Coconut+Cacao Cropping Model - Philippine Coconut Authority

Coconut+Cacao Cropping Model - Philippine Coconut Authority Coconut+Cacao Cropping Model - Philippine Coconut Authority


Department of AgricultureP H I L I P P I N E C O C O N U T AU T H O R I T YResearch & Development, and Extension BranchElliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City 1101C o c o n u t I n t e r c r o p p i n g G u i d e N o . 7April 2007Severino S. Magat, PhD 1 and Millicent licent I. Secretaria, MSc 21 Scientist IV, PCA-Agricultural Research Management Department, Diliman, QC2 Scientist I, PCA-Davao Research Center, Bago-Oshiro, Davao City1.1. IMPORTANCEGrowing of intercrops in coconut lands produces more food and agriculturalproducts, ensuring food security of the people in rural and urban areas. At the sametime, the practice generates jobs and livelihood, enhancing farm incomes and thepurchasing power of people, thus alleviating poverty in farming communities (Magat2004). Moreover, successful farmers serve as inspiration and enterprise leaders in theircommunities, eventually treating coconut farming in an agribusiness way to createwealth and more capital resources.Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is a tree crop that is highly suitable or compatibleunder different production systems (intercropping or multistory farming, agroforestry,etc). In cacao producing countries, it is grown mainly for its beans, processed into cacaopowder, cake and cocoa butter. These products are largely used in the manufacture ofchocolates, soaps, cosmetics, shampoo and other pharmaceutical products (PCARRD2000).Cacao is also a high value crop wherein the potential is not yet explored in ourcountry with an extensive area suitable for cacao growing as a monocrop or intercrop ofcoconut. In fact, over 1M ha highly suitable or wet zone of coconut areas (except incoastal areas excessively high in Na or saline soils) are suitable for coconut-cacaointercropping. Its cultivation could promote an agro-industrial development aimed: atvalue-adding export products, as well as reduction of importation of cacao beans romcountries like Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Malaysia (PCARRD 2000). PCARRDmentioned that to date, more than three-fourths of the cacao beans requirement of thecountry is imported from major producing countries.Cacao, a popular, stable and marketable long-term beverage crop is widelyplanted under and between stands of coconut trees. To be a compatible and productiveintercrop, cacao tree is best planted not closer than 2 meters from the base of coconuttrees, at 3 m between hills and 3 m between rows. Furthermore, where there is limitedland for cacao monocropping, the inter-spaces of coconut lands (with 8-15 meters ofspacing of coconut palms) are amenable for several rows of cacao crop. Also important,the bio-physical environmental conditions, soil-wise, sunlight-wise and micro-climateCoconut-Beverage Crop (Cacao) Cropping Model 1

Department of AgricultureP H I L I P P I N E C O C O N U T AU T H O R I T YResearch & Development, and Extension BranchElliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City 1101C o c o n u t I n t e r c r o p p i n g G u i d e N o . 7April 2007Severino S. Magat, PhD 1 and Millicent licent I. Secretaria, MSc 21 Scientist IV, PCA-Agricultural Research Management Department, Diliman, QC2 Scientist I, PCA-Davao Research Center, Bago-Oshiro, Davao City1.1. IMPORTANCEGrowing of intercrops in coconut lands produces more food and agriculturalproducts, ensuring food security of the people in rural and urban areas. At the sametime, the practice generates jobs and livelihood, enhancing farm incomes and thepurchasing power of people, thus alleviating poverty in farming communities (Magat2004). Moreover, successful farmers serve as inspiration and enterprise leaders in theircommunities, eventually treating coconut farming in an agribusiness way to createwealth and more capital resources.Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is a tree crop that is highly suitable or compatibleunder different production systems (intercropping or multistory farming, agroforestry,etc). In cacao producing countries, it is grown mainly for its beans, processed into cacaopowder, cake and cocoa butter. These products are largely used in the manufacture ofchocolates, soaps, cosmetics, shampoo and other pharmaceutical products (PCARRD2000).Cacao is also a high value crop wherein the potential is not yet explored in ourcountry with an extensive area suitable for cacao growing as a monocrop or intercrop ofcoconut. In fact, over 1M ha highly suitable or wet zone of coconut areas (except incoastal areas excessively high in Na or saline soils) are suitable for coconut-cacaointercropping. Its cultivation could promote an agro-industrial development aimed: atvalue-adding export products, as well as reduction of importation of cacao beans romcountries like Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Malaysia (PCARRD 2000). PCARRDmentioned that to date, more than three-fourths of the cacao beans requirement of thecountry is imported from major producing countries.Cacao, a popular, stable and marketable long-term beverage crop is widelyplanted under and between stands of coconut trees. To be a compatible and productiveintercrop, cacao tree is best planted not closer than 2 meters from the base of coconuttrees, at 3 m between hills and 3 m between rows. Furthermore, where there is limitedland for cacao monocropping, the inter-spaces of coconut lands (with 8-15 meters ofspacing of coconut palms) are amenable for several rows of cacao crop. Also important,the bio-physical environmental conditions, soil-wise, sunlight-wise and micro-climate<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 1

