Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn

Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn Maronite Voice - Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn


Los Angeles, CaliforniaSt. Maron’s Feast Day Celebration Honors Successful MaronitesFr. Abdallah Zaidan (left) honors Dennis Zine and George and Anthony Raluy asrecipients of the “Lifetime Achievement Award” and Fr. Elias Tommy TedrosThe annual St. Maron’s Feast Daycelebration at Our Lady of Mt.Lebanon Cathedral in LosAngeles, California, turned out to beyet another memorable event. Thisyear, we honored in the presence of HisExcellency Robert Shaheen, Bishop ofthe Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon,special individuals for theircontributions to society under thetheme “Maronites Leading the Way.”Los Angeles City Council MemberDennis Zine, along with George andAnthony Raluy, members of theCathedral community, have excelled intheir personal lives and showed theirleadership skills throughout their lives.On Sunday, February 8, 2009, thecommunity of Our Lady of Mt.Lebanon – St. Peter Cathedral in LosAngeles celebrated its annual St.Maron’s Feast Day. St. Maron’s Dayis the feast day of the founder andpatron of the Maronite Church that iscommemorated every February 9. Theday started with a Pontifical DivineLiturgy celebrated by Bishop Shaheen.Members of the Order of Saint Sharbelformed the honor guard. ChorbishopFaouzi Elia, Vicar General; ChorbishopWilliam Leser; Father Abdallah Zaidan;Father Elias Sleiman; and Father PierreAlbalaa concelebrated. After thehomily, Tommy Tedros was enshrinedinto the Order of Saint Sharbel.Following the Liturgy, fivehundredguests attended a luncheon atthe Millennium Biltmore Hotel indowntown Los Angeles where DennisZine and George and Anthony Raluywere granted the “LifetimeAchievement Award.” Tommy Tedrosconducted the introductory part of theprogram and named the religious andcivic dignitaries in attendance includingCity Councilman Jose Huizar andConsul General of Lebanon in LosAngeles, Houssam Diab. Mistress ofCeremonies Liz Habib introduced thevarious guest speakers.Councilman Dennis Zine, LosAngeles’ first American-Lebanese CityCouncilman, was born, raised andeducated in Los Angeles and was firstelected to represent the nearly 300,000residents Third Council District in2001. In 2005 he was overwhelminglyreelected with 70% of the vote. Hebegan his public service career overforty years ago when he joined the LosAngeles Police Department and workedhis way up the ranks. Not only does hehave extensive public serviceexperience but also he has volunteeredin numerous community serviceorganizations. Councilman Zine’spriorities as an elected official includeimproving quality of life, reducingcrime, increasing public safety, andaddressing transportation issues.George and Anthony (Tony) Raluywere born in Brooklyn, New York.Their family was actively involved withOur Lady of Lebanon Cathedral inBrooklyn. Although their parents had asuccessful business in New York, theydesired a better life for their children.In 1954, they moved to Burbank,California, where their father, Tony Sr.,began delivering goods throughoutSouthern California. As their businessrapidly expanded, George, Tony andtheir sister, Lorraine, took an active partin the business. Their father’s passionfor the Maronite Church was instilled inthe entire family. After their fatherpassed away, George and Tonyinherited the trucking company, namedTony’s Express. It is a major localtransportation company. Their truckscan be seen all over the SouthernCalifornia freeways.Other speakers included Mr. KarimJaude, the chairperson of St. Maron’sDay 2009, and Bishop Robert Shaheen.Father Abdallah Zaidan awarded theSilver Massabki Award to Fadi andMilia Garabet for their dedication tothe cathedral community. An audiovisualpresentation of Dennis Zine andGeorge and Tony Raluy highlightedtheir backgrounds and career paths.These three recipients are welldeserving of the accolades and theymake us, the Lebanese community,proud to honor them in this event. The Maronite Voice Volume V Issue No. III Page 4 March 2009

THE ORDEROFSAINT SHARBELRichmond, VirginiaRegional Youth RetreatPerpetual Members Ms. Karen Hart Mr. Elie HomsiSt. Rafka Maronite ChurchLakewood, Col.Annual Members Dr. Louis AshkarSt. Rafka Maronite ChurchLakewood, Col.The Order of Saint Sharbel is anorganization of lay people andclergy who have pledged theirspiritual strength and financialsupport for Our Lady of LebanonSeminary and the retired Maroniteclergy of the Maronite Eparchiesin the USA.For more information about theOrder, ask your pastor or writetoEparchy of Saint MaronOrder of Saint Sharbel109 Remsen StreetBrooklyn, NY 11201OrEparchy of Our Lady of LebanonOrder of Saint Sharbelth1021 South 10 StreetSt. Louis, MO 63104by Cathy GeorgeFifty youth from three Maroniteparishes participated in a RegionalYouth Retreat on Friday, February13, through Sunday, February 15, at St.Anthony Maronite Church in GlenAllen (Richmond), Virginia. St.Anthony’s youth were joined by teensand their chaperones from Our Lady ofLebanon Church in Washington, D.C.,and St. Michael the Archangel Churchin Fayetteville, North Carolina. Theyexplored the “Challenge of Followingin the Footsteps of Jesus,” anexploration of discipleship today.After a fortifying dinner, theopening session took place in thechurch where the youth looked at howthe Maronite saints handled thechallenges of their times and turnedthem into the foundation of their faith.Each person received a stone with thechallenge to use it to build rather thanto tear down their own personalfoundation.The next day began with the Safro,or morning prayer, and liturgy. Thegroup went outside after breakfast for aseries of team-building mini-challengespresented by Carmen Dailey andMichael Maynes. The youth learned to“trust in the Lord…and he will makeyour paths straight” (Prov. 3:5-6) in avariety of activities. Afterwards,Richmond Police Lieutenant MichaelZohab spoke about the consequences ofplacing personal information andpictures on the Internet. Paul Sauer, asexuality teacher, talked about decisionmakingand leading a chaste life.Maronite Seminarians Tony Massadand Georges El-Hajj, Msgr. GeorgeSebaali, and St. Michael’s IanVanHeusen spoke about vocations.Everyone participated in theevening Penance service. Theresa Rizkfrom Our Lady of Lebanon Churchplayed several moving Maronite pieceson the violin. It was beautiful to see theatmosphere of prayer in the church andconcern for one another. After theservice, the evening ended with a DJand music in the hall.The youth were up early the nextmorning for their last session. Afterthinking about what builds up their ownfoundations, and creating a sculpture oftheir faith, they listened to MonsignorGeorge talk about the qualities ofdiscipleship. They participated in theparish liturgy as readers, gift bearersand peace givers. After lunch, the D.C.and Fayetteville youth departed withpromises to return. The Maronite Voice Volume V Issue No. III Page 5 March 2009

