Military Assistance Command Vietnam Special Operations Group

Military Assistance Command Vietnam Special Operations Group

Military Assistance Command Vietnam Special Operations Group


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\\\Ref:89-FOI-0102Mr. John B. Dwyer430 WestbrookDayton, OH 45415Dear Mr. Dwyer:This is in response to your January 13, 1989, Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA) request regarding <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Assistance</strong><strong>Command</strong> <strong>Vietnam</strong> <strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> <strong>Group</strong> (MACVSOG) documentswhich was received in this directorate on January 17, 1989.Per your reformulated request as discussed with <strong>Command</strong>erLangerman of my staff on August 25, 1989, the enclosed documentshave been determined to be responsive and fulfill your request:a. Annex A (<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong>), 1964 MACV <strong>Command</strong> history,14 January 1964.b. Annex B (Studies and Observations <strong>Group</strong>), 1971-1972 MACV<strong>Command</strong> History, c. April 1972.c. Annex M (<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong>), 1966 MACV <strong>Command</strong> History,5 May 1967.d. Annex N (<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong>), 1965 MACV <strong>Command</strong> History,2 June 1966.These four enclosed documents have been reviewed by theUnited States Department of State and the Joint Staff. Theinformation that has been redacted or deleted is pursuant toTitle 5 USC 552:--(b) (1) - material which is properly classified pursuant toExecutive Order 12356 in the interest of national defense orforeign policy. Such information concerns military plans, weapons,or operations~ foreign government information; intelligenceactivities or sources; and foreign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States.--(b) (6) - information release of which would constitute anunwarranted invasion of personal privacy.You are advised that you have the right to appeal the decisionto deny material that has been exempted from release by \~Major General Richard B. Goetze Jr., USAF, an Initial Denial riJ\~Authority for the Joint Staff. Any such appeal should offer ,~,If

IlI- ._ i-i~~U(ii .• Ht:=:~~~ '-.::ir.~I't'Kf ST.::."r;:; Ji~;~_li·'tHI ~-ii5'f.·.N:;!~ \n~· ~·1\ .'T[ 11 V~~; '· : ..;;-'·A.?.J S.;..:1 ~.·Cl:~c!..s::.l:> ~; . .ro1TJ..::. S6.2l 3....L'~.I:: .. 1·,~:.'. '.lo (l;) A tt

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1\N' I !!X A (Spl!cial Op:i!rations) to.• _.~.:;~. •: cs:... i~~i:..l !~h'""!.oT: ~.~~!.:.'·, '. '.•(';111s annex su."'lr.UUrizes t.t:e activities of the Studiua nnd Obst

W;!..:j~U.i~~ ~. .. : ·-:-. ~.,-·.~'-... · ·:~t.~~1h.•closer cooi-dimtion bett>"een ~·o;;, :-­:i.1m\F, a.nd nepuolic of Viet= ;. it-' ?orce ( v: ..'F) •(d) Use of :1U'craft (C-1.23) t·dth imde,.,ua· c car-ll';illtiesfOI' the oper~tiol1

\.·~.~ ) ~-L' \~·~ ~·: .·· ·· .. -~{)L()-~~tt.S.~d\~lt· '-.b·.;-1 ;II -• c;;.-vas- required durir.g the ye:Jr to eetablillh s'!;arrlard1.-oul.d racu~.tatenaturu otAppgndixr50G 111at: riee.l ~ 1964t.•.-t0PJ:Junrnr fi !' ,'·fdf!~-.»R.GD.L!T ~ ~~lffill~S-· --·----· --------. -·- -- -·· .. ·····------· ·-------... -. ~--:: ... _I -. ·- -·· -~ ··-------- -- -· --·-· ---\. _____ -----.-.. ~,.c~·,~~~.-,-.. ~•,~-~.~ .• ~-----~--~~~~~~--~~~~-~-----~--~~--~-• .. • l . . 't.'"''.. 0 • • • .. • • • :~·::~. ' • • !.£1'• . . . ; . ~ .• jr.--

......•oa 24 Jnnu:no:r 1964 by Ganei'al Qrder 6, llaadquart3:ro, united States HUit.:l..ry-4ssistancs Ca=nd, ~iet=, cia~ 24 Janue...-; 1964. At the ti."ll·~of itsinception it vas del:liaoated as the Speci-"1 Oparations <strong>Group</strong>, ~-:lsi::r~dofsix of!'1cers and tuo enlisted cen and = ;;.nder tho d~ct supal"'"isicn ofthe Chiet at Sta.f'£, l~CV.Fur..her it -waa dasi~ated as a separate ct."l.i'.t•The mission o£ tha or~izs.ticn uas dirscted b"J JC'.S to ba :m i:itoasi.E.adprogram oi" action against !!o:-th V1etl'.a:lI-rrummoaTDY ~taticn. Cir.CPAC ~~~blishsd TI7! r~avy support f~ :;.s.Advisor:r Da~c:hcent(1~~ ) 2 :.z: i'cP ·'"-:::r11!,. .._..... ,.__..._· (l) F'irst incrG-tm~ - !'1.-o O!!iccrs, ll Enllsteci.(2) ~ecoc:i ir.=ant {fel' ~ort o£ fau:r boa.!.!:) - S£"i'e!lj. ! -------------·~ ~ l".r.•-:.,1,2 (S) Ctr.CPAC 1:1Sg 292l26Z JIJ: 1964t;··. •. :··.. . . . .. . .: ...TOP SECRET--I-1-----:-:-~--:=.--:-----,---------------------'. . . ;•··~·.... .

.•additi~~.l enlisted.\(4) Faurth illcreo:m_t (for support of ~ight b~'atsj - Sixc.' 'bo:1ta and the rnte at '~

... .. .·, .\' ....... ~ ... , .:··:-..."1. il .. .. . . . IproposinG an or~anizaticn o£. por:~onlle1 ( +JS nilit='J£or approval. c:r:cnc .fo.."'llarded the JTD to JCS on 17 !larch 1964 1·~o=.r:~nd-,inc the redueti:ln of totaJ. :Jpaccs to-68 cillt;n~ lli'ld 28 civiJ.:.aits). 001!fir.!fACV reeomnended turther considaratian of the cri..,~ rncc.cr.:ended.rrn. 7 Cr.t::'AC adVised that an inter4..m 100 ~n JTn .,.-as a.:,pro-.red by' JC::lo:)CI:lCP.AC f't.:rni.sb&d JCS ~th a. ft.-ml proposed ~ cocposed or .:,:,sl:Co:::nl(97 militllry This .rrn, plua too additi~ Ai:' Fer~· was lO. of'!'icer spa.ceS/S&JPl'OVBd by JCS.6. At the time the u"TD ~ f'or.:arded to JClj by Cii!C~'AC ::ar.oi.n::. .o:J3iJ5'~the saz:1a letter autJ1orized a. TilY Arr:q 1m£!:1enUl.t1.an o.£' OllG of'fic~r c.r.d !:)enlisted to a::sist in the trainillg o£ Victn.::e~a~ ~> I·ong- 'r;l~.llThe need f'ar this team had pravi~ 'baen reeoeni:sd. and I·RC.::')Q had ?a:Jt:eSt:ldCommv!ing OOnaraJ., U5A.RY!S to provide this tr:Wlirlrr detachcent na(; l;lt,~rthaD 2S March l96ha 2.tld to provide ecph.a31s on the follawing t!Ubjoets !"rl!F'Idspil#.lrmmst traininct 12a.b. Sllniv:l. t:lchniqu6n p~in:mt to Sautlle!!S~ f. sf£. (S;2;. j,c. R1V8l" lll1d obstacle c:'Ol!sizlg techniques •6 {S) eftdPAC 1'& 50326/40 sert OOjU$.t. ,,...·....,··='·.-·""·_,. ·'- \,•.:t; w-:... -t:, -··· . . -~ ~;·-.;;~:' '· r- ' ~ .. , _ -· .· """·.. ~.""'.7 (S) C'llmltACV C!Sir 2605'05% !

.. -.. ; -a Ltc.n.Ji.•..a~ntn.·G.ion coooi.a·;;;i.nb of cr:o s·z~'it:: of'.fi~~ and ;~em· fZT1.~:~Gi.:-:d r.: !It ..·. ..:stren:;th = m.t S'.lftici~t '\:o neet SJJ med::J for inci'9

. ·:'I, ! •• :-,), -~PART II'JACX:ln'J!TTID l'OLICY MAl'TF.!m---l. comn-tAcv suor.arized signi!icant Mtters re~llll1~in~rco!larch l964 visit of SaC1'9tar'J o£ Defense :rcrramara and OeDeral T~lor fo~dissEmli:lation to cc::Jnandsrs .l Aa:lllg other· things dacisiO'IlS 'l.'lil'G Dl&da u.si'ollmmta. Coat1.nua to esn"./ out ~ ~cved act1om: under OI'I.Arf34A. Do not, hcMmlr 11 desi."''l to tie up or withdraw Republic o£ V~.emm(R'rn) assets noeded !or prosecution of the caunt.arinsurgency e!fortob. Order has ~been issusci to procnd with the esr-l..al.m1na lqing training o£ the <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese Air Force ('n'.AP').C•ID th1a 8111:18 ces:lllll'.r it wu pointod out that !ollct.d.t:ggn1d:mca vas pravidcdr(l) To hold in VietDam is i"'mdamental am we shculd conceutNt.aCIU rmriarsntala and avoid diverting our til:3 and e£forts empol"ipheraJ. 1:ssu815o(2) D:1 tha e:maution or appzocm:d actions under OP!.Ar: 34Aus sholili:l not pro::s Rvn to ~ over-riding priority on res~c:os theyrequire for successful prosecution o£ the counterinsurgency cf!or'.;~'G" oC.resources will. bo Clade availablo.. '(3) toolc with disfavor au intt'oduction o£ B-S7• s at thistime. W1ll. review again in case of stap.up o£ 34!.I (sJ ccilfr.§.fACv ttLOjLi lUi 196!i..·~·-·. ' ·•

,.':tOt(4) Approved acti= UJ'.der O!'I.Arr J4A constitutes a ---dastrablebut not i'undmental pro~ frotl the t!ashinrr..on point of viaY.RACKClR'Y'lm P::lLmY llAl'TERSStrW.cTrD:lplelllantation of South Viatnc Proc:rams2. After the ·.risit to South Vietnm:l (SVlt), in l·!!lrch, by Sec:-et~eyMcr.a:=a and aeneral T~lor a report was r.wia to the Hation!!l SecurityCounc:U. The report was considered and !lppl'Oved boJ the President at ameeting ot the national Security Council on 17 ~arch.A u:essaaa fl>alnJCS to cnm>AC and o:mt!SI·lACV statad t1lat the Assistmrt .Secre-tary orState fer Fa:' r.asteru Afi'airs had been desiglnted to eocrdinat-~ the e~ecution of the :reCOI!Elelldatictls contained in the r-..-port. 2 Partine:l'tportiom of this 32 page mes:~a;:eIU"e ell:'t:zated and outlined balO'.-.a. u.r.. Objectives 1n svrr: We seelc an ind3pandent nor.-e=m1stsvn. (A brief rntiOZiale for this objective was given en:i it was erJPhasizedthat the stakes t.>era higt illSotar a::: i'orei3n aid =s c=crned.)b. Presant u .:;. Policy in svrr:(l) rtelp SV!Y dei'sat the Viet Cong (VC) by 1:1Gill'.3 shcn"t ot unqualir1edof rr.s. forces.(2) We are actinc against the Da!:!c::n.tic Republic of V1otnallt..\.>as touched en.)·n-:z--=~--~-·-·-==-----_- __----=--=·-:::=.::: ..--------- ·-------..·-- ....- ......1~.·'" .~'!':t .. ·' ', ~:I. '

(1) SVU/v.r.. govenJCE!lt3 militar,r tools and concepts stillsound.(2) Substanti&lly mre can be d7ole mUitari,4r, eivic action:.'aJld econor.1icall;r.(3) Turnover mare responsibilitios ·to S'r.: it pcssible...,'(4) i.S. llill continue to reitarato that tlla Vietnaz::ese =thelp themsel.ves but ve tdll contillue assistance.(S) Situation is ~vint: worset Less go11Cltllll!l!t c::ntrol of='t17 side, apatlly 1 political structure is walmniD::;; NVN suppart 1:3(ll'OWing.(6) u.,llkest poil:lt is the uncart:lin viabillty of Khanhadvice.(7) Positive sidet Khal1b OooetiJ!l!ant r~spcmsivo to ·1.s.d. Altermtive Present Coursest(1) lfogotiata the basis of neutralization: This is :!..'!Ipossib~would1tiS8II cam::runi3t tala!over of ST"A.(2) Initiate Oovel'tllllellta o£ srr.: end 'Y.s. actio-.1s 11.!P''"'El~ DF.'l;(a) Border contr!ll. actions.(b) Ratall4toz.y· "actions - rec:mnaisSilnce~ot SV!f and u.s. (tbia cotlSidsrntion ws c=:~siderc:Q. ·as unt4;-aly).(3) Dlit'\.ate measures to icprove siU1oltion sVr~t..lx::::l::·':i--·i ct-rii{e~II-3

-. • .•. ··~- .... - ....(a) !')npha.size at all levels tr.a t ue are prepa __coutinuo aesiDU!nce.(b) Continua to smport Kl=lh !'.avenJ~:~ant.(c) :l~port i'ully the pacification plan.(d) Place the nati:m on a war footing - robUize.{a) Increese the amod forces by 5o.ooo ~:~en.(f') Deveiap a civU administr:lticn corps.(g) Ilapftloe and reorganize: tl:c paratrl.litolr'/ .forces.(h) create an of'tan:~ive~ i'orce to operate alcr~the border IDld 1n areas uhera VC control. is c!m1nant. Organize alonggrounds of' presGUt Ra:lger cornpenies and Art:ry of' the Republic of' Vie==(ARV!T) <strong>Special</strong>. Forces with special traininc and advice b-,1 IT .S. Spec:i3J.Forces..I•cttaninc A-lilts i'ar T-20' s.(1) S~on the Vietnlllnese Air Force ('T.!AF) by ex~(j) !'Xch3ll!;e :r-llh amored personnel carrier uith l1-ll3's:md provide st!ditional river boats.{k) ':::tpand ar.d publicly as ·notmco the f'e:rti.llier proc;:oa:::.present!:;ld· and ccn~usi:ms ~re nac!a witn 1ha rac"--.!.ler.daticn that thi:.!course o£ action shcn:ld be pursued u.-.,;entl,r.)e. Possible La!:.ar Actions1QGainst rrm •{1) ne pre;ared to tlOUDt ile1l and signii'icant pressures. l·~ ..... ·.. ~(.

actions within 72 bours.(a) DeVelop a cnpabillcy to initiate horrter(b) Achieve a capability to initiate ldthin 30 dLcy":!:!=.cdia telyt. Other ActiCIIlS Considered bit Rejected:·(1.) Return o£ dependants. Continue present policy.(2) Fumim a :r.s. ca~~bat UDit to dei'end Zail;on. (Ra.tiO!lale~is tho.t this ~ have an adverse pS'Je.holocr:Lcal. ef!'ect.)(J) !!.S. talco over eo=d.g. ReCOI:Z:K!Ddations. Th.'lt tbs Pl'esident instruct approp!'iateagaUc:f.es at the (J .So Oo'IGl'mi!ZI t to I(1.) Hake olea!' 0111" resolve to eontilms suppa'Z'to(2) 11ake alsa.r that w support Khanh and d1.:1a;JprCM~ of ~f'urthezo eoups.(j) Supuort a nati~al tlobUizati m pt oez dill•(4) ADsi3t the Vict=ese to 1II01'1:'ase the a.~ i'a:-ces.($) A:~si.st tilE! Vietll!!l!lese to create an· oi'!'ensbe ~rril:..aforce.COI'pSo. ;(7) A3s1st tr.e VietllZI:lase to impra7a and reorg:mi:::-a pe=~mUitar.T forces IUld to in::nase 'ttloir comperu:atio:lo(8) Provida 25 A·lll"s in e:::chang;l for T-2Gcso'· .=======-== ---- .. -- -' .... • . ·.i -~-- ,.

iver boats and S-lO c1 11i on additional caterial.aaount r.ade ava.:llable.(lO) Announce publicly tile fertilizer prograr.~and tripla tho.: - ~ ..(ll) lo.utilori:Ia continued higl lcrvel. !! .s. over.f'li.jlts of SV!!' s. bo!'del'S and to auiT.ori:e "Hot Pursuit" and svr.