variation within the 70-80% space between coconut trees in a farm has been known tobe highly suitable for a coconut-cacao ecosystem. These are shown in Figure 1 and 2.Figure 1. A farm layout of a coconut-cacao cropping model under squareplanting system of coconut 8-10 m)Figure 2. A farm layout of a coconut-cacao cropping model undertriangular planting system of coconut 8-10 m.<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 2

2.2. ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS<strong>Coconut</strong> trees - produces many basic food products and non-food rawmaterials for high value products. If there is regular or seasonal demand for tender8-month old nuts (buko) for tender nut water (buko juice) and tender nut for piesand desserts, the farmers get higher net income compared to the 12-month oldmature nuts as buko nuts are usually priced 3-4 times higher than mature nuts.From its inflorescence, coconut sap can be produced which in turn can be processedinto high value food products, e.g. coconut sugar, honey, fresh drink and vinegar.Cacao crop – dried fermented cacao beans (DFCB), the main product of thiscrop, are first roasted, cracked and grinded to give a powdery mass from which fatis extracted and usually processed into cocoa products such cocoa butter, powder,paste/liquor and chocolate confectionaries (Magat, 2004). Basically, the chocolatebeverage is prepared from cocoa derived from DFCB. The <strong>Philippine</strong>s was the first inAsia to plant cacao and prepare chocolate drinks from cocoa( butter is utilized in confectionaries and in the manufacture of tobacco,soap and cosmetics; and largely considered the world’s most expensive fat and usedwidely in the emollient “bullets” for hemorrhoids (Duke, 1983 in Magat, 2004).The three varieties of cacao are Forastero, Criollo and Trinitario (Magat,2004). Criollo is superior in fruit possessing generally elongated and with distinctlyridged pods, but susceptible to many pests (PCARRD, 1989). Criollo variety has alsopointed fruits and white cotyledons compared with the short, roundish almost smoothfruits and purplish cotyledons of Forastero (Duke 1983 in Magat, 2004). Forasterocacao is stronger, vigorous and more productive. While Trinitario, a hybrid cross ofCriollo and Foratero varieties, strongly manifest the characteristics of a hybridpopulation and considered a rich genetic source for the varietal improvement of thecrop (PCARRD, 1989).Some of the key benefits of the coconut-cacao cropping/ecosystem are as follow:1) Cacao can be intercropped in coconut palms when these palms reached 25 years(and beyond). Generally, cacao and coconut do not compete for soil resources,except when grown in dry zones.2) It is grown primarily for its beans, which are processed into cocoa powder, cake, andbutter. These are used mainly in the manufacture of chocolates, soaps, cosmetics,shampoo, and other pharmaceutical products. Cacao beans produced by small-scalefarmers and backyard growers are mostly processed naturally into ‘tablea’ (apopular native chocolate confection used in hot and strong chocolate drink).3) Chocolate is considered high in phenylethylamine, likely serving as medication. Cocoaalso contains 300 volatile compounds and the most important flavor components are:aliphatic esters, polyphenols, unsaturated aromatic carbonyls, pyrazines andtheobromine (Magat, 2004). Moreover, it contains proteins (18%); fats (cocoabutter); amines and alkaloids, including theobromine (0.5 -2.7%). The Forasterovariety have less caffeine (0.1%) as compared to Criollo ariety (1.43 -1.70%)(Center for New Crops and Plant Products [CNCPP]- Purdue Universityn.d. in Magat,2005.4) As for folk medicine or remedy, cacao is considered antiseptic, diuretic andparasiticide. Duke and Wain (1981) in Magat, 2005 cited its application to remedyalopecia, burns, cough, dry lips, eye sore, fever, malaria, nephrosis, parturition,<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 3

