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LEGALApplication is beingmade with the TexasAlcoholic BeverageCommission for a Distillersand RectifiersPermit by Banner DistillingCompany LLC,dba Banner DistillingCompany, to be locatedat 13201 JacobsonRd, Unit#11, Manor,Travis County, Texas.Owners are LoganSimpson and AnthonyJimenez (ManagingMembers) and CindySimpson and AnnahJimenez (Members).Blue Ribbon Barbecue,Inc., Robert Cavo,Owner, DBA Blue RibbonBarbecue is MakingApplication withthe Texas AlcoholicBeverage Commissionfor a Mixed BeveragePermit, Mixed BeverageLate Hours Permit,Caterer’s Permit,Beverage CartagePermit On the Addressof 401 Congress Ave.Ste. 100-C, Austin,Travis TexasCAUSE NO. C-1-PB-12-001973NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF CHESTER L.SPAW Notice is hereby giventhat original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Chester L.Spaw, Deceased were issuedon January 10, 2013, in CauseNumber C-1-PB-12-001973,pending in the Probate CourtNumber One of Travis County,Texas, to:Steven N. Spaw and Nancy E.McLainThe residence of such IndependentCo-Executor StevenN. Spaw is in Bastrop County,Texas. The address for StevenSpaw is, 1030 FM 3000 Unit C,Elgin, TX 78621.The residence of such IndependentCo-Executor Nancy E.McLain is in Saint TammanyCounty, Louisiana. The addressfor Nancy E. McLain is 80457Section Road, Covington, LA70435; and her resident agent isJoel B. Bennett, whose addressis 316 W. 12th Street, Suite 101,Austin, Travis County, Texas78701.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present them toSteven N. Spaw and Nancy E.McLain, Independent Co-Executorsof the Estate of Chester L.Spaw, at the office of Joel B.Bennett, P.C., 316 W. 12th, Suite101, Austin, Texas 78701.Dated the 14th day of January,2013.By: /s/ Catalina E. CantuAttorney for Steven N. Spawand Nancy E. McLainCAUSE NO. C-1-PB-12-002066NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF HARDY OVER-TON Notice is hereby giventhat original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of HardyOverton, Deceased were issuedon January 8, 2013, in CauseNumber C-1-PB-12-002066,pending in the Probate CourtNumber One of Travis County,Texas, to:Johnnie Mae OvertonThe residence of such IndependentExecutor is in TravisCounty, Texas. The address is:5308 Beechmoor DriveAustin, TX 78723All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themto Johnnie Mae Overton,Independent Executor of theEstate of Hardy Overton, at theoffice of Joel B. Bennett, P.C.,316 W. 12th, Suite 101, Austin,Texas 78701.Dated the 9th day of January,2013.By: /s/ Catalina E. CantuAttorney for Johnnie MaeOvertonCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO: D-1-FM-01-005304To: CORY CARRINGTON andto all who it may concern,Respondent(s); GREETINGS:YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. Ifyou or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment may betaken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COMMAND-ED to appear and answerbefore the Honorable DistrictCourt, 200TH JUDICIAL DIS-TRICT COURT, Travis County,Texas, at the Courthouse ofsaid County in Austin, Texas, ator before 10 o’clock A.M. of theMonday next after expirationof twenty days from the dateof service of this citation, thenand there to answer the PETI-TION TO MODIFY PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ANDTRAVIS COUNTY STANDINGORDER of VICKIE LYNN FIN-LEY BERTRAND Petitioner(s),filed in said court on NOVEM-BER 30, 2012, against COREYCARRINGTON AND CARRIEJO HOFF Respondent(s), andsaid suit being number D-1-FM-01-005304 the docket of saidCourt, and entitled “IN THEINTEREST OF JASMINE LYNNCARRINGTON, A CHILD”,the nature of which suit is arequest PETITION TO MODIFYPARENT-CHILD RELATION-SHIP AND TRAVIS COUNTYSTANDING ORDER.The Court has authority in thissuit to enter any judgment ordecree in the child’s interestwhich will be binding on you,including the termination of theparent-child relationship, thedetermination of paternity, andthe appointment of a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of said courtat Austin, Texas, January 08,2013.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 Guadalupe,P.O. Box 679003 (78767)Austin, Texas 78701By /s/ IRENE SILVA, DeputyREQUESTED BY:REBECCA L. STERN316 W 12TH ST STE 311AUSTIN, TX 78701BUSINESS PHONE: (512)481-9950FAX: (512) 481-9951CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO: D-1-FM-12-006836To: and to all who it may concern,Respondent(s); GREET-INGS: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED.You may employ an attorney.If you or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment may betaken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COM-MANDED to appear andanswer before the HonorableDistrict Court, 419THJUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT,Travis County, Texas, at theCourthouse of said County inAustin, Texas, at or before 10o’clock A.M. of the Mondaynext after expiration of twentydays from the date of serviceof this citation, then and thereto answer the ORIGINAL PETI-TION FOR TERMINATION ANDADOPTION OF STEPCHILDof JAIME WARD Petitioner(s),filed in said court on December10 , 2012, against RUEL SAINT-MARK HILL Respondent(s),and said suit being numberD-1-FM-12-006836 on the docketof said Court, and entitled“IN THE INTEREST OF ADIAMARGARET MASANJA HILLA CHILD”, the nature of whichsuit is a request ORIGINALPETITION FOR TERMINA-TION AND ADOPTION OFSTEPCHILD.The Court has authority in thissuit to enter any judgment ordecree in the child’s interestwhich will be binding on you,including the termination of theparent-child relationship, thedetermination of paternity, andthe appointment of a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of said courtat Austin, Texas, January 07,2013.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 Guadalupe,P.O. Box 679003 (78767)Austin, Texas 78701By /s/ ANDRADE ELIAS,DeputyREQUESTED BY:REBECCA ANN WHEELER801 WEST AVE STE 200AUSTIN, TX 78701—224BUSINESS PHONE: (512)236-9696FAX: (512) 236-9695CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTEREST-ED IN THE ESTATE OF BETTYJANE CASTANO Deceased, No.C-1-PB-13-000036 in ProbateCourt Number One of TravisCounty, Texas.BARBARA JEAN TULLOSThe alleged heir(s) at lawin the above numbered andentitled estate, filed on January07, 2013, an Application toDetermine Heirship & Letters ofIndependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determinewho are the heirs and onlyheirs of the said BETTY JANECASTANO, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on JANUARY 07, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OFMARCELLLA D DRIVER Deceased,No. C-1-PB-13-000029in Probate Court Number Oneof Travis County, Texas.TANYA KITTEN alleged heir(s)at law in the above numberedand entitled estate, filed onJanuary 07, 2013, an Applicationto Determine Heirship &Appointment of IndependentAdministrator in the said estateand