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Film listings january 18-24Rust and BoneD: Jacques Audiard; with Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Armand Verdure,Céline Sallette, Corinne Masiero, Bouli Lanners, Jean-Michel Correia. (R, 122 min., subtitled)The unpredictable love story Rust and Bone is notthe first thing you might imagine French filmmakerJacques Audiard would make on the heelsof A Prophet, his widely lauded film of 2009.A devastating story about race, class, andpower, A Prophet takes place within the confined,all-male world of prison – far from theazure skies and waters of Antibes on theMediterranean coast where Rust and Bone worlds. A trainer of performing orcas in ais set. Yet, you won’t find the dappled light water park, Stéphanie is attacked by a whaleand carefree vacationers associated with the that goes off-script (acting on its instincts?),Côte d’Azur; instead of a sunny picture postcard,Audiard shows us Antibes’ inner city bizarre accident (all set provocatively to Katyand loses both legs below her knees in theand the lives of the service-industry workers Perry’s “Firework”). Trying to find her way outwho are not on holiday from their problems. of the sorrow of a new amputee, she callsThe naturalism of Rust and Bone is counteredby the movie’s grand, melodramatic pity her like the others in her life. They evolveAli (another impulse?), who doesn’t coddle orflourishes – a singular, freakish event kicks from friends into eventual fuck-buddies, burningup the screen with the intensity of theirthe story into gear, and another flirtationwith the jaws of death heralds the film’s rutting. Ali, meanwhile, has taken on anotherconclusion. All the while, the film exudes a job as a bare-knuckles fighter in back-alleydeep romanticism that’s neverthelessunsentimental andtournaments. His hands andrecommendedbody take terrible beatings, andappeals to our higher inclinationswhile revealing them to HHHH able manager. As in Audiard’s filmStéphanie becomes his improb-be at the beck and call ofArborfrom 2001, Read My Lips, twoour more primal instincts.people with physical and socialWhere Rust and Bone’s story about two deficits discover an affecting bond – a bondunlikely lovers is headed is as unknowable to that grows stronger because of these deficitsits characters as it is to its viewers. With a and not in spite of them.raw physicality that keeps the film grounded Audiard’s screenplay is inspired by twoin the present, Rust and Bone maintains unrelated pieces in Canadian writer Craigan immediacy that contrasts with the film’s Davidson’s short-story collection titled Rusthaunting residue.and Bone. In the book, Stéphanie and AliAs the film opens, Ali (Schoenaerts, the are characters in two separate stories; itacclaimed star of Bullhead) is heading south is Audiard who envisioned the intertwiningwith his young son Sam (Verdure) to crash of their tales and the ways in which theirwith his sister (Sallette) in Antibes. We can needs intersect. The filmmaker has createdsee that he’s ill-equipped as a parent as he a haunting movie, one that connects on a viscerallevel that defies easy explication. Thepilfers half-eaten sandwiches from abandonedtrain seats to feed his famished boy. Yet a unembellished performances by Cotillard andvague story about the boy’s mother using her Schoenaerts exude a raw authenticity thatson as a drug mule earns Ali our sympathy anchor the film’s grander melodrama andas a man who’s trying to do the right thing. embed the characters in the viewer’s memory.Though Stéphanie’s legs are removedAli gets a job as a club bouncer, where hemeets Stéphanie (Cotillard), and drives her from sight through the wonders of digitalhome after a street altercation. Although film effects (and isn’t it nice to witness CGIhe stares at her legs during the drive and effects used in the service of pure drama forendears himself to Stéphanie by putting