pregnancy, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds. Also,cocoa butter is applied ontowrinkles to minimize or remedy it ( Leung, 1980 in Magat, 2005).5) From the coconut trees, obtained are many basic food products from nuts (likekernel/meat, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut water/juice) and coconut sap (freshsap, vinegar, coconut nectar/honey and natural sap sugar); non-food raw materialsfor various high value products (husked- based, shell-based). Many more productsare derived from other parts of the coconut trees.4.3.3. MARKETDEMAND AND PRACTICESIn 1997, the national annual average yield of cacao beans was estimated at0.52t/ha, where the yield of small farm ranged from 0.30t/ha to 0.40t/ha (PCARRD2000). In the same year, the total production was only 7,844 t from 15,150 ha,72%of which was produced in Southern Mindanao. Compared to 1990 (9,413 t cacaobeans from 17,801 ha) , a clear reduction in national production output was notedand is likely attributed to decrease in hectare and probably a lower productivity level.Moreover, a total of locally produced 7,000 t DFCB was supplied to the 13 localgrinders requiring at least 30, 000 t DFCB. Unless production and productivity of thecacao crop increases within the next 5-10 years, local requirement for DFCB wouldbe continually supplied through importation.Just like the most traded agricultural commodities, the domestic price of DFCBfollows the global market. Locally, the average wholesale prices of DFCB increasedfrom P28.50/kg in 1994 to P40/kg DFCB in 1996 (PCARRD 2000).In 1998, the <strong>Philippine</strong> exported cocoa butter (fat oil which accounted for 22.34% or3.123 mt of export. Cocoa paste (wholly/partly defatted –cocoa cake), cocoa beans(whole/broken, raw roast) were likewise exported with 18.65% or 20 mt 18.48% or1.407 mt, 17.49% or 1.363 mt, respectively ( GROROWINGCONDITIONS AND THE TECHNOLOGY4.1 Environmental RequirementsTo optimize the achievable yield of cacao under the coconut-banana croppingsystem, it is essential to provide the suitable conditions (climate and soils) for the twocrops. Moreover, the competition for light, soil and water resources usually results inmarginal economic returns from one of the component crops or in both.Climatic Needs:Factor<strong>Coconut</strong>CacaoAltitude (m above sea level) Less than 600 Less than 300Temperature ( o C) 24- 29 18-32Light >2000 sunshine hours/year Shade-tolerant cropTotal annual rainfall (mm) 1500- 2500 (well distributed) 1,250-2,800(w/o anydrought exceeding 3<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 4

months)Typhoon frequency (%) < 20 < 20Soil Requirements:Soil Condition<strong>Coconut</strong>Soil Depth (cm) >75 >1500Drainage Moderate to well-drained Well-drainedSoil Acidity (pH) 5.5-7.5 4.5 - 7.0Soil TextureSandy, loamy, clayey (withgood structure)CacaoLoamy, clayey (with goodstructure)Organic matter content Medium to High Medium to HighMajor nutrients N, K, Cl, S, P, Ca, Mg, B N, P, K, Ca4.2 TechnologyIt is very important to apply the best package of technologies (POT) or betterstill, the site-specific technologies to achieve the maximum economic yield (MEY), highlydesirable to obtain the least production cost per unit product or per ha, and themaximum returns to investment under the coconut-cacao cropping production system.As a detailed guide on the cultural practices of cacao, the <strong>Philippine</strong>sRecommends for cacao (PCARRD 1989) is a popular reference-manual. For coconut,three booklets were produced by the PCA as quick references: 1) ProductionManagement of <strong>Coconut</strong> (Magat 1999); 2) <strong>Coconut</strong>-based Farming Systems (CBFS),Technology Notes for Practicioners (Magat 1999) and 3) Good Agricultural Practices in<strong>Coconut</strong> Production (GAP-<strong>Coconut</strong>), PCA, Dept. of Agriculture.-Diliman, Quezon CityMetro Manila, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. 86 p.(Magat 2006)Following are some salient recommended farming pointers or practices in acoconut-cacao cropping system:CACAO1. In a small farm or a plantation, at least five recommended clonal materials to begrown at the same period, since cacao trees are normally incompatible in terms offlowering and pollination;2. Under monoculture, a 3 m x 3 m triangular spacing (1,241 plants/ha) is desirable tobe grown when intercrop with coconuts (coconut-cacao long term cropping system);3. Recommended hybrid varieties are Criollo, Trinitario and Forastero. Commonlypropagated by seeds grown in the nursery with regular watering as practical;seedlings are ready for transplanting in 6-8 months with 4-6 pairs of green trueleaves are present; the use of budded clonal seedlings offers a true-to-typeseedlings which achieve earlier higher yields;4. In the initial years of crop establishment, shade of other tree crops (“nurse crops”)like coconut, Gliricidia, Leucaeria or Erythrina and other comparative crops isdesirable; under coconut cacao monocraopping system, shade trees are later pruned;5. Proper and timely pruning is required: 1) to train, shape and achieve the economicaltree height; 2)to have adequate air circulation and sunlight penetration within the<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 5