.-. 'I-7 -h_!L-23X,-/- I

'.'f~ p 1!2:12 R:Ji: or~.' '1 ----~ ,-.: .. .!. .~o-· -·'• i1i , ~~--• ...-,. r:t"I·""":'v!:···;....-~~!.:.'~.•projtSc·c: na."l'Cl ~s:i.gne:l::'!'O:;l."e..Oi. fiJIInon-3'l;:;ndard ~d.:'.ticnal :1:k;:::: i;c:- ''" ~ ;1~·-. aEmt ........ ·t• ·~ ~ .:;. c.:: •. -.craft wa:J initial:cy asoi(:r.~ to the 2d A!r D.ivisic:::t

\':a: tnt·1..... -l ..·. ~-•.rrJ.>J(:.-.::faJ., ._-\,• .7 ? cr• ,.... ,.,l~'•:·. - -: ~ •·• ~.,. ;'.;fJ If.~: .....·. JU.'1S :i$6 ~ri6 21 ~;-ULa .l~S.,,...,..,. ·•f>.f·h. l'~CSOl 3i3$3/l407VOZ ·urv·'El·. ~tter:led JCS on· .,;"!;,.&.·';. h:ul t:.a ha dons :·:~-0?!:~! .. ~~A tJ.!'er:U't. .:·:::> ;.•ss?Qr.da.~ :d.~ .;:::; ::o::.:;:11!Z ;~'l:r·5~ 'il :,, ;:~ ,.,.r\}:thor,to-.J.."ldi~ ~c.s :...';:~.:.:I:·..;~:t~ri -t:,;•·:- ~&a~- :.r.~b~ dcli\'£,Z'~ hci.cl t:i-:;ro u'!:.·i:'.i:.·; .... ·. --...... . .. .... ~-··....... ...------------~------------·-·----S (S)- U\C5CXJ 5002/l7'J005Z J~6!;..____.. __ ---·- -- . ----·--1·--·.,------. .·--·- . ------------

...••-·····~;~•f't*.'"l- ..,......... l..o ~-~- ::.•.·-!-__ ,_·=-" ..·.. •.·..•..,._ .... _, .,.. ..:.;.·,. --.·-= -: .. ~ .:..:-;:;v " ,..,·...·- ..... ~-,..·..:- ·.. .....·... •..~= ;._.,..~o r::cd.ify the · e..1.:ro1~af .. ; .a c~;c?AC.":.::' g.::.7a appr~r;e:.!ēLlJ(~}{E)!:::!;SCOlll . -,...~~(":1. ___ ..... ~'?35.1/C~.;G;·;;.::"t····.:.t.l. -~ .. :-.#75U~/C·72:~:.;:;~ :~.'.:.g .. ~~: .------..---.- _____ ,·---~---~-:..:......- :•.. .._._.•. :·~.•·

, .. ··r;,·r.~~ .!.V ·loU-..4•~OP SECRWf~ ..:..----·· --- -· -·····- .. -· -..

:;_:)'•··''ri' . -.··· .· --- - - .- •••• ! itS.~ !.."-25 &.- (,I,.mat. C.:l.JCP,\C ad~-3~:1 cz;:cPJ\C4r tQ O.'lPldit3- CtJltru!i~t-~cv ~J-.. :9~0:--; :J::r;·;.u ;:;:y;_z:Yt; .. ~ ..· datozomincd tba~cr...f't was V.!l::nti=i'itctol.;. tc ::o .'tdllct. .• H'!t ~7':1.'·;~hts wit:Wl the s::;;rn of '.:?!.;;: 3!.'.1\. i·t:te-t.J;~ o.f,_t.'7.t~d ~1.~:Cl'A~1 ';f_::~l~~~.-'l:lil>~.· a!;~ ,j;:~..-i'21 c..c:;Ci'/1C 280S02:! :·lo~4. - J~..- ! .- - -!_22 ; L'\Q;i :0 3l?l/l$o-'J

. •. t!'2:tn:.btts r:r";,.r:;sS.cn :flw i.~to .~ n:ot.t.:1t:li .. n n\Jr~.tliJ:~~-c. o.~~-'!'11: ~~.:..-.;:..:n·! :~.......-:; __,:.r~ a C(:rnplt~ta lO:J3 .. it.lt a.J.l porm~::mel poria!~.n5 .L~'- t!;e

\'I!VIIIf!'F s"·P~t.·~efcnse--..---·--·------.•.. ..1f4:.' -·;·- ----------- ---·-

''J!QP P F c{i-:-;; ~~:f'------i'J-::.."'1. time 0:1!:rat1ot's - -·l. !'.aritJ.ma Op:~rat.!ons s~ction of -;o-.6 1 .t'unct:i.oniii\_: ell t:'Xl r.tc.i:.i:cOI!IpCSU!%1t a£ u:;:;.·L.,I ..-:;;;;)_ cur.~.~nce-.i !'cr.r.:U r,paratJ.tJns in Fet'1,'-'""-"7 J.~;~~~. ~ , ..... r·· -\lith unsuccc:s:ti'ul s-,;ir.:-:or ::.~to\C:ts e,zains·~ Uid l~a~•-- ..... ~-l ~on l6 P'ebrl•arj 196!:. T.hey were .l.'oll.Oti&d by a s1mJ,.,..;~'.uisuc:eC3si'ul.~ c.t~c 4."1-i t:m a~·.nd 11ef.>i:~::~ l.ltiC:Iz;(;2. Tho -t1Z'st 1D a pl.annod saries ot mv .f'i:I:Ung j•.mk c~~es,n.amGd operati~ tias succalWi'lll.ly executwi'i'broo su::ct'.ssivo ·!r.ltml:acttcms resultecl in des~t1

' ·)J.l: ---•,I'..' '.~ -,..,.··.•..,l.I~-!...·!.:J'.. f. I':1 ...'t-- ~-l:-~\CVallOaY!l bad acC\ll'Olto lma-,:ltrl;;aa: ;laSoto ~~noel onte:·~'-- ~-flectiSSw:"'J' to sci~ula r.m..."'iti!::3 ~ptr.,:tiODStlllUl 36 llaars _after p:i:lS~

7. The Gn..~ attaclc IT; mot~ t~~p..."'do ba~ta aga:l.ns ~pa.trol shipa on tt'.e ni~;ht a£ 4 A1lgWit. p;;>eci}'i.tated a stilld~o~:n ofl:'.arit1Ba ODGratiuns in t..ardf!l'ed 'b7 J~, lfflicll w::~ sventu.~ toresUlt-in uo boat a::tiv1 'period.a tt.;o r.:cot.'lTo Feclude loss o£ Cl.'at"t i'rcm possible J.:•e ;..::-:lsal effort ll;:l..i••. jI~laaill"'arv:f/~ :-lav-al elauants im:li!C.l1atol,y follow~ ~ 4.Alttrlr.r~the eight PIT's deplcysd to ~on 5 Augus-t~ ._ cC!Iiltnad t!S/VT-1.1 crew on boa.N ('r,:;, C'l'C~ Senior US.\dv1sor-Lt.(jgM Ow~ at.a.Et co~tion £or t..~o d"?lcyan·~vas su;:crvisod b".f tfle Chief• rl."..ritime i>peratior.s Gecticn o£ SCJ(Cdr~ cn~sccn(i l.i&L3on ws efi'ecteci by Lc~Lt(,1g)iilllit .Ul czoaft ro~ ~ lO August •8. .ID ~ JCS requestc4 te11t.iuc ot a lC6-t:m R& on board a. Vl7•tar posaibl.a usa as a ot&ndoi't waJlQD vitlt ~ent rmge to rtnch'1-l1Ii .,·I·i'j1:I,J·,. ...-­·;·Iscm:e 1JWmc1 tarteta nat at-ta1nnble 'ld.til tin 8l-m1.1 Jr.Ol"tc'.uas obtainlld .from~ong \d.tll s-wital:l~Tlul crd:nm:e8Up1U'vi:JOZ7 per:3=ol ·&l.dcc=pl.ete tests l!iW8 oauducte:i over a pa'iocl or suowiil W11131;s.Result~·";8hoc:k damage to PW ca~~~p~ZeD.ts• indiC3tecl unsatis.factory ~pabUit,y c~--- -- · ~t ot the J.06..11111 BK 1n tld.s CllllllGI' .!!=f tbia waa reparteci to .IC3o9 •. . · Qll2 Auguat. C.Il:CP.ICFL'r rfllll188toli C:.Mo:J'a11'1JlPUt plan £or air,.·. ---- . . -· . .~-.coii'I!ILot_a m::'i.t.ima OJ:l!~t.1aas~:I.Dto ~ut.;UiaiJ:!g _llitiDISIV-4-- .. :.·-· .-- ..•. :-·· ·: ..·: .. -~~ .·: .....

tha.t a set of c=umicntion o.ml l"Cco,,;niticn sit."Mls b:1 do·:elcp;d ferEnd :lW cnft. Ths !'i:rst set of s1gnaJJ:s HaS to 12! p;-ornulgatea a:t<strong>Group</strong>. Thu l,!."'p;Jsad mills1cns ~•reeventual.J¥ passed over h"J ea:nez. a~~icoc:lurcs rlsvolcpe.l ali till..~fllture usorulnossos= 'l;;"lla·to be cunfi.-·"'Ced by e~ss of t.!l~:.'·;i\"·'!.·;.i·.;. i;~·.1 ....."tz'ainillg with V:IAF ··\Jli controlltcl b;r S!tJ c-123 aircn:lt ..• U.. Duri."!g lata .\u_;::uat, an ecc1dan~ ~et la'.mt::hv ei:plg::lcll ·NSU.lt:f.nt: 1n inJur:r crf a. s.:::.\L -:r.:w 121d:~r a.~"'il't.'!:i. cr !:;p,,cm.:to initiate action to a.saiat ::.n testing/deVl::lo;:ma."lt ..Uld p:l'llCIUS:l:l'i·. c£all OJl&"'.'lt.icnal ordziMce 1 tams. 6i2. JCS-authorboci reSUJDpticn ~ llllll'itilce opariit.ions-lllld 1•equestoisabecfnle rRIImd.,1oa bT l2 Sltpt-E!l".7 'A. five·~ sched.ulsclK'\CSCil 230204Z Aug64...IV-S.

~ati.~-1~. ·::ir.:l CJller:l'c.:.OIIS d33A:ed due to ll>"::~tila:i." and on 2lSspt-."'l!'.ber all b'.- 's cicplcy-ed. t~to ·&v.'.de t',r.;llocn ?ilt!!1., ;,•n1;trtn.t.'jf:23 Scpt~ar. ~ cL':!i'el'l.>ed 3->';•,.r•i'Hcl;r. l'L!..'i'iti.'l:l o,cr;~.'i:i

I18 ..duri.nu the nc;rt,.haast rr.ansc:m, r;:cs:L·:.·J ;r--: opara·~c:LJ t:nr.::r.nnc~ ;;;ui;,~:i:;.n; t4?; ::.~ts~.r;-..l fi..,;Al, OP!e\~S for succas~i'"ve ccn:iuc·l;.l3 ~PfL.,u~.e>ns ·~--:.-r~ ;::"tiS~-: 1 :: ~'(,.·3(\......C!NCI'AC cH.::~·~u·~a ~'1lil·\:!3nc:t ;:rr.e==:.r.."'Gs t.:: -':dc!:!.t:!c;i.-;,.1. addrz:::.;:d-~:2 ir'u :!.!: .. ~:.t.~.:;Pil.CrU' .1420. lt\CS'lG ct:t!duct..'ld a e;i,;: boat il3."7'..'..l ::.::m;ba:-:.:1::;~·;;:; c~o:::- ·-&"ld ~1o:• rm ;') DeC-'X!"~.C:=-!1.26 '1~"'.,..,.. •. 'W'r'Qo~Mo,jl,.,., ·~~ ~\A .. •• f'c··- 'WA. n~>·-' .J\I"Uo,A !...-~;· ~T.;;-,.1 bor.::b • ~~W- ..... -'-.,.~•a ;,-,~- ~.1 •· '=1 I • -·····

froc 1!'.~-:ret,ml,j .. l5 Dcc'l.~~:3.t~ t-:1..::-r:.r.:;h :..5 ,.r(;~Wlr.Y" vnd L'~C.:~a-.(6n "G!.:~ ·:~;;:~?:;:-=a.ftar,s \.lt"i"Gh prolrisi·J..~ !c:." liS ~;:,Z' :'!O·~,l3=:" ~.n p!:.:t&GS t:JO:o: l8"':'"~" ...........· ........ ~. -·~-·: .. ' .. "."25o JCS ,;;,., i1l.i:'o=d ol ~.nt'!:rt ·~:: ;..!!!l..'"!l:h. c•m.J~!ri:·:li ('?L.J.:.:i ~:r.~ .-.L;y• " '·'-- f b 1 ' ) •• 1 ' • I • A\ · '• 21.w. 1~-raw~ avot~ .~...~ U..'l'lr~ con~·zuov.s ~oct. 1t.."ea1.:.1~u:· ~~ ~V-3J..~JJ.,·~---:-· ........ !; •.-;" j. ..,.... :r-r-,2.:-"...:··;·.:.~-: ".':" .-~---------·----------·------~---·-----.... ----...... , ..!U ;.JACS(JQ O::!OJ2;ii; De-!! 6hl? :-t'?.C·SOO C~072S~ :Js~~18 ciCS ~3202: ll::c•;l~.. il9 llt.l:iOO O;;c24S:.: ~;:(:64·---,\- ·--------- --·-----...... ----,.;; .. . .. : .... ..\

'j .fl ]i .~: .....,..... . ,:"···3•.-his ;;:;-opr::z~~ r

.·-'IC.-e~ •· ,.,.,. "l ...,_,,I(:J'. ......... .(1,1.·.Uch crG":za., Col.c."l;;~.~co•>~!~.nst..icn ·~·.:~ a:::·:·;;1.1.'>:r;.on tlla lo'!;·~~·.. en 2::: · Jti£1a# uo=~sp!~~C\1 t.lli!.·~ ;;o :1ett.lli' ::r;;::])mua::'.----·-·-·-. .,. -·~··' ··--, ,, ;.:. :· ..... ... •.---·-----·... ~---

., •.. ,_, "!'a b 2 31( .... £ .... --.•_,,.:~2::~u,;. :.~--~- ·;... ~-" ~ ..;:..;.( :.:a.'"ld ~a:- bei..,c: :-r-~.d.isd a~r~r '~~~.i'f.':$:-.:;?7

.•71.· i&l'm ~J'StG:b ...- Th:ts t-ioul..d also par!d.t r.c,i.s~ le"reJ~ t:.~t~ l"ll1 .. ~.!:-;";39. ; ~o;:: :::~:.ml tnp:.1t af V!~l Cl~t:m ~1U.ch a.roo a:;ch(.;cli!locl f.'.X;Z'i\rr~ .;;~..l.)"~ :NZ·>. . .-SE'ii'lf!!tFI:r a..!Net.l ·r.o tho allova l"'l'.!Ue:~t.

1:i:- F.t :::~r;-::.:11 ~

..........I,.\ ..\5 il.lld. 6, r.,id.cll had an"iv'ild wi~o11t e;:;:ch;tn:ter:~.7 o . Ml\c:>tll ad-ds~~ tJ101t 'l:J1o :Jt.:i.l'bo:ox

12~ M.\~l'll p:!'OpCf:~t! tc CO.~-~ .=!CC~ cir.z1.'hatil c.f l~t"!':1 h;.,. c+.:::~tf~:~ -:-fi:C:·~i?'L'!' ·.3, 313& .lifting. it. s:t'o:n ~ ILp;J:M:til:".:?.t~,y l DtlC

. -- ....,--- ·~·-,=-:--­•· •._{t,!l.:.--;,: : .."•..r ...: !~! .• .... '.; j.·-.·............,a. Pl'l" ~lir.istr:ltiv.:/2.oe-lst.:!.c:a3. su;rpOl.'t. '~ti~ tcr Pl'Fs 1..-1 •.-:\rol"e dcle;s:1te:i toaccord;mca with c.nromCFL'1'.39 ·Co Assignr.~en'c;s at 3C",'

~·rr £3 IS 2:1 tt 9:,19 i' l.-.rt~;oeceipt ot c:ontrau·t.6o MACSUl conf:lr:z:--~ to C.lltCP.l .. C e. !"'S-ql.z."'?se.m

