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38402. Liu, P; Cui, H; Wang, CX; Yang, GW From nanocrystalsynthesis to functional nanostructure fabrication:laser ablation in liquid, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYCHEMICAL PHYSICS 12 (16): 3942-3952 2010403. Gentry, ST; Bezpalko, MW Surface Plasmon Responsefor Anisotropic Silver Particles with DimensionsBelow the Electrostatic Limit, JOURNAL OF PHY-SICAL CHEMISTRY C 114 (15): 6989-6993 APR 222010404. Surovtsev, N.V., Adichtchev, S.V., Duda, T.A., Pokrovsky,L.D., Sveshnikova, L.L. New surface-enhancedraman scattering active substrate fabricated by use ofthe langmuir-blodgett technique, Journal of PhysicalChemistry C 114 (11), pp. 4803 (2010)405. Aherne, D., Gara, M., Kelly, J.M., Gun’Ko, Y.K. Fromag nanoprisms to triangular auag nanoboxes, AdvancedFunctional Materials 20 (8), pp. 1329-1338 (2010)406. Yoon, W.-J., Jung, K.-Y., Liu, J., Duraisamy, T., Revur,R., Teixeira, F.L., Sengupta, S., Berger, P.R. Efficientpoly(3-hexylthiophene)-fullerene derivative bulkheterojunction photovoltaic devices using unique selfassembledlayer of Ag nanoparticles with controllableparticle-to-particle spacing, 2009 Conference Record ofthe IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference , art. no.5411730, pp. 000081.407. Sau, T.K., Rogach, A.L., Jackel, F., Klar, T.A.,Feldmann, J. Properties and applications of colloidalnonspherical noble metal nanoparticles, 2010 AdvancedMaterials 22 (16), pp. 1805-1825408. Borensztein Y, Delannoy L, Djedidi A, et al. Monitoringof the Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanoparticlesin Au/TiO2 Catalyst under Oxidative and ReducingAtmospheres, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHE-MISTRY C 114, 9008 (2010).409. Liu Q, Lai LF, Huang HX, et al. High-yield Synthesisof Branched Gold Nanocrystals by a SodiumDiphenylamine-4-Sulfonate Reduction Process in PolyethyleneGlycol Aqueous Solution, CHINESE JOUR-NAL OF CHEMISTRY 28, 537 (2010)410. Chu WH, Chuang YJ, Liu CP, et al. Enhanced spontaneouslight emission by multiple surface plasmoncoupling, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 9677 (2010)411. Shen, SF; Zhao, HW; Huang, CZ; Wu, LP Higher-Order Structures Assembly of Gold Nanorods Causedby Captopril in High Ionic Strength Solutions, JOUR-NAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY 6(1): 66-72 FEB 2010412. Chapman, J.; Weir, E.; Regan, F. Period four metalnanoparticles on the inhibition of biofouling, Colloidsand Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 78 (2), p.208-216, Jul2010413. Peh, C.K.N.; KE, L.; Ho, G.W. Modification of ZnOnanorods through Au nanoparticles surface coating fordye-sensitized solar cells applications, Materials Letters,64 (12), p.1372-1375, Jun 2010414. Yurkin, MA; de Kanter, D; Hoekstra, AG Accuracy ofthe discrete dipole approximation for simulation of opticalproperties of gold nanoparticles, JOURNAL OFNANOPHOTONICS 4: Art. No. 041585 FEB 5 2010415. 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Bawaskar, M; Gaikwad, S; Ingle, A; Rathod, D; Gade,A; Duran, N; Marcato, PD; Rai, M A New Reporton Mycosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Fusariumculmorum, CURRENT NANOSCIENCE 6 (4): 376-380 AUG 2010420. Chen, B; Jiao, XL; Chen, DR Size-Controlled and Size-Designed Synthesis of Nano/Submicrometer Ag Particles,CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 10 (8): 3378-3386 AUG 2010421. Kar, T; Dutta, S; Das, PK, pH-Triggered conversionof soft nanocomposites: in situ synthesized AuNPhydrogelto AuNP-organogel,SOFT MATTER 6 (19):4777-4787 2010422. Jaidev, L.R., Narasimha, G. Fungal mediated biosynthesisof silver nanoparticles, characterization and antimicrobialactivity, (2010) Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 81 (2) pp. 430-433.423. Sifontes, AB; Melo, L; Maza, C; Mendes, JJ; Mediavilla,M; Brito, JL; Zoltan, T; Albornoz, A PREPA-RATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES IN THEABSENCE OF POLYMER STABILIZERS QUIMI-CA NOVA 33 (6): 1266-1269 2010424. Lee, GP; Bignell, LJ; Romeo, TC; Razal, JM; Shepherd,RL; Chen, J; Minett, AI; Innis, PC; Wallace,GG The citrate-mediated shape evolution of transformingphotomorphic silver nanoparticles, CHEMICALCOMMUNICATIONS 46 (41): 7807-7809 2010425. L.-C. Chen, C.-W. Wei, J. S. Souris, S.-H. Cheng, C.-T. Chen, C.-S. Yang, P.-C. Li, and L.-W. Lo Enhancedphotoacoustic stability of gold nanorods by silica matrixconfinement, J. Biomed. Opt. 15, 016010 (2010)426. Tiano, A.L., Koenigsmann, C., Santulli, A.C., Wong,S.S. Solution-based synthetic strategies for onedimensionalmetal-containing nanostructures, (2010)Chemical Communications, 46 (43) pp. 8093-8130.427. Kuo, CW; Wang, CRC Absorption Spectral Simulationof the End-to-End Linked Gold Nanorods Chain Structure,CURRENT NANOSCIENCE 6 (6): 619-625 DEC2010428. Kannan, P.; Sampath, S.; John, S.A.; Direct Growth ofGold Nanorods on Gold and Indium Tin Oxide Surfaces:Spectral, Electrochemical, and ElectrocatalyticStudies, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C114 (49): 21114-21122 DEC 16 2010429. Logsdail, AJ; Cookson, NJ; Horswell, SL; Wang, ZW;Li, ZY; Johnston, RL Theoretical and ExperimentalStudies of the Optical Properties of Conjoined Gold-Palladium Nanospheres, JOURNAL OF PHYSICALCHEMISTRY C 114 (49): 21247-21251 DEC 16 2010430. Chen, B; Jiao, XL; Chen, DR Fabrication of hollowcubic Ag microboxes with net-like nanofiber structuresand their surface plasmon resonance, CRYSTENG-COMM 13 (1): 204-211 2011431. Zhang, D; Liu, X; Wang, X Synthesis of single-crystalsilver slices with predominant (111) facet and theirSERS effect, Journal of Molecular Structure, 985 (1),p.82, Jan 2011432. Peng, H.-I., Miller, B.L. Recent advancements in opticalDNA biosensors: Exploiting the plasmonic effectsof metal nanoparticles, (2011) Analyst, 136 (3) pp. 436-447.

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