crop; 3) to minimize incidences of pest and diseases; and 4) to produce higher andquality yields;6. Adequate fertilization is an important component of the integrated crop managementof the cacao or cocoa tree crop.7. The major insect pests of the crop are cacao pod borer (causes uneven ripening andunfilled beans), Helopetis (attcks immature pods) and Apogonia (leaf eaters) that areactive at nighttime. While, the most important diseases are : black pod disease; redroot disease (causing wilting and yellowing of leaves and eventual death of trees);white rot disease (causing wilting of leaves, leaving white mycelium and vascularstreak disease (Oncosbasidium theobromae), characterize by brownish horizontalstreak of infected twigs and causes the eventual death of shoots (Ministry ofAgriculture of Malaysia).8. Harvesting – is done when pods turns yellowish or reddish orange in color. Pickcacao fruits only when they are fully mature (147 days) Harvesting should be doneregularly to avoid overripe pods in the trees. Usually, the cacao crop has peakharvestand off-season periods. The peak-harvest period is the result of floweringduring the rainy season. Selective harvesting is done by hand using knives ormachetes. Puling the pods from the tree damages the flower cushions and destroysthe bark.9. The following are some of the very important considerations in the postharvesthandling of cacao beans: 1) avoid injuring the beans during pod-splitting (pods cutopen to extract the beans); 2) wet cocoa beans should undergo fermentation for 7days in order to kill the seeds and enhance the chocolate flavor; 3) dry under the sunor by a mechanical dryer; 4) dried beans are kept in gunny sacks and stack onraised platforms. Avoid damp conditions to control fungus attack which lower thebean quality.Dried fermented cacao beans (DFCB) are best graded before marketing, followingthe acceptable or standard grading system in the country. The criteria for grading arethe number of beans per 100 g, % fungus infection, % pest incidence and % slatybeans (“flat” beans).COCONUTWith the coconut trees are already established and already at bearing stage, themain farming practices are fertilization, underbrushing-weeding, mulching of the mainrootzone of coconut (also considered the fertilizing zone at trunk base of trees), andharvesting. Post-harvest and primary processing practices (seasoning of partiallyimmature nuts for 7–10 days, dehusking and copra processing) are common in small tomedium scale farms. If sold to coconut desiccating plants, dehusked nuts areimmediately marketed. <strong>Coconut</strong> husks await decortication/defibering, while coconutshells are converted to charcoal and sold to activated carbon processors.A separate fertilization for the stands of coconut and the cacao crop isrecommended. There are two average inorganic/mineral fertilizer recommendations forcoconut: 1) using the combination of single fertilizers (ammonium sulfate plus commonsalt (for potassium-rich soils) or potassium chloride (0-0-60) for soils deficient in K; and2) using ready-to-apply multinutrient fertilizers as the 14-5-20-0.02 (B), nowcommercially available like COCOGROW (ATLAS Brand) in 25 kg. capacity bags.These two fertilizer recommendations are compatible with the application ofappropriate organic fertilizers (compost, cocopeat, commercial organic fertilizers). Ifcapital resources to purchase organic fertilizers is available, any of these organicfertilizers ( total N, P and K of at least 5%) may be applied together with the mineralfertilizers (options 1 and 2) indicated below at the rate of 3-4 times of the periodicrates indicated. Organic fertilizers should be applied about a month ahead of the<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 6

