constituted - of Planning Commission

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target of 9 percent growth, which on a sustained basis, is yet to be achieved.The second is an even higher target of 9.5 per cent average growth for theTwelfth Five Year Plan. After using several macro-economic models to examinethe feasibility of attaining these targets in terms of internal consistencies andinter-sectoral balances, it considers the likely size of the Public Sector Planbased on the preliminary estimates made available by this Group for thatpurposes. Thus, the size of the Plan is in a way critical to the achievement of theoutcomes of the Plan; notwithstanding the likely efficiency gains in terms of thefocus on governance reform.The Working Group went about its task through constituting four Sub-Groupsto undertake comprehensive assessment of the major components determiningthe financial resources of the Centre: (i) Tax Revenues, (ii) Non-Tax Revenues,(iii) Non-Plan Expenditure and (iv) Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources(IEBR) of Central Public Sector enterprises (CPSEs). The composition of theSub-Groups, including co-opted additional members/invitees from outside theGroup, is at Annexure-II. The four Sub-Group reports were used as inputs forthis Report. The Report has been organised in the following manner: a briefintroduction on the economic backdrop to the assessment of the resourcerequirement, its approach and the projected level of resources for the TwelfthPlan is in this introductory chapter; this is followed by Chapter 2 on assessmentof the Tax Revenues for the Twelfth Five Year Plan; Chapter 3 addresses theavailable Non–Tax Resources and Other Capital Receipts available forfinancing the Plan; Chapter 4 discusses the Non-Plan Expenditure to analyse theaggregate resources available for the Plan and details the assumptions behindthe projections; and Chapter 5 details the IEBR of the CPSEs and proceedslikely in the next five years.The central mandate of this Group is to make forecasts on the availableresources for the next five years for financing the Plan. While the Group did sousing the best data and models available, it is worth remembering that economicWorking Group Report on Centre’s Financial ResourcesPage-2

forecasts and, for that matter, all forecasts in life, however carefully made, aresubject to error. The four different Sub-Groups consisting of members withspecialist knowledge in their respective domains have estimated the keyparameters under certain assumptions using a particular method which is usedas a baseline forecast in this Report. The Working Group has considered otheravailable estimates through different methods and ultimately arrived at ajudgemental forecast in this Report for key variables. This Working Group hadat least two important earlier estimates, albeit somewhat dated, in the form ofthe projections made in the Thirteenth Finance Commission and theGovernment Debt Report 2010. One of the terms of reference of this Group wasto consider the Report of the Expert Group headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan, whichhowever could not be done as the projections were made much before theExpert Group Report was available. This Working Group, therefore, had to relyon the traditional methods of classification; but with a focus on the totalexpenditure rather than on artificial plan and non-plan distinction.The traditional way of determining the available budgetary resources for thePlan is a residual method whereby the first claims on resources are laid oncommitted Non-Plan Expenditure; Balance from Current Revenues (BCR) areestimated and provision made for Non-Plan Capital Expenditure. The funds thatremain together with Borrowings and Non-Debt Capital Receipts are theavailable Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for financing the plan. GBS net ofthe Central Assistance provided to States/UTs together with the IEBR of theCPSEs determine the Total Plan Outlay for the Centre. There are certainbinding constraints within which the Centre’s financial resources available forthe Plan are to be estimated. The first being the level of resources committed onaccount of the Thirteenth Finance Commission award. The second is theoperation of the limits to borrowing set by the revised Fiscal Responsibility andBudget Management (FRBM) framework, which is yet to be made known.Third, the use of Disinvestment Receipts for financing the expenditure, whichWorking Group Report on Centre’s Financial ResourcesPage-3

forecasts and, for that matter, all forecasts in life, however carefully made, aresubject to error. The four different Sub-Groups consisting <strong>of</strong> members withspecialist knowledge in their respective domains have estimated the keyparameters under certain assumptions using a particular method which is usedas a baseline forecast in this Report. The Working Group has considered otheravailable estimates through different methods and ultimately arrived at ajudgemental forecast in this Report for key variables. This Working Group hadat least two important earlier estimates, albeit somewhat dated, in the form <strong>of</strong>the projections made in the Thirteenth Finance <strong>Commission</strong> and theGovernment Debt Report 2010. One <strong>of</strong> the terms <strong>of</strong> reference <strong>of</strong> this Group wasto consider the Report <strong>of</strong> the Expert Group headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan, whichhowever could not be done as the projections were made much before theExpert Group Report was available. This Working Group, therefore, had to relyon the traditional methods <strong>of</strong> classification; but with a focus on the totalexpenditure rather than on artificial plan and non-plan distinction.The traditional way <strong>of</strong> determining the available budgetary resources for thePlan is a residual method whereby the first claims on resources are laid oncommitted Non-Plan Expenditure; Balance from Current Revenues (BCR) areestimated and provision made for Non-Plan Capital Expenditure. The funds thatremain together with Borrowings and Non-Debt Capital Receipts are theavailable Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for financing the plan. GBS net <strong>of</strong>the Central Assistance provided to States/UTs together with the IEBR <strong>of</strong> theCPSEs determine the Total Plan Outlay for the Centre. There are certainbinding constraints within which the Centre’s financial resources available forthe Plan are to be estimated. The first being the level <strong>of</strong> resources committed onaccount <strong>of</strong> the Thirteenth Finance <strong>Commission</strong> award. The second is theoperation <strong>of</strong> the limits to borrowing set by the revised Fiscal Responsibility andBudget Management (FRBM) framework, which is yet to be made known.Third, the use <strong>of</strong> Disinvestment Receipts for financing the expenditure, whichWorking Group Report on Centre’s Financial ResourcesPage-3

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