Arts & Culture - Armenian Reporter

Arts & Culture - Armenian Reporter

Arts & Culture - Armenian Reporter


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Program Grid8 – 14 DecemberEST PST22:00 1:0022:30 1:3023:00 2:000:00 3:001:00 4:002:00 5:002:30 5:303:00 6:003:30 6:304:00 7:004:30 7:305:00 8:005:30 8:306:00 9:007:00 10:008:00 11:008:30 11:309:00 12:009:30 12:3010:00 13:0011:00 14:0012:00 15:0012:30 15:3013:00 16:0013:30 16:3014:30 17:3015:00 18:0015:30 18:3016:00 19:0016:30 19:3017:00 20:0017:30 20:3018:00 21:0018:30 21:3019:00 22:0019:30 22:3020:00 23:0020:30 23:3021:00 24:0021:30 24:308 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 December 13 DecemberMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYBernard ShowLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)A Drop of HoneyNeighbours (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Directionswith Rafi ManoukianNewsCool ProgramLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOCLONE (Serial)NewsLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanUnlucky Happiness(Serial)Neighbours (Serial)NewsGyanki Keene (Serial)Tonight ShowWith Hovo11 - SerialNewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)Neighbours (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)NewsBumerangLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOCLONE (Serial)NewsLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanUnlucky Happiness(Serial)Neighbours (Serial)NewsGyanki Keene - (Serial)Tonight ShowWith Hovo11 - SerialNewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)Neighbours (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)NewsCool ProgramLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOCLONE (Serial)NewsLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanUnlucky Happiness(Serial)Neighbours (Serial)NewsGyanki Keene - (Serial)Tonight ShowWith Hovo11 - SerialNewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)Neighbours (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)NewsBumerangLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOCLONE (Serial)NewsLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanUnlucky Happiness(Serial)Neighbours (Serial)NewsJagadakri kerinere (Serial)Pakhousd - (Serial)NewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)Neighbours (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)NewsCool ProgramLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOCLONE (Serial)NewsLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanUnlucky Happiness(Serial)Neighbours (Serial)NewsJagadakri kerinere (Serial)Pakhousd - (Serial)NewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLive From Americawith Ara KazaryanLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)11 ( Serial)11 ( Serial)11 ( Serial)MultYO YONewsBari Luyswith Stepan PartamianLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Unlucky Happiness (Serial)NewsBumerangLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)Tele KitchenMultYO YOFathers & SonsNewsBernard ShowBlefYere 1 (ye:re:van)CenturyArmenia DiasporaNewsJagadakri kerinere (Serial)Pakhousd - (Serial)NewsBari Luyswith Stepan Partamian14 DecemberSUNDAYBernard ShowLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)A Drop of HoneyDiscoveryCenturyArmenia DiasporaFathers & SonsNewsCenturyArmenia DiasporaLike A Wave (Serial)<strong>Armenian</strong> Teletime<strong>Armenian</strong> MovieLike A Wave (Serial)Snakes & Lizards (Serial)TV DuelLove E LeeA Drop Of HoneyDesangounBernard ShowBlefMy Big, Fat <strong>Armenian</strong>WeddingDirectionswith Rafi ManoukianWhen the Stars danceCUBEArmine Amiryan reports from around the world Continued from page C9herself into the lives of people who facecritical issues including lack of accessto technology, clean water, and medicalcare, to name a few. “Again, it’s anotherstory, but you must live with them tounderstand their lives,” she says.“Armenia TV has a huge audience herein Armenia and the people are reallywatching and they are really interestedin social stories,” says Armine. “Storiesabout the people’s lives and the problemsthey have.”Armenia TV is a unique station thatbrings Western media standards to Armenia.It was the first station to introducehigh definition, green screen, andlive shooting in Armenia. “This is helpingus deliver news in a different stylethan others,” adds Armine.Today Armenia TV programs arebroadcast in the CIS, Europe, the U.S.,and elsewhere. “<strong>Armenian</strong>s from differentparts of the world are watching us,”says Armine. “I am responsible for eachreport because I know millions of <strong>Armenian</strong>scan be watching.”In November, she answered a call tothe Armenia TV hotline from a familyin Hrazdan, just one hour outside Yerevan,whose four-month-old baby wason the brink of starvation. Within thehour of the call, Armine was already attheir home and filed the story. Her fiveminutereport resulted in over one hundredcalls from the United States andArmenia, with callers (who ranged frombusinesspeople to people who werepoor themselves) offering beds, food,and money. Even Armenia’s minister ofhealth offered assistance to alleviate thefamily’s dire circumstances.