her a change?), the character will remain in yourboyfriend in his place, they are of different consciousness like a phantom reviewsBroken CityD: Allen Hughes; with Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe,Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jeffrey Wright, Barry Pepper, Alona Tal,Natalie Martinez, Michael Beach, Kyle Chandler. (R, 109 min.)Allen Hughes’ first feature to direct withouthis twin brother, Albert, Broken City evokesthe sociological breadth and gallows humor ofthe Hughes Brothers’ early movies, MenaceII Society (1993), Dead Presidents (1995)and the 1999 documentary, American Pimp.Wahlberg stars in this private-eye mystery asBilly Taggart, who is not the stealthiest gumshoein the world. When caught sleuthing,Billy raises a further ruckus by pummelingthe witnesses; he can’t grease any palmsbecause he’s broke, and he’s broke becausehis clients keep giving him the slip on unpaidinvoices. So it seems too good to be truewhen the mayor of New York (Crowe) personallyhires Taggart to track down the lover ofhis wife (Zeta-Jones) two weeks before heruns for re-election. “Stick to the adulteryplot – it’s sexier,” jokes the mayor, who knowsthe P.I. from his former days on the NYPD. ButTaggart refuses to limit himself to matters ofthe boudoir. Naturally, there’s a dead body, aniceberg of corruption, and a cloud of doomlooming over third-party innocents.The role’s a bit boyish for Wahlberg, butthe other actors steal the show anyway,56 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 18, 2013 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mparticularly Pepper, tight-lipped and holloweyedas the incumbent-challenger Valliant, aself-described “rich Connecticut carpetbagger”with a Harvard pedigree and a socialconscience; and Wright, subtly saucy here asthe cold-blooded police chief, who seems toknow a little too much about everything.The plot, frankly, is a little confusing. Fouror five subplots wander off into oblivion, andit’s occasionally hard to tell whether Hughesis winking at cliches or merely adhering tothe genre handbook. In the first five minutes,we’re treated to pounding gavels, reportersswarming the courthouse steps, and jollyfat cats cavorting with decanters. But all ofthis cartoony nonsense must be forgiven,because Hughes manages to accomplish afeat I would have never thought cinematicallypossible: He creates a white-knuckle scenefrom a mayoral debate about zoning policy.You could’ve heard a Skittle drop in thepacked house screening I attended. That, andBroken City’s terrifyingly realistic car chase –another throwback to vintage Hughes – arealone worth the price of admission.HHH– Leah ChurnerAlamo Lake Creek, Barton Creek Square, CMCedar Park, Hill Country Galleria, CM RoundRock, Southpark Meadows, Cinemark Stone HillTown Center, Flix Brewhouse, Highland, GalaxyMoviehouse, Gateway, Lakeline, Metropolitan,Tinseltown North, Westgatea haunted houseD: Michael Tiddes; with Marlon Wayans, Marlene Forte,Essence Atkins, David Koechner, Dave Sheridan, NickSwardson, Alanna Ubach, Cedric the Entertainer. (R, 86 min.)Actors, at the behest of writers, directors,producers, and agents, have had to sufferall sorts of indignities onscreen. The actorturned-writer,however, gets to wrestle backsome measure of control, which is why itboggles the mind that A Haunted House starand co-writer Marlon Wayans is at least 50%responsible for a scene that requires himto take a dump on the living room floor. Andhere’s the real rub: By the end of this witlessParanormal Activity spoof, you’ll think thesoiled carpet got off easy.Some of the Scary Movie series’ architectsreassemble here for a joylessly raunchycomedy about a ghost causing trouble forcouple Malcolm (Wayans) and Kisha (Atkins).Ghost Hunters and The Exorcist are someof the eye-rolling springboards for parody,while Wayans and co-writer Rick Alvarez floggross stereotypes about gender and race(Mandingo parties are a recurring theme) tozero comedic effect. In his first feature, directorMichael Tiddes mimics the increasinglyfruitless found-footage trend, and it’s a disastrousmove, this documentary aesthetic: Byeliminating the winking, broad strokes of thefilmmakers’ more successful spoofs, they’vemade a film that is not only dumb, but Marjorie bauMgartenIt’s like watching a snuff film, only it’s theaudience who’s dying inside.