request(s) that said Courtdetermine who are the heirsand only heirs of the said MAR-CELLA D DRIVER, Deceased,and their respective shares andinterests in such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 07, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF ROYTHADDEUS COLUNGA Deceased,No. C-1-PB-13-000008in Probate Court Number Oneof Travis County, Texas.TRESIA J GARCIA The allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on January 03, 2013, anApplication to DetermineHeirship & Appointment ofDependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determine whoare the heirs and only heirsof the said ROY THADDEUSCOLUNGA, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 03, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATEOF SIOBHAN SOPHIASHARKEY Deceased, No.C-1-PB-13-000107 in ProbateCourt Number One of TravisCounty, Texas.ROBERT E SHARKEY and allThe alleged heir(s) at law in theabove numbered and entitledestate, filed on January 14,2013, an Application to DetermineHeirship and Letters ofIndependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determine whoare the heirs and only heirs ofthe said SIOBHAN SOPHIASHARKEY, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 14, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ O. RUIZD-1-GV-07-000785 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 419TH District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 in acertain cause numbered D-1-GV-07-000785, wherein LeanderIndependent School District,Travis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/aCentral Health, Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 4 and Austin CommunityCollege are plaintiffs, and A.Allise Burris a/k/a Allise Burrisare defendant(s), in favor ofsaid plaintiffs, for the sum of$23,295.85 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, thatbeing the amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 419TH District Court ofTravis County, Texas, on July27, 2012.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of Austin,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 19, River Pointe Subdivision,Plat No. 86/98B asdescribed in Volume 13038,Page 1649 of the deed recordsof Travis County, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the above describedjudgment for $23,295.85Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Sgt. Charles LantermanDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.D-1-GV-11-000820 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 419th District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 ina certain cause numberedD-1-GV-11-000820, whereinTravis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/a CentralHealth, Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1,City of Jonestown, Austin CommunityCollege and LeanderIndependent School Districtare plaintiffs, and Mark Eaves,Mark Patterson (In Rem Only)and Frances Patterson (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for the followingsums: Tract One: BillingNumber 67917 = $2,328.88 andTract Two: Billing Number67918 = $11,797.31 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by the saidplaintiffs, in the 419th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on December 2, 2011.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of Austin,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:BILLING NO. 067917Lot 722, Jonestown Hills-Unit6, Plat No. 19/90, TravisCounty, Texas, and beingmore particularly describedin Document No. 2008122429of the Deed Records, TravisCounty, TexasBILLING NO.: 067918Lot 723, Jonestown Hills-Unit6, Plat No. 19/90, TravisCounty, Texas, being moreparticularly described inDocument No. 2008122429 ofthe Deed Records of TravisCounty, TexasTHE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the abovedescribed judgment for the followingsums: Tract One: BillingNumber 67917 = $2,328.88and Tract Two: BillingNumber 67918 = $11,797.31Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Sgt. Charles LantermanDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.D-1-GV-11-001017 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 201ST District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 ina certain cause numberedD-1-GV-11-001017, whereinTravis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/a CentralHealth, Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1,Austin Community College andLeander Independent SchoolDistrict are plaintiffs, and DonD. Ford III, Dependent Administratorof the Estate of MichaelJohn Wimble, Deceased,Sean M. Wimble, Robert AlanBenson (In Rem Only), YassemanBenson a/k/a YassemanMoayed Benson (In Rem Only)and United States of America/Internal Revenue Service (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $15,510.12 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by the saidplaintiffs, in the 201ST DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on March 2, 2012.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of Austin,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:5.162 acre tract out of Lot 30,Panoramic Hills, Plat No.38/50 as described in Volume13362, Page 1368 and ProbateCause No. C1-PB-09-001699of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the above describedjudgment for $15,510.12Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Almar Saenz DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.EVICTION CITATION THESTATE OF TEXASTo: VALLEY, JOHN1773 WELLS BRANCH PKWY(OFFICE)AUSTIN, TX 78728Defendant, in the hereinafterstyled and numbered cause:YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. YOUARE HEREBY ORDERED TOAPPEAR before Judge GLENNBASS, Justice of the Peacefor a hearing on JANUARY17, 2013 at 9:30 A.M. at 10409Burnet Rd., Ste 180, Austin,Texas 78758.FAILURE TO APPEAR FORTRIAL MAY RESULT INDEFAULT JUDGMENT BEINGENTERED AGAINST YOU FORPOSSESSION OF THE PREM-ISES AND/OR RENTS ANDCOSTS. PLEASE REVIEW THEATTACHED PETITION.THE PLAINTIFF WANTS TOEVICT YOU! THIS SUIT TOEVICT INVOLVES IMMEDIATEDEADLINES. CALL THE STATEBAR OF TEXAS TOLL-FREEAT 1-877-9TEXBAR IF YOUNEED HELP LOCATING ANATTORNEY. IF YOU CAN-NOT AFFORD TO HIRE ANATTORNEY, YOU MAY BEELIGIBLE FOR FREE OR LOW-COST LEGAL ASSISTANCE.A TENANT WHO IS SERVINGON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTYMAY HAVE SPECIAL RIGHTSOR RELIEF RELATED TO THISSUIT UNDER FEDERAL LAW,INCLUDING THE SERVICE-MEMBERS CIVIL RELIEF ACT(50 U.S.C. APP. SECTION 501ET SEQ.), OR STATE LAW,INCLUDING SECTION 92.017,TEXAS PROPERTY CODE.EN CUANTO A ESTA DEMAN-DA DE DESALOJAMIENTO,EXISTEN FECHAS LIMITESPROXIMAS QUE DEBERANCUMPLIRSE. SI REQUIREALGUN TIPO DE AYUDA PARAENCONTRAR UN ABOGADO,POR FAVOR LLAME ALCOLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DELESTADO DE TEXAS, MAR-CANDO 1-877-9TEXBAR (ESUNA LLAMADA GRATUITA).SI NO DISPONE DE RECUR-SOS NECESARIOS PARACONTRATAR UN ABOGADO,ES POSIBLE QUE CALIFQUEPARA RECIBIR AYUDA LEGALGRATUITA OR DE