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93221. Optical circular dichroism of bare and passivated Auchiral clusters Cecilia Noguez, A. Sánchez-Castillo,F. Hidalgo, Ignacio L. Garzón, American Chemical Society,March Meeting, Chicago (2007).220. First Principle Calculation of Circular Dichroism inCarbon Nanotubles, A. Sanchez-Castillo, Cecilia Noguez,Chirality 2007, San Diego California, 8 –11 deJulio.219. Optical circular dichroism of bare and passivated Aunanoclusters, A. Sánchez-Castillo, F. J. Hidalgo, I.L.Garzón, and Cecilia Noguez, Internationa Conference“Chirality at the Nanoscal”, Sitges, Barcelona 17th- 21st September 2007.218. Interacting surface plasmons and the role of geometryon dispersive forces, Cecilia Noguez, CarlosRomán-Velźquez, Dispersion Forces and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Lorentz Center, Leiden Holanda,Dic. 9 – 15 (2006).217. Interacting surface plasmons between macroscopic bodies:geometrical effects on dispersive forces, CeciliaNoguez, Carlos Román-Velźquez, ”Seventh Workshopon Quantum Field Theory under the Influence ofExternal Conditions”, IEEC, CSIC and University ofBarcelona Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, September 5-9,2005216. Optical properties of isolated and supported metal nanoparticles,Cecilia Noguez, Pacifichem 2005, Meeting,Honolulu, Hawaii.215. Optical properties of chiral nanostructures, CeciliaNoguez, Román-Velázquez Carlos E., Garzón IgnacioL. Annual APS March Meeting 2004, March 22 – 26,2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.214. Optical properties of chiral nanotubes, Cecilia Noguez,Román-Velázquez Carlos E., Sánchez Ariadna,Meza Montes Lilia, Annual APS March Meeting 2004,March 22 – 26, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.213. Cálculo de espectros de dicroismo circular de nanotubosquirales Ariadna Sánchez-Castillo, C. E. Román-Velázquez, Cecilia Noguez, L. Meza-Montes VI TallerNacional de Estudiantes de Posgrado en Física yCiencia de Materiales, Puebla 2004212. Estudio teórico de nanotubos de carbono por medio dedicroismo circular Ariadna Sánchez Castillo, Carlos E.Román Velázquez, Cecilia Noguez, y L. Meza MontesIX Encuentro Regional de Investigación y Enseñanzade la Física, Puebla, Junio 2004.211. Propiedades ópticas de nanoestructuras quirales, CeciliaNoguez, Congreso Interno Anual, Instituto deFisica, <strong>UNAM</strong>, México D.F. 11 – 13 de mayo 2004.210. Circular dichroism spectra of chiral gold nanoclusters,I.L. Garzon, C.E. Roman-Velazquez, Cecilia Noguez,March Meeting of the American Physical Society Austin,EUA Marzo 3-7, 2003.209. Chirality and circular dichroism spectra of gold nanoclusters,I.L. Garzon, C.E. Roman-Velazquez, CeciliaNoguez, 225th National Meeting of the American ChemicalSociety New Orleans, EUA Marzo 23-27, 2003.208. Optical Properties of the cleavage InAs(110) surfaceX. López-Lozano, Cecilia Noguez, L. Meza-MontesOptics of Surfaces and Interfaces V, León Guanajuato,México 26 – 30, 2003.207. High-Multipolar effects on dispersive forces between ananoparticle and a surface Cecilia Noguez, C.E.Román-Velázquez, C. Villarreal, and R. Esquivel-Sirvent Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces V, León Guanajuato,México 26 – 30, 2003.206. Spectral representation of the Casimir force between asphere and a substrate, Cecilia Noguez, C.E. Roman-Velazquez, C. Villarreal and R. Esquivel- Sirvent 8thInternational Conference on Squeezed States and UncertaintyRelations ICSSUR’2003, Puebla, México, June9-13, 2003.205. Optical Characterization of Metal Nanparticles withArbitrary Shapes Cecilia Noguez, Iván O. Sosa,Rubén G. Barrera X International Congress of CompositeEngineering: Nanocomposites (ICCE X) New OrleansJuly 20-26, 2003.204. Circular dichroism simulated spectra of chiral gold nanoclusters:A dipole approximation, Cecilia Noguez,C.E. Román-Velázquez, I.L. Garzón XII InternationalMaterials Research Congress, Cancún 17 – 22, 2003.203. Spectral representation of the Casimir Force Betweena Sphere and a Substrate C.E. Roman-Velazquez, CeciliaNoguez, C. Villarreal and R. Esquivel-Sirvent,Sixth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under theInfluence of External Conditions, Norman Oklahoma,15 – 19, 2003202. Fuerzas de casimir de una nanopartícula en un substratoCecilia Noguez, C. Román Velázquez, C. Villarrealy R. Esquivel-Sirvent XLV Congreso Nacionalde Física, León Gto., octubre 2002.201. Propiedades electrónicas de superficies semiconductorasideales X. López Lozano, Cecilia Noguez, y L.Meza Montes V Taller de Estudiantes de Posgrado,Puebla 2002200. Propiedades electrónicas de las superficies semiconductorasideales GaAs e InAs X. López Lozano, CeciliaNoguez, y L. Meza Montes VIII Encuentro Regionalde Investigación y Enseñanza de la Física, Puebla2002.199. Electronic structure of the reconstructed surfaceInAs(110) X. López-Lozano, Cecilia Noguez, y L.Meza-Montes Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de Superficiesy Vacío A.C., XXII Congreso Nacional, Octubre2002.198. Dicroismo circular óptico de cúmulos atómicos de oroC. Román-Velázquez, Cecilia Noguez, y I.L. Garzón.XLV Congreso Nacional de Física, León Gto., octubre2002.197. Casimir foreces in non-homogeneous planar and sphericalsystems, Villarreal, C., Esquivel-Sirvent, R.,Mochán, L. y Cecilia Noguez, ITAMP Workshop2002: Casimir forces: recent developments in experimentsand theory, Harvard Cambridge, noviembre2002.196. Differential reflectance of a planar system of selfassembledquantum dots Ruben G. Barrera, CeciliaNoguez, Sergio E. Ulloa March Meeting, AtlantaGeorgia, 1999.195. Electron Energy-Loss for anisotropic systems: Applicationto GaN (10øverline10) Raul Esquivel-Sirvent,Cecilia NoguezMarch Meeting, Atlanta Georgia,1999.194. Viscoelastic porperties of colloidal suspensions R.Esquivel-Sirvent, Cecilia Noguez, G. Rámirez-Santiago Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting,Boston, Dic. 1999.193. Electron Energy-Loss and Optical Spectra of GaN(1010) and (110) surfaces Cecilia Noguez, MarchMeeting, Atlanta Georgia, marzo 1999.192. Optical properties of non-polar GaN surfaces CeciliaNoguez, The Third International Conference on NitrideSemiconductors Montpellier, Francia julio 5 – 9,1999.191. First-Principles calculations of optical properties of semiconductorsurfaces Cecilia Noguez, Materials ResearchSociety, Fall Meeting, Boston, Dic. 1999.190. Spectroscopic theoretical study of the atomic reconstructionof GaN (1010) Cecilia Noguez, InternationalMaterials Research Congress, Symposium 9, August30-September 4, Cancun, Mexico, 1998.

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