Upstart 10 Nov 09.pdf - Grocott's Mail

Upstart 10 Nov 09.pdf - Grocott's Mail Upstart 10 Nov 09.pdf - Grocott's Mail
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2 UPSTART 10 NOVEMBER 2009EDITORIALIt's that time of the yearagain when young peopleall over the country are hardat work studying for their finalexaminations. We wish them thebest of luck and are sure thatthey are all doing their best tosucceed.This is the last edition of Upstartfor the year and as you cansee our members have had anexciting and interesting timeputting this edition together. Ithas been encouraging to watchour members develop theirpotential over the past year andrewarding to see their confidenceand skills develop. We have hadparents coming into the Upstartoffice to find out exactly whattheir kids are involved in andtestaments from both parentsand teachers prove involvementin Upstart has benefited themenormously, especially inimproving their reading andwriting skills.This project would not have beenpossible without the generoussupport of the community.Besides the financial support fromlocal businesses and the MakanaMunicipality, the goodwillextended by the Grahamstowncommunity and the RhodesUniversity community hasensured the success of Upstart.We thank all the Upstart membersfor their commitment to theproject and look forward toseeing them again next year.Happy holiday!Shireen Badat & NompumezoMakinanaScary, challenging but rewarding. Rhodes studentvolunteers speak about their experience ofworking with Upstart during the year...started off scared, notI knowing what I was gettingmyself into! Working withteenagers is not an easy task.A letter from the heartto the Upstart youthnewspaperparticipantsFrom Likhaya Ngandi, SpecialProgrammes Officer, MakanaMunicipalitywas one of the first pupils from the township schools to attend the National School’sI Festival. It was due to the unwavering support and encouragement I received from mythen English teacher, Mr Collin Steyn. The school environment also contributed a lot to allthe extra curriculum activities that I participated in while I was at school.I can proudly say that because of that initial exposure I did many different things, meetingmany different people of different hues and colours and visiting countless places. Someof these places I learnt about at school and I never thought in my wildest dreams I wouldever set my foot on them.I could not believe my eyes when I landed at the airport in New York one June morningin 2001. It all started with the activities that I involved myself in when I was young and atschool. I was chosen to represent one of the university initiatives that were taking placein South Africa at the time.I am proud of the fact that it seems that all of you who are participating in the UpstartYouth Newspaper are following in our footsteps. I am also proud to learn that some ofyou are from families who are really struggling to meet all your daily needs but that didnot deter you from participating in the programme.Can you imagine the day you are asked to interview the President of the Republic ofSouth Africa or one of the world renowned icons or celebrities. Imagine the feeling ofanxiety you may have just before Oprah Winfrey asks you to come and join her on stagebefore the interview of your life. Have a picture of yourself crisscrossing the world in aplane on a mission to cover an international event. See yourself receiving a journalismaward for a sterling job that you have done.Imagine yourself being called all over the world to give your journalistic opinion on animportant issue regarding South Africa. People from all walks of life make their opinionsbased on what you have written in various newspaper or magazines.Andisiwe NgogelaThe project actually taughtme a lot in terms of theimportance of reading andthat knowledge is really animportant aspect of one's life.The Upstart leaners made thewhole experience worthwhile.Going there on Wednesdaysmade me look forward toworking with learners who arehungry for education and areworking towards improvingand knowing that I play arole in improving their lives ishumbling. Working togethertowards the Mary Watersproject was such a greatexperience, it shed a bit of lighton my part about the historyof Grahamstown. I had a greatexperience - I wouldn't trade itfor anything. Andisiwe NgogelaNtsika KitsiliA few weeks of knowing eachother and establishing trustbetween us I opened up tothem and so did they too.Their eagerness and desire tolearn manifested itself into somuch energy and excitementwhich filled the room. Watchingthese kids use every lessonthat was prepared for themas a challenge for them torealise their full potential andcapabilities was just beautifuland amazing. Ntsika KitsiliProject manager: Shireen Badat, Publishing Intern: Nompumezo Makinana,Layout and Design: Cathy Lambley, Printed by