BAJOCOSTO. UN INQUILINO QUESE ENCUENTRE EN SERVICIOACTIVO EN LAS FUERZASARMADAS PUEDE TENERDERCHOS ESPECIALES OPROTECCTION, RELATIVA AESTA DEMANDA AL AMPARODE LO ESTABLECIDO PORLAS LEYES FEDERALES.INCLUYENDO LA LEY PARALA PROTECCION CIVIL DEMIEMBROS DE LAS FUERZASARMADAS (50 U.S.C. APP.SECTION 501 ET SEQ.) O PORLAS LEYES DEL ESTANDO,INCLUYENDO LA SECCION92.017, DEL CODIGO DEPROPIEDAD DE TEXAS.Your Cause Number of068703, and your case styledHAMPTON APTS, Plaintiff vs.VALLEY, JOHN, Defendant wasfiled in Justice Court, Precinct2, on JANUARY 4, 2013.In order to obtain a jury trial,you must request one and paya jury fee of five dollars no laterthan 5 days after you are servedwith this citation.Issued and given under myhand on JANUARY 7, 2013./s/ Judge GLENN BASS, Justiceof the Peace, Precinct 210409 Burnet Rd., Ste 180,Austin, Texas 78758/s/ Court ClerkNOTICE The City of SunsetValley is requesting sealedwritten Bids for furnishing alllabor, materials, equipment,supervision, and incidentals,and for performing all Workrequired for the Street RepairsProject 2013.The work to be completedconsists of removing andreplacing Hot Mix AsphalticConcrete Pavement by levelup and minor manhole adjustmentsin locations on City ofSunset Valley owned streetsas specified within the biddingdocuments.Bid Documents may be obtainedstarting Friday, January18, 2013 at the City of SunsetValley, City Hall, 3205 JonesRoad, Sunset Valley, TX 78745upon a non-refundable fee of$25.00 for each set of Bid Documents.Checks shall be madepayable to City of Sunset Valley.Only checks or exact cash canbe accepted.A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conferencewill be held on Tuesday,January 29, 2013 at 10:00 AM,at the City of Sunset Valley, CityHall, 3205 Jones Road, SunsetValley, TX 78745.Sealed Bids will be receivedon February 06, 2013 at 1:00PM at the City of Sunset Valley,City Hall, 3205 Jones Road,Sunset Valley, Texas 78745,and then publicly opened andread aloud. All bids are dueprior to 1:00 PM, Wednesday,February 06, 2013.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF MARTHAANNE McCONNELL,DECEASED Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof Martha Anne McConnell,Deceased, were issued onJanuary 10, 2013, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-002034 pendingin the Probate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, to MichaelMcConnell.The residence of such Executoris Travis County, Texas. Theoffice address is:Michael McConnellc/o Amy P. Bloomquist, Esq.Attorney at Law614 Capital of Texas Hwy. SouthAustin, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 11th day of January,2013.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINST84 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 18, 2013 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

GivE to DoUGTHE ESTATE OF VIV-IAN COZETTE MAYFIELD,DECEASED Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof Vivian Cozette Mayfield,Deceased, were issued onJanuary 10, 2013, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-002035 pendingin the Probate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, to EenRandi Mayer Young.The residence of such Executoris Travis County, Texas. Theoffice address is:Een Randi Mayer Youngc/o Amy P. Bloomquist, Esq.Attorney at Law614 Capital of Texas Hwy. SouthAustin, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 11th day of January,2013.NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Attention thefollowing vehicle(s) will be soldat public auction if not claimedwithin 45 days. [FINAL NOTICE]STOCK# B2120612012 VIP SCOOTERNO LPV.I.N.: L9NTELKDXC1005612TOWED FROM: 103 E. 7TH ST.NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUC-TION A public auction will beheld to satisfy a Landlord’s Lienpursuant to Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code. Sale willbe held at 1:00pm on the 26thday of January, 2013, at AAAStorage Stassney located at201 W. Stassney Ln. Austin,TX 78745. All units will be soldto the highest bidder for cash.Clean up and removal depositwill be required. Seller reservesthe right to withdraw any propertyfrom the sale, and reservesthe right to reject any bid. Salesinclude items from the followingtenant’s storage spaces:#301-Luna, Melissa: HouseholdItems; #333-Mainord, Randy:Household Items; #602-Wayne,Billian: Household Items;#608-Salane, Susan: HouseholdItems; #906-Martinez,Yolanda: Household ItemsFor further information on thesale, please contact the AAAStorage Stassney residentmanager at: 512-441-3955.NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUC-TION FOR PUBLICATION Apublic Auction will be held tosatisfy landlord’s lien pursuantto chapter 59 of the TexasProperty Code. Sales will beheld on February 2. A salewill be held at 11:00 am AtAAA-Storage Hwy 71E DelValle. Phone 512-247-9708.All units will be sold to thehighest bidder for cash. Cleanup and removal deposit will berequired. Seller reserves theright to reject any bid. Sales includeitems from the followingtenant’s storage spaces.#443 Sharpe, A: Householditems, furniture.#3317 Sauceda, L: Householditems, clothes, Boxes.#128 Martin, J: Householditems, Furniture, Boxes.#501 Thacker, S: Boxes,Furniture.#511 Roberson, M: Household,Furniture, Boxes.#108 Barnes, D: BabyFurniture.For Further information onthe sale, please contact A-A-AStorage resident manager(s) at:512-247-9708NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALECUBESMART hereby givesnotice of Public Sale underthe provisions of Chapter 59 ofthe Texas Property Code. Thissale will be held on January25, 2013 at 12:30 P.M. at theCUBESMART located at 12506N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas.This sale will continue to eachCubeSmart locations after thecompletion of the beginningsale. This sale is being heldto satisfy a Landlord’s Lien.Everything sold is purchased“as is” “where is” for cash. Theitems in the unit are furnitureand household goods unlessotherwise indicated. CUBES-MART reserves the right to seta minimum bid, refuse any bid,or to cancel any Public Salethat is advertised. Announcementsmade the day of thesale take precedence over anyprinted materials related tothe sale.CubeSmart #0751610 E. Stassney LaneAustin, TX 78745Lindsey P. Kendrick, Cube3217Samuel M. Martinez, Cube3231CubeSmart #075310025 Manchaca Rd.Austin, TX 78748Pat Fernandez, Cube615Angela Y Bell, Cube531Celia R Pastrana, Cube696Heidi Porter, Cube236Darrel R Thurman, Cube652Arjit Mahapatra, Cube145Barbara Newitt, Cube208Hugh D Stouffer, Cube232Abe Clay, Cube520William Bradley Chasteen,Cube553Leticia Alaniz, Cube699EYamil R Dela Torre, Cube742Maria Delores Ramirez,Cube524Joeseph Y Ball, Cube121Jessica M Briscoe, Cube133NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALECUBESMART hereby givesnotice of Public Sale underthe provisions of Chapter 59 ofthe Texas Property Code. Thissale will be held on January25, 2013 at 12:30 P.M. at theCUBESMART located