Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn

Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn


Brooklyn, New Yorkth84 Annual St. Maron DayChorbishop Michael Thomas, Fr. James Root, Tony and KateTannousis, Recipients of the Silver Massabki Award, BishopGregory Mansour, and Members of the Tannousis family.The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady of Lebanon celebratedththe 84 Annual Saint Maron Day on Saturday, February7, 2009 with a Grand Banquet and Hafli. Thefestivities were held at the Terrace on the Park in FlushingMeadows, Queens, New York. The evening began withcocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed by a formal dinner andHafli. Some 250 parishioners and friends were in attendancealong with His Excellency Gregory J. Mansour, Bishop of theEparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn; Chorbishop Michael J.Thomas, Vicar General; the Very Rev. James Root, Rector;and Father Jean Younes, M.L.M., Assistant at the Cathedral.They were also honored to have the acting Counsel General,Antoine Azzam, and his wife Danielle as well as Mr. JohnHeyer and his wife Maria, representing Mr. MartyMarkowitz, Brooklyn Borough President. Miss CarolineZiade, counsellor at the United Nations Lebanon Mission,and the newly appointed counsellor Mr. Oussama Khachabwere also in attendance. The Rev. Antoine Rizk, Pastor ofthe Virgin Mary Melkite Church, and the Rev. Khaddar ElYateem, Pastor of the Salam Lutheran Church also gracedthe community with their presence.Each year one person or couple is recognized for theirdevoted service to the Cathedral Parish and to the Eparchy.It is a difficult task many times to choose one person when somany do so much for their parish. This year was theexception. Mr. Tony Tannousis and his wife Kate were therecipients of the Silver Massabki Award. Without a doubtthey are two individuals who truly love and respect theirChurch, Eparchy and clergy. Tony is the immediate pastpresident of the Pastoral Council of the Cathedral. He also isthe initiator of the Mega Raffle which takes place on EasterSunday to help raise needed funds for the renovation andupkeep of the Cathedral and facilities. Tony and Kateworked very hard in establishing the Heritage Program(Religious Education and Arabic School). The Very Rev.James Root, Rector, along with Bishop Gregory and MikeNaber, NAM General Secretary, presented the award to Tonyand Kate. Therese Abi-Habib, Regional Vice President ofNAM, and Marion Ciaccia, NAM Delegate, were on hand tocongratulate the recipients.Each year the Cathedral Parish also recognizes oneoutstanding Youth by awarding the Faith of the MountainAward. This year Miss May Hasso, immediate past Presidentof the Cathedral MYO received the award. May and herparents were on hand as well. Father Root mentioned thatMay was very conscientious about her role as President andwas extremely helpful whenever called upon. She was andis a great role model for the other Youth of the Cathedral.The evening ended with a wonderful Chinese Rafflechaired by Therese Abi-Habib. Two round trip tickets toLebanon, a 42 inch flat screen TV and a Laptop Computerwere just a few of the items up for Auction.Those in attendance danced Dabke to the wonderfulmusic by Amin “Sultan” Khoury and his band. As usual thePastoral and Finance Councils did a marvelous job inplanning the celebration, and they are planning for next yearto be even better. Schedule of Bishop Gregory MansourMarch 3-12, 2009Meeting of Maronite Bishops of North and SouthAmerica, BrazilMarch 15, 2009Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.March 16 -17, 2009Our Lady of Lebanon Seminary, Washington, D.C.,and Catholic University Board of TrusteesMarch 19, 2009Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-Elect Rick Stika,Knoxville, Tenn.March 22, 2009Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.March 23 - 26, 2009Our Lady of Lebanon Seminary, Washington, D.C.,and USCCB Committee of Pro-life and CatechesisMarch 27, 2009Lenten Friday Prayer Service and Talk at Virgin MaryMelkite Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.March 29, 2009Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.March 2, 2009Blessing of Holy Oils, Our Lady of LebanonCathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.April 5-12, 2009Holy Week and Easter celebrations at Our Lady ofLebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y.April 19, 2009Installation of Archbishop Timothy Dolan, NewYork, N.Y. The Maronite Voice Volume V Issue No. III Page 6 March 2009

