Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Court-Ordered Discovery

Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Court-Ordered Discovery

Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Court-Ordered Discovery


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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FORTHE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIAALEXANDRIA DIVISIONJANE DOE andJOHN DOEPla<strong>in</strong>tiffs) Civil Action No. 1 :04 CV 1361 (LMB/BRP)YUSVF ABDI ALlDefendant.MEMORADUM IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPELPla<strong>in</strong>tiffs, by the under signed counsel, submit this <strong>Memo</strong>randum <strong>in</strong> support <strong>of</strong> theirmotion <strong>to</strong> compel production <strong>of</strong> all documents and th<strong>in</strong>gs responsive <strong>to</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' First Set <strong>of</strong>Document Requests.Jane Doe and John Doe (collectively, "Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs ) have <strong>in</strong>stituted this action under theAlien Tort Claims Act ("ATCA"), 28 V.C. 9 1350, and the Torte Victim Protection ActTVP A"), 28 V.C. 9 1350 note, aga<strong>in</strong>st Defendant Yusuf Adbi Ali ("Ali"), who served as acommander <strong>in</strong> the Somali National Ary <strong>in</strong> the 1980s. Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs allege that Ali is liable <strong>to</strong>Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs for acts <strong>of</strong> attempted extrajudicial kil<strong>in</strong>g; <strong>to</strong>rtre; crimes aga<strong>in</strong>st humanity; war crimes;cruel, <strong>in</strong>human or degrad<strong>in</strong>g treatment or punishment; and arbitrary detention.FACTSOn Januar 52005, Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs served by hand delivery Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' First Set <strong>of</strong>Interroga<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong> Defendant Yusuf Abdi Ali and Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' First Set <strong>of</strong> Document Requests <strong>to</strong>Defendant Yusuf Abdi Ali. Copies are attached here<strong>to</strong> as Exhibits A and B. Defendant'sresponses <strong>to</strong> these discovery requests were due on Februar 4 2005. On February 15 2005

counsel for the paries met and conferred telephonically <strong>to</strong> discuss, among other th<strong>in</strong>gs, Ali'responses <strong>to</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' written discovery. Durng this conversation , counsel for Ali agreed <strong>to</strong>serve responses by Monday, Februar 212005. This agreed date was confirmed via electronicmail communications between counsel for the paries exchanged on Februar 15 and 16. Copiesare attached as Exhibit A.The Februar 21response date hav<strong>in</strong>g come and gone, on February 22 2005, counselfor defendant said that the responses would be delivered by noon on Friday, February 25 2005.SeeExhibit B. However, on February 25 no such responses were forthcom<strong>in</strong>g. Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs moved<strong>to</strong> compel responses and the matter was heard by Magistrate Judge Poretz. On March 17 2005Magistrate Judge Poretz ordered defendant <strong>to</strong> respond fully by April 5 , 2005. See Exhibit C.Innumerous e-mails and conversations between March 17 and April 5, 2005, pla<strong>in</strong>tiffscounsel rem<strong>in</strong>ded defendant's counsel <strong>of</strong> the April 5 , 2005 response deadl<strong>in</strong>e. On April 6, 2005pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' counsel , hav<strong>in</strong>g received no responses or documents, drafted a letter and forwarded it<strong>to</strong> defendant' s counsel, demand<strong>in</strong>g responses by no later than noon on April 7 , 2005.SeeExhibit D.No responses hav<strong>in</strong>g been received, defendant' s counsel prepared this motion <strong>to</strong> be filedon April 8, 2005.ARGUMENTDefendant simply has delayed, evaded, and promised , but has not fully responded <strong>to</strong>pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' discovery requests. The deadl<strong>in</strong>e for responses and documents was two months agobut Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs have yet <strong>to</strong> receive any documents. Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs have been prejudiced by thisThe undersigned received limited responses <strong>to</strong> the discovery requests while this motion was be<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>alizedon April 8, 2005. As <strong>of</strong> fi<strong>in</strong>g, no documents have been received.