application of the inorganic/mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers serve best as soilconditioners and fertilizer supplements to the coconut-cacao cropping system.For <strong>Coconut</strong>Option 1Application of Singlengle-Fertilizers (per tree):6 months from FP 200 g AS + 200 g SC or 200 g KCl1 year 500 g AS + 450 g SC or 600 g KCl2 years 750 g AS + 750 g SC or 900 g KCl3 years 1.0 kg AS + 1.25 kg SC or 1.5 kg KCl4 years 1.25 kg AS + 1.35 kg SC or 1.70 kg KCl5 years and onwards 1.50 kg AS + 1.70 kg SC or 2.00 kg KCla AS – Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0);SC – Sodium chloride (common salt);KCl – Potassium chloride (0-0-60)Option 2Application of ready-toto-apply multinutrientfertilizer (per tree):Age/StageRate of 14-5-20multi-nutrient Fertilizer aField-planting (FP)400 g6 months from FP 600 g1 year 1.25 kg2 years 1.50 kg3 years 2.00 kg4 years 2.50 kg5 years and onwards 3.00 kga contains 14% N, 5% P2O5, 20% K2O plus 15% Cl , 4.5%S, 0.02% Boron, Ca.For CacaoA. Average nutrient needs and suggested fertilizer grade for immature cacao plants (gper plant) aAfter field plantingNutrient RateFertilizer Grade(month)N P2O5 K2O MgO 14-14-14 b1481218246.4 6.4 6.4 -8.5 8.5 8.5 -8.5 8.5 8.5 -12.8 12.8 12.8 -17.0 17.0 17.0 -27.3 27.3 27.3 4.545606092121192 cTotal 80.5 80.5 91.7 4.5 570aPCARRD 1989b Estimated from PCARRD’s 1989 study<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 7

c Plus 19 g KCl (0-0-60 fertilizer) + 30 g dolomitic limestone (dolomite)B. Nutrient and fertilizer recommendation for mature cacao trees based on 1 t DFCB/hawith 1,241 plants at 3 m x 3 m spacingNutrient Nutrient Removal from cropping(kg/t per year)Cacao beans Pod husks TotalN21.3 14.5 35.8P4.0 1.8 5.8K9.5 62.7 72.2Ca1.0 5.6 6.6Mg3.0 3.0 6.0a Wood and lass 1985b Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0)c Solophos (18% P2O5)d KCl (0-0-60)e CaCO3 (limestone)f Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2, 12% MgONutrient(kg/ha)28.54.940.84.34.5Fertilizer GradePer ha (kg) per tree (g)135 b 108 b62 c 49 c107 d 86 d33 c 26 c50 f 40 f5.5. INVESTMENTNEEDSEEDS: COSTS AND RETURNS(PRODUCTIONECONOMICSCONOMICS)As an intercrop of coconut production, cacao (cocoa) at 600 trees/ha, has itsproduction cost (per year/ha) in a 5-year time scale (period cacao achieves full-bearingstage), follows: year 1 (field-planting), PhP30,476; year 2, @ 8,818; year 3, @26,700;year 4, @ 39,182; and year 5 and onwards, @41,481, while the projectedannual net income/ha: year 1, PhP 30,476 (negative income); year 2, @15,182; year 3,@47,980; Year 4, @72,491, and year 5 and onwards, @ PhP 95,111. For the coconutcrop (existing stand), the annual per ha average production cost (including fertilization)is PhP 8,950, Net income of PhP 21,050 (2,000 kg copra/ha, @ PhP15/kg copra).On the coconut-cacao cropping system, the projected total annual net incomegained per ha in a 5-year time scale are the following: year 1, PhP9,426 (negativeincome); year 2, @ 36,232; YEAR 3, @ 69.030; YEAR 4, @ 93,541; and year 5 andonwards, @ PhP 116,161The details of the simple costs and returns analysis (production economics) ofcoconut- Cacao cropping, per ha basis are shown in the following tables ( referenced toproduction items/details on: (1) Phil. Recommends for Cacao, PCARRD 1979; (1) cocoayield profiles, Richards 2007; (3) production costs based on 1997 prices by DA-SMIAR-RFU XI, Davao City )(PTable 5.1monocropSimple costs and returns(prodproduction economics) of cacao grown asand intercrop of coconut (cacao monocrop: 1,000 cacao trees/ha; cacao asintercrop of coconut: 600 trees/ha, Richards, 2007).Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5I. CACAO:A. Fixed Cost 3,500 a- 1,100b400 c-B. Maint. & Operating Cost1.Cacao seedlings,1,111 +10%, 27,775<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 8