at 12506N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas.This sale will continue to eachCubeSmart locations after thecompletion of the beginningsale. This sale is being heldto satisfy a Landlord’s Lien.Everything sold is purchased“as is” “where is” for cash. Theitems in the unit are furnitureand household goods unlessotherwise indicated. CUBES-MART reserves the right to seta minimum bid, refuse any bid,or to cancel any Public Salethat is advertised. Announcementsmade the day of thesale take precedence over anyprinted materials related tothe sale.CubeSmart #655812506 N. Lamar Blvd.Austin, TX 78753FIROZ MIRZAII-YAZDANI,Cube C288FRED MIRZAII, Cube C288FIROZ MIRZAII, Cube C288PATRICIA WILFORD, CubeA067PATRICIA A. WILFORD, CubeA067SANDRA M. HALLORAN,Cube C139SANDRA HALLORAN, CubeC139ANTOINETTE CHAMBERS,Cube B049ANTOINNETTE CHAMBERS,Cube B049JACQUELINE SIMMS, CubeB204MARGARITA R BARRON,Cube B159JENNIFER D. MCPHERSON,Cube C058JENNIFER MCPHERSON,Cube C058NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALECUBESMART hereby givesnotice of Public Sale underthe provisions of Chapter 59 ofthe Texas Property Code. Thissale will be held on January25, 2013 at 12:30 P.M. at theCUBESMART located at 12506N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas.This sale will continue to eachCubeSmart locations after thecompletion of the beginningsale. This sale is being heldto satisfy a Landlord’s Lien.Everything sold is purchased“as is” “where is” for cash. Theitems in the unit are furnitureand household goods unlessotherwise indicated. CUBES-MART reserves the right to seta minimum bid, refuse any bid,or to cancel any Public Salethat is advertised. Announcementsmade the day of thesale take precedence over anyprinted materials related tothe sale.CubeSmart2220 E. Riverside Dr.Austin, TX 78741Rachel H. Rodriguez, CubeB533Derek A. Bloom, Cube B332Kevin A. Ford, Cube B191Stephanie M. Mancha, CubeB275Carlton E. Scott, Cube B578Ann E. Maynard, Cube B255Christine Phelps, Cube B172Martin Martinez, Cube B205AKaren R. Alexander, Cube B242Berniece Jones-Pleasant,Cube B495Annye Jones, Cube B495Annye B. Jones, Cube B495Terrence B. Reed, Cube B404NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALENotice is hereby given thatpursuant to the State’s Self-Storage Facility Lien Law, onFebruary 5th, 2013, at 12:30P.M. at CubeSmart Store #6558, 12506 N. Lamar Blvd.,Austin ,Texas, CubeSmartGeneral Manager, states thatthe following property is beingsold to satisfy the landlord’slien and will sell at public sale:CubeSmart/Your StorageSolution #655812506 N. Lamar Blvd.Austin, TX 78753James A. Ojeda C184Felicia T. Milligan C22NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALENotice is hereby given thatpursuant to the State’s Self-Storage Facility Lien Law, onFebruary 5th, 2013, followingthe sale at our self storagefacility located at 12506 N.Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78753,CubeSmart General Manager,states that the following propertyis being sold to satisfy thelandlord’s lien and will sell atpublic sale:CubeSmart #63242220 E. Riverside Dr.Austin, TX 78741Frank James Broussard, CubeB256Denessa Mendiola, Cube B120David F. Wing, Cube B142Jennifer Kotzur, Cube B153Mark Rodela, Cube B306Karen A. Leath, Cube B307Kurt P. Mensinger, Cube B576George R. Washington, CubeB582Marissa A. Lopez, Cube B613NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALENotice is hereby given thatpursuant to the State’s Self-Storage Facility Lien Law, onFebruary 5th, 2013, followingthe sale at our self storagefacility located at 2220 E. RiversideDr. Austin, TX, 78741,CubeSmart General Manager,states that the following propertyis being sold to satisfy thelandlord’s lien and will sell atpublic sale:CubeSmart #0751610 E. Stassney LaneAustin, TX 78745Alejandro Santos, Cube 2239Alex Santos, Cube 2239CubeSmart #075310025 Manchaca Rd.Austin, TX 78748Marc A. Ferryman, Cube 122Douglas G. McEwen, Cube 3Cole S. Williams, Cube 698Korie M. Devenport, Cube 241Nathaniel B. Richardson,Cube 532NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPursuant to Chapter 59 TexasProperty Code, Antler MiniStorage located at 1409 SamBass Road, Round Rock, TX78681 and 14011 ThomasSinclair Blvd, Austin, TX 78728and 824 Wagon Trail, Austin,TX 78758 will hold a PublicAuction at each location ofproperty being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien on Monday,January 28, 2013. Sale willbegin at 10:00am at Antler MiniStorage located at 1409 SamBass Road, Round Rock, TX78681. Immediately followingwe will proceed to the facilitylocated at 14011 ThomasSinclair Blvd. Austin, TX 78728,following that to the facilitylocated at 824 Wagon Trail,Austin, TX 78758. Property willbe sold to the highest bidderfor cash. Deposit for clean upis required. Seller reservesthe right to not accept anybid and to withdraw propertyfrom the sale. Property beingsold includes the contents inunits of the following tenants:1409 Sam Bass Road- Lupe AGarza- misc. household items,boxes & tubs. Alex Marez- coolers,signs, assorted furniture,ladder, treadmill, bicycle, misc.boxes.14011 Thomas Sinclair Blvd-Natalia S Anyieni- suitcase,misc. boxes of clothing.Jonathan S Greene- assortedfurniture, misc. boxes, speakers,mattresses. Clare L Blakechair,ottoman, desk, misc.boxes. Donna Samuido- misc.boxes. Shawn M McCulloughmisc.boxes and householditems. Louise Pettigrew- misc.boxes & tubs, game tabletops,Christmas decorations. WilsonDrummond- old grill, paintingsupplies, drink cooler, fan.824 Wagon Trail- AngelaMcGregor, Walt Smith- Unit1- old refrigerator, misc. tubs,TV, boxes. Unit 2- old washer,misc. boxes and householditems.Unit 3- misc. boxes, tubs.Debra R Ward- assorted furniture,misc. household itemsand boxes. For more information:call Antler Mini Storageat 512-246-6217. Ace AuctionCo. will conduct the auction.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Tobe held at:www.storagebattles.comSpare Space StorageDate: January 31, 2013Begins at: 12:00 AMIn accordance with the provisionsof M.G.L., Chapter 105-A,Spare Space Storage will holda public auction online at of delinquentstorage units to satisfyoperator’s lien.Unit# 1284 BMW International,M. DeshayUnit# 3313 Chris TreaseUnit# 1206 Ricky BrooksUnit# 3113 Jessica BunchUnit# 1196 Roberto P VoicuUnit contains contents ofhousehold goods.All units to be, sold in entiretyto highest bidder:All contents must be removedsame day, Payment due immediatelyupon bid acceptance.Spare Space Storage reservesthe following rights: (1) torefuse any and all bids; (3) tocancel the auction at any timefor any reason.1-21-2013 & 1-31-2013NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF GEORGCHAMPLIN WILLIAMSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters of IndependentAdministration for the Estateof Georg Champlin Williams,Deceased, were issued onDecember 20, 2012, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-001146, pendingin the Probate Court NumberOne of Travis County, Texas,to the estate’s independentadministrator without bond,Katherine Ariel Williams. Allpersons having claims againstthe estate currently beingadministered are requiredto present them within thetime required by law. Claimsshould be addressed in care ofthe representative’s attorney,Lawrence A. Russell, 9951Anderson Mill Road, Suite 200,Austin, Texas 78750. Dated thisthe 8th day of January, 2013.