..... ·) r~===(=---" I ('·.....,..,.,,:_,.- :.· .... ......... ..-~-.-4 ... ~..;,.l!A~'>m :t"Cqn~nt~:1 :m e!,~.ot.ed aloc~cnics t~or.n·l.c:l.;ms at~:iss:!.B-'~ in 011\:~Ct\"d.ng elec·t.ronicz 1-&""~0lent~- 46 Qle •~=J su.:,f:~.:.zntl,y :;~n:.~ (~1..:.nor.::a I.Jt...d.tt =~~s r ... ~oa~-:; ~.::-~-.?:l Hh!cl-. .'a.~l:! bt: E:ilJ~~-~=· or ~: .. u :~·~p:"c:~·-rr~.::~~-----::-...._ ~0~.sit .. ~;~ 6 fmn:::±e.._.. ~.9-c.'.!.'"'lle CLr-tCl'a\C.F!-C: r~n:::md~i ua.e..e 1 ,J.. ts~-:::~·t. !>f :;., .'. 1 :.~· ,:eaa-~i~!·;g :~;~·~::.:n3-·.23CODCl'.:'tta-'1 OO..l 3:1->~J.~/;).1;.~,~~f4f~",.C'!;I!"!. :....'·'·"':"'\",".:~ .. ~~ ·-•r.,1·'-~-·J '."'t'" 1.--t-'lf.P m:c,-,a·~ol.-f-,~ ....... , ........ ~--~,.n-·• :--·"'~·::-.r.-4•_., ·····--.~.-....,~.~"' '1o.,;r,1: ,, ""' .,_ •• .,...,a._,_,. .... .... n.·-..., .... _...,ll..,.v .• ~,4-;?': o;Jrt. ..... wo.o,.... • ......... .,._ ... ~- •• ~-·-.. .~~,ln:'i.~t..:.ne~ tu7J :t~~-~~1-:~-ic~ ~·~'!.li::'~'t!e!l'ts,.r--~:-.,. .. -~ ....~···· .. ·; --··· o:LI6"-..··-- ;,~ ..• ~.-~---..... ..."='.. .. ·--...... , ... , ·:• ,,.... ... . l·., . '"·'. 0:7.l1d i.cplt:m.r.d.~~-:.:.~:u~. m.n.'ZF3 ~cpr93eotati•-sl,!::••••Zf~,&nci ~-JC ... - •-=.:.; -~,) ..:~_., ... =·.:..in eol'Yi.n:; l:'llOAr end !J3rO pr::!-..l.s:as.·.••-·---··..-------"·----------·-"'::".,···""·,--~-._,---.-.---,..----.-.-.,'".......:r.-_ ~-_-'-."!~--.. -...-.'"........-;-,-.-.--""lt:ll~r.'·~-:,...---

.Ls.tli'V.:.'~-='···-1--1-1- .•"\,...:'.. ~.• .. ,..,.,~~-~1... -~,.··-~·-'• ~.::....... -_.·"'! •· - ...• ~~··.... ~_·.·,·.' •• ~ ••·.·:~i - ~~-.·.:.··, ' -·..·.··. ·'·-- : ~· -16. ~iCSOO :rGC.;liV~lQ.d ~o·i;,~;r~. :J!li~!l-·to ~~~ the other :Lc;u:o ope~·ntiun::;;~ ~ ~ _-- .ccn~d t!sbrtef:l o! Sl!ll' eleatl~:.C:3.l• :4~!1

c.-/vr. ~-~.Ji?.:F,. nr.l'R'S:l:~---0 .i.ll ~c:iit.i.on ~ ~·oune-.•.•.:-; t2. liACSllO r.zqt1GStoo c.;:,.CJ",\CFLT rGpros:!ntat:Lva, ';n:r.det:J:;~bl(; jl)iw•bar c\ei'er.se, to au..--ve~~f,y..;;e n~d; 1mi a.::s;.st. !.!1a"%'1 •:1.r~J,.at. sn inecco;mt..-.r resolt.t.i.cmo .5'13cnx:PAC requ~~ conco% (in c-ror:t u:r.i'i.(l;; oraft att&.c:~~- -.- ~ator P1'F role in p:~.Ssive p.~tac'1i,.cn or &::t.1vo ciafEm.£~ .. _., M.'.CSC!3 s\ll.:..ii-:~·~;:1tJw tollo~ conc~p!;z 60(2).·-::.·: ---: ... :.to.~ •.oo 16 Deca:=m.r •.-J.~ ::..-~ """=!=?;.:: .. ,r.: =-: ~-.::·:·>-~rZ!.'.:.oz .. ~-: -~ ::~:-~~:.r.r-'::-~ ~- ·· ·-I·.'S1 Jo

·em·. ''(£.. • ..\ ."'-"•··"· .·.•.•• 1-c..;.r-•• 'J ••••..... • .. ,.. . . . ~·.. -..

IV- 2L.•

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,... .. ~..........a. Col..tectj.c.a.'l SE:::-tior.::.·~ .....·.;.-·~or~::;:;~s Z'~ ... ~e.t.~. ;?::~..;:.~ A::.~~st Z::l1~ch~c nf :-.:~l::~t,'1-i ;.t:;:\·~:-:. 1 .."=,;:~,::.:-.....~ ... ~!:'3 cbtc.inerJ. 1:::0!.~ Ur.:\.Tt.?f\C.t~·.... ;J·.: ...,. ~-..... -:-.... ;....... -.~

.....·r,~cse, .\'at1 1 Jniilb: cducat.!.,n, l~\(.iJl.tc .i.3~3;!th~ .. ~~t:C ... g:~"':t.. ~!-~.:-::::-:~.~ .~; ~~ .. ·_ .. .r.~.r;:.:.int~=ce ca::i1!Utliey.b. Tugeta So::tien:(l) Tha o.::.:dcato::r~s ·aa~·t~, ..:.':",H-~ca:t:Wlteci ~t rep ... ws.,. ... ~··· .......OP!Il's included ~33 :;.!"'.j, ~=~~zoe~~~~-:; .--~:·....beaches.: ter.t-~ r:om':lticna c.:r.~l ,-,: i~ ... t::. ~-~; •·:·:~ ....1:"'\' ... •. IIls,ysta haa diVisions tJut ea~ tuSQ-S co:u~iatin;~ :1 cr..c l;::;':.ltii..:;~ccapl.ex hol&Unc; CT81' one hundrci strllC'bu'ea. It, theroi'are, pr~.ctd !ptthl:fcatioa ..I..·. ,j.: +\_. -;-:;~.- :.... '"' ~\.. t~~~ ,. ·.·. l· .•\ •.;~. . :· ..... \\\ ,. 'ti___________.. __,. 't~,,~~a... -·---·-:··-··--·---· _____., __........ :tr:'·:~.--:-.-,,~ ..-......- ......,....---.-... ~~· .. :--- --.. • ••.•. · ;. :~... . ' •1.. ---.: .:--:-=------"t"---

""·!•""-"' l,;l .._·.&..Uu bo.~ W.O ......... .,..,~~·'""'cr .._.._.... o·· 4 F'' • J. 0.",,. '' tl1e i;.~. ~~J·~·· '

.. '.o:-4•·. :"' ;~.2. ·".J :.L • ' '.. • \ ' ·-- 1..... .·-.·; " { . ,", ···


.~"1,-.•• ·,··1 If u.M- ••, ....-,.l.o; •'-~-::.-:·:::~ ..f" .....~ ·- · ... '·-.··-.--: \ :.~;:.:. ..o,• •. J::" ( ..\ (,. . .,\,.!a; 'it. Lt•. :--l. ~--;.c.:.lJ-'•. : .·.·-: ....·w.;...;..,, '·... :-~ ../ A.: ::::tru:;tic:l ..:.;.... :~0., J.C~--:~:: .. bJ:'. . ··--·-;·c:Ki.i:-:::;:_jJr:!"l-,. -~~..; Jil"CCti\·.'3:::.:.:'rx.·!.·/! -:·c:_,~---~~72·z_~ .. :~:1-'?:::R..-·42~/G218/(2 -.,_,_;... :.. :· .. ;::· . .; ... ·; ... -:· -:733/(.3 ·..-:.....:.·:.: .!..•: ~:.t:. -· . ..; ·. J.c·:·.' ... i.:::· _. .. :; .:...· . ·---: .;.:... . -.. . ., .'JH.~~JJhlY~~VII~D-~.. . ..-

.-'\(···.·... ~ ...'.. '··· . :..:.. ,.,.\..·-. - ............ ... :.. , .· ..- •:·.13~.::/(:'1~ ""' ·-60/627/G3;,_ ..... .,:..'' ..'.•. ·.;. ':l7/G34;/(,":1.I ..,.,;;- " ,,.,:.J!..Jt .: ( !, '\~ .......~--'· ....;': ........ . ".--· ; l ..... --: __ :o~·.::t. ·._.::-~·-i .. :. .... _., .-' '·''. - ·-':·.-:· .,... ···.·. :·.i-~· ~ . . .'.1 •_;:•..:.-·· .::. :~ -._,~ -···" -~u.~~.ji)\i~·.HI -12

.•-IJ.- -13 --I ;;; _jj_ ~ - .?,{;9~)

ilF d.a·~e:i 4 Aucrust 1964SU!JJ: Hel:l.con"t.er OperatiO!lS in SU.)J" -crt o.{" s:~c; .......TO: Cllie!, SGGFn:·H: Chie£ 1 Opsl. R~terc:nces:"·•111\CV lett..er, Subject: Op:1:rntional ?la.-ming, <strong>Vietnam</strong>, d:.t:ld25 March 1964, included o;:arations i!wolvin; h~l.tco!)ter L,filt:atiun ofairborne operation teams into sout:1ern areas o£ DR'/.(T.\B .'!.).b. Cil/CPAC letter, Serial OCOJ.U9, Subject: Operational ?l:l.n..-J.n;:;,Viatnru~,dated l8 Ap:-11 l:t6h, recor.unend:; ~ainst hel:i.co!)ter infil·~rat~::minto '.'iW, stating that VN•\F h3llcopters crews arc not ca:;:m.blc of corm"•~-~;;operntions even. in ltV!i t-dthout US aesistance. (T.\D B).?. Pllrposo: To in!.tiute action tlith~n li\C1J/~'!:tAF to devclo:J c.capa.b~llt7 i'or helicopter in£lltrat1on o£ DR7 prior to :::ubmittil:;; o. ::-c~:..:::.to re:J erenc•ta lb a.'ld c.I!• Re£erence lb 1s not correct as stated.-RVW,F' :!31! o!'s:::; c.!':~--····.~ .........;;. ... .:...ancl 1962, RVriAF H34's d~vered rrur.:crous' Speci:U Fc:-:::::3II-I-1.-~ . g.- ~.·. . . . ; ..... ·: , : . .'.. :~ .-,.-------···

operation:J, the R'l'!l.F il34 crews can conduc~ ini'iltratiou o~ro.t:!.ons intoDrtV as envisa.!·:ed by ti:e S(lJ within the Phase I! time f:~m'3Qb. It is uithin P.VNi.F/l'•\CV preroca.tivcs to develop a. ni;::ht OP2l'-ationaJ. capabili t;r on the part o£ selec'~:ed RVI!AF HJ4 cre~1a. This capability-- #can be exploited;rup.. XJrt o£ 5-pero.tions.'iJ'i thin rrr.: as t

'• . .~-·........... _._ ...al;tached to -~~.1) s~ durinf; the trail1l.J1

··•··.·..lL -J-1 -n--Z -!(- z_

diTAB L ( Ehplc.n;tic::s) toAirbo?ne ~~cr~tlCY!~ Section' ., ,. . '' • ; .. l· ' ·, [J.....· •·-· •.;_.,. .;..!. -.D JL..•b. Scat',;crsdr Less than halt the sky covered.-··~do2o Cloud tmse height: Est1Zll

~.. i}t'ijft' , -J r) , ~:-~ lA, ~C:·!EATimt H~SAQE(Fomat)! ;· ~ .. ' I . . .ti, r: r/i:~ r·i;, ~ i, :ij•. "' .. .;)l 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 l·i (1'·! •: ':1 24" 1600Z SampleIndic~nate t!iliS G!'OUp \·Mw2!!. 160oz Q:Jit.\E CiJut-M·-------------------------------------l. Sey CoDaitionz (Continued p.3ra .3)a. Clear d.o .3b. Scattered e. 4Co Broken r. sd.. Overoaat g. 62. Cl

---i"-.( ContinuGd pam 5)-·6.9.c. Eil.st ?0 De.;reosd. Southeast 13.$ Do{;I'Geae. South 180 Degreesf. Southwest 225 D::t;raesg. West 270 Degr~esh. Nort.llwst 31.$ Det:reestiind Speedra. 2 Xlu/hrbo 4c. 6d. 9e. 10f. 15I;• 20ho 251. 30j. Owor _30Fog FOI"'IIS At~a. ·JlOO:b. 0200lc. O.)OOZd. OJ400Zeo 0$00~f. 0600Z--;---------- -- zap iiG.SiX- "- I. j8.Co 0700Zh. 050CZ1..o 0900Zj. lOOOZk, llOOZl, l200ZDlonoOol30JZJAOOZ1500'~P• l600Zq. 1700'~r. lBo~So1900Zt. 20JOZUoVc2l:.l'JZ2200Z"'• 230CZXo :~oJZFor; L:t I r.s ;, va. o.u:-ezb. 0201JZCoOJOOZdo 04~:e. 05C-GZaff ,tMj[}!g~~----------------------.-.•.,. ...,.__,....,"ll'"it:"""'....-....... ~:'":""0'"". --:----.:::~:r-:~• ·. •' . ••..•.•. ~ ~ • ·•_.-o:.· . ...,{.,..''•,.··~··········-.· .... ,

. 06oo7.g. 01001.h ..oaooz1. 0900ZJo lOOOZ.ko llOOZlo 12~l!lal300Zn. l400ZOo ~Po l600Zq. l700Zr. 1600Zs. JgOOZto 2000

"-· r1llt1 o• .:·.... ' ........... .J.. - .TAB M (S~amt f ~ _. ~-Airborne <strong>Operations</strong> .:>ccUan :Uoatorical. ~ .~l hii ''-j w i),., .. .. . l "~-- .. ' ', . '. . . . . . . ~ f.ol... . . .Portions o£ the secmrit-.r battalion wera con

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.•11 A- 6 -to XA-])-t/-3

. :.,·:.: . ..qe;tPr [ j 6 !I 2 I &i.lt.t\ DIS.•~F.&.!'rtON liB S!!UHNG BRASS ~CROSS BORDER} OPERA'rJONSl {-l'S,f Sllmi!Ulry u.r Cpera &.ions:....... ;. ' ..a... Dac.!-;ground. Jn:Hlal CL·oss-B¢t'·:ic-r op11rat1onsintn Lnos were nat it led ''LEAPING LENA" and flcre cc()gprisc>dof ('S Stll Speci:l.t. Forces and A.lt\N personnel. I.EAPIUG LE.NAop ... ratioilD wero conducted with pa.nu:lmte drops o1 iod1g'lnous·perscnnel .,nly in Laos.. Thcs" oparat.ions proo;ed tob., unsuC!t'esstul tor nWIIerous rea::~ons; the absenc:e of USad~1sor personnnl was ono of the main detects. Ou 7 ~reb1965 CO~"US~.CV transfered the responsibility for Cross­Border {L:losl to SCG and tho progrll!ll was de!!ignated SHININGBRASS, SHINING BBJ.SS operations wer~ operallons direct~agair-"4t \'C ba.ses and lnliltrat·ion routes _within Laos~ designedto initiate a suries ..,c graduatod prtlssure~ a,;ai:JSt.sele~t~d targets and LOC by conducting air strikes andground opera'tions.. During 'the Spring and SuiDI:ICl" months or1965 ~ontinu·.Jus p.lannl.ng and coordi~ation wa9 con•!ucted inprt~paraticn tor tb.& upcoming combinc:d US/'Yl'~ Cross-J3orde:;.•operations. Tb.ia prepnration consisted of the tinalizationof ~b~ co~ept ot operations and tb.e continuation o:an intRns1t1ed training program tor tho US/IN reconnaissanceteams., Pllase I was authorized :or

~-9 ., -~,, . iL. :a 71i . I '1..'1\IS~I, t..,. ,.•Ct:: r.

. ,·. :..'t .... ·::·..... ·.;•' .... . ·. ·.· ...... ·.·..:·:::-·:;.._:-~. -:;·.·•'.·>.. :: .:-:.. -7~.. ..· .. ·· ... :: .. . . '._·;;.:..\~:·.: ~-:--~..• , ..·. ' ...·~ . ~-::. -~ : .. ~t,.,·\; f;!i;.I,. .... '- c. •.. ! -Ll J.', p } s.-01a::; at 't:l.t:k.t!.cl by cil(,my :or\:~ 0£ •.mdt:..~eJ"Il'.iot>•d si.>e aud la·Lc

. ' ....' ....' ..... ·.'. :· ... ."•.•·..:; ..•·; ·.''~";••sJ..JMPISloeatod z.t Kham 'Due and Dnk To operated by a modifieds~ o detncbment. Planned expansion env~aaged tbe FOB atPak To bfling moved to Ko.ntl!lll where security and r:ase o.t-,p.,..rations will b6 t~nbaDCed,. and the. establishing of a•hL.rd P'OB, possibly at Khe Sa.nh, to be use!ld tor operationsLQ the northern areas. All FOB's to be opor~ted bymodi!ied SF B detacbmonts..•1 •'·. .,. ..' ':·. 4.. ............ -~----·•·... ---··--··· . ___.;::_:.....:. .:. ;_ ._,_ -·· ·­. - ... -··----··-- ' ..1.­!' I•I~B-4I :-.."\ ·~



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SECTION II D - MARITIME OPERATIONS.•,l. iTS} SUMMARY· Of OPERATIONS. The currently used code namesfor the various types of MAROPS mission conducted during CY l9b5will be used in this summary to facilitate brsvity. These codeanames are defined as follows:...b~- Separately scheduled Nast Class PTfmission interdiction mission;;•· Summary of operations scheduled. accomplished andresults:

(;;~j;~·;~ .... ,...... "" ·~ .'