– Kimberley JonesBarton Creek Square, CM Cedar Park, CM RoundRock, Southpark Meadows, Cinemark StoneHill Town Center, Highland, Gateway, Lakeline,Metropolitan, Tinseltown North, Westgatethe Last standD: Kim Jee-Woon; with Arnold Schwarzenegger, JohnnyKnoxville, Forest Whitaker, Rodrigo Santoro, Luis Guzmán,Jaimie Alexander, Genesis Rodriguez, Eduardo Noriega, PeterStormare, Zach Gilford. (R, 108 min.)After serving as governor of California andbeing the key figure in a major scandal, ArnoldSchwarzenegger shows a mature returnto his peak action form after an absenceof 10 years. Despite his acknowledgedage, creaking bones, and reduced nerve,Schwarzenegger still delivers quite a performancein this fun, straight-ahead action film.(This is unlike Sylvester Sallone’s starringrole in the upcoming Bullet to the Head, whichpromises to be a typical action thriller featuringan over-the-top, macho performance.)The Last Stand begins by chroniclingthe seemingly peaceful life of Ray Owens(Schwarzenegger), who is the sheriff of a smallborder town in Arizona. Hundreds of milesaway in Los Angeles, and unknown to thesheriff, the leader of a notorious crime cartel,Gabriel Cortez (Noriega), is being transportedby an armed caravan that’s under the leader-

ship of FBI agent John Bannister (Whitaker).The convoy is attacked by an army of gunmenrecruited for the purpose of executing a daringlywell-planned escape to Mexico for Cortez.The first three-quarters of the film followCortez’s flight as he heads toward the borderdriving a racing car capable of going morethan 200 miles an hour. Staked out alongthe way are more cohorts waiting to help himexecute his escape plan. In his mad drivesouth, he constantly outwits his pursuersand the authorities.Cortez is heading toward Sheriff Owens’border town, where a significant number ofhis cronies are armed and waiting. Owens andcrew slowly begin to figure out there is somethingterribly wrong going on in their community.Although the initial escape sequencesare a lot of fun, the film doesn’t really take offuntil this final confrontation. Owens’ deputiesinclude the eccentric Lewis Dinkum (Knoxville)and Mike Figuerola (Guzmán), who providemuch of the comic relief. They set up for alast stand against the escaped drug kingpinand his gang. Owens huffs and puffs andshows great vulnerability, while not playing atbeing a superhero or invincible comic-bookcharacter. Yet he is determined, experienced,and strategically savvy. The final actionscenes are thrillingly entertaining.In his first American outing as a director,South Korean genre director Kim Jee-Woon isperfect for this taut, nonstop action film, whichis neither overly ambitious or overreaching.Kim fully established his action credentialswith 2008’s wild and comic Korean WesternThe Good, the Bad, the Weird. Still, this isSchwarzenegger’s film: By knowing what to do,and what not to do, he brings it home.HHH– Louis BlackAlamo Slaughter Lane, Barton Creek Square, CMCedar Park, Hill Country Galleria, CM Round Rock,Southpark Meadows, Cinemark Stone Hill TownCenter, Highland, Galaxy Moviehouse, Gateway,iPic, Lakeline, Tinseltown North, TinseltownSouth, WestgateMaMaD: Andrés Muschietti; with Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Megan Charpentier, Isabelle Nelisse, Daniel Kash.