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film“Kin” International Film Festival showcases filmswritten and directed by women around the worldby NyreeAbrahamainYEREVAN – The Fifth Annual “Kin” InternationalFilm Festival, which showcasesthe talents of women directors throughoutthe world, took place between November28 and December 2 in Yerevan.The festival was organized by Liza Foundation,an <strong>Armenian</strong> non governmentalorganization that aims to protect women’srights and support women’s participationin the social and political life ofArmenia through the promotion of cultureand education.Fittingly, the festival opened just a fewdays after the International Day for theElimination of Violence against Womenon November 25, when women’s rightsand human rights group throughout Yerevanspoke out against domestic violence,an issue the discussion of whichis gradually becoming less of a taboo inArmenia.Fifty films were showcased at the fivedayfestival, from 11 different countriesranging from Iceland to Iran. “Our goalis not to limit the festival to films aboutwomen’s issues,” said “Kin” Festival organizerand director of Liza Foundation,Mariam Ohanyan. “We choose filmsbased on artistic merit. What’s importantis to see women’s viewpoints, to seethe world through women’s eyes.”Liza Foundation, established in 1994,had been working with women filmmakersin Armenia for several years, but theyfound that the largest obstacles that theyfaced was not making the films, but actuallyhaving them viewed. So they startedthe “Kin” Festival in 2004 to showcase<strong>Armenian</strong> women’s films. “In that firstyear, the festival included only the worksof <strong>Armenian</strong> filmmakers that had beenproduced in the past 15 years,” explainedMs. Ohanyan. “But over the years, weexpanded it to a more internationalscale.” Guests at this year’s festival includedMelek Ozman and Elisa Batoni,from Turkey and Italy, respectively, whoare both filmmakers and human rightsactivists. There were five jury membersincluding Canadian Oscar-winning director,Beverly Shaffer.“Kin” International Film Festival washeld at Yerevan’s Puppet Theater andentrance was completely free of charge.There was hardly an empty seat in the“Kin” International Film Festival took place at Yerevan’s famous Puppet Theater. Photo: NyreeAbrahamian.house throughout the festival. I waspleasantly surprised to see a diverse audience,with men and women of all differentage groups in attendance. There wereeven families with small children, whichgoes to show how important a culturalupbringing still is in Armenia. During theopening ceremony, I sat next to a fatherwho was quietly and patiently explainingthe English parts to his seven-year-olddaughter. It was truly heart-warming andencouraging to see that a celebration ofwomen in film was not considered a women-onlyzone, as proof of a traditionallypatriarchal <strong>Armenian</strong> society becomingincreasingly open-minded and of a senseof empowerment being instilled in a newgeneration of <strong>Armenian</strong> women. Sinfonia Toronto celebrates tenth anniversary with Germany tourby Migirdic MigirdicyanTORONTO – Sinfonia Toronto, the premierchamber orchestra of Toronto, underthe baton of Nurhan Arman, completedits first international tour by givingfive concerts in Germany.The first concert of the tour, on November19, was held in Fulda, followedby performances in Kassel, Warburg,and Bensheim. The series ended on November23 with a concert at the beautifulSt. Gallus church in Florsheim.The 13-piece string orchestra performedworks by Elgar, Schubert, Dvorak,Janacek, MacMillan, Sarasate, andTchaikovsky, thrilling audiences and receivingcritical acclaim. One newspaperin Fulda wrote, “The conductor let hisplayers do magic.” In Florsheim, aftera performance of Khachaturian’s “MasqueradeValse,” which the orchestraplayed superbly as a second encore, theaudience gave a standing ovation. Later,during a post-concert reception, the localorganizer told the guests that standingovations did not happen very oftenat this venue.Born to <strong>Armenian</strong> parents in Istanbul,Nurhan Arman played his first violin recitalat the age of 13. In 1971 he cameto United States on a Disney Foundationscholarship to continue his studiesat the California Institute of the <strong>Arts</strong>.After several seasons of leading U.S. orchestrasas concertmaster, he began aSinfonia Toronto performing at St. Gallus Church, Florsheim, Germany.Photos: Migirdic Migirdicyan.conducting career that has expandeddramatically.In 1982 Arman moved to Canada toaccept the post of music director of theNorth Bay Symphony and the NorthernMusic Festival. In 1985 he was appointedto the Royal Conservatory in Torontoas a visiting instructor in conducting,and in 1987 named music director ofSymphony New Brunswick.In March 1993 Arman was appointedprincipal guest conductor of the YerevanSymphony in Armenia. In 1998 hefounded the Sinfonia Toronto, which heswiftly built into one of Canada’s finestchamber orchestras.Nurhan Arman and his 13-piece string orchestra after the performance inFulda, Germany.As guest conductor, Arman has ledrenowned orchestras in Italy, Austria,Germany, Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Korea,Lithuania, and Armenia.Sinfonia Toronto performs its Masters’Series at the Grace Church On the Hill,in the Forest Hills district of Toronto,Canada.C8 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> December 6, 2008

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