MEDIA 24But all the above can be destroyed in one second if you indulge in drug and alcoholabuse. Using these two cursed substances has seen many a star or celebrity destroyingtheir lives in dark corners. Using drugs and alcohol is never cool and it will never befashionable.Instead live your life to the full by involving yourself in all the right things that youhave already started to participate in. The rewards you will receive from doing such areimaginable and they are sometimes not in your recognition only but your communitygets to share in the spoils and the limelight of your success.My dear friends, take the first part of this letter not as self-indulgence on my part but asa word of motivation encouraging you to do more.Have a wonderful festive season, a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.Remember next year, 2010, we are hosting the entire world. Hoza!! World Soccer Cup.Laduuuuma!!At the beginning ofthe year I signedup with the RhodesUniversity Centre forSocial Development.I thought that thiswould be a great wayof getting involvedwith the Grahamstowncommunity and helpingout others.I joined the Upstart groupas I felt that it was anBen Schermbrucker and Faizal Badatinnovative initiative that promotedreading and writing and helpedlearners develop these skills in afun way. As a volunteer I helpedUpstart members with creativewriting at Nathaniel Nyaluza aswell as computer lessons at NtabaMaria. As a Rhodes student beingpart of Upstart expanded myhorizons beyond campus and intothe township schools. It has givenme great joy to watch the learners’knowledge grow over the pastyear.Faizal Badat

Lwando Manyonta, Mziyanda Yawa, Sanele Ntshingana, Odwa Nzuzo, Grade 10, Nathaniel Nyaluza HighSchool Hilton Snyman and Xolela Makhasi, Grade 9, Ntaba Maria Primary SchoolUPSTART 10 NOVEMBER 20093LETTERS TO US...SEND YOUR COMMENTS AND LETTERS TO GROCOTT’S MAIL: 40 HIGH STREET,GRAHAMSTOWN OR EMAIL TO UPSTART@GROCOTTS.CO.ZADEAR UPSTARTI am writing this letter totell you about educationand how it can help usas the youth. Educationcan get you to so manyplaces in life and youcan become well-knownaround the world. It isthere for everyone andyou do not need moneyto have it. If you do nothave money, you canapply for a bursary fromthe school that youwant. We need to learnas the youth in order tobe able to take care ofour future world. Thereare classes out there forexample, the KhanyaMaths and ScienceClub that you can goto instead of playingaround on weekendsdoing nothing. You needto involve yourself inorder to learn. Educationis not always about penand paper and a desk,but it is also about goingout there learning moreabout your world. Bydoing more, your mind isgrowing every day andin a healthy way. I alwaysbelieve that you canget education until thelast drop of your blood.Please youth go andlearn so that you can bethe good pillars of thisworld in the future.From Athenkosi OfficeGrade 10Nombulelo High SchoolDEAR UPSTARTI’m writing this letter totell you a little aboutthe Makana Junior CityCouncil (JCC) and thethings we’ve done thisyear. The reason for thisis because I’m sure thatmany people don’t knowabout the JCC and somemight even like to getinvolved with it in thefuture. Our main projectthis year has been topromote recycling andthe use of the “two bagrecycling system”. Wehave visited the MasihluleProject site and receiveda talk all about howrecycling works from MrsAngie Thompson. We alsowent on a teambuildingouting to Hobbiton-on-Fairewood sponsored bySoroptomist International.This was a fun-fi lled daythat presented us withmany challenges, but wemanaged to get throughthem together. Anotherhighlight was attendinga Senior MakanaCouncil meeting. HereDA Councilor MichaelWhisson gave us abriefi ng on what happensat these meetings andhe went through theagenda of the meetingwith us. It was a goodlearning experience andwe value the effort fromCouncilor Whisson. Wehave just recently heldour end of year functionand are eagerly planninga fundraiser for earlynext year involving a carwash. Hold thumbs thatwe are successful! I leaveyou with our motto “Wemust run faster or foreverstay behind”.Danielle WiblinJunior City Council MayorGrade 11DEAR UPSTARTI'd like to take thisopportunity and thankyou. I've always wantedto be a journalist and yougave me a chance andI'd like to thank you forthat. I have seen Upstartmembers and thereare lots of them so I wassuggesting if we couldhave an Upstart teamfor example an Upstartnetball team, soccerteam, rugby team,basketball team, etc.I'm looking forward tothese sports and I'm surethat the other Upstartmembers will love thisidea.From ThandokuhleQakamfanaGrade 9Mary Waters High SchoolDEAR UPSTARTI would like to send mylove to Thando, Tamie,Andiswa, C'nava, Lelam,Lee-roy, Lonwabo,the Archie Mbolekwateachers and everyonewho knows me.Xolelwa DonyeliGrade 8Archie