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF HELEN EWEAVER, DECEASED Noticeis hereby given that LettersTestamentary for the Estate ofHELEN E WEAVER were issuedon January 3, 2013, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-002050 pendingin Probate Court Number Oneof Travis County, Texas, to:CAROLYNE WEAVER, IndependentExecutor.The residence of such Executoris Austin, Texas. The addressis c/o Malcolm Greenstein,Greenstein & Kolker, 1006 EastCesar Chavez Street, Austin,Texas, 78702.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate are requiredto present them within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.DATED: January 8, 2013.GREENSTEIN & KOLKER1006 E. Cesar Chavez StreetAustin, Texas 78702(512) 472-6270(512) 472-8263 (FAX)Malcolm GreensteinAttorneys for IndependentExecutorNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF RUSSELLGORDON, a/k/a RUSSELLEUGENE GORDON Pursuant toTexas Probate Code 294, noticeis hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary for theEstate of Russell Gordon,a/k/a Russell Eugene Gordon,were issued on the 8th day ofJanuary, 2013, in Cause No.C-1-PB-12-001967 pending inProbate Court Number One ofTravis County, Texas, to: MariaT. GordonClaims to be presented shouldbe addressed to IndependentExecutor, Estate of RussellGordon, a/k/a Russell EugeneGordon at:105 East 2nd Street, P.O. Box690, Elgin, Texas 78621All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.MARIA T. GORDONBy: /s/ Ernest F. Bogart,AttorneyState Bar Card No. 02556500OWEN BOGART NISIMBLAT105 East 2nd StreetP.O. Box 690Elgin, Texas 78621(512) 281-3326(512) 281-5094 FAXNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE STATE OF MORTON H.BATLAN, DECEASED Noticeis hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary for theEstate of Morton H. Batlan,Deceased, were issued onJanuary 3, 2013, in Cause No.C-1-PB-12-002080 pendingin the Travis County ProbateCourt No. 1, Travis County,Texas to Robert D. Batlan asIndependent Executor. Theresidence of the IndependentExecutor is in Travis County,Texas. The post office addressfor claims is:Estate of Morton H. Batlan,DeceasedGilman & Associates, P.C.703 West 10th StreetAustin, TX 78701-2033All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.Dated: January 18, 2013Gilman & Associates, P.C.703 West 10th StreetAustin, TX 78701-2033Attorneys for the ExecutorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Bay EdwardWilson, Deceased, were issuedon January 10, 2013, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-002008, pendingin the Probate Court No. One,Travis County, Texas, to: JanMarie Wilson.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them to theundersigned within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: Mitchell & Colmenero, LLP700 Lavaca Street, Suite 607Austin, Texas 78701DATED the 14th day of January,2013MITCHELL & COLMENERO,LLP700 Lavaca Street, Suite 607Austin, Texas 78701Phone: (512) 322-0500Fax: (512) 322-0900Attorneys for Jan Marie WilsonBy: /s/ Jedd L. SegristState Bar No. 24041893NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Frances JuliaReding, Deceased, were issuedon January 8, 2013, in DocketNo. C-1-PB-12-002016, pendingin the Probate Court No. 1of Travis County, Texas, to:Bernard Henry Reding, Jr.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law. Claims shallbe addressed to:“Representative, Estate ofFrances Julia Redingc/o John W. BrodnaxJohn W. Brodnax, P.C.1202 Lakeway Drive, Suite 1Lakeway, Texas 78734”(512) 261-0101DATED the 7th day of January,2013./s/ John W. BrodnaxAttorney for IndependentExecutorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of HAZELG. THOMAS, Deceased, wereissued on December 18, 2012,in Cause No. C-1-PB-12-001980,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1, Travis County, Texas, to:CHARLES R. THOMAS.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them to theundersigned within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: CHARLES R. THOMAS811 Mountain View CovePflugerville, Texas 78660DATED the 18th day of January,2013.Farren SmithAttorney for CHARLES R.THOMASState Bar No.: 24000751103 S. 12th StreetSuite 200Pflugerville, Texas 78660Telephone: (512) 251-4553Facsimile: (888) 251-4959NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary forthe Estate of Joseph ColemanMcDowell, Deceased, wereissued on December 20, 2012,in Cause No. C-1-PB-12-001812pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to: William Duke McDowell.The address of the IndependentExecutor is:c/o Roy G. MorrisThe Morris Legal GroupAttorneys and Counselors610 Parker SquareFlower Mound, Texas 75028All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 8th day of January,2013.The Morris Legal Group610 Parker SquareFlower Mound, TX 75028(972) 539-0090 Phone(972) 539-1464 FaxBy: /s/ Roy G. MorrisAttorney for the EstateState Bar No.: 14500700NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noticeis hereby given that originalLetters Testamentary for theEstate of Kimberly S. Cook, akaKimberly Sue Cook, Deceased,were issued on January 8, 2013,in Cause No. C-1-PB-12-002005,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1, Travis County, Texas, to:David D. Cook.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them to theundersigned within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.c/o: Brad WiewelAttorney at Law1601 Rio Grande St., Ste. 550Austin, TX 78701DATED the 8th day of January,2013./s/ Candice BobockAttorney for David D. Cookcommon LAwLuke Ellis will return on thefirst tHUrsDAY of EvErY montHUntil then, here’s an uncommon lawthat you may need to be aware of:postyourin clawson, michigan, a lawspecifically makes it legal fora farmer to sleep with hispigs, cows, horses, goats, andchickens. But the animals maynot be in the house aftersunup or during the day.FREE ADcommon LAwLuke Ellis will return on thefirst austinchronicleclassifieds.comtHUrsDAY of EvErY montHUntil then, here’s an uncommon lawAV0213 POUND SALEthat you may need to be aware of:NOTICE if OF you SALE live OF in MOTOR franklin, VEHICLES Kentucky, IM- youPOUNDED can’t legally BY ORDER trade OF THE horses CHIEF after OF POLICE dark. inIN ACCORDANCE Alabama, no WITH mules SECTION can be 683.011 traded ET after SEQ.,TEXAS supper TRANSPORTATION when the sun CODE, has REGULATING already goneTHE IMPOUNDING AND SALE OF ABANDONEDbelow the horizon. And in idaho, youVEHICLES BY DELEGATE OR PERSONALLY.can’t buy or sell chickens after sundownTHE