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:.;._.··.;•.·····y··'··:: ~ ::::_~-~:.;Jiit: .·.:.~~~li:i,:.•.. IHEADQUARTERSUNITED STA1ES HILI:TARY ASSISTANCE CCMWID, VIETNAMAPO San :Francisco 96222 ,..I" I. MACSOG 5 May 1967SUBJEC"r:Transmittal of Annex M, 1966 MACV <strong>Command</strong> History (U)_,..._ .~;~·· .."rO:SEE DIS'I:RI:Btl'l:IONl. (U) Inclosed is Annex M (<strong>Special</strong> Operationa) to the 1966COI!PDend History.2. (U) Because of the sendtive nature of the int:Ormationcontaizlecl :ln this annex, its distribution has been limited to thoseagencies considered to have an essential need-to-knOll'. It is requeetedthat no fUrther distribution be made without the expressconsent of this headquarters.3. (U) Regraded unclassified when separated ftocm classifiedinclosure.... 1DIS!!!IBU'riON:5- JCS2 - C1'lO2- am2- at:·a - cSA. ~2- CSAJ'S • Cll'lCPACl·- J5l. • SJS Ristol7 Br.l - SQG file..~~:~~AGUSA L'4:')t) cPA) 0Fu I Sl~_lgs-rol-136'-f88"-- TS:: 6 Y0 CJC-. #'3CoPY fZ-ft'fSOG Controlt ~ tJ(} / l'~tf-~?Cow. .:LPap lCopiesPages

'!;; .TABLE OF CONTENTS.. ;.-~...,: '''':.'·.:::... ;... ·.!.,·t~:;~'.:'! ','. :1'iI I,,~ANNEX M (<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong>) to USMACV 1966 <strong>Command</strong> Histor:r3APPENDIX I - Administration7TAB I-A - Organization, 1 Januar:r 19668TAB I-B - Organization, .:31 December 19669TAB I-c - Key O!!icers10TAB I-D - Medical Evacueesl2APPENDIX II - Intelligence13TAB II-A - Operational Organization, SepteDiber 196620APPENDIX III- <strong>Operations</strong>21Section 1 - Maritime <strong>Operations</strong>22Section 3 - Pe:ychologica1 <strong>Operations</strong>51Sec~cm 4 - Airborne <strong>Operations</strong>saTAB III-4-F ,;. TraJ.m.ng, Camp Long ThanhS2APPENDIX IV - SHit.-t "'G BRASS .97' ITAB IV-A -Opera :ons 196699' l o! 119 pages

..... .;_·.!:.•·._.' :.: .'·:··· .. ·iv • :TABLE OF COtl'l'ENTSAPPENDIX V - JPRCAPPENDIX VI - !DgisticsAPPENDIX VII - PlansAPPENDIX VIII - COIIIIIIUllications~103109ll4ll.6:::-..r.: .... ·• ·,. ..._. ..-'r .. :•••\)''. ·-.~ .... --. ---·-··..:..:::;.---·i .

(ANNEX M (SPECIAL OPERATIONS) -TO HACV 1966 COMMAliD HISroRI'•' 0-· .1. (TSLD) GENERALa. This annex summarizes the activities ot the Studies andObsenationa <strong>Group</strong> (SOO), Headquarters, <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Assistance</strong> ColiiiiWld,<strong>Vietnam</strong> (MACV), during the Calender Year 1966. Details o! these activitiesare contained in the appendices to this annex.b. During CY66 500 continued, expanded, and intensified itsprograms ot haraslll!lent, diversion, politie&l pressure, capture ot prisoners,pb;ysical destruction, propaganda and acquisition ot intelligenceagainst North <strong>Vietnam</strong>; and combat operationa inclnd1ng interdiction o!suppq routes, destruction ot supplies and equip:nent, acqu!a_ition o!intelligence Womation and post air strike damage aaaes11111ent and exploitation.against the en1D7 in selected portiona ot Laos. ··•c. The Joint Personnel Recovel')" Center (JPRC) mission vasaaeigned to SOO during the 7881'• Personnel tor the JPRC began arrivingin August, and on 17 September the JPRC vas !oma.J.lT activated.2. (C) ADMINISTRATION (APPENDIX I).Authorized etrength ot SOG increaeed from 222 on 1 Jan~~arT to21S on 31. Decllllher 1.966. ··3. (TSLD) INTELLIGENCE (APPENDIX II)a. The Intelligence Branch was reorganized and etreeml1nedduring the JUr to provide tor more etticient operationb.In Auguat, an ADP system waa initiated, which provided morerepicl retrieval. and collation ot basic intelligence data.c. Close liaison with other intelligence agencies was developedor impz-oued during the :year to provide tor more complete intelligenceconrace ~~r tar~ •4 •. ('l"SLD) OPERATIONS, OPLAH 34A. (APPERDII m)--- \)a. Maritime Opere tiona...:.,_ .. . ;o-(l)..•.' -· ·'

I(:3) An average ot ll PTF crews were operation~ read7throughout the ;rear. Three SWIFT crews were contin~ operational.Action team strength at the beginning ot the rear was 134, organizedin tive teama. At the end ot the rear, this strength had decr.eased to104, organized in tour teams.=IS'"' men were in were woundedwere missing in action, and tive PTFS were lost.b. Air <strong>Operations</strong>.(2) Air operations sui'I'Ort o! SHINDIG BRASS co1111isted o!VRAP H-34 and 17 aircraft with VNAF crews, supplemented with US AI'fl17UH-1 hellcoptezos and crews. logistics support was providect initi~b7 SOG C-123 aircraft, with C-130 aircraft added in October. USAF providedFAC support using o-1 aircraft. ,(3 ) Air <strong>Operations</strong> J.Dg~s~~sSUJ:rp02~ o! SOG activities. A '~!!!~~~~~~=~=~Jl&lsseqon-s were airlltted, a coc. ~logical Opezostio1111 ••. l .- ··.'-.. ~ ...J :~f:.,·:~'- Vhr.:;.t ~t

d. Airbome <strong>Operations</strong>.,(l) The Airbome <strong>Operations</strong> Section, in conjunction withStrategic Technical Service (STSJ counterpart personne~, continued to recruit,train, equip, and in!iltrate agent teams into NVN, and subsequent~to resu~ • The team missions were to collectps:yel1ol.og:ic~Ll. operations, and render,·' .. ·:•· .•5. ('l'SLD) OPERATIONS, SHIN!NG BRASS (APPENDIX IV)·' : :·. ..·. i.- . .•• •• .1. ·'I, .. I. ' . '-.

I7. (TS) LOGISTICS (APPENDIX VI)- ·Logistics activities aw=11g·!!!!!~ otb. oPeration&l.~methocu(W8re also adjusted to new situations andrequirements. Shipping procedures were revised to take otand costsc. Construction and rehabilitation, as well as procurement anddisposition ot rental. property kept pace with expanding operatiolis, .inapite ot same problema with the procurement ot real ~tatfl.The Plana Section, authorized in 1965, continued to providecurrent,l.Cing-range,and contingency planning tor SOG and JUWTF operations,as 'W8ll as providing input to the plans ot higher headquarters.9. (SLD) CCJ!MtlNICATIONS (APPENDIX "??II)c.1'!1e (!omnmn1 cations Division kept pace. with the increased requirementeot SOG through the acquisition ot additional and more etticicrtequipunt, more ettective routing ot trattic, impzoved signalplans, im4 tra.1n1ng ot operators •.J.'... ;' !•'~)iI'Page6 ot~es

APPENDIX I -- AIJilNISTRATIONl. (U) CC!!!!!!end: Colonel Jolm K. Singlaub, 037040, USA assumed CQIIIIIISZldetrectin 14 Kq 1966, succeeding Colonel Donald D. Blackbum, OJJ734.2 • (c) Orgllllization:operatin8 under the JTD ot 15 October88 officers, :3 warrant officers, 116b. Dllring the. )"8&1', a number o! changee end ad4itione, includingthe eetablial:a811t o! the Joint Personnel. Center, were made to theJTD •. The ,.ear-end authorizedofficers, .3 wa.rraut~mcere, 149 enliated ··.·• c. The 1 JIIZ1U8l'T end Jl Deccber 1966 organizatione are shown at ..Taba I-A end I-B reapectin~.3. (U) Pereonnel.:a. Tab I-c 1a a list. ol SOG ke7' C:"'!!l!!!snders eild et.atl o!ticen.b. Three SOG personnel were medic~ tmlCU&ted during CY 66.(See Tab I-D). . · . . ..• '. J' .J·J~A:. ...":~;l-· --~..•,,..• J·I.. 1.,~. ii :" . '.... ,. .. up ..•. --- --=.-· -' .•eeNP~Bew' liiiDIS\:_) -Pap 7 o!_llipagee-,I"~--~~~~~~~~~~~24 SIP."'?'%;' I :+£SZ!!SCL!C!Z S!P.CZ.C.OA·SSS:PAf~(. i!QAALP•.· .. J4J.I?'+'itMH·'•:illSJ"% I,,

TAB I-A ORGANIZATION 1 JANUARY 1966I Alillllii Br02,.IIi-------------.---·-----.-- --1 III. I:- - -- -- -- - f6~ill;;n.l•----.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr---1IIIIIIIII•IIII"I""III' .I'IReaupp~iSeoI---------------------1I·------ ---. I IIIICOJOWJDII~-•...* Aupent8d b7 TDr/TDI m:ra J requiredc •'···.:. ... '';'·'

Admin Br02Intel Br03TAB I-·B ORGANIZATION 31 DECEMBER 19661---CoamanderSOG 01Oper~ti01111Br 04Logie tic•Bro 05CoamBr 06,lllf-~~~., ...,rf'~~·.f .,.'•.PlanaBr llJPRCl3Abn OpnSB Seo•CollectionSecTargetingSeoSecurit7SecIIIIIII;--~III .IIIIr----------------..:.---1 I' I'Air OpnGp 10III----IHarOpnsecAbn Opn(3U)OSecAir OpnSecHedioalSecIIIIIIIII--.IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIISup piTSeoAir Re-SuJ!P]T SeoTraMSec II• ..;. .. -:..:.- _Ce~~ptrollerSec 12CCIOIANDPRIMARY0STAFF SUPERVISION:.___------- , ---~---------II·------- I..Abn Opn Mar OpnGp * 08 Op * 07..• Augmented b7 TDI/ror H'l'Ta u required-\...-·. I ..:;...--- ,__ .... --. - -. _, ___ -• 0

,.TAB I..C KEY OFFICERS, 1966POSITION1. <strong>Command</strong>er, SOO,,"'b. Spec Aaat Abn 0pnc. Ex1cutive Officer -=!'·2. Administrative Officer..J. Chief, Intelligence Branch4. Chief <strong>Operations</strong> Brancha. Chief MAROP Sec (Jt.A).,.b. Chief Abn Opn Sec (JM)c. Chief Air Opn Sead. Chief Medical Saca. Chief Abn Opne Sao (SB)!t'

6. Chier C0111111 Branch7. CO MAROP Gpr.· ,.8. Senior Adv Long Thanh Det9. Chief PSYOP Gp10. CO AlROP Gpll. Chief Plane Branch12. Chler Comptroller Branch13. Chief JPRCJi.'

- .·•.,.,:. .. :· .. : -~·.·~·...·.'·:~.;~.;::..':-.... .•' ..TAB I-D MEDICAL EVACUEES FOR CY 1966SSGSsGl .·..-·, , Page 12 ot 119 pa~es·~"a . o : .I I .-.C .. C.CCS iLC.N.;:t»¥¥hW?-IIJIIU..II I. IS ;u·

APPENDIX II - INTELLitiENCE.•1. (TSLD) '!'he following improvements were mad.e durillg the 3rd and4th quarters o.t c~ year 1966 to provide a more qualitative intelligenceproduct in support o! MACSOG operational resporu~ibilities:a. Operational Reorganization o! Branch: (TAB II-A)(l) The Collection and Plans and Estimates Sectioru~ wereccmbined into the <strong>Operations</strong> Section, Ulling uiating TD positioM andeatabllahing Count17 Deaka. Thia consolidation ei8ni.ticantl;r reduced· the response time to reqa.eata .tor the support o.t SOG operations.-r.-.i· . ' ... •(2) The 'l'argeting Section wu consolidated by plAcing allphoto intez...,..,p ... renotera in one location, and wu redesigaated the Photo AnalysisSection. Response time again wu reduced aigni.ticantl;r on all requirementa.A clark wu added in JulT to maintain a. .tilm- libr81'7 and map coverageo! the areas o.t interest.o. (3) An Adm1niatrati ve Section wu eatablillhed. Using ex:l.stiz1gTD positions, the Intelligence o.r.ticer became the aaailltant to the BranchChie.t. 'l'hia pod.tion provided an o!.t1cer .tmn1 u ar with intelligence ~oaaaisn· taaka aDd to coordinate the ef!orta of the Branch. Acfm1ntatratinmatters aDd. projects alao are handJ ed by thia section. 'l'hia providesbetter utilization o.t the other Sections, and .treeli the Brmch Chill! !romroutine ecfm1nhtrative taaka.· b. Kad,time <strong>Operations</strong>:(1) In October, an Intelligence O.t.t1cer with a Vietn8111eael.aquage capaMJ1t7 'Wall aallisned to Camp DODO to supervise exploitation8llll collection efforts. · ·J (2) . An SOP for reporting intelligence obtained from interrogationof HABOPS det&inees 'Wall prepared 8llll implemented in October.. .·'(3) All Interrogation Gaitle incorporating EEI 8llll OIR. vaa~ and pat into uae in Jl~JT. _. ... . .,(4) Tl1e teci!Dique .tor targeting CADO millaiona 'Willi hiptOtedliT ciZ'alriDs on the reaources ot the TarptiDc 8DI1 0perat1ona Sections •- · -o. Air'liOme Opera tiona: ·c.CiiQft.l11i!iil1irw v ......-w•• + ...•tozma.t aDd. EEI were prepared and f'llrllillhed4. SHIIiiNG BRASS <strong>Operations</strong>:(1) , m intelligence report to aupplaat the SB atter-actionreport was established 1 JulT.....:i:.·-;._-(2) Beg;lnning in Novaber, the met;hoci ot targeting .tor SBllliad.ona wu improved bT· using photo interpritoation and all availableintelligence obta:!Jled bT the .~tiona SectiOn.;;:.Page 13.. s.~o.t...lli.,.pagee•.,.,'~oo:ti'I·IFFIU"W"':SIIII4,.UIIIIJJ~SJIIIU .... ,.:'"''"'l·•*'I".Cill"f."IIUil!l'. or.. WP? ... EC\11"4."1$~.:~. "''·"~·'•M•"tii'.4

: f; ; .... _.....' .~ .·"'·. :··,..".I(3) The results at

(5) SlmmlG BRASS area udaaion anal.Jsia:(a) HASTniGS Operationa. August l;t.6.(b) Khe Sanh Salient. Auguat 1966.(c) PRAIRIE Operatioz:a. Octo~:~e.r 1966.(d) . Aahau Salient. December 1966.d. Target Selection 311d iJevelopp.ent:r·(l) A total. ot 133 targets were aelected and developed.(2) A total. ot eight ro~tch aitee were rec0111m11nded 'b7MACV J2 and were developed 'b7 the Intel.llgence Branch.(3} A total. ot eight targets were recCIIIIIlendecl 'b7 3rdMAP in eupport ot Operation HASTINGS in the tSIIJIOrar:r extension ot theSHmml BRASS area. The eight targeta 'WIIl"ll developed in J~.Ii(4) Daring September l6 tugeta were recCIIIIII«ncied 'b7 IIIMAP' and developed in aupport ot OpWation PRAIRIE. The targeta were locatllliin 'IAIIItern Qaazlg 'l'r1 Province and in Laoa adjacent to the border.(5) · A total. ot 28 targeta were recCl!!!!!!endecl tor ARC LIGHTstrikecl bT the IDtelligence Branch.•• EJpepa1on ot Area Camage: Daring JlDle, aix targets weredeveloped in the northern SHINING BliASS area within the Khe Sanh Sector.(?_.•,\:if}t. Cban!!!!!! Neceaaitated bz: !!ranaion ot Operational Area:'(l) Daring .1\me, close liaison 1f8ll eatahl.iahed betweenthe Intelligenoe Branch mel MACV J2, CICV, an4 CIIB to provide more ccmplete_ int•llfgenoe tor tarsetinS•·!. (2) The inareaa• in target requata Z"'ll{{lirecl that joint proo•'ea be eetabliahecl betliW4 the~ 8l1d. <strong>Operations</strong> Sections. OperationaSeot1oD collactecl allli cou at eel intelligence on poaaible targeta and-fflmiatiiiil the mtomation-to 'l'arpt1Ds Seation. 'l'h.-Target;iUg Section:;. Wlizlg -thf.a i.Dr01'1111tion, dill pboto resdouta 8l1d. prepareli the target tol.dars.3. ('l'SLD) MABOPS Intelligence Acti"fitieatPage 15ot.JJ.2_pagea

