Inne publikacje prof. dr hab. inż R. Rządkowskiego

Inne publikacje prof. dr hab. inż R. Rządkowskiego

Inne publikacje prof. dr hab. inż R. Rządkowskiego


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BooksRządkowki R. : Dynamic of Rotor Steam Turbine Blading, Part Two, Bladed Discs, MaszynyPrzepływowe Tom 22, Wrocław Ossolineum, 1998.Paper1. Rządkowki R.: A Higher-Order Linear Theory for Isotropic Plates- II. NumericalRealization, Int. J. Solids Structures, 29(7), 8, 37-844, 1992.2. Rządkowki R.: Transient Vibration of a Mistuned Bladed Disc During Run-up, ZAMM,72, 4, T 22-T 24, 1992.3. Rządkowki R.: The General Model of Free Vibrations of Mistuned Bladed Discs. Part I.Theoretical Model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 173(3), 9 June, 395-401, 1994.4. Rządkowki R.: The General Model of Free Vibrations of Mistuned Bladed Discs Part II.Numerical results, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 173(3), 9 June, 402-413, 1994.5. Rządkowki R.: The Partial Admission of Tuned and Mistuned Bladed Discs, Journal ofSound and Vibration,171(2), 24 March, 201-217, 1994.6. Rządkowki R.: Two Dimensional Incompressible Flow Through a Vibrating Bladed Disc.Theoretical Model, ZAMM, 73, 6, T 611-T 613, 1993.7. Rządkowki R.: The Model of Flutter of Bladed Discs in Incompressible Flow, ZAMM, 74,5, T 418-T 420, 1994.8. Rządkowki R.: Transient Nozzle Exciatation of Mistuned Bladed Discs, Journal of Soundand Vibration, 190 (4), 629-643, 1996.9. Rządkowki R.: Resonance Vibration of Mistuned Bladed Discs in Stationary Operations,ASME paper 97-GT-499, 1997.10. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V., Kolodyazhnaya L.: A 3D Coupled Fluid-Structure AeroelasticAnalysis for Turbomachinery Rotor Blades Row, Journal of Mechanical Engineering,Vol. 2, No 3-4, 45-54, 1999.11. Gnesin V., Rządkowski R., Kolodyazhnaya L.: A Coupled Fluid-Structure Analysis for3D Flutter in Turbomachines, ASME Paper No 2000-GT-380, 2000.12. Rządkowski R., Kovalyov A. Czislennoje Modelirowanije Izgibno-Krutilnovo Flattera priKinamaticzeski zadanom Zakonie Kolebanij, Zbornik Naucznych Trudov, AvacjonalnojAkademii nauk Ykrainy: Sowerszenstowanie Turbnoystanovok Metodamimatematiczeskogo i Fiziczeskowo Modelirovanija, Charkov 2000, 238-241, 2000.13. Rządkowski R., Kovalyov A.: Czislennoje Modelirowanije Kolebanij Lopatok sRastrojkoj Sobstvennych Czastot, Zbornik Naucznych Trudov, Avacjonalnoj Akademiinauk Ykrainy: Sowerszenstowanie Turbnoystanovok Metodami matematiczeskogo iFiziczeskowo Modelirovanija, Charkov 2000, 233-237, 2000.

14. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V., Kolodyazhnaya L.: Samowozbuzdajuszczejsja kolebanijalopatok wencow turbomaszin w niestacjonarnom transzwukowom potokie gaza, ZbornikNaucznych Trudov, Avacjonalnoj Akademii nauk Ykrainy: SowerszenstowanieTurbnoystanovok Metodami matematiczeskogo i Fiziczeskowo Modelirovanija, Charkov2000, 222-228, 2000.15. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V., Kolodyazhnaya L.: Aeroelastic Oscillations of Blade Row in3D Transonic Flow Through a Turbine Stage, Vibracji v Technikie i Technologiach,Vceykrainskij naukovo-technicznyj zyrnal, No 4(20), 24-31, 2001.16. Gnesin V., Rządkowski R.: 3D Inviscid Flutter of the Mistuned Cascade,, Vibracji vTechnikie i Technologiach, Vceykrainskij naukovo-technicznyj zyrnal, No 4(20), 107-113,2001.17. Gnesin V., Kolodyazhnaya L., Rządkowski R.: Coupled Aeroelastic Oscillations of aTurbine Blade Row in 3D Traansonic Flow, Journal of Thermal Science, Vo. 10, No. 4,October, 318-324, 2001.18. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V., Kolodyozhnaya L.: The 3D Coupled Fluid-StructureAeroelastic Oscillations in the Long Steam Turbine Blade, p.841-861 in Book:UnsteadyAerodynamics, Aeroacustics and Aeroelastocity of Turbomachines edited by P.Ferrand,S.Aubert,Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2001.19. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: 3D Unsteady Forces of the Transonic Flow Through a TurbineStage with Vibrating Blades, ASME Paper GT-2002-300311, 2002.20. Gnesin V., Kolodyazhnaya L, Rządkowski R.: A Numerical Modelling of Stator-RotorInteraction in Turbine Stage with Oscillating Blades, ASME Paper IMECE2002-32975,2002.21. Rządkowski R, Gnesin V.: 3D Inviscid Flutter of a Nonrotating Last Stage Steam TurbineBlades' , Advances in Vibration Engineering, Vol.1, No(1), 76-89, 2002.22. Rządkowski R, Kovalyov A.: 2D Bending and Torsional Flutter of the Mistuned TurbineBlades, Advances in Vibration Engineering, Vol.1, No(3), 233-245, 2002.23. Rao J.S., Rządkowski R.: Life Estimation of Tuned and Mistuned Blades using Linearand Nonliner Cumulative damage Theories, Advances in Vibration Engineering, Vol.1,No(4), 222-234, 2002.24. Gnesin V., Rządkowski R.: A Coupled Fluid-Structure Analysis for 3D Inviscid Flutter ofIV Standard Configuration, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251(2), 315-327, 2002.Polish papers1. Rządkowski R , Gnesin V., Kovalyov A.: The 2D Flutter of a Bladed Disc, PraceInstytutu Lotnictwa 4/95 (155), 101-110, Warszawa 1998.2. Rządkowski R : Vibration of Plates with Beams in the 2D Compressible Flow, Archivesof Civil Engineering, XLV, 2, 431-344, 1999.