North Jackson, OhioThe Antonine Sisters WelcomeOne of their OwnThe Antonine Sisters in their chapel. From left to right: Sr.Celine Nohra, Sr. Kawsar Choufani, Fr. Rodolphe Wakim,Sr. Marie Madeleine Iskandar and Sr. Claudette Bou Sister Celine NohraThe community of Antonine Sisters in North Jackson,Ohio, is happy to welcome Sister Kawsar Choufaniwho arrived from Lebanon on January 9, 2009. SisterKawsar joined the Antonine Sisters as a novice in 1996 andprofessed her vows in 1998. She traveled to France andearned a Management Diploma from the ConsevatoireNational des Arts et Métiers in Paris. Back in Lebanon, shegraduated with a Business Degree from the Jesuit Universityof Beirut and served for five years as the accountant in one ofthe biggest Antonine Sisters School in Jamhour [Beirut],Lebanon. Sister Kawsar is currently assisting the sisters inNorth Jackson in their ministry with the elderly and disabledwhile completing her Masters Degree in BusinessAdministration at the Youngstown State University. We wishher a blessed stay in the U.S.A. Wheeling, West VirginiaReverse Raffle/Dinnerby Linda Fadoul DuffyOur Lady of Lebanon Church in Wheeling, WestVirginia, held its First Maronite Reverse Raffle/Dinneron February 5, 2009. Held at the Wheeling CountryClub, the event featured cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a sitdown dinner followed by the drawing.Prizes were awarded to every twenty-fifth name calledbefore getting down to the final few. The room was filledwith excitement as the last names were called. The bigwinners for the night were Nick Conti, Randa Khoury,Beverly Duffy, Madelyn T. George, Thomas Ferris, and Billand Carol Dougherty.(Seated) Linda Fadoul Duffy, Luane Murad Frazier and LoisRutter. (Standing) Bill and Lou Ann Blazier, Debbie Evansand Fr. Bakhos Chidiac.The steering committee of Linda Fadoul Duffy, a ParishCouncil member, Luane Murad Frazier, Michel JosephMorgan, Lois Rutter, Debbie Evans, Bill and Lou AnnBlazier and Father Bakhos Chidiac, Pastor, worked hard onthis well-organized event and were pleased with theoutcome.Chicago, IllinoisBlessing of 2008's Babiesby Catherine AwadWith car seats in tow and bundled up tightlyagainst the cold, brisk wind, babies born in2008 were carried into Our Lady of LebanonChurch. Only an occasional cry was heard during theLiturgy celebrated by Monsignor Alfred Badawi. Nowfree from their winter coats and hats, each child wasgiven a special blessing and gift. Their parents posedproudly holding tightly their special bundle of joy. The Maronite Voice Volume V Issue No. III Page 7 March 2009