PURCHASER without SHALL the TAKE sheriff’s TITLE permission.TO THEMOTOR VEHICLE FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENSAND CLAIMS OF OWNERSHIP AND IS ENTITLEDTO REGISTER THE PURCHASED MOTOR VEHICLEAND RECIEVE A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE.I WILL PROCEED TO SELLLukeATEllisPUBLICwill returnAUCTIONon thefirst tHUrsDAY of EvErY montHTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IN THE CITYOF AUSTIN,Until then,TRAVIShere’sCOUNTY,an uncommonTEXAS, THE FOLlawLOWING DESCRIBED MOTOR VEHICLES WHICHthat you may need to be aware of:HAVE NOT BEEN REDEEMED BY THE OWNERS,THEREOF TO WIT;common LAwif you live in california, you cannotkeep your chickens, turkeys, goats,FEBRUARY 13, 2013 @ 9:30 AMcows, and other farm animals in an@ apartment. SOUTHSIDE in cumberland, WRECKER, maryland, 8200S. CONGRESS, AUSTIN, TX 78745you cannot keep your chickens withyou in your hotel room.135000880 1980 PARO MH Z35KDM TX CPS3793319571125055494 1995 LAND LL 368564F TX SALJY1243SA124465123410804 1990 HOND 4DR XAV4224 VA 1HGED3542LL016082135001071 1991 MAZD 2DR 221MVC TX JM1NA3517M0204452135000870 DCTASCA RV135000494 2002 VOLV 4DR TNC131 TX YV1RS61R222106730135001259 1997 FORD 4DR BF4X298 TX 2FALP74W9VX114299125053161 2000 TOYT 4DR CPK924 TX 4T1BG22K8YU646305135000906 2002 FORD 2DR TKJ160 TX 1FAFP45X22F182017135000897 2000 PONT BT8H543 TX 1G2NV12E9YM834055135000497 2000 OLDS 4DR 168XNY TX 1G3NL52T3YC410979135000502 1997 PLYM 4DR CT8M168 TX 1P3EJ46C9VN666778123610956 1991 GMC VN FZL862 TX 1GKDM15Z9MB535586135000892 2003 MAZD 4DR CD9G646 TX 1YVFP80C435M10185135000877 2001 PONT 4DR TX 1G2JB524917406626135000505 2000 CHEV 4DR CG3D325 TX 1G1JC5245Y7315087135000883 1979 CHEV LL 04DFT8 TX CCL189Z176824135000908 1989 HOND 2DR BP2R482 TX JHMED8353KS015498a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JANUARY 18, 2013 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 85

LEGALApplication is beingmade with the TexasAlcoholic BeverageCommission for a Distillersand RectifiersPermit by Banner DistillingCompany LLC,dba Banner DistillingCompany, to be locatedat 13201 JacobsonRd, Unit#11, Manor,Travis County, Texas.Owners are LoganSimpson and AnthonyJimenez (ManagingMembers) and CindySimpson and AnnahJimenez (Members).Blue Ribbon Barbecue,Inc., Robert Cavo,Owner, DBA Blue RibbonBarbecue is MakingApplication withthe Texas AlcoholicBeverage Commissionfor a Mixed BeveragePermit, Mixed BeverageLate Hours Permit,Caterer’s Permit,Beverage CartagePermit On the Addressof 401 Congress Ave.Ste. 100-C, <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis TexasCAUSE NO. C-1-PB-12-001973NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF CHESTER L.SPAW Notice is hereby giventhat original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Chester L.Spaw, Deceased were issuedon January 10, 2013, in CauseNumber C-1-PB-12-001973,pending in the Probate CourtNumber One of Travis County,Texas, to:Steven N. Spaw and Nancy E.McLain<strong>The</strong> residence of such IndependentCo-Executor StevenN. Spaw is in Bastrop County,Texas. <strong>The</strong> address for StevenSpaw is, 1030 FM 3000 Unit C,Elgin, TX 78621.<strong>The</strong> residence of such IndependentCo-Executor Nancy E.McLain is in Saint TammanyCounty, Louisiana. <strong>The</strong> addressfor Nancy E. McLain is 80457Section Road, Covington, LA70435; and her resident agent isJoel B. Bennett, whose addressis 316 W. 12th Street, Suite 101,<strong>Austin</strong>, Travis County, Texas78701.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present them toSteven N. Spaw and Nancy E.McLain, Independent Co-Executorsof the Estate of Chester L.Spaw, at the office of Joel B.Bennett, P.C., 316 W. 12th, Suite101, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701.Dated the 14th day of January,2013.By: /s/ Catalina E. CantuAttorney for Steven N. Spawand Nancy E. McLainCAUSE NO. C-1-PB-12-002066NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF HARDY OVER-TON Notice is hereby giventhat original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of HardyOverton, Deceased were issuedon January 8, 2013, in CauseNumber C-1-PB-12-002066,pending in the Probate CourtNumber One of Travis County,Texas, to:Johnnie Mae Overton<strong>The</strong> residence of such IndependentExecutor is in TravisCounty, Texas. <strong>The</strong> address is:5308 Beechmoor Drive<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78723All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themto Johnnie Mae Overton,Independent Executor of theEstate of Hardy Overton, at theoffice of Joel B. Bennett, P.C.,316 W. 12th, Suite 101, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78701.Dated the 9th day of January,2013.By: /s/ Catalina E. CantuAttorney for Johnnie MaeOvertonCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO: D-1-FM-01-005304To: CORY CARRINGTON andto all who it may concern,Respondent(s); GREETINGS:YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. Ifyou or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment may betaken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COMMAND-ED to appear and answerbefore the Honorable DistrictCourt, 200TH JUDICIAL DIS-TRICT COURT, Travis County,Texas, at the Courthouse ofsaid County in <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, ator before 10 o’clock A.M. of theMonday next after expirationof twenty days from the dateof service of this citation, thenand there to answer the PETI-TION TO MODIFY PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ANDTRAVIS COUNTY STANDINGORDER of VICKIE LYNN FIN-LEY BERTRAND Petitioner(s),filed in said court on NOVEM-BER 30, 2012, against COREYCARRINGTON AND CARRIEJO HOFF Respondent(s), andsaid suit being number D-1-FM-01-005304 the docket of saidCourt, and entitled “IN THEINTEREST OF JASMINE LYNNCARRINGTON, A CHILD”,the nature of which suit is arequest PETITION TO MODIFYPARENT-CHILD RELATION-SHIP AND TRAVIS COUNTYSTANDING ORDER.<strong>The</strong> Court has authority in thissuit to enter any judgment ordecree in the child’s interestwhich will be binding on you,including the termination of theparent-child relationship, thedetermination of paternity, andthe appointment of a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of said courtat <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, January 08,2013.