(PG-13, 100 min.)Haunting and extremely atmospheric,Mama is a horror film imbued with an unsettlingand affecting power.Having killed his wife, a father grabs his twosmall daughters and flees to a small, abandonedhouse deep in the woods. He soondisappears, but his brother Lucas (Coster-Waldau) continues to search for the girls. Fiveyears later, a search team finds Lilly (Nélisse)and Victoria (Charpentier) living alone inopeningsBroken City (R)The Last Stand (R)Mama (Pg-13)Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (nR)Mumbai Mirror (nR)Rust and Bone (R)film listingsthe rotting house. Thrilled to finally get hisnieces back, he plans on raising them withhis girlfriend, rock & roller Annabel (Chastain).They are aided by a psychiatrist, Dr. Dreyfuss(Kash). In their newfound roles as parents,they face the many problems implicit in raisingtwo small children – especially ones who havebeen on their own for five years.Dr. Dreyfuss seems unusually interestedin the girls. How and whether they survivedalone seems to be the troubling, main question.After Lucas suffers an accident, muchof the responsibility for raising the girls fallson Annabel. As a hardcore punk rocker, sheis not terribly interested in becoming a mother,or even equipped with the appropriate skillsets. But she begins to grow into her roleand learns to love and cherish the children.As in the best horror films, it is what issuggested that has the most power. Mama’screepiness is achieved through cinematography,score, and editing, rather than hideousmonsters grotesquely and luridly shown.While the cast is excellent, the girls giveespecially powerful and evocative performances.Chastain again reminds us that she is anactress who can effortlessly and powerfullyplay any role she’s given. Portraying a punkrocker who evolves into a loving parental surrogateneeds an unexpectedly broad range ofskills and an ability to handle many situations.In 2008, Andrés Muschietti directed a shortfilm called “Mamá,” which he wrote with hiswife Barbara, who also produced it. FilmmakerGuillermo del Toro saw “Mamá” along with thehundreds of shorts a year he admittedly watches.But this one stood out, and he becamedetermined to help get it made into a feature.Del Toro serves as the new film’s executive producer;Barbara Muschietti is the feature’s coproducerand co-writer. This husband-and-wifeteam are not just new and valuable assets tothe horror genre, but to film in general as well.HHH– Louis BlackAlamo Slaughter Lane, Barton Creek Square,CM Cedar Park, Hill Country Galleria, CM RoundRock, Southpark Meadows, Cinemark Stone HillTown Center, Highland, Gateway, iPic, Lakeline,Tinseltown North, Tinseltown South, WestgateMatru ki BijLee ka MandoLaD: Vishal Bhardwaj; with Imran Khan, Anushka Sharma, PankajKapoor, Arya Babbar, Shabana Azmi. (NR, 148 min., subtitled)Not reviewed at press time. A greedybusinessman aims to convert his village’sfarms into a modern shopping center in thisBollywood romantic comedy with a politicalbent. His efforts are undone by a stealthyantagonist and his own alcoholism.– Marjorie BaumgartenTinseltown SouthratingsHHHHH As perfect as a movie can beHHHH slightly flawed,but excellent nonethelessHHH Has its good points,and its bad pointsHH Mediocre, but with one or twobright spotsH Poor, without any saving gracesla bombaFlix Brewhouseby Galaxy Theatres2200 S. IH-35 Round RockAmerica’s Cinema 244-FLIX(3549)All G and PG rated movies are ALL AGES before 9:00pm!!!!HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (NR) Thu. 10:00BROKEN CITY Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 1:10 4:10 7:2010:25Mon. - Thu. 4:10 7:20 10:25THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (PG) Tue. 7:30ZERO DARK THIRTY Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:202:50 6:30 10:10Mon. - Thu. 2:50 6:30 10:10GANGSTER SQUAD Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:10 2:004:45 7:45 10:35Mon. Wed. & Thu. 2:00 4:45 7:45 10:35Tue. 2:00 4:45 10:35DJANGO UNCHAINED Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:403:10 6:45 10:45Mon. - Thu. 3:10 6:45 10:45THE IMPOSSIBLE Presented