“I especially like these kinds of reports,”says Armine, who was still moved by theexperience. “Because each journalist hasan advantage besides showing the truthand the reality. They must help people.”Every day, Armenia TV’s newsroomArmine Amiryan at work.hotline receives over one hundred callsfrom viewers who have stories waitingto be told, Armine says. “We want tocover reports that are interesting for everyaudience member,” says Armine. “Issuesabout trash, elevators, social problems,and we are covering these stories.People who have had no water for up tofive years and we are coving this, andafter five years these people are gettingwater. It’s amazing.”For Armine, it’s fulfilling when the<strong>Armenian</strong> government responds to theissues. “After each report, we get a responsefrom different ministries,” shesays. “They are calling us and saying,‘Tomorrow we are going to resolve thisproblem.’ And we go back and cover howthe problems are resolved.”When Armine first went into journalism,she understood the professionis not just about telling the news. Shewanted to initiate change for the peopleand this was the perfect means.“<strong>Reporter</strong>s are a tool to help people,”she stresses. “Through us we can resolveproblems, through us we can revealproblems that most people don’t evenknow about. And once people know, theproblems become easier to resolve.”US Armenia TV’s newestreporterArmenia TV’s sister company in theUnited States – U.S.-Armenia TV – will behome for Armine for the next six months,during which she will work as the station’sspecial correspondent. Her reportswill be broadcast around the globe.“Most <strong>Armenian</strong>s think that Americais a dream country, but America has alot of problems,” Armine says. “Even<strong>Armenian</strong>s there have a lot of socialproblems but many <strong>Armenian</strong>s from Armeniacannot even imagine these kindsof problems exist. If we start to coverthese types of stories, to cover the lifeof <strong>Armenian</strong>s in the diaspora – musicians,doctors, politicians, even <strong>Armenian</strong>swho are not famous but are doinginteresting jobs – it will be very interestingbecause each family in Armenia hassomeone in the United States.”Diaspora news is not the only theme onArmine’s agenda. With the recent electionof Barack Obama, the U.S. is noticeablyin a period of transformation andtopics ranging from the current economiccrisis to foreign affairs are issues that willalso interest audiences in Armenia.If you love what you do, itwon’t feel like work“My life is the TV station,” says Armine.“Sometimes I’m a reporter, camera operator,and editor at the same time becauseI love my job.”The best part of journalism for Armineis being in the field. “To be withthe people, to be in the center,” she says.“In places where the news changes veryoften because today around the worldnews changes very often. Today peoplehave the Internet and they receive thenews rapidly. I do everything so that Ican change the way I think because everyday the way news is told changes aroundthe world. People are beginning to deliverthe news through iReports and throughour hotline. People are giving us information,they are working with the TV stations,and everything is always changing.The people are becoming the news, so youhave to change the way you think and Ilike to be where there is always change.”Journalism has taken Armine to placesshe could not have even expected. “I neverimagined that I would be inside the WhiteHouse, that I would be inside the State Department,the European Parliament, that Icould be inside cnn,” she says. “Even now,sometimes when I watch cnn, I think, ‘Iwas there?’ It was like a dream.”“At that time I never thought I would reachso far at such a young age, that this manydoors would open,” Armine continues. “Everyday I learn something new. Now thatI’m going to America, I know I’ll experiencesomething new. I’ve reported from manydifferent countries, but for the first time Iwill be living in a foreign country.”Armine adds, “I think this will be a goodexperience for me because, again, I’ll beworking for <strong>Armenian</strong>s and I’m proud tobe <strong>Armenian</strong>.”connect:usarmeniatv.comarmeniatv.amC10 <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> December 6, 2008

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