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 Guadalupe,P.O. Box 679003 (78767)<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701By /s/ IRENE SILVA, DeputyREQUESTED BY:REBECCA L. STERN316 W 12TH ST STE 311AUSTIN, TX 78701BUSINESS PHONE: (512)481-9950FAX: (512) 481-9951CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO: D-1-FM-12-006836To: and to all who it may concern,Respondent(s); GREET-INGS: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED.You may employ an attorney.If you or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment may betaken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COM-MANDED to appear andanswer before the HonorableDistrict Court, 419THJUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT,Travis County, Texas, at theCourthouse of said County in<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, at or before 10o’clock A.M. of the Mondaynext after expiration of twentydays from the date of serviceof this citation, then and thereto answer the ORIGINAL PETI-TION FOR TERMINATION ANDADOPTION OF STEPCHILDof JAIME WARD Petitioner(s),filed in said court on December10 , 2012, against RUEL SAINT-MARK HILL Respondent(s),and said suit being numberD-1-FM-12-006836 on the docketof said Court, and entitled“IN THE INTEREST OF ADIAMARGARET MASANJA HILLA CHILD”, the nature of whichsuit is a request ORIGINALPETITION FOR TERMINA-TION AND ADOPTION OFSTEPCHILD.<strong>The</strong> Court has authority in thissuit to enter any judgment ordecree in the child’s interestwhich will be binding on you,including the termination of theparent-child relationship, thedetermination of paternity, andthe appointment of a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of said courtat <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, January 07,2013.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 Guadalupe,P.O. Box 679003 (78767)<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701By /s/ ANDRADE ELIAS,DeputyREQUESTED BY:REBECCA ANN WHEELER801 WEST AVE STE 200AUSTIN, TX 78701—224BUSINESS PHONE: (512)236-9696FAX: (512) 236-9695CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTEREST-ED IN THE ESTATE OF BETTYJANE CASTANO Deceased, No.C-1-PB-13-000036 in ProbateCourt Number One of TravisCounty, Texas.BARBARA JEAN TULLOS<strong>The</strong> alleged heir(s) at lawin the above numbered andentitled estate, filed on January07, 2013, an Application toDetermine Heirship & Letters ofIndependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determinewho are the heirs and onlyheirs of the said BETTY JANECASTANO, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on JANUARY 07, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OFMARCELLLA D DRIVER Deceased,No. C-1-PB-13-000029in Probate Court Number Oneof Travis County, Texas.TANYA KITTEN alleged heir(s)at law in the above numberedand entitled estate, filed onJanuary 07, 2013, an Applicationto Determine Heirship &Appointment of IndependentAdministrator in the said estateand request(s) that said Courtdetermine who are the heirsand only heirs of the said MAR-CELLA D DRIVER, Deceased,and their respective shares andinterests in such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 07, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF ROYTHADDEUS COLUNGA Deceased,No. C-1-PB-13-000008in Probate Court Number Oneof Travis County, Texas.TRESIA J GARCIA <strong>The</strong> allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on January 03, 2013, anApplication to DetermineHeirship & Appointment ofDependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determine whoare the heirs and only heirsof the said ROY THADDEUSCOLUNGA, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 03, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ M. LIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATEOF SIOBHAN SOPHIASHARKEY Deceased, No.C-1-PB-13-000107 in ProbateCourt Number One of TravisCounty, Texas.ROBERT E SHARKEY and all<strong>The</strong> alleged heir(s) at law in theabove numbered and entitledestate, filed on January 14,2013, an Application to DetermineHeirship and Letters ofIndependent Administration inthe said estate and request(s)that said Court determine whoare the heirs and only heirs ofthe said SIOBHAN SOPHIASHARKEY, Deceased, and theirrespective shares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days from dateof publication of this citation,at the County Courthouse inTravis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filing awritten answer contesting suchapplication should they desireto do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date of itsissuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANDTHE SEAL OF SAID COURT atoffice in Travis County, Texas,on January 14, 2013.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ O. RUIZD-1-GV-07-000785 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 419TH District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 in acertain cause numbered D-1-GV-07-000785, wherein LeanderIndependent School District,Travis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/aCentral Health, Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 4 and <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege are plaintiffs, and A.Allise Burris a/k/a Allise Burrisare defendant(s), in favor ofsaid plaintiffs, for the sum of$23,295.85 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, thatbeing the amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 419TH District Court ofTravis County, Texas, on July27, 2012.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of <strong>Austin</strong>,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 19, River Pointe Subdivision,Plat No. 86/98B asdescribed in Volume 13038,Page 1649 of the deed recordsof Travis County, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the above describedjudgment for $23,295.85Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Sgt. Charles LantermanDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.D-1-GV-11-000820 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 419th District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 ina certain cause numberedD-1-GV-11-000820, whereinTravis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/a CentralHealth, Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1,City of Jonestown, <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege and LeanderIndependent School Districtare plaintiffs, and Mark Eaves,Mark Patterson (In Rem Only)and Frances Patterson (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for the followingsums: Tract One: BillingNumber 67917 = $2,328.88 andTract Two: Billing Number67918 = $11,797.31 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by the saidplaintiffs, in the 419th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on December 2, 2011.