unexcused delay. First, expert reports are due Monday, April 11 , 2005, and those reports havebeen prepared without the benefit <strong>of</strong> any discovery responses from the defendant. Alsodefendant' s deposition is scheduled for April 20 and 21 , and pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs stil do not havedocuments from the defendants.Federal Rule <strong>of</strong> Civil Procedure 37 provides that a pary may apply for an ordercompellng disclosure and for appropriate sanctions when a respond<strong>in</strong>g pary has failedrespond. The rule treats <strong>in</strong>complete responses as a failure <strong>to</strong> respond. Fed. R. Civ. P. 37 (a). Inths case, defendant has blithely failed <strong>to</strong> comply with an order <strong>of</strong> the cour requirng fullresponses by April 5, 2005. Section (c) <strong>of</strong> Rule 37 fuher provides that a pary who fails <strong>to</strong>disclose discovery <strong>in</strong>formation without substantial justification shall be subject <strong>to</strong> sanctions.Appropriate sanctions under Rule 37 <strong>in</strong>clude the award <strong>of</strong> reasonable expenses and at<strong>to</strong>rneyfees <strong>in</strong>cured <strong>in</strong> makng the motion.ld.CONCLUSIONFor these reasons, pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs request that the <strong>Court</strong> direct the defendant <strong>to</strong> providecomplete responses <strong>to</strong> outstand<strong>in</strong>g discovery, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g required privilege logs, fortwith, andthat the <strong>Court</strong> award Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs their costs and expenses, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g at<strong>to</strong>rney s fees, that they<strong>in</strong>cured <strong>in</strong> connection with this <strong>Motion</strong>.

Dated: April 8, 2005JANE DOE andJOHN DOE::CRobert R. Vieth (VSB #2 04)Scott A. Johnson (VSB #40722)Tara M. LeeCooley Godward LLPOne Freedom Square11951 Freedom DriveRes<strong>to</strong>n, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia 20190-5656(703) 456-8000Matthew EisenbrandtHelene SilverbergCenter for Justice & Accountability870 Market Street, Suite 684San Francisco, Californa 94102(415) 544-0444Deval ZaveriWelly Tan<strong>to</strong>noCooley Godward LLP4401 Eastgate MallSan Diego, California 92121(858) 550-6000CERTIFICATE OFSERVICEI hereby certify, this 8 th day <strong>of</strong> April , 2005, that a true copy <strong>of</strong> the forego<strong>in</strong>g wastransmitted by electronic mail and V.S. mail <strong>to</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g counsel <strong>of</strong> record:Joseph Peter Drennan, Esq.218 North Lee Street, Third Floor ..Alex239078 vl/R


Willams, Sharonom:Jnt:10:Cc:Subject:Follow Up Flag:Flag Status:Joseph Peter Drennan noseph josephpeterdrennan.com)Wednesday, February 16, 20052:59 AMVieth, BobWiliams, Sharon; Johnson, Scott; Helene Silverberg(FS#3372973) Re: <strong>to</strong>day's callFiled <strong>to</strong> FileSurf on 2/16/200512:25:57 PM, DoC# 3372973FlaggedDear Bob:Regard<strong>in</strong>g your putative summarization <strong>of</strong> our telephone conversation<strong>of</strong> yesterday afternoon, set forth <strong>in</strong> your follow up e-mail, I shouldemphasize that at no po<strong>in</strong>t did I waive or withdraw any <strong>of</strong> the objections<strong>to</strong> discovery that have been <strong>in</strong>terposed by defendant AIL To reiteratewhat I stated <strong>in</strong> our said conversation <strong>in</strong> such regard, the onlycontemplated limited waiver that defendant Ali has considered relates <strong>to</strong>the provisions <strong>of</strong> 8 C., Sec. 208.6, which perta<strong>in</strong>s <strong>to</strong> theimmigration proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g Mr. AIi, <strong>in</strong> consideration <strong>of</strong> theProtective Order <strong>in</strong> respect <strong>of</strong> the subject action that has been agreed.With such proviso <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d, the balance <strong>of</strong> your summary <strong>of</strong> the itemsdiscussed <strong>in</strong> our said conversation essentially reflects the matters thatwe discussed..' JcerelY,JosephOn Tue, 2005-02- 15 at 15:32 -0500, Vieth, Bob wrote:) Dear Joseph --) I write <strong>to</strong> confirm some items we discussed dur<strong>in</strong>g our telephone call <strong>to</strong>day.) You agreed <strong>to</strong> get us your client' s discovery responses (documents and <strong>in</strong>terroga<strong>to</strong>ry answers) by MondayFebruary 21. You also stated that notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g the objections you <strong>in</strong>terposed, you do not <strong>in</strong>tend <strong>to</strong> withhold anydocuments <strong>in</strong> your client' s possession or control except those that are covered by the at<strong>to</strong>rney-client privilege orthe work product doctr<strong>in</strong>e. As <strong>to</strong> those withheld documents, you wil prepare a privilege log.) We also discussed (aga<strong>in</strong>) the situs <strong>of</strong> the depositions <strong>of</strong> the pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs. As I <strong>to</strong>ld you, we have been <strong>in</strong> contact forweeks with the U.S. Embassy <strong>in</strong> Kenya regard<strong>in</strong>g visas for entry <strong>in</strong><strong>to</strong> the U.S. for purposes <strong>of</strong> depositions. We verymuch wish <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g our pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs <strong>to</strong> the u. s. for depositions, but if it appears that we will be unable <strong>to</strong>br<strong>in</strong>g them here due <strong>to</strong> the unavailabilty <strong>of</strong> visas, we <strong>in</strong>tend <strong>to</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g the matter promptly <strong>to</strong> the court's attention.I understand that you may wish <strong>to</strong> object <strong>to</strong> depositions outside <strong>of</strong> the U.S. and that you preserve any suchobjections. I also understand that you may serve notices <strong>of</strong> the pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs' depositions for late March. I' ll let youknow once we have a better picture from the Embassy, which we hope wil be very soon.. ),anks.-- Bob