Mbolekwa SeniorPrimary SchoolEya, my name is AndisiweMiya. I'd like to say goodluck to all those who willbe writing exams andstay focused.Andisiwe MiyaGrade 10Victoria Girls' High SchoolHERE IS TO MAKINGPEOPLE FAMOUS!Hi my name is KimPrince, I'd like to sayhi to Leigh Werner.Thanks for being a bestfriend.Kimberly PrinceGrade 10Victoria Girls' High SchoolHey Upstart. I just wantto holla at my petosmy twinny Naledi, Lita,Zikie, Lebo, Scibar,Hopie, Lindo, Ferrie,Anda Popsie, Sibu,Luvie, Naledi N, Vuyiand all the VG Grade10s you guys rock.Mbali KalipaGrade 10Victoria Girls' High SchoolAs young people in South Africa we come across many challenges and sticky situations. We constantlyhave to make decisions on choosing the right friends, choosing the right subjects at school and followingour dreams.That is the reason why we must take a moment and look at ourselves and change our lifestyles as youngpeople. Many young people expose themselves to a lot of bad things and sometimes the outcome of thatis even worse. It is important that we fix our behaviour before it is too late. Choosing the right friends isimportant. Choose good friends, friends that will have a good influence on you. You must make sure thatyour parents approve of your friends. We know that everybody has the right to choose their own friendsbut it is really important that your parents know and approve of your friends.Many learners when they get to high school and they have to choose subjects they get confused. Somechoose their subjects according to what their friends are choosing. It is not very wise to choose subjectsbecause of your friends' influence. The first thing you must do when choosing your subjects is to knowyour strengths and your weaknesses in a particular subject. If you know you are good in other subjectsthan those you wanted to choose, rather choose the ones you are good at in Grade 10. You must becareful of combining subjects that will have an effect when you are applying for university. A typicalexample would be mixing Accounting, Geography and Consumer Studies and if you want to do a courseat university you might not be able to take it because some of these subjects you chose were not a goodcombination. It is wise to combine subjects that you know will match what you want to study at tertiarylevel. If a certain subject is not working for you change it while you still can, choose and make the rightdecisions for your education.As young people we have a very special thing- our dreams. Without our dreams we have no future andwe need to follow our dreams. In order to do that we need to be disciplined and know where we aregoing in life. It is important that each of us have our own dreams and not follow other people's dreams. Itis sometimes difficult to follow our dreams because there are people out there who will not be happy tosee us succeed in life. School is an important part of achieving our future dreams and goals and we wouldadvise all youth to stay in school and to work hard in trying to achieve these dreams. No matter whatpeople say stick to your dream and make it become a reality.

Lwando Manyonta, Mziyanda Yawa, Sanele Ntshingana, Odwa Nzuzo, Grade <strong>10</strong>, Nathaniel Nyaluza HighSchool Hilton Snyman and Xolela Makhasi, Grade 9, Ntaba Maria Primary SchoolUPSTART <strong>10</strong> NOVEMBER 20093LETTERS TO US...SEND YOUR COMMENTS AND LETTERS TO GROCOTT’S MAIL: 40 HIGH STREET,GRAHAMSTOWN OR EMAIL TO UPSTART@GROCOTTS.CO.ZADEAR UPSTARTI am writing this letter totell you about educationand how it can help usas the youth. Educationcan get you to so manyplaces in life and youcan become well-knownaround the world. It isthere for everyone andyou do not need moneyto have it. If you do nothave money, you canapply for a bursary fromthe school that youwant. We need to learnas the youth in order tobe able to take care ofour future world. Thereare classes out there forexample, the KhanyaMaths and ScienceClub that you can goto instead of playingaround on weekendsdoing nothing. You needto involve yourself inorder to learn. Educationis not always about penand paper and a desk,but it is also about goingout there learning moreabout your world. Bydoing more, your mind isgrowing every day andin a healthy way. I alwaysbelieve that you canget education until thelast drop of your blood.Please youth go andlearn so that you can bethe good pillars of thisworld in the future.From Athenkosi OfficeGrade <strong>10</strong>Nombulelo High SchoolDEAR UPSTARTI’m writing this letter totell you a little aboutthe Makana Junior CityCouncil (JCC) and thethings we’ve done thisyear. The reason for thisis because I’m sure thatmany people don’t knowabout the JCC and somemight even like to getinvolved with it in thefuture. Our main projectthis year has been topromote recycling andthe use of the “two bagrecycling system”. Wehave visited