P25/seedling (budded cacao)2.Fertilizer (complete,14-14-14) @ 960/bag3. Pesticides4. Sacks, P10 @5. Rattan baskets, P20@Sub-totatotal4,80040032,97510,56050011,06014,40050020020015,30021,12060060030022,62021,21060040020022,410C. Labor1. Clearing, 20md x P100/md2.Liming & staking 4 md3. Digging of holes, 10 md4.Planting, 40 md5. Weeding & mulching 10md6. Fertilizing, 4 md7. Spraying pesticides. 9md8. General weeding, 15 md9. Pruning, 10 md10. Harvesting, breaking of pods,fermenting, drying: 55, 83, 111md for 3 rd , 4 t , 5 th yr.Sub-total2,0004001000400010004009009,70010004009002,3001000400900150010005,50010,300500400900150010008,30012,60040040090015001,00011,10015,300D. Contingency (10%tot. cost) 4,618 1,336 2,670 3,562 3,771E. Total Production cost/100050,793 14,696 26,700 39,182 41,481cacao trees (as monocrop /ha)F. Production Cost/600 cacaotrees (cacao as intercropunder coconut/ha)F. Yield & Income from Cacao asF.1 Monocropa) Pod/treeb) Dried beans (kg/ha)c) Gross Value (at P80/kg)d) Net Income30,476 8,818 16,020 23,509 24,889000(50,793)730024,0009,304251,00080,00053,300381,500120,00080,818451,800144,000102,519F.2 As Intercropa) Pod/treeb) Dried beans (kg.ha)c) Gross Value (at P80/kg)d) Net Income000(30,476)1230024,00015,1823380064,00047,980501,20096,00072,491601,500120,00095,111a Sprayer, shovel, hoe,etc.b Pruning shear, construction of 25 sq.m. solar drier at P40/ Construction of additional 10 sq.m. concrete soar drier at P40/sq.m.Table 5.2. Simple costs and returns (production economics) of the coconut crop component and thetotal net income from coconut + cacao cropping system (per ha/year basis), 135coconut trees and 600 cacao trees/ha).<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 9

COCONUT:(Copra yield @ 2 t/ha,@P15/kgNuts= 8,000/ha)Cost of harvesting, piling,2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800hauling, deshusking @P0.35/nutCopra making @P0.12/kg 960 960 960 960 960Transport/Handling, @ P0.20/kg copra400 400 400 400 400Fertilizer application 360 360 360 360 360Circle weeding, 4.5 md, 6x/yr 2,430 2.430 2,430 2.430 2,430Fertilizer cost b 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000Total Cost (P) 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950 8,950Yield (kg/ha) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000Gross Income (P) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000Net Income (P) 21,050 21,050 21,050 21,050 21, 050Total Net income (Phphp)(coconut + cacao)(9,426) 36,232 69,030 93,541 116,161Benefit/cost ratio (0.24) 2.04 2.76 2.88 3.43b 1.5 kg AS + 1.7 kg NaCl @ P5/kg and P4/kg, respectively, 135 trees/ha6. POTENTIALFINANCINGSOURCESOURCES/C/CREDITFACILITIES• Self or In-House Finance (Private)• Local Government Units (Municipal, Provincial, Congressional)• Government Banks & Lending Institutions• Private Banks and Lending Agencies• Cooperatives• FoundationsREFERENCESEFERENCES:Cabangbang, R. and E. A. Aguilar. 1991. Intercropping coconut with cacao. In :BookSeries No. 116/1991.Success stories of farmer-managed coconut-basedfarming systems, Volume II. Published by PCARRD-DOST and RainfedResources Development Proj.- Govt. of the Phil. and United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID).Magat, S.S. 1999. Production management of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Published byPCA, Diliman, Quezon City. 67 p.Magat, S.S. 2004. Growing of Intercrops in coconut lands to generate more food andagricultutral products, jobs and enhancing farm income. <strong>Coconut</strong>Intercropping Primer. Published by PCA-Diliman, Quezon City.Dec.2004. 7p.<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 10