.. )- , ========== ==== = ============ ===================== =======) Robert R. Vieth) Partnerooley Godward LLP * One Freedom Square * Res<strong>to</strong>n Town Center * 11951 Freedom Drive) Res<strong>to</strong>n, VA 20190-5656) Direct: 703-456-8082 * Fax: 703-456-8100 * Cell: 240-281-5362) Bio: www.cooley.com/rvieth * Practice Group: www.cooley.com/litigation) This email message is for the sole use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>tended recipient(s) and may conta<strong>in</strong> confidential and privileged<strong>in</strong>formation. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the <strong>in</strong>tendedrecipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies <strong>of</strong> the orig<strong>in</strong>al message. If you are the<strong>in</strong>tended recipient, please be advised that the content <strong>of</strong> this message is subject <strong>to</strong> access, review and disclosureby the sender s Email System Adm<strong>in</strong>istra<strong>to</strong>r.Joseph Peter Drennan, At<strong>to</strong>rney-at-Law218 North Lee StreetThird FloorAlexandria, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia 22314-2631United States <strong>of</strong> AmericaTelephone: (703) 519-3773Telecopier: (703) 548-4399lbile: (540) 226-0777Mail: joseph josephpeterdrennan.comCONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: The forego<strong>in</strong>g message is strictlyprivate and is <strong>in</strong>tended solely for the with<strong>in</strong>-designated recipient(s).Moreover, the <strong>in</strong>stant message may conta<strong>in</strong> confidential data which areprotected by the at<strong>to</strong>rney-client privilege and/or at<strong>to</strong>rney work-productprivilege. Accord<strong>in</strong>gly, <strong>in</strong> the event that you were <strong>to</strong> receive thise-mail message <strong>in</strong> error, k<strong>in</strong>dly notify immediately the sender, by returne-mail, and thereupon delete from the recipient(s) computer, and allappurtenant s<strong>to</strong>rage media, all traces <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>stant message, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gany attachment(s) there<strong>to</strong>. Thank you. In addition, be advised that thismessage shall not be considered, nor shall it constitute, an electronictransaction, non-paper transaction, and/or "electronic signature , underany and all laws and enactments which perta<strong>in</strong> <strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>cols and use<strong>of</strong> "electronic signatures , <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g, but not limited <strong>to</strong> , the UniformElectronic Transfer Act, and/or the Electronic Signatures <strong>in</strong> Global andNational Commerce Act, codified at 15 U. C., Section 7001.


