Code of Conduct - Ecb

Code of Conduct - Ecb

Code of Conduct - Ecb

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Principle Statement Issues ActionsPrinciple Statement Issues ActionsRightsCricketcoachesmust respectandchampionthe rights <strong>of</strong>everyindividual toparticipatein cricketCricket coaches should:• assist in the creation <strong>of</strong> anenvironment where everyindividual has the opportunityto participate in cricket• create and maintain anenvironment free <strong>of</strong> fear andharassment• recognise the rights <strong>of</strong> allplayers to be treated asindividuals• recognise the rights <strong>of</strong> playersto confer with other cricketcoaches and experts• promote the concept <strong>of</strong> abalanced lifestyle, supportingthe well-being <strong>of</strong> the playerboth in and out <strong>of</strong> cricket.Principle Statement Issues ActionsResponsibilities– personalstandardsCricketcoachesmustdemonstrateproperpersonalbehaviourand conductat all timesCricket coaches:• must be fair, honest andconsiderate to players andothers in cricket• should project an image <strong>of</strong>health, cleanliness andfunctional efficiency• must be positive role models forplayers at all times.ECB Coach EducationWarwickshire County Cricket GroundEdgbastonBirmingham B5 7QXTel: 0121-440 1748Fax: 0121-446 6344Email: enquiries.coacheducation@ecb.co.uk• Treat all individuals in cricket with respectat all times.• Do not discriminate on the grounds <strong>of</strong>gender, marital status, race, colour,disability, sexuality, age, occupation,religion or political opinion.• Do not condone or allow to gounchallenged any form <strong>of</strong> discrimination.• Do not publicly criticise or engage indemeaning descriptions <strong>of</strong> others.• Be discreet in any conversations aboutplayers, cricket coaches or any otherindividuals.• Communicate with and provide feedbackto players in a manner that reflects respectand care.• Operate within the rules and the spirit <strong>of</strong>cricket.• Educate players on issues relating to theuse <strong>of</strong> performance-enhancing drugs incricket and co-operate fully with UK Sportand ECB policies.• Maintain the same level <strong>of</strong> interest andsupport when a player is sick or injured.• Display high standards in use <strong>of</strong> language,manner, punctuality, preparation andpresentation.• Encourage players to display the samequalities.• Do not smoke, drink alcohol or userecreational drugs before or while coaching.This reflects a negative image and couldcompromise the safety <strong>of</strong> your players.• Display control, respect, dignity andpr<strong>of</strong>essionalism to all involved in cricket.Responsibilities– pr<strong>of</strong>essionalstandardsTo maximisethe benefitsand minimisethe risks toplayers,cricketcoaches mustattain a highlevel <strong>of</strong>competencethroughqualifications,and acommitmentto ongoingtraining thatensuressafe andcorrectpracticeCricket coaches will:• ensure the environment is assafe as possible, taking intoaccount and minimisingpossible risks• promote the execution <strong>of</strong>safe and correct practice• be pr<strong>of</strong>essional and acceptresponsibility for their actions• make a commitment toproviding a quality service totheir players• actively promote the positivebenefits to society <strong>of</strong>participation in cricket• contribute to thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> cricketcoaching as a pr<strong>of</strong>ession byexchanging knowledge andideas with others• gain ECB coachingqualifications appropriateto the level at which theycoach cricket.• Follow the guidelines <strong>of</strong> the ECB or your employer.• Only allow participation if there is no risk tothe player.• Plan all sessions so they meet the needs <strong>of</strong> theplayers and are progressive and appropriate.• Maintain appropriate records <strong>of</strong> your players.• Recognise and accept when it is appropriateto refer a player to another cricket coachor specialist.• Seek to achieve the highest level <strong>of</strong> qualificationavailable.• Attend continuing pr<strong>of</strong>essional development(CPD) to maintain up-to-date knowledge <strong>of</strong>technical developments in cricket.• Attend CPD to maintain up-to-date knowledgeand understanding <strong>of</strong> other issues that mightimpact on both you and your players.• Be aware <strong>of</strong> the social issues and how cricket cancontribute to local, regional or national initiatives.• Actively participate in recruitment and educationopportunities in cricket.• Actively contribute to local, regional andnational initiatives to improve the standards andquality <strong>of</strong> cricket coaching both in cricket andsport in general.• Practise in an open and transparent fashion thatencourages other cricket coaches to contributeto or learn from your knowledge and experience.• Engage in self-analysis and reflection to identifyyour pr<strong>of</strong>essional needs.• Seek CPD opportunities to develop your cricketcoaching skills and update your knowledge.• Manage your lifestyle and cricket coachingcommitments to avoid burnout that might impairyour performance.• Do not assume responsibility for any role forwhich you are not qualified or prepared.• Do not misrepresent your level <strong>of</strong> qualification.www.sportscoachuk.orgAdapted from the sports coach UK <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> Practice for Sports Coaches with kind permission <strong>of</strong> The National Coaching Foundation. Photos © ECB.Designed and produced by Coachwise Ltd 90858:214

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