Nov. 29, 2012 - The Cherokee One Feather

Nov. 29, 2012 - The Cherokee One Feather

Nov. 29, 2012 - The Cherokee One Feather

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cherokee one feather/na tsalagi soquo ugidahliTHURSDAY, NOV. <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>EBCI Communities honored at Regional Event15ASHEVILLE - WNC Communiiesannounced the winners of the3rd Annual Honors Awards Proramat a luncheon held at <strong>The</strong>rove Park Inn Resort & Spa insheville on Saturday, <strong>Nov</strong>. 17 withver 200 community leaders from4 counties and the Eastern Band ofherokee to recognize and rewardxceptional community developmentrograms across the mountains.This year marked the 63rd WNConors Awards, a program built onhe tradition of recognizing achieveentsin communities for their workn behalf of their residents. <strong>The</strong>wards are designed to serve as annspiration for replicating commuitysuccess. Community programsange from addressing basic needsuch as a food pantry, an emergencyhelter, thrift stores, or litter sweepso significant programs focused onducation, heritage, economic develpment,farmland preservation orealth and wellness.“Communities of Promise” areiven cash awards of $1,000 to coninuetheir fine work on communitynitiatives. Big Cove Community inwain County was recognized forharing information and discussingey issues such as communityatch, a domestic violence program,proposed water park in the downownarea, problems with the localnd county DSS, the development of<strong>Cherokee</strong> Constitution and the aloholreferendum. Several of theseeetings that impacted the entireribe were taped and played on theherokee Cablevision Channel 28.ig Cove was honored for their workn community property to plant vegtablesto harvest and distribute toeniors and handicapped residents,WNC Communities photoBig Cove Community members Yvonne Bushyhead, Lisa Hardesty, Totsie Welch and Cindee West receiving “Community of Promise”Award presented by Denis Connolly, VP of Hospitality at Harrah’s <strong>Cherokee</strong>.as well as the financial support to ensurethe success of this project. Inaddition, their community hostedtheir first Big Cove Day to celebratetheir community and culture withstickball players, traditional games,craft vendors, silent auction and apotluck supper.“Participating Communities” receiveda cash award of $250 eachand are recognized for their successfulprojects implemented during thepast year. Painttown, Snowbird,Towstring and Yellowhill were thecommunities with the EBCI that receivedthis honor.“We are honored to recognizecommunity development clubs fortheir innovative programs and hardwork.” shared Linda Lamp, ExecutiveDirector of WNC Communities.“<strong>The</strong>se groups are the key to successfulrural life in our mountains andwill be for many years to come.”Generous sponsorships from Harrah’s<strong>Cherokee</strong> Casino & Hotel, MissionHealth Systems, BuncombeCounty Farm Bureau, Carolina FarmCredit, Duke Energy, First CitizensBank, HomeTrust Bank, and WellsFargo made it possible to award over$28,000 to 61 communitiesthroughout Western North Carolinafor their innovative approaches toaddressing community needs.Communities voluntarily participatein the WNC Honors AwardsProgram by submitting an applicationto WNC Communities in September.Communities are judged onprojects, fund raising efforts, collaborationwith local organizations orbusinesses, economic developmentand sustainability, as well as theircommunity future and vision.- WNC Communitieswww.theonefeather.com

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