5 Novi svezak Etnolo{kih istra`ivanja pojavljuje se to~no ... - EMZ

5 Novi svezak Etnolo{kih istra`ivanja pojavljuje se to~no ... - EMZ 5 Novi svezak Etnolo{kih istra`ivanja pojavljuje se to~no ... - EMZ

<strong>Etnolo</strong>{ka <strong>istra`ivanja</strong> / Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>archesIzlo`bom Klinasto ruho bave <strong>se</strong> dva teksta. Na kriti~ki osvrt Snje`ane Pavi~i}, odgovaraNikolina Jelavi} Mitrovi} obrazla`u}i polazi{ta dizajnera u izradi likovne koncepcijete izlo`be.Aida Brenko i Mirjana Randi} autorice su prikaza vlastite izlo`be Narodna medicina,postavljene u zagreba~kom Etnografskom muzeju, a koja je izazvala velikupozornost zainteresirane muzejske publike i stru~njaka.Irena Kolbas upoznaje nas s izlo`bom Istra: razli~iti pogledi, s kojom je Etnografskimuzej Istre gostovao najprije u Be~u, a potom i u Pazinu i Zagrebu, a koja <strong>se</strong> bavipitanjem kako je kroz povijest oblikovana i do`ivljavana istarska etnografija.Olga Orli} opisuje posjetu muzealaca i galerista Istre Grazu, pro{logodi{njemeuropskom gradu kulture.Svjesni smo da ovih trinaest objavljenih radova predstavlja samo dio interesa suvremenihetnologa, no nadamo <strong>se</strong> da }emo u idu}im svescima ~itateljstvu mo}i pru`itibogatiji uvid u rad i razmi{ljanja etnologa, muzealaca, antropologa i drugihstru~njaka koji doti~u etnolo{ke teme.^itatelje pozivamo da posjete i na{e mre`ne stranice (www.etnografski-muzej.hr) nakojima mogu na}i elektroni~ku ina~icu ~asopisa i ostale podatke o Etnografskommuzeju.Uredni{tvo6

<strong>Etnolo</strong>{ka <strong>istra`ivanja</strong> / Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>archesIntroductionThe current issue of Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>arches comes out preci<strong>se</strong>ly a year after the previousone. This clearly reflects our decision to give the journal a professional relevancethrough regular annual publication. In terms of content, the journal includespapers dealing with the main theme of this issue, but also a number of articles onother subjects, as our intention was to make Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>arches interesting bothto the readership and the authors.The theme of the issue, Children's Culture, is approached from different aspects byfour articles. The first is the work of Katariina Heikkilä on female entrepreneurshipin Finland and the role children have played in professional activities in rural areas.Marijana Hamer{ak's paper discus<strong>se</strong>s the issues of children's folklore, the folkloristicinterest in children's culture and evolutionary theories of culture. The paper ofDubravka Matokovi} is the result of her re<strong>se</strong>arch into children's folklore, primarilyin the Po`ega basin. Nada Matija{ko and Nives Rittig Beljak have pre<strong>se</strong>nted theresults of their re<strong>se</strong>arch of teenager dietary habits as a <strong>se</strong>gment of culture. Thisre<strong>se</strong>arch has been pre<strong>se</strong>nted at the 14 th International Ethnological Food Re<strong>se</strong>archConference in Switzerland (Ba<strong>se</strong>l and Vevey, September 30 to October 6, 2002).This autumn, the conference will take place in Dubrovnik and include TanjaKockovi}'s paper on truffling, which we bring in the <strong>se</strong>ction Other Papers. It dealswith truffling as a complex cultural phenomenon, from the truffle hunt, over the roleof truffles in the tourist industry, to the issue of their "indigenousness" and relevancefor the Istrian cultural identity, thus announcing food as the focus of next year'sissue of Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>arches.In the same <strong>se</strong>ction, Ivan [estan attempts to get to the bottom of the manifestationsof multiculturalism in the Canadian society, comparing them to idealized perceptionspre<strong>se</strong>nted as the ideal concept by countries where it has already been fullyestablished.The third <strong>se</strong>ction of the journal contains two pre<strong>se</strong>ntations made at scientific conferencesabroad. The first is the pre<strong>se</strong>ntation held by Zvjezdana Anto{ at the Viennaconference themed Beiträge der II Internationalen Konferenz der EthnographischenMu<strong>se</strong>en in Zentral- und Südosteuropa in Wien vom 18.-21. September 2002, which wehave taken over from Kitt<strong>se</strong>er Schriften zur Volkskunde - Veröffentlichungen desEthnographischen Mu<strong>se</strong>ums Schloss Kitt<strong>se</strong>e, 15; pp. 85-95.The <strong>se</strong>cond is the so far unpublished pre<strong>se</strong>ntation of Ivan [estan at the 3rdInternational Conference of Ethnographic Mu<strong>se</strong>ums in Central and South East Europe,Ethnographic Mu<strong>se</strong>um, Martin, Slovakia, from October 15 to 17, 2003.Zvjezdana Anto{ reflects critically upon the past collection practices of theEthnographic Mu<strong>se</strong>um of Zagreb, highlighting shortcomings that were evident inthis <strong>se</strong>gment of mu<strong>se</strong>um activity in the past and suggesting principles that shouldunderlie, in her opinion, the future collection practice. The pre<strong>se</strong>ntation of Ivan[estan includes his reflections on the pre<strong>se</strong>ntation concept of the Croatian heritage.7

<strong>Etnolo</strong>{ka <strong>istra`ivanja</strong> / Ethnological Re<strong>se</strong>archesThe issue is concluded by brief reviews of exhibitions staged by the EthnographicMu<strong>se</strong>um in 2003 and a field tour report of the mu<strong>se</strong>um and gallery professionals ofIstria.Two texts are dedicated to the exhibition Wedge-shaped Clothes: the critical review bySnje`ana Pavi~i} and the reaction to it by Nikolina Jelavi} Mitrovi}, who explainedthe designer's aspect in the creation of the visual concept of this exhibition.Aida Brenko and Mirjana Randi} prepared a review of their exhibition Folk Medicineat the Ethnographic Mu<strong>se</strong>um of Zagreb, which cau<strong>se</strong>d great interest of the mu<strong>se</strong>umvisitors and professional circles.Irena Kolbas introduces us to the exhibition Istria: Different Perspectives, a visitingexhibition of the Ethnographic Mu<strong>se</strong>um of Istria, pre<strong>se</strong>nted first in Vienna, then inPazin, and after that in Zagreb, dealing with the ways in which the Istrian ethnographywas shaped and experienced through history.Olga Orli} describes the trip of mu<strong>se</strong>um and gallery professionals of Istria to Graz,Europe's culture capital in 2003.We are well aware that the<strong>se</strong> thirteen papers are just a partial repre<strong>se</strong>ntation of theinterests of contemporary ethnologists. However, the future issues will hopefullyprovide the readership with a richer insight into the work and thinking of ethnologists,mu<strong>se</strong>ologists, anthropologists and other experts addressing ethnological concerns.The readers are also invited to visit our web site (www.etnografski-muzej.hr) for anelectronic version of the journal and other information about the EthnographicMu<strong>se</strong>um of Zagreb.Editorial Board8

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