superheroes Jeff Newman Arts Incubator 5 24<br />

11:00 PM<br />

n Big Love Jessica Franz MET 10 27<br />

FRIDAY JULY 30<br />


n Death and the Publican Tara Lane Productions MET 8 35<br />

n Infinite Thought (90 min) Alberta Forbes Screenland Crown Center 7 18<br />

6:30 PM<br />

n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n Driving the Body Back Swanderwoman Productions The Pearl 10 35<br />

n The Good Book Variety Revue Lucky DeLuxe Unicorn Main 10 29<br />

n Joe’s Cafe Rupert Wates Crosstown Station 8 33<br />

n Just So Stories John Story Arts Incubator 5 27<br />

n Lot O’ Shakespeare Timothy Mooney Rep Just Off Broadway 10 36<br />

n My Night with Rock Hudson David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22<br />

n Slip and Fall Guy Jeff Onore The Fishtank 5 24<br />

n Create Your Own Reality Create Your Own Reality Arts Tech * 12<br />

7:00 PM<br />

n Assemblage Groupe de Quatre Hemingway Gallery 5 23<br />

n Dances of India Nritya School of Indian Dance The Pearl 7 30<br />

n Descendant of Dragons Maximum Verbosity La Esquina 10 29<br />

n Feel Good Feel Good Vulcan’s Forge 5 22<br />

n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24<br />

n Jen Lawless Jen Lawless Hemingway Gallery 5 24<br />

n The Man Fast Lindsey Ogle Vulcan’s Forge 10 29<br />

n My Girdle is Killing Me KC Society of Burlesque Crosstown Station 10 28<br />

n The Squeaky Wheel — LIVE! Brian Shaughnessy Unicorn Jerome 10 21<br />

7:30 PM<br />

n Big Love Jessica Franz MET 10 27<br />

8:00 PM<br />

n Grind: The Musical Theatre Undeclared The Pearl 9 36<br />

n Head (90 min) Kyle Hatley Unicorn Main 10 29<br />

n I Am My Imaginary Friend David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22<br />

n Monsterbox Entropic Buddha Screenland Crown Center 5 22<br />

n MOO-sic Without Rules River Cow Orchestra Crosstown Station 5 32<br />

n Morphotic (90 min) Butcher Block Productions Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n Shaittie Shakespeare Alan Tilson Just Off Broadway 5 18<br />

n Showcase of Magic Showcase of Magic Hemingway Gallery 5 34<br />

n Skinny Dipping Shanna Shrum The Fishtank 10 33<br />

n The US & THEM Reunion Jack Phillips Arts Incubator 10 24<br />

8:30 PM<br />

n Cabaret Voler Voler: Thieves of Flight Crosstown Station 10 37<br />

n ClairvoyDANSE City in Motion La Esquina 5 22<br />

n Crossroads Reach Hemingway Gallery 5 32<br />

n The House of Fitzcarraldo (90 min) Buran Theatre Company Unicorn Jerome 10 21<br />

n The Old Folks Make a Scene Trap Door Theatre Vulcan’s Forge 7 36<br />

n Revenge of Rumplepunchkin S.H.A.R.D.S. The Pearl 8 34<br />

n Sirens and Superheroes Jeff Newman Arts Incubator 5 24<br />

9:00 PM<br />

n The Event Bob Paisley MET 10 21<br />

n Fashion Show Fashion on the Fringe Arts Tech * 14<br />

10<br />


Running time for all events is one hour unless otherwise noted.<br />

* Free admission with a Fringe Button.<br />


n American Alphabet Damien Torres-Botello The Fishtank 5 21<br />

n Boobs, Burlesque and the Bard Bee’s Knees Burlesque Just Off Broadway 10 20<br />

n Behind the Pasties Antonym Films Screenland Crown Center 10 19<br />

n Cirque du Gay Dennis Porter & Peyton Westfall The Pearl 10 22<br />

n KC Cabaret Goes to the Movies Kansas City Cabaret Arts Incubator 8 27<br />

n The Last Straight Man in Theatre Too Much Free Time XS Lighting 10 36<br />

n Mercury Mad Mercury Mad Crosstown Station 7 30<br />

n Sex, Lust & Confessions of a Crooner Brother John Hemingway Gallery 10 21<br />

10:00 PM<br />

n Fanning the Passion Amber DiGiovanni Arts Incubator 10 19<br />

n Goodbye, Kansas (90 min) Frankie Krainz & Seth Golay Unicorn Main 10 23<br />

n If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em Journeyman Theatre La Esquina 5 27<br />

n KConsciousness Slam KConciousness Slam Crosstown Station 10 28<br />

n Khaaaaan! the Musical Roddenberry Pie Off Center Theatre 10 33<br />

n The Statistics Theatre of Relativity The Pearl 10 35<br />

n Trials, Tragedies, and Triumphs KCKCC Dance Hemingway Gallery 5 28<br />

10:30 PM<br />

n Spumoni (90 min) Arika Larson MET 5 19<br />

n My Fragile Family Tree Shantz Theatre Unicorn Jerome 10 34<br />

11:00 PM<br />

n Definition Given by Devastation Ryan McCord-Bey The Fishtank 5 33<br />

n Gathering Point Shannon Peery Crosstown Station 3 34<br />

n Hanky Panky (90 min) Lot in Life Productions The Pearl 10 29<br />

n New Vaudeville K.C. Troupe DV8 Arts Incubator 9 37<br />

n Resting Places Melissa Villanueva Screenland Crown Center 8 30<br />

n Take My Breath Away Ogrot XS Lighting 5 31<br />

n When We Were Queens Theatre Tilde Just Off Broadway 10 35<br />

11:30 PM<br />

n Brawny Britches BOYlesque Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n The Hefner Monologues John Hefner Arts Incubator 10 24<br />

n My Girdle is Killing Me KC Society of Burlesque Crosstown Station 10 28<br />

12:30 AM<br />

n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n Belly<strong>dance</strong> Fusion Factory Troupe Duende Arts Incubator 5 37<br />


12:00 PM ARTIST VENUE $ PAGE<br />

n Painting Workshop (120 min) Anastacia Drake Arts Tech * 12<br />

2:00 PM<br />

n Best of the Fest (90 min) Kansas City FilmFest Screenland Crown Center 8 27<br />

4:00 PM<br />

n Best of IFC Short Films (90 min) IFC Screenland Crown Center 8 24<br />

6:00 PM<br />

n The Event Bob Paisley MET 10 21<br />

n Short Films Presentation Senoreality Screenland Crossroads 5 33<br />

6:30 PM<br />

n Bathroom Confessions Crystal Gould Off Center Theatre 10 21<br />

n Grind: The Musical Theatre Undeclared The Pearl 9 36<br />

n I Am My Imaginary Friend David Csontos Company XS Lighting 5 22<br />

n Path of a Dream Kingsville Manor Crosstown Station 5 29<br />

n Shaittie Shakespeare Alan Tilson Just Off Broadway 5 18<br />

n Showcase of Magic Showcase of Magic Hemingway Gallery 5 34<br />

n Something Dangerous Raghsidad Unicorn Main 7 32<br />

n Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story Hybrid The Fishtank 7 24<br />

n The US & THEM Reunion Jack Phillips Arts Incubator 10 24<br />



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