' nbjecta reported on were:(a) Para-m.lltary a.ctivities.(b) Air de!ense.(c) Conscription.(d) Coutal. sea transportation.(e) Popalation controls.. :-fl.•(!) Idmti!ication_ ot diaaident groups.(g) US/RVN airstriki. results...th) E!!ecta ot war on NVN econOIIIT•(i) Collectivization program in NVN.(3) Caverlllllental. anc1 popal.ar reaction to fri~iiunr operations.(3) s~ interest reports were aul:lllitteci on:t a) NVll pollq rega1'ding actions anc1 conduct ot NVN#.alulz!ua. towcda us pllota dcnmeci at aea •. (b) The dovDing and disposition ot US a1rcra.t't anc1 pilots~(2) 'l'!leee nPw ts ~ Prorideci intcmaation on mJ:lltary91~_.,. r.':t.i.utiu a1ans the::..'lVN coaA- other-nb3~_zoeporteci-4n ware:--(a) Political, ecOilCllllic, anc1 social. a.ct.ivitiea in tbe1d.Jlla!lW ad halllleta ot the llVN coastal. region.(b) Beach anc1 h7drograpl11c intol'lll&tionoc. Studies, Estilllatee. and Amle:ma m""red:(1) Intelligence Alma: to OPWI ll-06 SlllT GUN. Mq 1966 •.. .Page 1.6ot ll9 pages

occupied and unoccupied,.between 17°-JO'N in October 1966.(.3) Intelligence Annex to OPLAN 37D-66 !or 0ambodian MAROPS.November 1966.(Z.) Intelligence Annex to OPI.AN FREEDOM SHIP. December 1966.HAROPS.d. Target Deve1otment: A total. o! 98 target-a were deve:.eped !ore·.Prob1SI Areas Encountered:·(1) Time!T receipt o! pre-etrike .;.erial. photogr.:.pb:y.(a) low priorit7 aasi&ned. to Photo requeeta.the Na.v;r.(b) Deli~%'7' •711t&D used to transport missicn. film traila(2) Seleation o! targets bssed on an overall priorit7 bssis~(3) Acticma taksll to remed;r JIZ'Ob1ems:(a) CINCPAC waa requested to sssign priorit7 I to preatrikephotograpq. This priorit7 was uaigned sa ot October.(b) Dar..ng A.~ a coordinated procedure was estah11shed• to ezped.ite transportation and del1V1t1'7' ot pre-etrike photograpey.j -... ~..., "i'~C ... .. -·t. <strong>Special</strong> Cosstal. stuw: A compar .• tive at~ o! eosstal de!ensesin RVH waa made using MAr-.Jm: cnci OCT-NOV phgtograpb:y.(1) The at~ waa 11.mited to the areo. th.a.t had usable comparatbephoto coverage avail.abla •)" ~ -(2) Results ot the at~ shCMKl an overall inereue in the are.;.c:ovel"ed in the !oll.cndng:(a) hcMng~.l4 ml(b) Coastal. detense gaD pod.t.icma-.33-(c) .ut.ur 'll'e&JIOila poeitnlna-l3r- , ..-·-..:'' ·I~.• 'I.':~,_-;,.w~~~;:~,i"':.'·:t:'~·='lO:#Ili'.'PfA•ww:.o,;JOI'II_P.'I,JIIr(d) SecuritT poats-lS(e) Blmbrs-11z.. ('l'SLD) .umoPS rntelllgcce Activities:

· ....,. (···~ .... ;..:· ..... ~..,~_; .,:,!:}/:~~~;~ .. ~;:::·, ....'· I.r, '.. ~·~-~..' ..,..(2) The majority ot these- spot' reports provided road vatchtJPS in!ozmation and general area obsenations. other suiljecto reportedon were:(a) GNVN activities in the Meo Tribal areu and Meo res-to these activities •ponse~(b) Local security procedures.(c) Evacuation ot urban areae •(d) Shipping in Haiphong, Ron Gq, and Cam Pha.(e) Resulta ot !riendJ.T airet:rikes.(t) Treat:l:ent ot dC1ollled US pilots.. :: .·.· ..·-.I ..... :' ..··.{g) Anti-US propaganda.(h) General economic and political. intonnation •(i) Construction activities.b. rntelllgence In!omaticn Reports: ·One intelligence intomationnport vu ntmitted on the Meo response to GNVN et.torts to win Meo support.c. Studies. Estimates, and Annexes prepa."'l!Cl:(1) General area studin wre prepared tor the areaa ot opera-

:~. .,.',':.:,;•......... ~,.. .. ~~·r'·:::,:~~-;~~· :· :..:..:··.·.·....-~.'•.·...··•...... .;~ .·I 0•·/< rro:. . . \:·'UMDISpossible targets tor DANIEL BOONE ope;atioiia when approved by higher heedquarters•.b. Photo -interpretation ot Cambodia was limited by the type otphotograpi!T available. During 1966, high-altitude photographT was the o~type ava1lable. ·7. (TSLD) Air/Anti-Air Intelligence Activities:a. The air/anti-air element ot the <strong>Operations</strong> Section maintainedall AAA, Air, SAM, radar, and EOB tor Laos, NVN and SVN. · A graphic cU.a~ot these holdings in addition to OB ~~~~ were maintained.'b. Support was provided. to let Flt Det, ABNOPS, JPRC, MAROPS, andSHll'llNG BRASS through the time}T location and. identification ot eni!IITair and. anti-air detenaea in the areas ot operations.8, (C) SecuritT Activitiee: The following is a lillting 9t =ajpractivitiee in addition to +.he routine inveetigations and. inspections conducted.b:r the SecuritT Section:•• ·!.. ':· .. ,··: I·. •,(;a. Prepared. the SOG SecuritT Directive 38~.b. Eatabllahecl briefing procedures tor non-sOG personnel and.personnel assigned. and. attached. to SOG.c. Initiated. civilian and. milit&rT (VN) carcl. and. peraonalitTt1les, aZIIl procedures tor aecuritT checlas on theae personnel at the AM EmbusT,OSA, and. VN National Pollee.d.. Established continuing IJ.aillon with S'l'S •. Dur1lig 1966 theSe~'itT Section asaiated. S'l'S in eatabllahing aecuritT regulations and. aSecuritT Section •,. PraYided. technical aaaiatance to SOG with:.,: : :(l) DASE inllpeotiona and. electronic aweepa.F-lOO Kit, recorder during 1966.)(2) llAMI!: aanice and. support.(Acquired.- .o--(3) Photographic aenice ·tor SOG pasaee and. other otticialr. Prepared the toll.owing d.ocumenta:(l) Evacuation/Fire Plan, JaDWD'T 1966.(2)(3)(4)MACSOG D"'r 6~-l, SOG paaa· ..,.stem, S :April; 1966.I 'Pasain : tense Plan, June 1966.I \SecuritY' 3Ction SOP, N~ 1966,


APPENDIX m - OPERATIONS('l'SLD) Appendix III contains the historical sUIIIIII81"ies o! the operationalaspects ot OPLAN 34A. These are pre~~ented in tour sections:Section l - Maritime <strong>Operations</strong>Section 2 - . Air <strong>Operations</strong>Section 3 - Psyehological <strong>Operations</strong>Section 4 - Airborne <strong>Operations</strong>G. .~.;:· ·'..C •'. _,)-. I,:Pagej'iz:_ot ll9 pages,f

. .SECTION l - lWU'1'liD: OPERATION~-.The ~orer1t&.a~lm:,ea mi

..... ~ •... :.w..,.... -~·,:;.- .,,... :;·;:}::: ~·~" . ,,~:.,$~.:~~:11f(;·' >""' . :"lj'j·.... >~.· .. -j,,3/

OPERATION.RESULTS.'·.TOTALSCY 1966126 Primary msns56 Secondary msns35.3 prieoners captured..352 prieoners returned.86 enea~T cratt deetroyed.1.6 enea~T cratt damaged.2,000,000 PSYHAR 1ea!letedietributed by 81Dml mortar.60,000 PSYHAR gilt ld.tll.delivered.2,600 PS!HAR radiosdelivered.t. General:.·.......-::·:__.,., :"·"!"''.!"·~:'i.. •·.....'···.·~:·:.:~· :-:·:~·(1) No MAROPS were conducted in 1966 untU 17 Februa.ry •.at. vtlich time a 55~ JCS-ordered st.andcnm vaa teminated •~~~=~ lliiUIIJr;;)as through o· at.t.ri t.ion,crattmissions were scheduled w:Lt.h a detinite 't'itlll' toward conae1"'1ing PTP'assets on. hand. Neverthelees, missions were executed along the entireHVN cout. and ov.r one-halt ot the total }W!OPS missions conclucted in1966 were execut8ci north or 19-ooN.J~me.Orticer, MAROPSAssistant.•:.:..... - (I.-) .....,...... MA'Ii otticft' inCJsarp, ~D OD 1 Mq.• • (5) On .31 ~the Clliet, Naval Adviso17 G~p, Milita1')"leeiet.anae Cammanci, Vietltlllll, approved the TaU tor the naval elementot the Coastal. Security Service. -Apptoved strength vas set at. .362V1etnmeee Naval personnel. An avenge ot ll PTF ~revs ·..-cmposed ot1\fa.,al P'Brsi,Ml'l wre thr · · the

"": ·• ,i.· i~ ..•..~ .. , ,.~~··~,\'':.:.~\.;·A:),~i'.·•• "':",1.~ ... :·.,· .:::,;.33'

;->,,,: ~:...•..' '..(7) PTF -·operational. statWI varioci due tomaterial. caaualtiea ~nal. losses. 'nlree nar traat;r ClassPTFa were acquired in 1966. All three o! o! these boats were aubaequent~lost during the J'll&r. The invento17 at the o! the J'll&rconsistecl o! nine Naat;r PTFs At the end o!· 1966 s- llast;r Clue PTFs V81'8 in the SOG invent0%7•An average o! seven Na.et7 Clue PTFsoperationall.;r read;r th!l'Otlghout the Tl'&r· At the end o! 1966 thestatue ot .replacement. PTFs was re!lect.ed in a JCS message which statedthat. the l'rlzlllw Boat Yard, Annapolis, ~!aeyland, hadbeen avarcieci 11. contract to bUild six Naat;r Class PTFs with first deliver:r in lS months.2. (TS) <strong>Operations</strong>:The moat e!!scti ve operations conducted b;r HAROPSwere PTF ma.'•itime interdiction miaaiona... ,:·'. ~:yearat.'ta:~Lnlng the degree o! success anticipated. SISftl'iU. !actol'llcontributed to the ralati~ poor results achieved in action team miaaiona.Adnne veathezo caused cancellation o! miaaiona which could not beraoheduled until. the suitable moon phaae in thein-with.. - - . m:atual inter!erence were CJIC':Lencec!lllt'Drilllll!'ilT pre-strike" . . .. :·.. ·~·.·..'•3 • . (TS) Training:

.•' .·- •.~''; .......t.:•·.' ....UMDISwu schecluleci anci executed as a t1nal rehearsal. !or a fUture mi1111ion inNVN and as near~ as possible involV'ecl elements anci techniques which theteams woulci experience in operations in NVN. In adciition to the Valueo! SO'l'ROPS in regard. to action team training, intel.ligence in!o:n~~&tiono! Value to them MAP' in the I Corps wu !urnished to G-2, m MAF.. :'. :;,_~ ... ~. '. j. . 1-.·!. ·.;j('j'b. Boat Crew 'Ira1n1ng. Cyclic snci re!reaher training continueciwhenever boat anti J abi 11 t7 anci oper2.tional requirsnents permittee!.InciiTiciual and multi~e boat tsctics as well &a gunneryancl !ire ciiaci~e were streueci. Proper cCIIIII!llmication proceclureswere emphas1 zeci constant~ as wu the proper use o! recognition proceciuree;The Mobile Support Team began a program o! trs1n1ng all<strong>Vietnam</strong>ese eng:ln•ering ratil:ga in maintenance anci rspail' o! the NapierDllltic engines, the propuleion s711t&ll ot the Nast7 PTF.4. ( 'l'S) F.quiiJilllllt :S. ( 'l'S) P'acilltiear ·base !or !W!OPS cratt at USNAD Danangbecanee ot the increasecl waterbornej)e:l'II-CmllLIIl. in the 1mect1 ate area • (.b. In the· II1IIIIIIIG' ot 1966 the aatian tealll base camp constructionat. Black Rock 1f&ll cCDpl8teci. Action t111111111 were relocated at•)"·..........•..1'41!".fiUJl!i,,:Cqi.f?04W·O£it. •,.;r,,t1"''l''l't'!t,'I#IIJ!WI'i'.•• I!!ZPI"l·~:!'14!7.'!.!1':5r:

I - •th1a CIIIIIP tl'CIII their 1nd1vic1~ Clllllps in the vicinitT ot HT !he.Thae Clllllpa were tlll'fted over to the Danang· Real Estate Directoratetor other than SOG uae. US SEAL advisors continued to be baaed at.HT !he with their move t.o Black Rock scheduled in f:!-67. In t.hetall ot 1966 an upl.ollion ot unknown origin extensi~ clalllagec1 t.heHT Khe Clllllp. Repaire were ettected; bgyeyezo, no rebn1ld1ng ot tacilit.ieswu undert.akm since all activities will be t.ram~terred t.o BlackRock cluri%lg tiret ot f:!-07.'··.••. ~.·..... > . ~·· ,.~J•-•-· -..,,---------- -~-------------.~~--~~--~~~~~~~· ··~~C~.~.)~I~~·~W$~.~,:~.(1P.I.~.t~ •. f"l~.i~i"IIPi'~·i~.~i.~iWr

··... • ... ', .... ...•·,: :_.;( :(lit,•.:r' ..SECTION 2 -AIR OFERATIONS1. (TSLD) MISSmN'. The primary mission ot Air <strong>Operations</strong> is to provideresponsive air support tor SOG operations 1n S011theast Asia, with a•econciarT miesion ot turniahi.ng adequate logistics airlltt tor SOG activities.2. (TSLD) GENERAL. During CY 66 various types o! aircratt wereused. to support the progrSIIDiled. operation for the year. The !ollow'...r.ghilltoZT tor Air <strong>Operations</strong> is outlined. 1n three distinct air support areas 1OPLAN 341 (operations 1n NVN), SIIIND.'G BRASS (counterins~eney- La!Js/ .SVR border area) an:!. logistics support tor soo· activities. A chronologyot the sigDUicant Air <strong>Operations</strong> events ot CY66 is ·shown at Tab III-2-A..•:,.•,:.t....... ··-. . . .~· ..' '.....: .· ..;-.......,,,.,. ·~: ..-: .·... ~-~·:.:·. :;_'·:.: ·'~. : .r-··\.:.,'~;a. The greatest limiting !actor during this period waa weather.Thirt,...aine percent ot the tllghta scheduled. were cancelled. or aborted. torthia reason.b. The charta at. TABS m-2-B and C ·provide mission datllo by t7P'ot aircraft CJilD7ed ill aupport ot OPLAN 34A ciur1ng the period.4. ('!StD) SHINING BRASS Air Support;.a.. c Air <strong>Operations</strong> supported thtt SHINING BRASS mission ~six to ten VRAP H-34 hellcopters with eipt VNAF Cren, and two VNAF U-17aircraft with two VNAF U-17 crews. This wa~~ supplemented with tour to ten1lS UJq 11)1-1 hellcopters and crews. I.ogiatica support waa initiall.T providedby SOG C-l23's. Begj!l!!1ng 20 October, C-130 aircratt were added..t1SAP provided PAC (Forward. Air Controller) wupport using o-1 aircratt.llSlP f18hter aircraft .were tilled sa air cover ciuriDg intiltrationa and exfiltrations.b. ·SA I HIM BlUSS operations were triplecl ciur1ng CI 66, vbichtriplecl air •uppoz•t ~- VlW' H-34 reaG~Zrcea used by SBllfillG~ iDcz-.aed t%'a!IJi;l: to a mrd'""" o_t ten~ •.-91 other_ai,rcratt_· euppor~ iDcreaaed Jll"'porti~. During a typical operaticmal period (lSJ~ tbrougb 26 Suptll!lber) US A:ntrr UH-lB g1111Ships tlew 8.3 sorties ill !lupportot SHDIIW B!ASS. The ci&qe 1ntllc:ted wu 9J en4!1111T st.racturea destl'OJ'Id,48 en.aT atl-lloturea a-aged, aDi one bridge destroyed. In addition t.o this,UH-lB gaasbips tlew lOl. !n.t1lt.ration and IIZtil.traticm escort sorties duringthe ,.,. period. · .··--:·,I .. I). II 1' ' Page 37 ot ll9 rwsa