<strong>Brooklyn</strong>, New Yorkth84 Annual St. <strong>Maron</strong> DayChorbishop Michael Thomas, Fr. James Root, Tony and KateTannousis, Recipients <strong>of</strong> the Silver Massabki Award, BishopGregory Mansour, and Members <strong>of</strong> the Tannousis family.The Cathedral Parish <strong>of</strong> Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon celebratedththe 84 Annual <strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Maron</strong> Day on Saturday, February7, 2009 with a Grand Banquet and Hafli. Thefestivities were held at the Terrace on the Park in FlushingMeadows, Queens, New York. The evening began withcocktails and hors d’oeuvres followed by a formal dinner andHafli. Some 250 parishioners and friends were in attendancealong with His Excellency Gregory J. Mansour, Bishop <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Eparchy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Maron</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brooklyn</strong>; Chorbishop Michael J.Thomas, Vicar General; the Very Rev. James Root, Rector;and Father Jean Younes, M.L.M., Assistant at the Cathedral.They were also honored to have the acting Counsel General,Antoine Azzam, and his wife Danielle as well as Mr. JohnHeyer and his wife Maria, representing Mr. MartyMarkowitz, <strong>Brooklyn</strong> Borough President. Miss CarolineZiade, counsellor at the United Nations Lebanon Mission,and the newly appointed counsellor Mr. Oussama Khachabwere also in attendance. The Rev. Antoine Rizk, Pastor <strong>of</strong>the Virgin Mary Melkite Church, and the Rev. Khaddar ElYateem, Pastor <strong>of</strong> the Salam Lutheran Church also gracedthe community with their presence.Each year one person or couple is recognized for theirdevoted service to the Cathedral Parish and to the <strong>Eparchy</strong>.It is a difficult task many times to choose one person when somany do so much for their parish. This year was theexception. Mr. Tony Tannousis and his wife Kate were therecipients <strong>of</strong> the Silver Massabki Award. Without a doubtthey are two individuals who truly love and respect theirChurch, <strong>Eparchy</strong> and clergy. Tony is the immediate pastpresident <strong>of</strong> the Pastoral Council <strong>of</strong> the Cathedral. He also isthe initiator <strong>of</strong> the Mega Raffle which takes place on EasterSunday to help raise needed funds for the renovation andupkeep <strong>of</strong> the Cathedral and facilities. Tony and Kateworked very hard in establishing the Heritage Program(Religious Education and Arabic School). The Very Rev.James Root, Rector, along with Bishop Gregory and MikeNaber, NAM General Secretary, presented the award to Tonyand Kate. Therese Abi-Habib, Regional Vice President <strong>of</strong>NAM, and Marion Ciaccia, NAM Delegate, were on hand tocongratulate the recipients.Each year the Cathedral Parish also recognizes oneoutstanding Youth by awarding the Faith <strong>of</strong> the MountainAward. This year Miss May Hasso, immediate past President<strong>of</strong> the Cathedral MYO received the award. May and herparents were on hand as well. Father Root mentioned thatMay was very conscientious about her role as President andwas extremely helpful whenever called upon. She was andis a great role model for the other Youth <strong>of</strong> the Cathedral.The evening ended with a wonderful Chinese Rafflechaired by Therese Abi-Habib. Two round trip tickets toLebanon, a 42 inch flat screen TV and a Laptop Computerwere just a few <strong>of</strong> the items up for Auction.Those in attendance danced Dabke to the wonderfulmusic by Amin “Sultan” Khoury and his band. As usual thePastoral and Finance Councils did a marvelous job inplanning the celebration, and they are planning for next yearto be even better. Schedule <strong>of</strong> Bishop Gregory MansourMarch 3-12, 2009Meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong> Bishops <strong>of</strong> North and SouthAmerica, BrazilMarch 15, 2009Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Cathedral, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.March 16 -17, 2009Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Seminary, Washington, D.C.,and Catholic University Board <strong>of</strong> TrusteesMarch 19, 2009Episcopal Ordination <strong>of</strong> Bishop-Elect Rick Stika,Knoxville, Tenn.March 22, 2009Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Cathedral, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.March 23 - 26, 2009Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Seminary, Washington, D.C.,and USCCB Committee <strong>of</strong> Pro-life and CatechesisMarch 27, 2009Lenten Friday Prayer Service and Talk at Virgin MaryMelkite Church, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.March 29, 2009Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Cathedral, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.March 2, 2009Blessing <strong>of</strong> Holy Oils, Our Lady <strong>of</strong> LebanonCathedral, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.April 5-12, 2009Holy Week and Easter celebrations at Our Lady <strong>of</strong>Lebanon Cathedral, <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, N.Y.April 19, 2009Installation <strong>of</strong> Archbishop Timothy Dolan, NewYork, N.Y. The <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Volume V Issue No. III Page 6 March 2009

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