in DLP Cinema® (PG-13) Fri. - Sun. 12:403:20 6:00 8:45Mon. - Thu. 3:20 6:00 8:45THIS IS 40 Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:30 6:15Mon. - Thu. 6:15THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Presented in DLP Cinema®(PG-13) Fri. - Wed. 2:45 9:45Thu. 2:45BrokenBrokenCityCityAHauntedHauntedHouseHouseWreck-ItWreck-ItRalphRalph3D3DWreck-ItWreck-ItRalphRalphZeroZeroDarkDarkThirtyThirtyGangsterGangsterSquadSquadDjangoDjangoUnchainedUnchainedLesLesMisérablesMisérablesTexasTexasChainsawChainsawTexasTexasChainsawChainsaw3D3Dwherewhereyouyoucancanexperienceexperiencemoviesmovieslikelikeneverneverbefore.before.TicketsTicketsononsalesalenownowininTheaterTheaterandandOnline.Online.DBoxDBoxMotionMotionSeatingSeating$6$6TuesdaysTuesdaysallallmovies,movies,allalldaydayBroken City (R) Dine-In Fri. - Thu. 11:00 2:00 4:45 7:30 10:15Silver Linings Playbook (R) Dine-In Fri. 12:00 3:00 6:00 8:45 9:00Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:00 6:00 9:00Sun. 11:30 2:30 5:30 8:30Zero Dark Thirty (R) Dine-In Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:45 3:15 7:00 10:30Sun. 11:15 2:45 6:30 10:00The Last Stand (R) Dine-In Fri. 8:00Sat. - Thu. 11:30 2:30 5:15 8:00Gangster Squad (R) Dine-In Fri. - Sun. 1:00 3:45 6:30 9:15Mon. - Thu. 1:15 3:45 6:30 9:15The Last Stand (R) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:30 2:15 5:00 7:30 10:00Sun. 11:00 2:00 4:45 7:30 10:15Silver Linings Playbook (R) Fri. 12:30 3:15Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:30 3:15 6:00 8:45Sun. 12:00 2:45 5:30 8:15 11:00The Impossible (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:15 2:00 4:45 7:15 9:45Sun. 11:00 1:30 4:15 6:45 9:15Les Misérables (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:30 3:45 7:00 10:15Sun. 12:00 3:15 6:30 9:45Django Unchained (R) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:30 7:00 10:30Sun. 11:30 3:00 6:30 10:00Jack Reacher (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:00 6:30 9:45Sun. 11:30 2:30 6:00 9:15VU LCAN VI D EOFOREIGN. CULT. CLASSIC. 112 W ELIZABETH ST & 609 W 29TH STnot on netflix2 - f o r - 1not on redboxtuesday & wednesdaystudent discount thursdaytaken 2!austin’s newest Venue + BaRAustin’s newestvenue + lounge + private event spaceStarting SundayS!a double feature$20 date!featuring the$20 date!2 SliceS of pizza(from the onion)2 glaSSeS of winesunday, January 20happy hour SpecialStues-friday 5-9pmcheck out our new cocktailand wine menunow Serving local draftS!305 West 6th St512-476-2100thebelmontaustin.coma u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JANUARY 18, 2013 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 57

ship of FBI agent John Bannister (Whitaker).<strong>The</strong> convoy is attacked by an army of gunmenrecruited for the purpose of executing a daringlywell-planned escape to Mexico for Cortez.<strong>The</strong> first three-quarters of the film followCortez’s flight as he heads toward the borderdriving a racing car capable of going morethan 200 miles an hour. Staked out alongthe way are more cohorts waiting to help himexecute his escape plan. In his mad drivesouth, he constantly outwits his pursuersand the authorities.Cortez is heading toward Sheriff Owens’border town, where a significant number ofhis cronies are armed and waiting. Owens andcrew slowly begin to figure out there is somethingterribly wrong going on in their community.Although the initial escape sequencesare a lot of fun, the film doesn’t really take offuntil this final confrontation. Owens’ deputiesinclude the eccentric Lewis Dinkum (Knoxville)and Mike Figuerola (Guzmán), who providemuch of the comic relief. <strong>The</strong>y set up for alast stand against the escaped drug kingpinand his gang. Owens huffs and puffs andshows great vulnerability, while not playing atbeing a superhero or invincible comic-bookcharacter. Yet he is determined, experienced,and strategically