' .HP,..-UMDISc. The. present tJE (Unit Equipmea:~.ot the VNAF 83d TacticalAir Graul), wbich supports SHINJ..oli ~ operations, alrthor!:ea l3 H-34hel1co¢ere. Ta H-34'• were aaaigned originaJ.lT. One aircraft waa loatoperati~ in 1966, and. ·!tt'f' the rcainder ot the rear the n=ber ot aircraftaaaigned Z'elllained at nine. Additional H-34 1 a, to be obtained f'romthe US Nav, will be aaaigned to the S'Jd TAG to attain the llE ot lSaircraft..--- ,..S. (TSLD) Logistics Airlift Support.a. Dllring CY 66, Air <strong>Operations</strong> logistics Section !ragged 442miaaiona in auppoz~ancl.SOG c-1.23 andot SOG activitiea. These were nawn in South Vietn811lb. A total ot 4,891,228 pounds ot cargo and lJ ,m passengerswere airlifted d1ll"ing CY 1966. Th1l ia a considerable increaae OTer theJ)rftiaua ,-ear, caueed by ezpanded operations ot SOG.o. A ai gni ticant .even:;, tor the logistics Section during CY 66occured em 20 October 1966 when the tirst SOG c-130 misaicm waa b'aggedaDd tlalm. Tbia &ircratt can carr.r more than twice the load tor greaterdiatano• aDd at hightti! apeeds than the C-123.d. The following chart ahowa cargo and puaengere airliftedctazoing CY 66. Note that the inCZ'I&Ie in C81"go airlifted during the laatthree manthe ia clue to the addition o! c-130'•. .-~~·:... •. '. ·:~~ .....CAllCO AND PASSENGERS AIRI.IPTED DURING CY 66HOB'l'H CAJ!CO (Pounda) PASSENGEI!SJm. )·34~.837 8:&9Feb 242,7lS 456•Mar _341,715 1,0ll.lJil' 409,268 916Jlq-· 375,624 1,012.11m 321,227 1,204Jul.. 436,535 1,465lq 432,814 1,1.22...Sep 352,833 1,748Oct' 459,064UMDISNoT 596,254. ·1,uoDec \. STT ,342 . 1,4:o!O ..I .,, •Page.,l'Lo! ll9 pa;

.-... •J,.'''"'-_,~,'),:'jr·.'t~li ....·,f.4.•:· ~~'\ ·. ¥' .. ~,',. .. .,;,; ~39

SECTION 4 - AIRBORNE OPERATIONS1. (TSLD) PLANNING AND POLICY:.-LIM DISa. MACSJG ~g DTG l00725Z Feb 66ment ot tour addition~ areas for l111"eJ.J.J.gezlcement, and psychological operation~~.1"­\•,. •·..l·'•i.... .>l

.• ~"''J... i.'!.a.-:r< .~ .. '··.·

. •····.. ~ •: . ;.·-~_":_.:....·:·;.· .. -.. -.-......-:·· .,f;· '--~·.:.:_~ .. ;·:·:..• .,., ..Inclosure .3 (Combat <strong>Operations</strong>) to TAB III-4-F (Training Activities at CempLong Thanh) •(S) The following is a mont~ SUllllll&17 of combat operations conductedduring 1966. The strength ot the Civilian Irregular Defense <strong>Group</strong>(CIDG) Battalion tor. each month is included.a. During the year the Security (CIOO) Battalion conducted thefollowing recurring type security operations:'lf&T 15 .(l)Daily 5CHnan road clearing and security detail on high-........ ~ :·~ ... nightly.(2)(.3)Eight 5-ill&ll embush sites outside of Cemp I.Dng Thanh··.·Five 5-man securit,- sites around· ,.urneld 24 hours daily.(4)One 15-ill&ll embuah 11ite in TAOR nightly.(5) In addition, search and destro,- operations were conductedas shown in the following IIUllllll&17' ot operations.b. SUllllll&17 of' combat operations conducted b7 personnel fromCemp I.Dng Thanh during 1966:(l) January: CIDG strength 4.33. Three platoon-size searchand destro,- operations were conducted in the TAOR~ On two of' these operationseniiiiJT contact was. made I Results: 1 VC WIA and l VC flag captured.'(2) February: CIDG strength 410. One compan,- and one platooneize search and destro,- operations were conducted. Two company-sizedoperations were conducted in coordination with the l73rd US Airborne Brigade(No contact with the enemy' resulted from this operation). Results:l VC WIA, l Russian Carbine captured.(.3) March: CIDG strength 400. Two compeit,--eize and threeplatoon-size search and destro,- operations were conducted. Platoon-sizeelcents operated with units of' the let US Intantr,- Division. NotiDIIIIJT contact •-{4) April.: Cim-strength-,3-94.-.. Two compaz~7-and five platoonsizesearch anci destl'OT operations were conducted. En111117 contact was made.Results: l CIDG WU, 1 US Carbine and 2 US Grenades captured.(5) M&,-: CIDG strength 385. One canpall7-size and onepl&toon-eize search and destro,- operations wer1t caad.adell.· No eni!IIT contact.(6) June: CIDG strength .379. One comJl&ll7 and four pl&­toon-eize search and destro,- operations were conducteci. Results: 1 CIDGWIA.

·· ... ., ... .·. ·.·''. . .·.,~ ...'•'·: .. :·. :.:...::;· ~: '.....·'.:.(7) J~: CIOO strength 384.was conducted. No enSDT contact.Jti~US(8) August: diOO strength 385.pali7-Size operation was conducted. Results:One compaDT-~~izeoperationDuring this month one com-2 CIOO WIA •(9) September: CIOO strength 452. One compan7 and twoplatoon-size operations were conducted. Results: -1 VC WIA, 1 RussianCarbine and 1 US Carbine captured.· (10) October: CIOO strength 507. Two comp&nY"-size search anddestro,. operations were conducted. Results: :;L US KIA, 1 US WIA, 2 CIOO WIA,2 VC WIA, 1 US M-l6 captured.(ll) November: CIDG strength 504. 1 CIDG 3/4 ton truckwas ambushed on hishlla,- 15. Results : 9 CIDG KIA, 5 CIDG WIA, 1 LMGlost, 1 60MM Mortar lost, 6 BAR 1 s lost, 6 M2 Carbines !jl et.(l2) December: CIDG strength 461: During this month,nooperations -~re conducted.c. ·Results ot operations conducted during 1966 •(1) EnSDT: 1 KIA, 4 WIA, 2 Russian Carbines,1 M-l6, 1 M-1,1 US Carbine, 2 Grenades and 7 Mines captured.(2) FriendlT: 1 US KIA, 1 US WIA,. 9 CIOO KIA, l2 CIDGWIA, 1 LMG, 1 6CMM Mortar, 6 BAR' 11 and 6 Carbines lost.·'LIWl~ISPage 96 ot~es.: a :att.n~·~tr~.,amr.:;;! .ww. •.+·n•.w ••¥ , :e:

.:> ;:'r.·· ..... :(·-.-.• .. ·... ,._;~ ::.: ..APPEmlii IV - SHINING BRASS(TSLD)S~ o£ <strong>Operations</strong>UMDIS. a. Background. SHINING BRASS Pha.8e I operation8 were initiatedin October 1965. Reconnaissance (Spike Team) operations were conductediniti~ at a rate o£ three to tour per month in 1965 and reached anaverage o£ 11 per month in 1966. Pwe II operations were authorized on20 June 1966 and were conducted thereafter at a frequency- o£ about twoper month.b. Present Concept o! <strong>Operations</strong>.(1) Phue I and II operations are authorized in that areao£ Laos eut o£ a line £rom X09042l2 to YB 4496801 and extending south toCambodia. A temporary- extension exists £rom the northern limit o£ theoperational area to the DMZ to a depth o! £i ve Kin into Laos.(2) Phase III operations have not y-et been authorized...(>(3) Three Nung exploitation battall:::ns (called a HornetForce i! platoon size, a Havoc Force i£ company- size, and a Haymaker Forceit battalion size) and 20 Spike Teams are authorized. Spike Teams andHornet Forces are recruited and equipped in Saigon by- the Liaison Bnreau,a combined US/ARVN detachment. ·Training b conducted at the Forward OperatingBaaea No 1 and 3 (FOB 1 and 3) at Hue Phu Bai in I Corps, at FOB 2at Kontum in II Corps and at Kham Due in II Corps. In-country- tra1 ni ngminions are conducted £rom these bases. Out-o£-ccuntry- missions are alsoconducted £rom these bases and £rom DakTo in II Corps and Khe Sanh in ICorps.'·(4) SHINING BRASS !orcea also support the Jcint PersonnelRecovery- Center (JPRC) by- conducting operations to recover US prisonersor evadeea, both in and out-o£ -country-. ·c. Operational Highlights.(1) The first ARC LIGHT (B-52 Str'...ke) bomb damage assessment(BDA) in Laos was performed by- Spike Team 28 February- on target P-1.A total o! five ARC LIGHT BDA 1 e were per!ormecl during the y-ear.---·-- -(2) !".&- !irat Hornet Force-operation-was ~nducted 16April.. A total. o! 13 isxploitation operations by- thb t7P8 unit were conductedduring the y-ear.(3) SHINING BRASS supported III MAF operations in QuangTri Province during the period 18 September - 15 October by- infiltratingnine in-country- targets and eight Laoe targets (MA-l thz ·,.gil MA-15) nearthe DMZ.ge 97 o£ 119 pages.¥

( . ·~.~--., '· '"•(4) The.} tint bHT LIGHT (POW recover:r) mission was per!ormedby a Spike Team in NVN on l October. The pilot was dead,but his bo~ was.recoveud. A total o! !our BRIGHT LIGHT missions were conducted during. the rear,one in-countl7,two in NVN, and one in Laos. The last missionsuccesstuJ.l.T recovered a pilot •. (S) The first successi'n~was conducted bya Spike Team 3-7 October on target MA~(6) A total o! lS prisoners were captured and 72 enfli!ITkilled ( confimed bod;r count) by SHINING BRASS elements during this ;rear.Fri~ lossea were three US and l6 VN KIA, !ive US and 25 VN MIA.(7) SHINING BRASS operations ere tabulated at TAB IV-A.., ..r:c·ll .--- ·u ·--~-. ',,Page 98 ot...11.2..,pages

UMDITAB IV-A - SHINING BRASS OPERATIONS, 1966MONTHDATESTARGETTYPE UNITREI-lARKSJanuar,y(.3 ST)6-8 0-19-ll M-11.3-14 N-1Spike TeamII IIIIII··:~·:· .. ·.:··.·;:·, .·~: ',R.: .. ;.(Febraary(9 ST)Mare!'>(6 ST)7-9 U-17-9 V-115-18 S-117-19 Q-121-23 R-123-26 H-128 P-128 0-128-1!!ar ~!-114-16 X-115-16 Y-117-19 Z-123-26 B-124-27 B-226-27 A-2II IIII•II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBDA ARC UGHTBDA ARC UGHT:::-: : ....--~''•.·:.r:(April.(8 ST & lHF)·'2-4 D-27-8 A-110-ll W-114-16 N-218-21 F-222-26 K-225-28 L-228-29 E-2IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIandHornet Forcen IIIIIIIIIIIIII1 PO'o'l.3 VN KIAMq(10 ST)8-12 Q-210-12 R-212-16 P-215-17 J-218 R-2-18-22 !1-:l-20-24 V-224-28 G-1nIIn- IIIIIInIIIIIIlL-.... _IIIInnIIlvcm3 POW, 1 VC KIA150 NVN seen26-30 L-1.31-3 Jun J-.3..11 nIIIIBDA ARC LIGHT1POWUIIIS;i U:.GfUiP:.. i+J•ILSDlb!' :flll'f._t,.. ·5'.')1! ~. t .*·' * I P, tl I

MONTH DATES TARGETTYPE UNITREMARKS......... ~-··-.JlDle 8-ll· E-2(8 ST & 2 !IF) 12-lA. J-112-17 F-317-20 G-318-23 I-321-:.!4 H-3:.!4-26 0-228-2 Jul Z-1. J~ ll-15 D-3,. 16-18 W-3(22-27 A-4}'> .23-26 C-4!.··, . 23-28 B-4.! ~ •.C...... ...26-28 C-4-27-29 A-428-30 B-4.28-31 D-429-31 A-429-2 Aug C-43D-l Aug I-3 & F-43D-2Aug D-4August 3-4 I-3 & F-4(ll ST & 2 !IF) 3-7 B-4J-7 C-46-8 J-47-9 I-4.'7-ll G-47-12 H-4ll-12 F-419-22 N-3:.!)-:l6 K-323-.26 M-3".29-1 Sep _ E-4_-September- 2-3 Z_.J.(15 ST & 3 !IF) 2-5 Y-J3-5 :S:-3 & U-33-5 K-3 & U-34-6 Z-38-10 L-"J & V_.Jll-15 S-3Spike Tel!lllII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11andHornet Force·II" and·Hornet ForceII II .II IIII"" II"IIIIIIIIIIIIII" n"n"" "II"" II "n"2 VC KIA5 VC KIA1 VC KIA1US&:2VNMIA1US&lVNKIAl POW2 POW2 VC KIA , 2 PO'IIJ VC KIA, 2 POWHornet Force 2 VC KIASpike Tel!lll and l VC KIAHo:met ForceSpike Team. 1 VN MIA.n"IIII"IInIIHo:met ForceII II'ltdke 'l'el!lllII nIIIIBDA ARC LIGHTBDA ARC LIGHT2 VC KIA4 VC KIAPage1 OOo.t 119 P"~ee

... .:.;,• .)!17~1:;:{;;~~;Jzt;j ..,·~MONTHDATESTARGETREMARKS. .• f~"t\o-~i?:'··''i;-c·~~:·:~ ~: ~-.ti~/;'•.::;f.:"~\:;,. ~..;- ..·.;..~-~-..,..·::.:·._r.:-~-­:r:·,:~-~:.·-; ... ~:··,( ·~/\_Septanber(Cont•d)15-1818-2018-2018-20.21-2221-:.U.22-2424-2625-2825-:G9October 1(12 ST & 2 HF)3-4:3-78-111()..1111-121.3-151618:Gl.-2827-2927-3029-131-2 NovR-:3MA-:GJ.fA-1MA-4MA-5MA-3MA-6}{A-1MA-7MA-8N. <strong>Vietnam</strong>BRIGHT LIGHT.MA-12MA-10.MA-15MA-1.3MA-10MA-10BRIGHT LIGHTin NVNBRIGHT LIGHTin IV CorpsCRIMSON TIDEW-4J-5I-5-3E-5Spike Team andHornet ForeeSpike Team In-countryII II II II, 2 vcKIAII IIIn-country,II II II II6 vcKIA 'II II II II2 vcKIAII II1 POWII IIIn-country, 200VC seenII IIIn-countryII II II II' 6 vcKIA, _1 US & :.! VNMIA, 100 VC seenII IIRecovered deadpilot.II II1 VC KIA, 3 us&3VNMIAII IIWire TapIIIIII n In-eo'IDltryIIIIHornet ForceSpike TeamHavoc ForceSpike TeamIIIIIIII8-90 VC seen4 NVN KIA.2 POW, 2 US KIA,11 VN KIA, 17 VNMIA3 VC KIAII II3 VC KIAnn/.o-··.· Nonmber(8 ST & 1 HF)2-3.:L-84-57-1.3ll-1.31.3'-1418-192024-28A-4I-J __L-4MA-10H-5B-3C-3-r.-3:-2II II5 VC KIA, 4 VNKIAII--·IIIIIInIIIInn II3 VC KIAIIIIHornet ForceSpike TeamPage 101 or 119 pages·

MONTHDATESUMDISTARGET TYPE UNIT REMARKS·l' .l~:·t.;.~ ./·...·~.:..-.··.·····...1.December 9-10(ll ST & 2 HF) 9-101Q-lllJ-15lJ-151415-1617-lS192021-2526-31027-l JanP-5 Spike TeamDelta TeamII IIRecoveeyII II Hornet Force 6 VC KIAN-5 Spike Team 2 VC KIAR-5II IIDelta Team Hornet ForceRecoveryZ-5 Spike TeamII IIM-5 l VC KIAII IIQ-5II IIQ-5IIS~5.. " 1 VC KIAII IIC-6II IIA-6.... : . ~. ·.'. ·t..u .••·~·:,. __ .. .··.: .... .. -;_ ..( -:- _:.;.I\).