3. Rządkowski R , Gnesin V., Kovalyov A.: Comparison of the 2D and 3D Models of Flutterof a Palisade in an Inviscid Flow, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe, Turbomachinery 115,Zeszyty Naukowe, Politechnika Łódzka, 349-356, 1999.4. Gnesin V., Rządkowski R., Kolodyazhnaya L: The Numerical Study of 3D Flutter in aTransonic Blade Row, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe, Turbomachinery 115, ZeszytyNaukowe, Politechnika Łódzka, 149-158, 1999.5. Rządkowski R., Kovalyov A.: Selfexcited vibration of a palisade in 2D subsonic,transonic, and supersonic flow, TASK Quarterly 4, 1, 49-80, 2000.6. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: The Numerical and Experimantal Verification of the 3DInviscid Code, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 106, 69-95,2000.7. Gnesin V., Rządkowski R.: The theoretical model of 3D flutter in subsonic, transonic andsupersonic inviscid flow, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 106,45-68, 2000.8. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: Analysis of 3D Flutter of Long Steam Turbine Blades-Harmonic Oscillations, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe, Turbomachinery 117, ZeszytyNaukowe, Politechnika Łódzka, 239-248, 2000.9. Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: Aeroelastic Behaviour of the Last Stage Steam TurbineBlades. Part I. Harmonic Oscillations, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-FlowMachinery, No 108, 59-72, 2001.10.Gnesin V., Rządkowski R.: Aeroelastic Behaviour of the Last Stage Steam TurbineBlades. Part II. Coulped Fluid-Structure Oscillations, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 108, 73-94, 2001.11.Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: 3D Inviscid Flutter of Rotor Blades and Stator-Rotor Stage,TASK Quarterly 5, 4, 567-577, 2001.12.Gnesin V., Rządkowski R.: 3D Inviscid Flutter of IV Standard Configuration. Part I.Harmonic oscillations, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 111, 37-50, 2002 .13.Rządkowski R., Gnesin V.: 3D Inviscid flutter of IV Standard Configuration. Part II.Coupled Fluid-Structure Oscillation, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-FlowMachinery, No 111, 51-71, 2002.14.Rządkowski R., Kovalov A.: 2D Inviscid flutter of the Mistuned Fourth and FirstStandaed Configuration, Transaction of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 112,139-154, 2003.15.Sokołowski J., Rządkowski R., Kwapisz L.: Frequncies and Modes of Rotating FlxibleShruouded Bladed Discs-Shaft Assemblies, TASK Quarterly 7, 2, 215-231, 2003.

16.Rządkowski R.: Comparison of the Linear and Nonlinear Cumulative Damage Theories inTransient Analysis of a Tuned and Mistuned Turbine Blades, Transaction of the Instituteof Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 112, 155-170, 2003.17.Rządkowski R., Gnesin V., Soliński M.: High and Low Frequency Excitations of the LastStage Rotor Blades and Shaft of the Steam Turbine 13K215, Transaction of the Instituteof Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 114, 123-132, 2003.18.Sokołowski J., Rządkowski R., Kwapisz L.: Influence of the Blade Length on the NaturalFrequencies and Mode Shapes of Two Bladed Rigid Discs on the Shaft, Transaction ofthe Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, No 114, 177-190, 2003.

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