savvy. <strong>The</strong> final actionscenes are thrillingly entertaining.In his first American outing as a director,South Korean genre director Kim Jee-Woon isperfect for this taut, nonstop action film, whichis neither overly ambitious or overreaching.Kim fully established his action credentialswith 2008’s wild and comic Korean Western<strong>The</strong> Good, the Bad, the Weird. Still, this isSchwarzenegger’s film: By knowing what to do,and what not to do, he brings it home.HHH– Louis BlackAlamo Slaughter Lane, Barton Creek Square, CMCedar Park, Hill Country Galleria, CM Round Rock,Southpark Meadows, Cinemark Stone Hill TownCenter, Highland, Galaxy Moviehouse, Gateway,iPic, Lakeline, Tinseltown North, TinseltownSouth, WestgateMaMaD: Andrés Muschietti; with Jessica Chastain, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Megan Charpentier, Isabelle Nelisse, Daniel Kash.(PG-13, 100 min.)Haunting and extremely atmospheric,Mama is a horror film imbued with an unsettlingand affecting power.Having killed his wife, a father grabs his twosmall daughters and flees to a small, abandonedhouse deep in the woods. He soondisappears, but his brother Lucas (Coster-Waldau) continues to search for the girls. Fiveyears later, a search team finds Lilly (Nélisse)and Victoria (Charpentier) living alone inopeningsBroken City (R)<strong>The</strong> Last Stand (R)Mama (Pg-13)Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (nR)Mumbai Mirror (nR)Rust and Bone (R)film listingsthe rotting house. Thrilled to finally get hisnieces back, he plans on raising them withhis girlfriend, rock & roller Annabel (Chastain).<strong>The</strong>y are aided by a psychiatrist, Dr. Dreyfuss(Kash). In their newfound roles as parents,they face the many problems implicit in raisingtwo small children – especially ones who havebeen on their own for five years.Dr. Dreyfuss seems unusually interestedin the girls. How and whether they survivedalone seems to be the troubling, main question.After Lucas suffers an accident, muchof the responsibility for raising the girls fallson Annabel. As a hardcore punk rocker, sheis not terribly interested in becoming a mother,or even equipped with the appropriate skillsets. But she begins to grow into her roleand learns to love and cherish the children.As in the best horror films, it is what issuggested that has the most power. Mama’screepiness is achieved through cinematography,score, and editing, rather than hideousmonsters grotesquely and luridly shown.While the cast is excellent, the girls giveespecially powerful and evocative performances.Chastain again reminds us that she is anactress who can effortlessly and powerfullyplay any role she’s given. Portraying a punkrocker who evolves into a loving parental surrogateneeds an unexpectedly broad range ofskills and an ability to handle many situations.In 2008, Andrés Muschietti directed a shortfilm called “Mamá,” which he wrote with hiswife Barbara, who also produced it. FilmmakerGuillermo del Toro saw “Mamá” along with thehundreds of shorts a year he admittedly watches.But this one stood out, and he becamedetermined to help get it made into a feature.Del Toro serves as the new film’s executive producer;Barbara Muschietti is the feature’s coproducerand co-writer. This husband-and-wifeteam are not just new and valuable assets tothe horror genre, but to film in general as well.HHH– Louis BlackAlamo Slaughter Lane, Barton Creek Square,CM Cedar Park, Hill Country Galleria, CM RoundRock, Southpark Meadows, Cinemark Stone HillTown Center, Highland, Gateway, iPic, Lakeline,Tinseltown North, Tinseltown South, WestgateMatru ki BijLee ka MandoLaD: Vishal Bhardwaj; with Imran Khan, Anushka Sharma, PankajKapoor, Arya Babbar, Shabana Azmi. (NR, 148 min., subtitled)Not reviewed at press time. A greedybusinessman aims to convert his village’sfarms into a modern shopping center in thisBollywood romantic comedy with a politicalbent. His efforts are undone by a stealthyantagonist and his own alcoholism.