FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

FAQ's Cases - Stewart McKelvey

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- 13 -[74] The complaint about the Pozniaks yelling in the office had two aspects. One involvedyelling at the plaintiff. The other involved the Pozniaks yelling at each other, or on thetelephone.[75] Mention has already been made of Roberta Pozniak yelling at the plaintiff for being lateon three occasions. In addition, she said that Ms. Pozniak had yelled at her about files, readingtravel magazines, or computer issues. If the computers were down, she said, Ms. Pozniak wouldyell at her as if it was her fault.[76] When asked to demonstrate what she meant by “yelling”, the plaintiff raised her voicesomewhat, although it was not particularly loud, falling well short of a yell. However, sheaccused Ms. Pozniak of being angry, aggressive and confrontational, and of using a nasty tone.At some unspecified point, she had yelled back at Ms. Pozniak, “quit yelling at us. It’s nothelping!”2011 ONSC 2148 (CanLII)[77] The plaintiff alleged that the Pozniaks yelled in the presence of the employees andcustomers. This made her cringe and she felt embarrassed, intimidated and afraid. It led toanxiety and panic attacks. She related it to her becoming physically ill on her way to work oneday. That was on one of the occasions when she said Ms. Pozniak yelled at her for being late.Specific examples involved Ms. Pozniak yelling on the telephone in her office at Bell Telephoneand the Public Utilities Commission. Also, she said that the plaintiffs would argue betweenthemselves in raised voices, making it hard to work as she would have to cover the telephone sothat clients could not hear.[78] Ms. Wills did not recall Ms. Pozniak yelling, but said that Ms. Pozniak had a tone ofvoice even if she was not yelling.[79] Ms. Kennedy recalled Ms. Pozniak yelling at the Public Utilities Commission, definitelymaking her feel uncomfortable, the Pozniaks arguing between themselves, and Ms. Pozniakyelling at her and the plaintiff. She recalled Ms. Pozniak yelling at the plaintiff many times,although not necessarily the specifics of each time. For example, if the printer did not work, shesaid that Ms. Pozniak would “get out of control” and blame the plaintiff, or if the internet wentdown, Mr. Pozniak would question why, blaming the plaintiff for things that were not her fault.Ms. Kennedy referred to the demeanour of Ms. Pozniak in such instances, implying it wasunpleasant.[80] Ms. Pozniak denied yelling at the plaintiff or at any employee in 15 to 16 years. Whenone was late, she said, she would say so, but not raise her voice. She added that, if, for example,a computer was down, she would after a while ask if it was back up. If not, she would get to the

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