FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

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saw (or was told by the crew) Mr. Keen there on a few occasions over the next weeks andhis attendance became more sporadic over time. Mr. Birch testified that he had alsoobserved Mr. Keen there on a number of occasions “watching us come in and out”. Mr.Birch testified Mr. Keen on each occasion was by his truck looking at the plant entranceand was not in the park itself.DECISION:In discipline cases, an arbitration board must ask itself three questions:1. Has the employee given and just and reasonable cause for some form ofdiscipline by the employer?2. If so, was the discipline imposed an excessive response in all of thecircumstances of the case?3. Finally, if the discipline is considered excessive, what alternative measureshould be substituted as just and equitable?2011 CanLII 85129 (BC LA)(Wm. Scott and Co. Ltd. and Canadian Food & Allied Workers Union, Local P-162, [1977] 1 Can L.R.B.R. 1 (B.C.L.R.B.).Turning to the first question, the arbitral jurisprudence is clear that death threatsare an extremely serious matter and termination is generally the consequence: BrewersWarehousing Co. Ltd., 6 L.A.C. (3d) 104 (Egan); Greater Vancouver Regional District,147 L.A.C. (4 th ) 319 (Sullivan); Labatt Brewing Co., [2002] B.C.C.A.A.A. No. 414(McPhillips); City of Vancouver (Medeiros Grievance), 148 L.A.C. (4 th ) 406(McPhillips); City of Vancouver (Forber Grievance), [2003] B.C.C.A.A.A. No. 285(Moore); Western Star Trucks Inc., [1998] B.C.C.A.A.A. No. 395 (Blasina); AlcanSmelters and Chemicals Ltd., 135 L.A.C. (4 th ) 226 (Hope). There are also statutoryprovisions requiring employers to maintain a workplace free of violence: Bill C-45: AnAct to Amend the Criminal Code of Canada; Workers Compensation Act of BritishColumbia.In this case, the Union acknowledges that in these circumstances, if it is found bythe Board that a death threat was made by Mr. Keen against Mr. Birch, termination wasthe appropriate response on the part of the Employer.The first point in the analysis of whether the Grievor gave the Company cause fordiscipline is to determine whether objectively the words used by Mr. Keen could be seen10

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