''1 ..:' ;.·.:.· . .'•.',: •..·' ·:UMDISAPPENDIX V - JOINT PERSONNEL RECOVERY CENTER {JPRC) ·...:.~· . ..•,·' ... ,,·.-·•··. -~ .··•:!.. ~.. .·......... ~ ...:,.-:.·:-.-··~ ..... .~ ..~ .. .···' ........ -.:. .·.•,• .. '~-~=---~-···.,.·-:.:; ..;· ...::- .' ..t''l. (TSLD) CINGPAC Top Secret message DTG l60232Z September 1966·authorized the activation o! the Joint Personnel Recove17 Center. On 17Septfllllber 1966 , the Center was activated by' COMUSMACV with the followingmission: To establish a capabillt7 within COMUSMACV for personnel recove!'Toperations subsequent to termination c:f search and rescue (SAR)ettorts. The JPRC was set up to function as a separate staff divisionwithin MACSOG. Since activation it has acted as the focal. point for all intelligenceintomation relating to detained or missing personnel in theSouthoaat Asia theater o! operations. It has utilized intomation gathereelto prepare basic operational procedures, and to reccmmend recove17operations, tor dOliJled ai:nnen in evadee or escapee status and US or alliedprisoners ot war.2. (S) The original. activation o! the Joint Personnel RecoV8!7Center authorized three o!ticers (l Col iiF, l Haj Army, l U:DR Navy) and2 enlisted men. Subsequently two additional officers i).Maj AF and l Maj~) and one enlisted man were authorized.3. (TSLD) To complement the Safe-Area program in North <strong>Vietnam</strong>, theJPRC was directed to establish Sate Area Activation Teams (SAAT). The initial.increment ot six !our-man teams was recruited and trained by' late October.Additional teams were recruited,and at the close o! the year therewere six teams operationally ready with an additional tour teams recruitedand reaw tor training. No operations were conducted during 1966 employingthe Sate Area Activation Teams.. 4. (TSLD) The Joint Personnel Recove17 Center in coordination withrepresentatives o! 7th Air Force and 7th Fleet developed a new recognitiona,mbol S71!1tl!lll to be used by' ai:nnen in an evasion status. These procedureswere appzQTed b;r CINCPAC and became et!ective on l October. Since that time,JPRC representatives have spent considerable time in the field briefing airorenot the three component cmnmands on the F&E program. The recognitions;,mbol S71!1tl!lll now in use requires that the evading ai:nnan construct apredesignated code letter f'rom whatever material is available. It is recognizedthat the ai:nnan•s task would be made much easier i! he had materialto construct the code letter available on his person. In an ettort todiscover some Ritable material., the JPRC has conducted axperiments involv-_ing ~altitude photogl'apq ot c;_ode lett~~ constructed, ot _aluminum _toil. While this pzvvecl quite satistactc!'T, the JPRC is currently tryingto procure some colored light weight plastic material. The JPRC is ot theopiDion that. thia material would photograph as well as aJnminWJl toil. anciwould have the acided advantage of packaging a sutticient quantit7 into a .smaller packet tban a like amount ot toil. Also,it would be easier tor thedowned aiman to work with.

"")!",:-~ .·.•:_; .....'~ ..:~~.. '·.'·, ..-:·'·.•.. ; .·' .. ; .·!.'5• (TSLD) :Jenera.liy' spealdllg,recovery operations taken one oftwo forms. The first of' these has been the raid type operation againstknown or suspected en~ prisoner of war camps. The following operationshave been of the raid type:a. Ooeration Crwon Tide. On 30 August 1966, a 17 year oldVC rallied to Chieu Hoi. Interrogation revealed that on 25 August he hadobserved an American Negro prisoner being held by the VC. He gave adetailed description of' the location of' the prison site. Aerial photographyof' the area was requested and flown, but yielded inconclusive results. Therallier was reinterrogRted on :.!8-29 September and based on intomation acquiredin this interrogation,. low level photogr .. phy was requested. An Air Forcecombat cameraman,using a hand-held camera from an 0-1 aircraft, obtainedexcellent photographs of' the area. On 9 October the photographs were flownto Can Tho and shown to the rallier, who positively identified the prisonarea. The rallier agreed to take a polygraph test, which wae administeredon 11 October. The results of the test indicated that the rallier probablywas telling the truth. Final arrangements were made with the SeniorCorps Advisor !or IV Corps ~ conduct a raid. On 18 October, a canpanysizedrecovery force was heliborne to the prison site. This force wasaccompanied by the source, who pointed out fortifications and areas wherebooby traps were located. Contact with the VC was made,but no US personnelwere recovered. Two VC prisoners. captured during the raid wouldreveal no information regarding US prisoners. Although the operationwas temina.ted without the successful recovery o! US prisoners,.~valuable operational lessons were learned •b. Operation Cobra Tail. On ]J December 1966, a confidentialinformant !or the Deputy of' Administration,Tay Ninh Province, gave informationon US prisoners being held by the VC. This information wasgiven to JPRC on l6 December and arrangements made for a thorough debriefingo! the source and a polygraph test. The debrief and polygrli.phtest were accomplished on 18-19 December and the source returned with thedebrief team to Saigon. Photographs were requested tr::m 7th Air Force amiboth verticals ami obliques taken. Further debriefs o:t the source were madeby personnel o:t both the lJSth <strong>Military</strong> Intelligence <strong>Group</strong> and the Joint.Personnel Recovaey Center. Because the suspected prisoner o:t war campwas located inside the Cambodian border, pemission .f'rom CDlCPAC was requiredto launch the operation. Pemission to conduct a raid type operationwas requested on 26 December. FUrther ampli.1)1ng inf'omation wassent to CnlCEAC later on the 26th and .again on the 28th o:t-Dec.-mber. Permisllionwas granted on 29 December .to launch the operation. The operationwas launched at approximately l220H, 30 December, employing elements o:t the25th Intantry Division. Contact with the VC was made, but no US prisonerstwere recovered. 35 VC were killed in action ami 34. detainees apprehended.Later interrogation o:t the detainees disclosed that US prisoners had beenseen in the area prior to the operation. Valuable intelligence was gatheredtraiL the debriefs as well as .f'rom captured doclllllents. Although this operationdid not result in the recovery of US prisoners of war, again it providedvaluable experience with re£:erence to techniques utilized in this t7Pe ofoperation. · ·: ...

....' ·.'· ..;6. (TSLD) The other type of opention condt:cted by the Joint PersonnelRecovery Center has involved the search of an area l>ilere personnel who areevading, or who have escaped, are known or strongly suspected to be. Todate these operations have taken place either· in North .llietr:am or in Laos.The .following operations were conducted daring 1966: --·· ·-a. Operation Number 1. On 23waa heard by aircraft operating in thecorrelated moat closely with a reportwent down in the general area on l2cover,y operation was made to Cll!CPAC on 24 September. CiliCPAC approved thist ntingent upon approval .from American :Embassies in Bangkok andBangkok concurred in Joint Recove:o:r Centera recover,y op!!ration,•... ~. ~ I.. I(.'-•...... u~ undue attention to the area.The team waa split into two groups, with one group searching the immediatearea where the signals were heard, while the other group searched along theaxis of natural terrain features in a southeasterly direction. This seemedto be the most probable course the downed a1man would take. In additionboth teama interrogated v1l.l.age into:nnants in the general area of the searchto detenaine it the pilot had been sighted or aircraft wreckage seen.Both the searches and the interrogations were negative. Teams were withdra'llntl'all the area on 3 October and the operation suspended at that time.rbn Operatio:. Number 2. On 29 Septsber, a report waa received ·that an "Fiif was down in the vicinity of \'IE973l (Laos). Search and Rescuelaunched a reco .. •!7 operation at first light, 30 September 1966, and onepilot was recovered. The parachute rescue man sighted t!le otl,er parachutein the trees, but could not be lowered due tc the ruggedness of'the terrain. On 30 September, the Joint Search and Rescue Center requestedassistance. tram JPRC. Atter obtaining necesaar,y apprc7als, a BRIGHT LIGHTtam was l&unched on the morning of' l October. At approx:l.mately 1.635,the body of Major Saul (nmn} Wuman, USAF, wu recovered. The recover,y wasmade at coordinates XEJ.040, which is in North <strong>Vietnam</strong> rather than Laos.Major Wnman was apparently Jd J 1 ed when he rele3Sed himsel! from hia parachutehamese anci tell approzimatel.y lOO teet trCI!!l the trees. A CJD hell-.copter vas emploJ'ed to int1J.trate and eztiltrate the BRIGHT LIGHT teamaa well aa the recovered bod7. Due to the inaccessibllitT o.t' the terrain, -ttte helicopter winch was used. This operation was tenninated on l Octo--ber. '-· ·- - - · · ·'· - · · - -c. Operation Canasta 572. On l2 October, a NaVT A-l,call. sign A.Canasta 572, was dcnmed in the vicinit:r of l926N/l0533E. Voice contact was ..made with the pilot anc1 his exact location detem.ined, but sesrch and rescueet!orte vere anauccesatiU due to the enllll1' situation and the dense treeCOYer that pnuented the lowl!lring ot a 11ling to the pilot~ The Joint PerllonnelRecovery Center waa asked .for assistance on l4 Oct;)ber. A BRIGHT LIGHT ~!

..... > .;·.·: :· ~-.·.•·.··. '.'···.;.. ::·, .. '.. :·:.:~.; ..'= ~(~::~·::·UMDISteam wu readied and launched that evening. It arrived on the carrier USSIntrepid at appro:dmatel.y' midnight and was prepared to launch at first light,l5 October. The weather on 15 October prevented the launch ot the recoveryteam. On 16 October, the recovery team waUelilittecLto._.the... area ot thedowned pilot and .. landed at a point approximati!!:J.y_S()O_meters. _trom-liis lastknown :position. The team planned to sweep toward the pilot in l!lld.:mil!lhf'ozmation. Appro:Cmatel.y' lOO meters trom the target, the team encountereda large trail unrier the jungle canow. Thil!l trail wal!l taken under l!lurveillance.Arter appro:dmatel.y' i'itteen minutes, a Horth <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese uni.f'omeripatrol, obviously' engaged in l!learch, approached within lO meters oi' the teamand the team learier thought thq had been detecteri. The patrol wall engagedand all !'our members were ld.lleri. The team leader requel!lteri exi'iltration,reeling that the team was compromberi. During the exi'iltration, one helicopterwu hit by grounri tire at the exi'iltration point. On the tllghtout, the helicopter was again hit and three team members (one US, two VN)received minor i'ragment wounds. The helicopter was eventually' lost.Electronic and visual searches of'. the area were continued !'or several r1a7swith negative results anri the operation wall suspenrieri. It wu learnedlater that the pilot who wall the object o.f' this operation bad been capturecl.d. Operation Shark. At appro:dmatel.y' lSlO on 27 October, anAir Force F-l.05 went riown in the vic1nit7 o.f' YB2025. A ·forward air controllerworking in the area in conjunction with a SH~G BRASS operationestablished voice contact with the downed pilot. The Joint PersonnelRecovery Center was notitied and a BRIGHT LIGHT mission requested.. Aradio message was sent to Dak To requesting a helicopter be sent tor arecovery operation. Two Anq UH-lB gunships and one unamed helicopter weredispatched to the scene. The pilot waa located when he !'ired three pen gun!'lares. Using '-is landing light, the unamed UH-lB helicopter picked thepilot up at appro:dmatel.y' l900 hours and the operation wall teminated.: .•.":,·.· ....... ·-·~···. ..:.· .......e. Operation <strong>Command</strong>o 01. On 1.6 November 1966, an Air ForceA1~, call sign Commanclo 01, went down in the vic1nit7 of' coordinates1525N/l0633E. Three crewmen were on board the aircraft and all exitedthe aircraft successtul.l.y'. Search and Rescue efforts were initiated immediately'and the pilot and co-pilot recovered. The crew chief', who waa thetint man to leave the aircraft, 'W&II not found. The pilot stated he baddetinitel.y' seen the crew chief' with a good chute·.; The Joint Personnel Reecn~rCenter wu not1!1ed ot the above develo:r;mentsha4 been napended •contacted and asked to i:lftnr.l..derecohil) At a tlaah message wu sent to the Amari-·cazi mnlluq; Vilmtiane, Laosthat thef'easibilitT ot a search in theexplored.Vientiane con~~idered the search tor1ntiltration into the area on 17 NOTelllber. sunset on 16 November, anAir .American Dornier made a loudspeaker tlight over the area advising thedo11ned a.1zman to build a tire .tor recognition purposes aa a night low levelrecce would be tlown that evening and. that incligenous recovel7' f'orces would.

···....::.:..',:-··...-·.....'.\' ...~- .·. ;: -~.·· .'. ·.• -·..·., ....·.'.:' ~ .. :;:~.;~.-:··:.:f?1~',.·,,;.._....,..·., ..... '.;··.-.~~.....-=~:~·:-·, '·:.:.:':' ... : '• ~ 4 • '''·'·~! ... .... ;c·be searching the area beginning the following day-. An A26 aircraft perfonnedthe low level ,recce the night or the 16th with negative results.On 17 November, a recovery team of 40 personnel was infiltrated into the areaby' HH.3 helicoptera ot the 20th Air <strong>Command</strong>o Squadrcn a.'ld search operationswere started. On 18 November, the search force was augmented to a totalstrength o! 150 personnel. Search operations continued thro-aghout aneight day period. During the eight day period, a total of 175 FAR troopsand 70 SGU CAS forces participated in the search and a total of 70 airsorties were f'l.own. The main body o! troopa searched the area where theaiman 'e parachute was believed to have !allen and round no sign or theainnan or hill chute. Villagere questioned in the area claimed to have noknowledge o! the ainnan'll rate •. It wall felt the ainnan was either killedor captured within 48 hours after bailout. The operation was sullpendedon 24 November.~ ~5 operation Scramble. On 2 December, a Delta Team (Recon- fj_1naieeance unit IJ! 5th <strong>Special</strong> Forces <strong>Group</strong>) composed o! two US and !our~;indigenous members on an in-country milleion inadvertently' croslled theborder into Laoll •. They were surrounded in the vicinity or XD 633631.In an attempt to exi'iltrate the team by helicopter, one helicopter wasshot down with five crewmembers aboard. Pennission was requested andgranted to launch recovery operationll. Launch o! the recovery operationwas delayed due to bad weather. On 5 December, two indigenous team memberswere picked up in South <strong>Vietnam</strong>. They had lallt seen the two US and r­ma1ning two indigenous team members on 2 December. At that time they wereinvolved in IL 1'1re fight and one US member had a chest and leg wound and theother US member was with him. One indigenous member had been killed in actionand the other was believed. to have been captured. On 9 December, a SpikeTeam infiltrated into the area and was f'ollowed on 10 December by' a HornetForce, which was eventually' built up to 80 men. -They found the h"licopterwith the remains o! the 5 crewmembere still en board. The remainll had beenmutilated by the un!riendliell and burned from the c:-ash. The bodies had beenheavily' booby--trapped. These teSID.ll exfiltrated on 10 December. On 14December,an ARC LIGHT strike wall made on the downed helicopter. Subsequently'· a Hornet Force o! approximately' 35 personnel infiltrated into the areaby helicopter. Two complete bodies and partial renai"ll on an unknownnumber of others were recovered. All of the remains were exfiltrated bythe Hornet Force on 14 December. The operation was tenninated..7. (TSLD) In a totall.T ditferent approach to pereonnel recovery,theJPRq .is ~ working wit-lt. MACSOG .PSlOP personnel on_ a program of leaf-_let and/or airborne l.oudapeaker operation~~ delligned to· in!onn the populacethat they will receive handsome monetary rewardll !.:Jr allsisting downedUS aiDien to return to !riend.J.T control. Funds to i'inance thill programwill be included 1n the next; SOG budget. It ill planned that thill program1nitiaJJ7 will be undertaken 1n Laos.

,,. .......·..·. ,·. :: .. .··.·.....- .... .::'· .. ~ ..·.;·,··.:. ··.. ),; .- .

