constituted - of Planning Commission

constituted - of Planning Commission

constituted - of Planning Commission


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The Thirteenth Finance <strong>Commission</strong> has stated that the fertilizer subsidy needsto be targeted to ensure food security and self-sufficiency while preventingwasteful and suboptimal use <strong>of</strong> fertilizers. They also said that they have beeninformed that given the oligopolistic nature <strong>of</strong> the global fertilizer market, withIndia as a large buyer <strong>of</strong> key fertilizers, restraining inefficient fertilizerconsumption would also result in price benefits in the medium term. TheDepartment <strong>of</strong> Fertilizers, in their interaction with the <strong>Commission</strong>, also madethe point that a reworking <strong>of</strong> the subsidy regime would promote optimal use <strong>of</strong>fertilizers as well as better targeting <strong>of</strong> the subsidy. With these considerationsin view, the <strong>Commission</strong> took a reference point, the recommendation <strong>of</strong> thePM’s Economic Advisory Council (EAC) to restrict this subsidy to 120kilograms <strong>of</strong> fertilizer per cultivator household. [The report <strong>of</strong> the EconomicAdvisory Council (2007) states that 120 kg <strong>of</strong> fertilizer (comprising 80 kg <strong>of</strong>nitrogenous fertilizer, 30 kg <strong>of</strong> phosphatic fertilizer and 10 kg <strong>of</strong> potassicfertilizer) provide a well-balanced total <strong>of</strong> 60 kg <strong>of</strong> nutrient]. This will meet thefull requirement <strong>of</strong> small and marginal farmers and will also meet the selfconsumptionfood requirement <strong>of</strong> medium and large farmers. The balancerequirement is to be met from the free market. On this basis, the estimatedfinancing requirement for this subsidy was `10,980 crore in 2006-07. The<strong>Commission</strong> considered this to be reasonable target for 2014-15 if oil prices(which are closely aligned with the freight on board (FOB) unit price <strong>of</strong> thefertilizer basket) remain around US $70 per barrel. To achieve this, in theterminal year, the 2009-10 (BE) figure were reduced equi-proportionately eachyear so that the forecasted subsidy provision in 2014-15 is equal to the targetfigure <strong>of</strong> `10,980 crore. The <strong>Commission</strong> did not allow for any inflation as itexpected trend prices to be lower than those existed in 2006-07, not least due tothe expected inhibition <strong>of</strong> cartel formation in international fertilizer supplyduring the Finance <strong>Commission</strong> award period.In the Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement 2011-12, it has been stated that in orderWorking Group Report on Centre’s Financial ResourcesPage-39

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