Los Angeles, CaliforniaSt. <strong>Maron</strong>’s Feast Day Celebration Honors Successful <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong>sFr. Abdallah Zaidan (left) honors Dennis Zine and George and Anthony Raluy asrecipients <strong>of</strong> the “Lifetime Achievement Award” and Fr. Elias Tommy TedrosThe annual St. <strong>Maron</strong>’s Feast Daycelebration at Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Mt.Lebanon Cathedral in LosAngeles, California, turned out to beyet another memorable event. Thisyear, we honored in the presence <strong>of</strong> HisExcellency Robert Shaheen, Bishop <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Eparchy</strong> <strong>of</strong> Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon,special individuals for theircontributions to society under thetheme “<strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong>s Leading the Way.”Los Angeles City Council MemberDennis Zine, along with George andAnthony Raluy, members <strong>of</strong> theCathedral community, have excelled intheir personal lives and showed theirleadership skills throughout their lives.On Sunday, February 8, 2009, thecommunity <strong>of</strong> Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Mt.Lebanon – St. Peter Cathedral in LosAngeles celebrated its annual St.<strong>Maron</strong>’s Feast Day. St. <strong>Maron</strong>’s Dayis the feast day <strong>of</strong> the founder andpatron <strong>of</strong> the <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong> Church that iscommemorated every February 9. Theday started with a Pontifical DivineLiturgy celebrated by Bishop Shaheen.Members <strong>of</strong> the Order <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saint</strong> Sharbelformed the honor guard. ChorbishopFaouzi Elia, Vicar General; ChorbishopWilliam Leser; Father Abdallah Zaidan;Father Elias Sleiman; and Father PierreAlbalaa concelebrated. After thehomily, Tommy Tedros was enshrinedinto the Order <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saint</strong> Sharbel.Following the Liturgy, fivehundredguests attended a luncheon atthe Millennium Biltmore Hotel indowntown Los Angeles where DennisZine and George and Anthony Raluywere granted the “LifetimeAchievement Award.” Tommy Tedrosconducted the introductory part <strong>of</strong> theprogram and named the religious andcivic dignitaries in attendance includingCity Councilman Jose Huizar andConsul General <strong>of</strong> Lebanon in LosAngeles, Houssam Diab. Mistress <strong>of</strong>Ceremonies Liz Habib introduced thevarious guest speakers.Councilman Dennis Zine, LosAngeles’ first American-Lebanese CityCouncilman, was born, raised andeducated in Los Angeles and was firstelected to represent the nearly 300,000residents Third Council District in2001. In 2005 he was overwhelminglyreelected with 70% <strong>of</strong> the vote. Hebegan his public service career overforty years ago when he joined the LosAngeles Police Department and workedhis way up the ranks. Not only does hehave extensive public serviceexperience but also he has volunteeredin numerous community serviceorganizations. Councilman Zine’spriorities as an elected <strong>of</strong>ficial includeimproving quality <strong>of</strong> life, reducingcrime, increasing public safety, andaddressing transportation issues.George and Anthony (Tony) Raluywere born in <strong>Brooklyn</strong>, New York.Their family was actively involved withOur Lady <strong>of</strong> Lebanon Cathedral in<strong>Brooklyn</strong>. Although their parents had asuccessful business in New York, theydesired a better life for their children.In 1954, they moved to Burbank,California, where their father, Tony Sr.,began delivering goods throughoutSouthern California. As their businessrapidly expanded, George, Tony andtheir sister, Lorraine, took an active partin the business. Their father’s passionfor the <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong> Church was instilled inthe entire family. After their fatherpassed away, George and Tonyinherited the trucking company, namedTony’s Express. It is a major localtransportation company. Their truckscan be seen all over the SouthernCalifornia freeways.Other speakers included Mr. KarimJaude, the chairperson <strong>of</strong> St. <strong>Maron</strong>’sDay 2009, and Bishop Robert Shaheen.Father Abdallah Zaidan awarded theSilver Massabki Award to Fadi andMilia Garabet for their dedication tothe cathedral community. An audiovisualpresentation <strong>of</strong> Dennis Zine andGeorge and Tony Raluy highlightedtheir backgrounds and career paths.These three recipients are welldeserving <strong>of</strong> the accolades and theymake us, the Lebanese community,proud to honor them in this event. The <strong><strong>Maron</strong>ite</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Volume V Issue No. III Page 4 March 2009

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