Wlliams, SharonTo:Cc:Subject:Follow Up Flag:Flag Status:Joseph Peter Drennan noseph~josephpeterdrennan.com)Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:06 AMVieth, BobHelene Silverberg; Willams, Sharon; Lee, Tara; Johnson, Scott(FS#3389614) Jane Doe, et ali, v. Yusuf Abdi AIi, Civil Action No. 04-1361, before the UnitedStates District <strong>Court</strong> for the Eastern District <strong>of</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia (Alexandria Division)Filed <strong>to</strong> FileSurf on 2/23/2005 9:14:59 AM, Doc# 3389614FlaggedDear Bob:I am sorry that I was not <strong>in</strong> <strong>to</strong> receive your calls on Fridayafternoon, and yesterday. I wil call you <strong>to</strong>day, as soon as I f<strong>in</strong>ish amidday meet<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>g<strong>to</strong>n. I understand from your latter messagethat you requested that I call you before 2:00, <strong>to</strong>day, and I willoblige.I also thank you for clarify<strong>in</strong>g your position as regards the subpoenathat was served upon Thomas A. Ellot, Esquire, <strong>of</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>g<strong>to</strong>n, D.C., whorepresented Mr. Ali <strong>in</strong> his removal proceed<strong>in</strong>gs before the INS <strong>in</strong> thelate 1990s. The essence <strong>of</strong> your position with respect <strong>to</strong> the subpoenais that, upon my certification that I have assumed cus<strong>to</strong>dy <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> Mr.iot' s files perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> Mr. Ali and that my forthcom<strong>in</strong>g documentr oduction and privilege log encompasses all <strong>of</strong> Mr. Elliot' s files aswell as all <strong>of</strong> the defendant' s other reposi<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>of</strong> files and recordsthe aforesaid subpoena would be withdrawn.As regards the discovery due from the defendant, please be advisedthat a large volume <strong>of</strong> Mr. Elliot's files and records are presentlybe<strong>in</strong>g copied <strong>of</strong>f site <strong>in</strong> order <strong>to</strong> facilitate my review <strong>of</strong> same andcompilation <strong>of</strong> a complete privilege log. Because the defendant' s review<strong>of</strong> such files and records is essential <strong>to</strong> his execution <strong>of</strong> Interroga<strong>to</strong>ryAnswers and his Responses <strong>to</strong> the subject Requests for Production, Irespectfully request your cont<strong>in</strong>ued <strong>in</strong>dulgence until noon Friday, 25February 2005, <strong>to</strong> furnish such outstand<strong>in</strong>g discovery.I look forward <strong>to</strong> discuss<strong>in</strong>g these matters with you later <strong>to</strong>day, as Ibeg <strong>to</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>,S<strong>in</strong>cerely,Joseph,seph Peter Drennan, At<strong>to</strong>rney-at-LawNorth Lee StreetThird FloorAlexandria, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia 22314-2631