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of <strong>Austin</strong>,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:BILLING NO. 067917Lot 722, Jonestown Hills-Unit6, Plat No. 19/90, TravisCounty, Texas, and beingmore particularly describedin Document No. 2008122429of the Deed Records, TravisCounty, TexasBILLING NO.: 067918Lot 723, Jonestown Hills-Unit6, Plat No. 19/90, TravisCounty, Texas, being moreparticularly described inDocument No. 2008122429 ofthe Deed Records of TravisCounty, TexasTHE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the abovedescribed judgment for the followingsums: Tract One: BillingNumber 67917 = $2,328.88and Tract Two: BillingNumber 67918 = $11,797.31Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Sgt. Charles LantermanDEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.D-1-GV-11-001017 CONSTA-BLE’S NOTICE OF SALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerkof the 201ST District Courtof Travis County, on the 19thday of December, 2012 ina certain cause numberedD-1-GV-11-001017, whereinTravis County, Travis CountyHealthcare District d/b/a CentralHealth, Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1,<strong>Austin</strong> Community College andLeander Independent SchoolDistrict are plaintiffs, and DonD. Ford III, Dependent Administratorof the Estate of MichaelJohn Wimble, Deceased,Sean M. Wimble, Robert AlanBenson (In Rem Only), YassemanBenson a/k/a YassemanMoayed Benson (In Rem Only)and United States of America/Internal Revenue Service (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $15,510.12 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by the saidplaintiffs, in the 201ST DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on March 2, 2012.I, on the 28th day of December,2012, at 2:00 o’clock P.M., havelevied upon, and will, on the 5thday of February, 2013 at 10:00o’ clock, A.M., at 1000 GuadalupeStreet in the City of <strong>Austin</strong>,within legal hours, proceedto sell for cash to the highestbidder, all the rights, title andinterest of defendants in and tothe following described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:5.162 acre tract out of Lot 30,Panoramic Hills, Plat No.38/50 as described in Volume13362, Page 1368 and ProbateCause No. C1-PB-09-001699of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to be madeby me to satisfy the above describedjudgment for $15,510.12Dollars in favor of plaintiffs,together with the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 28th dayof December, 2012.CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Almar Saenz DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY “ASIS”. BIDDERS ARE FURTHERADVISED THAT PURCHASEOF THE PROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ON THEPROPERTY. YOU ARE SIMPLYPURCHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUNSELOF YOUR CHOICE.EVICTION CITATION THESTATE OF TEXASTo: VALLEY, JOHN1773 WELLS BRANCH PKWY(OFFICE)AUSTIN, TX 78728Defendant, in the hereinafterstyled and numbered cause:YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. YOUARE HEREBY ORDERED TOAPPEAR before Judge GLENNBASS, Justice of the Peacefor a hearing on JANUARY17, 2013 at 9:30 A.M. at 10409Burnet Rd., Ste 180, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78758.FAILURE TO APPEAR FORTRIAL MAY RESULT INDEFAULT JUDGMENT BEINGENTERED AGAINST YOU FORPOSSESSION OF THE PREM-ISES AND/OR RENTS ANDCOSTS. PLEASE REVIEW THEATTACHED PETITION.THE PLAINTIFF WANTS TOEVICT YOU! THIS SUIT TOEVICT INVOLVES IMMEDIATEDEADLINES. CALL THE STATEBAR OF TEXAS TOLL-FREEAT 1-877-9TEXBAR IF YOUNEED HELP LOCATING ANATTORNEY. IF YOU CAN-NOT AFFORD TO HIRE ANATTORNEY, YOU MAY BEELIGIBLE FOR FREE OR LOW-COST LEGAL ASSISTANCE.A TENANT WHO IS SERVINGON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTYMAY HAVE SPECIAL RIGHTSOR RELIEF RELATED TO THISSUIT UNDER FEDERAL LAW,INCLUDING THE SERVICE-MEMBERS CIVIL RELIEF ACT(50 U.S.C. APP. SECTION 501ET SEQ.), OR STATE LAW,INCLUDING SECTION 92.017,TEXAS PROPERTY CODE.EN CUANTO A ESTA DEMAN-DA DE DESALOJAMIENTO,EXISTEN FECHAS LIMITESPROXIMAS QUE DEBERANCUMPLIRSE. SI REQUIREALGUN TIPO DE AYUDA PARAENCONTRAR UN ABOGADO,POR FAVOR LLAME ALCOLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DELESTADO DE TEXAS, MAR-CANDO 1-877-9TEXBAR (ESUNA LLAMADA GRATUITA).SI NO DISPONE DE RECUR-SOS NECESARIOS PARACONTRATAR UN ABOGADO,ES POSIBLE QUE CALIFQUEPARA RECIBIR AYUDA LEGALGRATUITA OR DE BAJOCOSTO. UN INQUILINO QUESE ENCUENTRE EN SERVICIOACTIVO EN LAS FUERZASARMADAS PUEDE TENERDERCHOS ESPECIALES OPROTECCTION, RELATIVA AESTA DEMANDA AL AMPARODE LO ESTABLECIDO PORLAS LEYES FEDERALES.INCLUYENDO LA LEY PARALA PROTECCION CIVIL DEMIEMBROS DE LAS FUERZASARMADAS (50 U.S.C. APP.SECTION 501 ET SEQ.) O PORLAS LEYES DEL ESTANDO,INCLUYENDO LA SECCION92.017, DEL CODIGO DEPROPIEDAD DE TEXAS.Your Cause Number of068703, and your case styledHAMPTON APTS, Plaintiff vs.VALLEY, JOHN, Defendant wasfiled in Justice Court, Precinct2, on JANUARY 4, 2013.In order to obtain a jury trial,you must request one and paya jury fee of five dollars no laterthan 5 days after you are servedwith this citation.Issued and given under myhand on JANUARY 7, 2013./s/ Judge GLENN BASS, Justiceof the Peace, Precinct 210409 Burnet Rd., Ste 180,<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78758/s/ Court ClerkNOTICE <strong>The</strong> City of SunsetValley is requesting sealedwritten Bids for furnishing alllabor, materials, equipment,supervision, and incidentals,and for performing all Workrequired for the Street RepairsProject 2013.<strong>The</strong> work to be completedconsists of removing andreplacing Hot Mix AsphalticConcrete Pavement by levelup and minor manhole adjustmentsin locations on City ofSunset Valley owned streetsas specified within the biddingdocuments.Bid Documents may be obtainedstarting Friday, January18, 2013 at the City of SunsetValley, City Hall, 3205 JonesRoad, Sunset Valley, TX 78745upon a non-refundable fee of$25.00 for each set of Bid Documents.Checks shall be madepayable to City of Sunset Valley.Only checks or exact cash canbe accepted.A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conferencewill be held on Tuesday,January 29, 2013 at 10:00 AM,at the City of Sunset Valley, CityHall, 3205 Jones Road, SunsetValley, TX 78745.Sealed Bids will be receivedon February 06, 2013 at 1:00PM at the City of Sunset Valley,City Hall, 3205 Jones Road,Sunset Valley, Texas 78745,and then publicly opened andread aloud. All bids are dueprior to 1:00 PM, Wednesday,February 06, 2013.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF MARTHAANNE McCONNELL,DECEASED Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof Martha Anne McConnell,Deceased, were issued onJanuary 10, 2013, in CauseNo. C-1-PB-12-002034 pendingin the Probate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, to MichaelMcConnell.<strong>The</strong> residence of such Executoris Travis County, Texas. <strong>The</strong>office address is:Michael McConnellc/o Amy P. Bloomquist, Esq.Attorney at Law614 Capital of Texas Hwy. South<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78746All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which is currentlybeing administered arerequired to present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 11th day of January,2013.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINST84 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 18, 2013 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

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