Magat, S.S. 2005. Crop Nutrition and Fertilization Management of Selected TropicalIndustrial Tree Crops. Los Baños, Laguna: PCARRD-DOST, 2005. 172 p.Magat, S.S. 2006. Good Agricultural Practices in <strong>Coconut</strong> Production (GAP-<strong>Coconut</strong>),PCA, Dept. of Agriculture.-Diliman, Quezon City Metro Manila, <strong>Philippine</strong>s. 86p.PCARRD-DOST. 1979. The <strong>Philippine</strong> Recommends for Cacao. Los Baños, Laguna:PCARRD.PCARRD-DOST. 2000. The Cacao Industry. Los Baños, Laguna: <strong>Philippine</strong> Council forAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development(PCARRD). DOST, Los Banos, Laguna.Richards, N. 2007. Cocoa and cocoa-based intercropping. Field Notes:CebuCity.ACDIVOCA <strong>Philippine</strong>s 2 p.Southern Mindanao Agricultural Research Center, Department of Agriculture RegionalField Unit XI,Bago Oshiro, Davao City. 1997 Price List of Agricultural Products.The <strong>Coconut</strong> Committee (1992). The <strong>Philippine</strong> Recommends for <strong>Coconut</strong>. Los Baños,Laguna: PCARRD, PARRFI and PCRDF. (Phil. Recommends Series, No.2-b,1993. 234 p.).From the internet:DA-Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Service. Cacao Industry SituationerReport. MORE INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE, YOU MAY CONTACT THE FOLLOWINGOFFICES SITUATED NEAR YOU: Research & Development, and Extension Branch, PCA, Diliman, Quezon City 1101Tel: (632) 928-4501 to 10 (local: 501, 508)Fax: (632) 926-7631Email: or Field Services Branch, PCA, Diliman, Quezon City 1101Tel: (632) 928-4501 to 10 (local: 504, 509)Albay Research Center (ARC), PCA, Banao, Guinobatan AlbayTel: (052) 484-6686 or 484-6685 Davao Research Center (DRC), PCA, Bago-Oshiro, Davao City, PO Box 80437Tel: (082) 293-0113/0115/0161/0119 Fax No. (082) 293-0571 or Zamboanga Research Center (ZRC), PCA, San Ramon, Zamboanga City, PO Box 356Tel: (0917) 710-1820 Email: pca_zrc@pldtdsl.netPCA Region IV-A (Southern Tagalog), Barrio Isabang, Lucena CiityTel: (042) 712-159 Email<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 11

PCA Region IV-B (MIMAROPA and rest of Luzon) Diliman, Quezon CityTelefax: 924-4761 Tel: 927-5227 Email: pca1234b@mozcom.comPCA Region V (Bicol) , Sagpon, Legaspi CityTel: (052) 245-5263 Fax: (052) 245-5263 Email : Region VI (Western Visayas), 12 Mabini St., Iloilo CityTel: (033) 337-7514 Fax: (033) 335-0977 Email: Region VII (Central Visayas), DA7, Mandaue City (CEBU) t.el: (032) 345-0009 Fax: (032) 345-8435PCA Region VIII (Eastern Visayas), Gov’t Center, Candahug, Palo, LeyteTel: (053) 323-2698 Fax: (053) 323-2995 Email: Region IX (Western Mindanao), J.P. Rizal St., Zamboanga CityTel: (062) 991-6369 Fax: (062) 992-1031 Region X (Northern Mindanao), #30 Daumar St., Cagayan De Oro CityTel: (088) 857-3707 Fax: (088) 272-2814 Email: lgc_pca10@philcom.phPCA Region XI (Southern Mindanao), PCA Complex, Bago-Ohiro, Tugbok District, Davao CityTel: (082) 293-0384 Telefax: (082) 293-0049 Email: pca11@pldtdsl.netPCA Region XII (Central Mindanao), 2 nd Flr, AS Bldg. , Cor. JP Laurel and CM Recto Sts,Gen. Santos CityTel: (083) 544-6263 Telefax: (083) 553-9424 Email: pcar12@gsc.weblinq.comPCA Region XIII (CARAGA), JC Aquino Ave., Pajera Subd., Butuan CityTel: (085) 815-3232 Fax: (085) 226-4621 Email:pca_13caraga@yahoo.comPCA-ARMM, Emilio Ong Bldg., Quezon Ave., Cotabato CityTelefax: (064) 421-2412. Email: wahab_mb@yahoo.comDrafted by:SS Magat and MI Secretaria25 April, 2007/ PCA-DRC, PCA-RDEB/ARMD<strong>Coconut</strong>-Beverage Crop (Cacao) <strong>Cropping</strong> <strong>Model</strong> 12

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