". -.United States <strong>of</strong> AmericaTelephone: (703) 519-3773lecopier: (703) 548-4399pbile: (540) 226-0777Mail: josephe?josephpeterdrennan.comCONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: The forego<strong>in</strong>g message is strictlyprivate and is <strong>in</strong>tended solely for the with<strong>in</strong>-designated recipient(s).Moreover, the <strong>in</strong>stant message may conta<strong>in</strong> confidential data which areprotected by the at<strong>to</strong>rney-client privilege and/or at<strong>to</strong>rney work-productprivilege. Accord<strong>in</strong>gly, <strong>in</strong> the event that you were <strong>to</strong> receive thise-mail message <strong>in</strong> error, k<strong>in</strong>dly notify immediately the sender, by returne-mail, and thereupon delete from the recipient(s) computer, and allappurtenant s<strong>to</strong>rage media, all traces <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>stant message, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gany attachment(s) there<strong>to</strong>. Thank you. In addition, be advised that thismessage shall not be considered, nor shall it constitute, an electronictransaction, non-paper transaction, and/or "electronic signature , underany and all laws and enactments which perta<strong>in</strong> <strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>cols and use<strong>of</strong> "electronic signatures , <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g, but not limited <strong>to</strong>, the UniformElectronic Transfer Act, and/or the Electronic Signatures <strong>in</strong> Global andNational Commerce Act, codified at 15 U. C., Section 7001.


~~~~~~: . . . :.,, "-_.._-_..IN THE UNTED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THEEASTEIRG1NA. rC rJane Doe et at.Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffsl ''''''..-.--C:.:,,CIVIL ACTION NO: 1:04cv1361. v.; (,:; iY usuf Abdi AliDefendant.ORDERBefore the Cour are Pla<strong>in</strong>tiff s <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Compel</strong> (Dkt. no. 39), Pla<strong>in</strong>tiff s <strong>Motion</strong> for Entr<strong>of</strong> Protective Order (Dkt. no. 43), and Defendant's Oppositions there<strong>to</strong> (Dkt. nos. 42 , 46). For thereasons stated from the Bench, it isORDERED(1) Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Compel</strong> (Dkt. no. 39) is GRATED;(2) Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs <strong>Motion</strong> for Entr <strong>of</strong> Protective Order (Dkt. no. 43) is DENIED;(3) Defendant must respond fully <strong>to</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs discovery relative <strong>to</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Compel</strong>(Dkt. no. 39) by April 5, 2005; and(4) Defendant's March 21 2005 and March 22 2005 noticed depositions <strong>of</strong> Pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs are stayed untilApril 5, 2005.Entered this 17 day <strong>of</strong> March 2005.Barr R. PoretzUnited States Magistrate JudgeAlexandria, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia


Wiliams, SharonFrom:Sent:To:Cc:Subject:Follow Up Flag:Flag Status:Vieth, BobMonday, April 04, 2005 6:01 PMjoseph~josephpeterdrennan.comhsilverberg~cja.org; Willams, Sharon(FS#3664492) depositionsFiled <strong>to</strong> FileSurf on 4/5/2005 2:37:51 PM, DoC# 3664492FlaggedJoseph --I received the notices <strong>of</strong> deposition that you served <strong>to</strong>day, without consult<strong>in</strong>g us about our availability. I note, however, thatwe have not yet received any response <strong>to</strong> our repeated requests <strong>to</strong> schedule the defendant's deposition. We are alsolook<strong>in</strong>g forward <strong>to</strong> receiv<strong>in</strong>g your client's documents and <strong>in</strong>terroga<strong>to</strong>ry answers <strong>to</strong>morrow. Please let me know about yourclient' s availabilty for a deposition on April 19, 20 and/or 21.-- BobRobert R. ViethPartnerCooley Godward LLP + One Freedom Square + Res<strong>to</strong>n Town Center + 11951 Freedom DriveRes<strong>to</strong>n, VA 20190-5656Direct: 703-456-8082 + Fax: 703-456-8100 + Cell: 240-281-5362Bio: ww.cooley.com/rvieth + Practice Group: ww.cooley.comllitigation

Cooley Godw8:rd LLPATIORNEYS AT LAW Broomfield, CO720 566-4000One Freedom SquareRes<strong>to</strong>n Town Center11951 Freedom DriveRes<strong>to</strong>n, V A20190-5656Ma<strong>in</strong> 703 456-8000Fax 703 456-8100www.cooley. comPalo Al<strong>to</strong>, CA650 843-5000San Diego, CA858550-6000San Francisco, CA415 693-2000By ELECTRONIC MAIL AND U.S. MAILSCOTT A. JOHNSON(703) 456-8117scottjohnson cooley.comApril 6, 2005Joseph Peter Drennan, Esq.218 Nort Lee StreetThrd FloorAlexandria, Virg<strong>in</strong>ia 22314-2631Reo'Jane Doe, et aL v. Yusuf Abdi AU,Civil Action No. 1:04 CV 1361 (LMB/BRP)Dear Mr. Drennan:Enclosed please f<strong>in</strong>d our Amended Notice <strong>of</strong> Deposition for the deposition <strong>of</strong> your clientApril 20-21.Moreover, we are <strong>in</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> your request for extension <strong>of</strong> time <strong>to</strong> answer<strong>in</strong>teroga<strong>to</strong>ries and respond <strong>to</strong> document requests. As you know, Judge Poretz' s Order <strong>of</strong>March 17 required your responses by April 5 , 2005.We expect your discovery responses by noon Thursday, April 7, 2005, or we wil fie anappropriate motion by Friday the 8th. We simply canot cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>to</strong> wait. The pla<strong>in</strong>tiffs servedby hand their wrtten discovery on Januar 5, 2005. Responses were due Februar 4 2005. OnFebruar 15 you <strong>to</strong>ld us we would receive your responses by February 21. Aga<strong>in</strong> onFebruar 22, we were <strong>to</strong>ld that we would receive responses by Februar 25. No responses werefortcom<strong>in</strong>g, and on March 4 we were forced <strong>to</strong> fie our motion <strong>to</strong> compel. At the hearng on ourmotion <strong>to</strong> compel on March 17, Judge Poretz granted you nearly thee additional weeks <strong>to</strong>provide responses, and yet we still do not have them. As such, we must <strong>in</strong>sist that you provideyour responses no later than noon <strong>to</strong>morrow.Enclosure238830 vl/Rscott

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