the MasihluleProject site and receiveda talk all about howrecycling works from MrsAngie Thompson. We alsowent on a teambuildingouting to Hobbiton-on-Fairewood sponsored bySoroptomist International.This was a fun-fi lled daythat presented us withmany challenges, but wemanaged to get throughthem together. Anotherhighlight was attendinga Senior MakanaCouncil meeting. HereDA Councilor MichaelWhisson gave us abriefi ng on what happensat these meetings andhe went through theagenda of the meetingwith us. It was a goodlearning experience andwe value the effort fromCouncilor Whisson. Wehave just recently heldour end of year functionand are eagerly planninga fundraiser for earlynext year involving a carwash. Hold thumbs thatwe are successful! I leaveyou with our motto “Wemust run faster or foreverstay behind”.Danielle WiblinJunior City Council MayorGrade 11DEAR UPSTARTI'd like to take thisopportunity and thankyou. I've always wantedto be a journalist and yougave me a chance andI'd like to thank you forthat. I have seen <strong>Upstart</strong>members and thereare lots of them so I wassuggesting if we couldhave an <strong>Upstart</strong> teamfor example an <strong>Upstart</strong>netball team, soccerteam, rugby team,basketball team, etc.I'm looking forward tothese sports and I'm surethat the other <strong>Upstart</strong>members will love thisidea.From ThandokuhleQakamfanaGrade 9Mary Waters High SchoolDEAR UPSTARTI would like to send mylove to Thando, Tamie,Andiswa, C'nava, Lelam,Lee-roy, Lonwabo,the Archie Mbolekwateachers and everyonewho knows me.Xolelwa DonyeliGrade 8Archie Mbolekwa SeniorPrimary SchoolEya, my name is AndisiweMiya. I'd like to say goodluck to all those who willbe writing exams andstay focused.Andisiwe MiyaGrade <strong>10</strong>Victoria Girls' High SchoolHERE IS TO MAKINGPEOPLE FAMOUS!Hi my name is KimPrince, I'd like to sayhi to Leigh Werner.Thanks for being a bestfriend.Kimberly PrinceGrade <strong>10</strong>Victoria Girls' High SchoolHey <strong>Upstart</strong>. I just wantto holla at my petosmy twinny Naledi, Lita,Zikie, Lebo, Scibar,Hopie, Lindo, Ferrie,Anda Popsie, Sibu,Luvie, Naledi N, Vuyiand all the VG Grade<strong>10</strong>s you guys rock.Mbali KalipaGrade <strong>10</strong>Victoria Girls' High SchoolAs young people in South Africa we come across many challenges and sticky situations. We constantlyhave to make decisions on choosing the right friends, choosing the right subjects at school and followingour dreams.That is the reason why we must take a moment and look at ourselves and change our lifestyles as youngpeople. Many young people expose themselves to a lot of bad things and sometimes the outcome of thatis even worse. It is important that we fix our behaviour before it is too late. Choosing the right friends isimportant. Choose good friends, friends that will have a good influence on you. You must make sure thatyour parents approve of your friends. We know that everybody has the right to choose their own friendsbut it is really important that your parents know and approve of your friends.Many learners when they get to high school and they have to choose subjects they get confused. Somechoose their subjects according to what their friends are choosing. It is not very wise to choose subjectsbecause of your friends' influence. The first thing you must do when choosing your subjects is to knowyour strengths and your weaknesses in a particular subject. If you know you are good in other subjectsthan those you wanted to choose, rather choose the ones you are good at in Grade <strong>10</strong>. You must becareful of combining subjects that will have an effect when you are applying for university. A typicalexample would be mixing Accounting, Geography and Consumer Studies and if you want to do a courseat university you might not be able to take it because some of these subjects you chose were not a goodcombination. It is wise to combine subjects that you know will match what you want to study at tertiarylevel. If a certain subject is not working for you change it while you still can, choose and make the rightdecisions for your education.As young people we have a very special thing- our dreams. Without our dreams we have no future andwe need to follow our dreams. In order to do that we need to be disciplined and know where we aregoing in life. It is important that each of us have our own dreams and not follow other people's dreams. Itis sometimes difficult to follow our dreams because there are people out there who will not be happy tosee us succeed in life. School is an important part of achieving our future dreams and goals and we wouldadvise all youth to stay in school and to work hard in trying to achieve these dreams. No matter whatpeople say stick to your dream and make it become a reality.

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