– Marjorie BaumgartenTinseltown SouthratingsHHHHH As perfect as a movie can beHHHH slightly flawed,but excellent nonethelessHHH Has its good points,and its bad pointsHH Mediocre, but with one or twobright spotsH Poor, without any saving gracesla bombaFlix Brewhouseby Galaxy <strong>The</strong>atres2200 S. IH-35 Round RockAmerica’s Cinema 244-FLIX(3549)All G and PG rated movies are ALL AGES before 9:00pm!!!!HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (NR) Thu. 10:00BROKEN CITY Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 1:10 4:10 7:2010:25Mon. - Thu. 4:10 7:20 10:25THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (PG) Tue. 7:30ZERO DARK THIRTY Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:202:50 6:30 10:10Mon. - Thu. 2:50 6:30 10:10GANGSTER SQUAD Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:10 2:004:45 7:45 10:35Mon. Wed. & Thu. 2:00 4:45 7:45 10:35Tue. 2:00 4:45 10:35DJANGO UNCHAINED Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:403:10 6:45 10:45Mon. - Thu. 3:10 6:45 10:45THE IMPOSSIBLE Presented in DLP Cinema® (PG-13) Fri. - Sun. 12:403:20 6:00 8:45Mon. - Thu. 3:20 6:00 8:45THIS IS 40 Presented in DLP Cinema® (R) Fri. - Sun. 11:30 6:15Mon. - Thu. 6:15THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Presented in DLP Cinema®(PG-13) Fri. - Wed. 2:45 9:45Thu. 2:45BrokenBrokenCityCityAHauntedHauntedHouseHouseWreck-ItWreck-ItRalphRalph3D3DWreck-ItWreck-ItRalphRalphZeroZeroDarkDarkThirtyThirtyGangsterGangsterSquadSquadDjangoDjangoUnchainedUnchainedLesLesMisérablesMisérablesTexasTexasChainsawChainsawTexasTexasChainsawChainsaw3D3Dwherewhereyouyoucancanexperienceexperiencemoviesmovieslikelikeneverneverbefore.before.TicketsTicketsononsalesalenownowinin<strong>The</strong>ater<strong>The</strong>aterandandOnline.Online.DBoxDBoxMotionMotionSeatingSeating$6$6TuesdaysTuesdaysallallmovies,movies,allalldaydayBroken City (R) Dine-In Fri. - Thu. 11:00 2:00 4:45 7:30 10:15Silver Linings Playbook (R) Dine-In Fri. 12:00 3:00 6:00 8:45 9:00Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:00 6:00 9:00Sun. 11:30 2:30 5:30 8:30Zero Dark Thirty (R) Dine-In Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:45 3:15 7:00 10:30Sun. 11:15 2:45 6:30 10:00<strong>The</strong> Last Stand (R) Dine-In Fri. 8:00Sat. - Thu. 11:30 2:30 5:15 8:00Gangster Squad (R) Dine-In Fri. - Sun. 1:00 3:45 6:30 9:15Mon. - Thu. 1:15 3:45 6:30 9:15<strong>The</strong> Last Stand (R) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:30 2:15 5:00 7:30 10:00Sun. 11:00 2:00 4:45 7:30 10:15Silver Linings Playbook (R) Fri. 12:30 3:15Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:30 3:15 6:00 8:45Sun. 12:00 2:45 5:30 8:15 11:00<strong>The</strong> Impossible (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 11:15 2:00 4:45 7:15 9:45Sun. 11:00 1:30 4:15 6:45 9:15Les Misérables (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:30 3:45 7:00 10:15Sun. 12:00 3:15 6:30 9:45Django Unchained (R) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:30 7:00 10:30Sun. 11:30 3:00 6:30 10:00Jack Reacher (PG-13) Fri. Sat. & Mon. - Thu. 12:00 3:00 6:30 9:45Sun. 11:30 2:30 6:00 9:15VU LCAN VI D EOFOREIGN. CULT. CLASSIC. 112 W ELIZABETH ST & 609 W 29TH STnot on netflix2 - f o r - 1not on redboxtuesday & wednesdaystudent discount thursdaytaken 2!austin’s newest Venue + BaR<strong>Austin</strong>’s newestvenue + lounge + private event spaceStarting SundayS!a double feature$20 date!featuring the$20 date!2 SliceS of pizza(from the onion)2 glaSSeS of winesunday, January 20happy hour SpecialStues-friday 5-9pmcheck out our new cocktailand wine menunow Serving local draftS!305 West 6th St512-476-2100thebelmontaustin.coma u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JANUARY 18, 2013 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 57

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