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641185. Meyer, SA; Le Ru, EC; Etchegoin, PG CombiningSurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopywith Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS),ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 83 (6): 2337-2344 MAR15 20111186. Grant, J; Alton, J; Ma, Y; Saha, S; Cumming, DRSMultiple THz Surface Plasmon Resonances of PeriodicSplit Ring Arrays in Silicon, 35TH INTERNATIO-NAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIME-TER, AND TERAHERTZ WAVES (IRMMW-THZ2010) : - 20101187. T M. Fitzgerald, M A. Marciniak Full Optical ScatterAnalysis for Novel Photonic and Infrared Metamaterials,Conference Proceedings of the Society for ExperimentalMechanics Series, 1, Volume 2, MEMS andNanotechnology, Volume 2, Pages 97-1051188. J Jiang, L Zhang Rapid Microwave-Assisted NonaqueousSynthesis and Growth Mechanism of AgCl/Ag,and Its Daylight-Driven Plasmonic Photocatalysis,CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 17, 3710–3717 20111189. Sekhon, JS; Verma, SS Optimal Dimensions of GoldNanorod for Plasmonic Nanosensors, PLASMONICS6 (1): 163-169 MAR 20111190. 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