UMDISAPPENDIX VI - I.OOISTICSl. ('l'SLD) PERSONNEL:a. I.ogbtic positions authorized under changes to the Joint Tableof Distribution at the end of CY 65 and which were filled during CY 66 includedthose of the Comptroller, Budget Anal73t, Transportation Of!icer,Civil Engineer, and Assistant Suppl.j- Officer. One additional space wasauthorized and filled during the year, that of Research and DevelopnentOtticer. ·...2. {'l'SLD) SUPPLY & SERVICES:a. The upan.sion of SHINING BRASS through the addition of lO reconnaissanceteams and three battalion-size exploitation forces createdinitial. suppl.j- demands ot considerable scope. Although the time !rom approvalot the upan.sion to its inception was less than a month, all suppl.j- commitmentswere met on schedule.b. It became apparent during the first quarter that a basic changein the concept o! logistic support tor· SOG was require4, brought about as aresult of the overall US buildup of forces. In prior years, when. the UScommitment in RVN was small, it was necessary for soo· to obtain the greatestportion of its supplies through the Counterinsurgency Support O!tice (CISO)2nd Logiaticill. <strong>Command</strong>, Okinawa. With the buildup and the establishment ofthe serv:l.c·e logistics, sources in <strong>Vietnam</strong>, all classes of suppl.j- of commonitems used b:y SOG bec11111e more readil.j- available through in-countr:y sources.Accordingl.:y,the decision was made to use US in-countr:y resources whereverpossible to meet SOG requirements.c. To take maz:imam advantage of in-countr:y resources ,Inter-Service- Support .AsreemeDta (ISSA.) were concluded with A:rrq, Nav:y, and Air Force com­J!C)neate • ....'l'his greatl.j- facilitated s~ce as_ well as~uppl:y su_pport to~widel.j- IIC&ttereci SOG elements.c1. SOG supplies trom ott-shore sonrces previousl.j- had been shipped .llt111 z1 ng the shipping designator of the 5th <strong>Special</strong>. Forces in Nha Trang.This meant, in most cases, double ozo triple handli1lg o! supplT items. Tooverc"""e this, shipping designators were obtained for SOG unite at Saigon,Nha ~ .ng, and Da:umg. This enabled shipnente, where practicable, to bemade .rectl:y to the unit, thus reducing shipping time, lost shipnents,neportation requirements.aad t·· ..·!«.~;:s.:~.?.t:'!!lH'~~ · .·'. I.' ;,.r..,i... t

...e. In prior years, SOG had procured man:y itema of eupply from thelocal <strong>Vietnam</strong>ese economy. With the build-up and the accompanying inflation,this practice had an adverse effect on the SOG budget. In addition, thequallt:y of goods eo obtained became generall.y" poorer. To reduce piastre expenditures,SOG :!ihifted procurement of itema such a:! indigenoU:!I uniform:!· andequipnent to CISO. The lower col!lt and increased qualit:y of material obtainedmore than compensated for the increal!le in l!ltockage requirement:!.). (TSLD) FACn.ITIES AND CONSTRUCTION:a. Again, the expansion of S!ID!n!G BRASS had a eignificant effect.CoMtruction of camp:! was begun at Kontum and Hue Phu Bai and facilitiel!l at.Khalil Due were expanded. Conetruction of a headquarter:! building, a I3El.1 andBOQ was completed for the C&C Detachment in Danang.b. The Naval Advieor;y Detachment compl.eted the move of ih actionteam:! to Camp Black Rock in the 2nd quarter of CY 66, and made plans for conl!lolidationof the remainder of the operational and support facilities includingthe SEAL Advil!lor;y Team to the BlackSeabee labor had at end.c. Construction at Camp IDng Thanh inclw:led :!lome barracks,but for the most part conl!listed of rehabilitation of camp and buildings.CoMtruction in Saigon was limited to a vehicle repair shed and awarehouse shed tor SOG Supply. ·i-!; id. At Hh.a Trang, alteration of the ll!lt Flight Detachment BOQ wascompl.eted. To acccmmodate personnel. ... uigned to the C-130 Detachment,arrangement:! were made with 7th Air Fhrce for coMtruction of crew quarters.This building was completed in the 4th quarter of CY 66.·, .. · .. ·.· ...·'· ... ' . .,(TSLD) CI.O'l'HI!D AND EQUIPMENT BEVmi PANEL ( CEIIP):··---- ' -a. In. July the CEIIP was establil!lhed. Thil!l panel was compril!led ofrepreellllt'atives ot &ll. SOG agencies with the threefold mil!lsion of (l) reviewillgitems ot clothing and equipnent current~ in Ul!le to determine l!luitab1llty(2) reviewing nw itema or clothing anc1 equipnent for possibleapplication and (3) establll!lhing requirements for new items ot clothingor equipunt •b. The first meeting was held in J~ with l!Ubl!leq- 'lt meetings inSeptember and December. All a result o! the panel., n1m1eroU:!1 •anges were made.1 I

-·~; - -·-UMDISin ecdsting clothing and equipnent, either through type change, :source,design. or a combination. It al:so :served a:s a valuable vehicle in showingall SOG agencies clothing and equipnent which was available to meet theirrequirements and getting a free exchange of ideas.c. The December meeting included a representative from the CounterinsurgencySupport Office ( CISO), 2nd Logistical Comand, Old.na111a,which is responsible for the off-shore procurement of many items of clothi~equipnent, and rations for the SCG.5. (TSLD) BUIJGET & FISCAL:a. Due to delay in congressional approval. of supplementary funds!or FY66, i'unds for 34A & SHDmlG BRASS programs for the 3rd quarter ofFY66 were not received until }!arch. However, this had no adverse e!'!ect uroperations.b. CD!CPAC requested a SOG estimate for additional funds necessar:!or the OP-34 program to finance coramon a=unition requirement:~ in :supportot ·PTF:s during 4th quarter FY66 and for FY67. Arter submission of theestimate by SOG, CINCPAC decided that the Navy would continue to providePTF ammunition support through FY67. SOG has programmed this requinment· into the FY68 budget.

UMDISh. The Comptroller Divi~ion, authorized by JCS in October 1965,became .f'unctional in July. Thi~ added a Comptroller and Budget Anal.J'st tothe Finance Officer previously authorized. The need for the~e additionalpersonnel had become mo~t urgent due to the ~ize of the program~, and theirassignment had an immediate ~alutary effect in the management of financialresources Within SOG.i. CNO directed the Naval Audit Office to conduct an audit of SOGwith the view to a~si~ting and guiding the new SOG Comptroller. A~ a re­~ult or this audit conducted in July & Augu~t, recommendation~ were made.By years end 29 of tlle~e recommendation~ had either been partially or fullyimplemented. Exception wa~ taken to two recommendation~, by SOG, and alternateprocedures initiated in the~e ca~es.f.' .\...'., -~".,

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APPENDIX VII - PLANS .··:·; .._,=;..~:·:•···· .. :•.2. (TSLD) Accomplishments.( ......:._..:a. Published Plans.o(1) 37C-66 (Cross Border <strong>Operations</strong> into Cambodia) (TSLD).Envisions covert cross-border operations to collect intelligence on VC/NVN activities and combat operations against selected targets to destroy"them.(2) J?!l-66 (Haritime Measures to Deal with Cambodian Supportto the Viet Cong)(TSLD). Envisions covert/clandestine maritimeoperations to collect intelligence on VC/NVN activities ashore in Cambodiancoastal areas.(.3) 37E-66 (<strong>Operations</strong> to Encourage Detections trom NVN)(TSLD). Ellvisions special covert maritime operations along the coastot NVN in the Gult ot Tonkin.(4) SOG General Plan tor FY6S (U). Projects SOG operationstbrough the period FY 68 and provide~~ guidance to Branch Chiefs and- subordinatecmnmapds in the preparation ot supporting programs.b. other projects completed:(1) JUWTF J'lD. Organization ot · JUWTF SEASIA. under conditionsot 11mited or general war..(2) Annex H (UW) to MACV OPLAN FOLL CRI (U). ContingenqPlan tor- the conduct ot tlW in the PL.\mAU Ili!'S BOLOVENS area ot Southern· Laos -iii support ot connntional -isrowlii· 'terce operations. -. •.c. Projects in progress:(1) JUWTF OPLAN 1-66 (General War) (U) JUSTF General WarPlan supports COMUSSEASIA. OPLAN 1-66 (U), and contingenq plane :32-64.Ph III - IV (U) and :39-65 (U). · ·

""''.;-;- .. ,.,,•·~.. ',_...:".:,.. ,· ..·t'·... '·~":'.)

ur:JJISAPPENDIX VITI - GOMHUNICATIONS':l. (SLD) OPERATIONS(c. Restoration priorities ror the telet;ype circuits serv'...ng SOGare on the 2 level. To prevent the SOG circuit to Danang £rom being preempted,an agrellllent with MACV COC waa wrked out in October• Under this agreemen~,MACV CCC awards a tempol'8l')'" 24 hour ld prioritT o! restoration during missions,based on a telephoned request £rom SOG.d. Camp Long Thanh started the Tear with o~ one authorized.trequenQT in the VHF FM range and no authorized. frequencies in other ranges.Tllo VRP FM, one VHF in the area or 120 me and one UHF !requenQT were addedin Oct, Uov and Dec. This nov provides Camp Long Thanh with a satistactor7capabilltT !or base securitT patrols and aircraft control.·.·•.-1e. A secure ponT circuit between SOG comm center and MACV I wasactivated to "Immediate" and "Flash" precedence · trattic.thancircuit's c~~~~.. :ear]T an waa and passingincaming to SOG "Immediate" and "Flash" precedence trattic b7 the MACVJ-6CGIIIII Center. 'l'll1s ·action saved lll&llT vehicular to MACV I._.:~-.. _.-.-~"' ~-·-·.: .!.".,··..·•.···:. :',"'!... j -:·.--tl.... i~·--·~.:;.;.i)\,.,. .. ,.,_2. (SLD) FACILITIES &: CI!lCOITRla. !he Sanh, Kont'lllll and Phu Ba1 launch bases tor C&:C Detachmentwere added to the SOG SSB Net.··:.. ··- ·· ... : -i.'-..0 -" -• 1 ,t:¥f.~-··-..... wt.» ... ;~:::_ .. '·' ;p;c .. p • .... a.

J'(...c. A new point to point secure voice facility was installed betweenthe JPRC and SAR at Tan Son Nhut upon activation of the JPRC .d. A project was begun to add a TTY alternate circuit on circuitOP-26 from Danang Control to C&C Detachment. This will make OP-26 amultipoint net plus giving a higher reliability in the Danang area. Inaddition, a TTY net. is being established between C & C Detachment andthe FOBs and launch sites. At the close of the year the project was stillincomplete due to difficulties encountered in the procurement or the requiredequipnent.... ..·.I.';;1. -~"'\.......U~JJIS

• 1.J'.,·'·i'· ~~~·'.~1 ~.'~·.·!"',.,"\•·'·; "' "";.''-~ 'il~ - 1/9

···~.·SUMMARY OF AGREEI1ENTS AND REC01111ENDATIONSOF THEDOD ELECTRONIC FORMS WORKING GROUPThe DoD Electronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong> was organized andconvened under the authority of the Director, Administration andManagement, on August 23, 1990, to review the issues ofcontrolling and managing electronic forms and to implement astandardized electronic forms solution which would meet the needsof the total DoD community, be cost effective, provide for theintegrity of DOD forms, and facilitate the electronic interchangeof forms and information.The agreements and recommendations outlined hereto representthe consensus of the designated representatives of the fiveChartered members (Department of the Army, Department of theNavy, Department of the Air Force, Defense Information systemsAgency, and Defense Logistics Agency), under the chairmanship ofthe DoD Forms Management Officer. The representatives designatedby their agencies to participate in the Electronic Forms.Working<strong>Group</strong> were the Component's Forms Management Officer (FMO).I. Problems Addressed:End-users in all the DoD components have relativelyunrestricted access to technology which permits forms to beelectronically designed or paper form copy to be electronicallyduplicated on an ad hoc basis.Under these conditions, the established review processes andinternal controls at all DoD levels may have been seriouslycompromised in the accomplishment of the following objectives ofthe Paperwork Reduction Act and the DoD Electronic DataInterchange Initiative. These objectives are to:ensure the integrity of the forms being generated and ofthe information being collected on the forms;prevent multiple duplication of a single electronic formand minimize the total DoD cost;encourage DoD-wide use of an open-system technologystandard for electronic forms design and fill-in topermit electronic interchange of information capturedon forms within DoD and between DoD and its externalaffiliates; andcontrol unnecessary DoD expenditures for rekeyinginformation collected on forms into database storagesystems already in use within DoD.Page 1 of 4

II. Agreements on An Approach to a Solution:1. Identify a software package that can be purchased by allDoD components and used on standard non-proprietary-hardwareoperating systems for use as an electronic forms managementsystem tool.2. Use this software in the DIOR, WHS, to design Departmentof Defense (DD), Secretary of Defense (SD), and those StandardForms (SF) and Optional Forms (OF) sponsored by the DoD andauthorized for electronic generation. The electronic versionswill be made available to DoD Component FMOs for further internaldistribution.3. Using this standard forms design software, DoD ComponentFMOs are encouraged to produce and distribute electronic versionsof the Component-level forms they develop, and to make furtherelectronic distribution-within their agencies.4. The DoD FMOs will produce electronic forms in accordancewith the policies and standards prescribed in DoDI 7750.7, "DoDForms Management Program"; DoD 7750.7-M, "DoD_ Forms ManagementProgram Procedures Manual"; and periodic supplemental guidancethereto. All existing approval processes for creating, revising,or cancelling DO and SD Forms, and DoD sponsored SFs and OFs, andrequests for exceptions as described in the DoDI 7750.7 and DoD7750.7-M apply; except, paper versions may be substituted withelectronic diskettes to permit more efficient processing at everystage of the design and approval processes.5. DoD FMOs will produce electronic forms in compliancewith all current Federal and DoD Information Resources Managementpolicies and procedures to ensure collected data can be exchangedwith database applications on various standard non-proprietarycomputer systems already in existence throughout DoD. This willbecome increasingly more important as DoD agencies becomeinvolved with Electronic Data Interchange with the business;commerce initiatives currently being promoted.III. Recommendations:1. An electronic forms technology system be established inthe DIOR, WHS, and within each Electronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong>component Forms Management Office, at the respective Component'sexpense.2. The following standards be accepted for DoD-wide use inall aspects (the creation, revision, fill-in, cancellation,distribution, storage, and printing) of electronic formsmanagement:Page 2 of 4

a. Each Component Forms Management Officer within theDoD Electronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong> will use the Navy StandardDesktop "Companion" Contract to acquire PerFORM Pro formssoftware. The specifications contained in the Navy. RFP forforms software were determined to be consistent with the DoDElectronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong> criteria for specific functionalcapabilities required for electronic management of the DoD FormsProgram.b. The DoD Electronic Forms working <strong>Group</strong> willestablish clear objectives, cost/benefit ratios, and performancestandards for implementation of the electronic formsstandardization initiative and will continue to provide generaldirection and advice to non-member DoD Components for thisinitiative.c. The Air Force will serve as the lead Component fortesting the acceptability of the standard software and SbF/AAIAIwill provide technical expertise to other representatives of theDoD Electronics Forms working <strong>Group</strong>.d. The DIOR, WHS, will serve as the mission authorityon the acceptability of the software with respect to reliability,integrity, production quality, and ease of use, and on theoverall effectiveness of the electronic forms initiative inpromoting the accomplishment of its missions in the DoD FormsManagement Program.Respectfully submitted,The DoD Electronic Forms working<strong>Group</strong>Chairperson:Ruth A. Sturgill, DoD Forrns.Management OfficerATTN: DIOR, WHS, OSD, (703) 746-0932Ken Denton, Army Forms Management Officer (Acting)ATTN: ASQZ-PGP, (703) 325-6297Louise Burke, Navy Forms Management OfficerATTN: Code N8, Bldg. 166, (202) 433-2835carol Easterbrook, AF Forms Management OfficerATTN: SAF/AAIPSF, (202) 767-5883Connie McKeon, DLA Forms Management OfficerATTN: DLA-XPM, (703) 274-3336Mary Graves, DISA Forms Management OfficerATTN: Code IAR, (703) 692-2871Page 3 of 4

CONCURRENCES TO THE AGREEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOF THEDOD ELECTRONIC FORMS WORKING GROUPArmy/uc ~;Q::wmJDeputy Director for Policy70d9j(Date)NavyEDWARD C. WHITMANDeputy Assistant Secretaryof the Navy (C41/EW Space)(Date)Air ForceROBERT J. McCORMICKAdministrative Assistant to theSecretary of the Air Force(Date)DLAW. DAVID KERLINChief, Publishing Division(Date)DISASARAH JANE LEAGUEChief Information Officer(Date)Page ~ of 4

CONCURRENCES TO THE AGREEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOF THEDOD ELECTRONIC FORMS WORKING GROUPArmyROBERT S. MANNINGDeputy Director for Policy(Date)NavyEDWARD C. WHITMANDeputy Assistant Secretaryof the Navy (C41/EW Space)** See 1 Nov 91 memo-**Air ForceROBERT J. McCORMICKAdministrative Assistant to thesecretary of the Air Force(Date)DLAW. DAVID KERLINChief, Publishing Division(Date)DISASARAH JANE LEAGUEChief Information Officer(Date)Page 4 of 4

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYOFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY(Research, Development and AcqUISttion)WASHINGTON, D.C. 20350-10001 Nov 1991MEMORANDUM _FOR DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, OSDSubj:DOD ELECTRONIC FORMS STANDARDIZATION PROJECTRef: (a) SECDEF memo of 26 Aug 91Encl:(1) Summary of Agreements and Recommendations of theDOD Electronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong>As requested by reference (a), enclosure (1) has beenreviewed.The Department of the Navy concurs in the agreements andrecommendations of the DOD Electronic Forms Working <strong>Group</strong> withthe understanding that future work in this area will take a broadapproach, fully recognizing the interrelationships of dataadministration and personal computers with electronic formsmanagement. This broad perspective may well lead to adoptionof standards other than the PerFORM software recommended bythe working group.Point of contact for this matter is Ms. Alcinda Wenbergat (703) 602-2354.~c_J1f!t;_EDWARD C. WHITMANDeputy Assistant Secretaryof the Navy (C4I/EW/Space)


CONCURRENCES TO THE AGREEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOF THEDOD ELECTRONIC FORMS WORKING GROUPArmyROBERT S. MANNINGDeputy Director for Policy(Date)NavyEDWARD C. WHITMANDeputy Assistant Secretaryof the Navy (C4l/EW Space)(Date)Air ForceROBERT J. McCORMICKAdministrative Assistant to theSecretary of the Air Force(Date)DLAW. DAVID KERLINChief, Publishing DivisionDISASARAH JANE LEAGUEChief Information Officer(Date)Page 4 of 4

CONCURRENCES TO THE AGREEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOF THEDOD ELECTRONIC FORMS WORKING GROUPArmyROBERT S. MANNINGDeputy Director for Policy(Date)NavyEDWARD C. WHITMANDeputy Assistant Secretaryof the Navy (C41/EW Space)(Date)Air ForceROBERT J. McCORMICKAdministrative Assistant to theSecretary of the Air Force(Date)DLAW. DAVID KERLINChief, Publishing Division(Date)DISAPage 4 of 4

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