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LISTINGSTheaTreOpeningJ DR. BRIAN GREENE: THE HIDDEN REALITYWe’re putting this in “theatre” because 1) we don’thave a science department, and 2) this is somekinda show the good doctor puts on, alright, withvideo enhancements abetting his evocative descriptionsof string theory and parallel universes and soon – all those amazing things you’ve likely heardthis author and theoretical physicist championingon award-winning TV programs. Thu., Jan. 17, 8pm.Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress, 472-5470. $ SOMETHING INC. This: “Marsupiallibrarians, audience analysts, Deep Sea Diver DiaperDude, games/prizes, dancing vibes from DJ Bottomand live music with Andi Skeemax and the SlowJams.” It’s from the Palfloat people and it’s free, soc’mon. Fri., Jan. 18, 8pm. Cherrywood Coffeehouse,1400 E. 38½, 538-1991. WEIRD! TRUE HOLLYWOOD TALES: IT’S SOCOLD IN THE D Lashonda Lester’s lively series ofpop-culture edutainment begins again, with presentationson the city of Detroit. The history and musicalheritage of the Motor City is covered here, along withthe controversial life and disappearance of JimmyHoffa, the death of Supremes founder FlorenceBallard, and the murder of Motown icon Marvin Gaye.Sat., Jan. 19, 8pm. Salvage Vanguard Theater, 2803Manor Rd., 474-7886. $10. VARIATIONS Dave Steakley directs MoisésKaufman’s drama in which a present-day musicscholarmother struggling with her daughter is contrastedwith Ludwig van Beethoven struggling with thedemands of his genius. Zach Theatre’s got somebodycoming in from New York to play Beethoven, but thisshow stars Beth Broderick and pianist Anton Nel.Jan. 23-Feb. 17. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 2:30pm. ZachTheatre, 1510 Toomey, 476-0541. $25-65 ($18,student rush tickets). INVISIBLE, INC. The Hidden Room, that cabal ofprofessional theatremakers who recently brought usthe amazing Rose Rage, now command a Long Centerstage to present the new Paul Menzer drama abouttwo feuding stage magicians in Depression-era NewYork City. Directed by Beth Burns. See review, p.30.Through Jan. 20. Thu.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 5pm. LongCenter for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside,474-5664. $18.50 and up. STRANGE UNDOING OF PRUDENCIA HARTtakes place in a bar, for one thing. For another, it’sperformed by the National Theatre of Scotland, touringhere under the auspices of Texas Performing Artsand those progressive savants of Fusebox Festival.It’s an evening of eerie, anarchic theatre and livemusic, and we reckon it’s going to sell out, so makethose reservations now. Jan. 17-19. Thu.-Fri., 8pm;Sat., 2 & 8pm. The Palm Door, 401-A Sabine. $32(students, $10). LION KING The big, fierce Disney productionreturns to Austin with a roar like engines. This is themusical production that’s loved even by people whodislike musicals, the Disney property cherished evenby people who hate on the Mouse: a spectacularbased-on-the-movie show that will undo your biasesand touch you deep in that circle of life. Through Feb.10. Tue.-Fri., 8pm; Sat., 2 & 8pm; Sun., 1 & 6:30pm.Bass Concert Hall, 2350 Robert Dedman Dr., UT campus,477-6060. $29 and up. Different Stages presents Doug Wright’sObie-winning drama about the Marquis de Sade andthe contentious, talespinning turbulence of his yearsspent confined to the Charenton Asylum for theInsane. What can you expect from this show? “Sex.Perversion. Violence.” Also, a fine cast directed byNorman Blumensaadt, featuring Craig Kanne as thenotorious Marquis. Through Jan. 26. Thu.-Sat., 8pm;Sun., 5:30pm. City Theatre, 3823-D Airport, 524-2870.$15-30. HEART OF A KING The life ofQueen Elizabeth I is portrayed by three separatewomen (Angela Loftus, Lorella Loftus, and JenniferUnderwood) in this new play by Lorella Loftus. HenryVIII, Thomas Seymour, Robert Dudley, William Cecil,Mary I, and Mary Queen of Scots make appropriateappearances, of course, and the whole show’sdirected by Karen Jambon. See review, p.30. ThroughJan. 26. Thu.-Sun., 8pm. The Vortex, 2307 Manor Rd.,478-5282. $10-30. (2-for-1 admission on Thursdaysand Sundays with donation of two canned goods forSafePlace). Jaston Williams, known to many Austinites as ThatOne Greater Tuna Actor, is directed by Larry Randolphin this revealing and humorous Jay Presson Allen playabout Truman Capote. Back at Zach after 12 years – bypopular demand! Through March 10. Thu.-Sat., 8pm;Sun., 2:30pm. Zach Theatre, 1510 Toomey, 476-0541.$40. CAll BOARDJ ARTS ADVOCACY 101 This free panel discussionis open to anyone who believes that the artsare a vital contributor to our community and wouldlike to become involved in the public policy process.With Michael Burke, Scott Daigle, Marcy Hoen, andFusebox’s Brad Carlin. Wed., Jan. 23, 6:30pm. LongCenter for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside,457-5100. Free. STRASBERG THEATRE & FILM INSTITUTE:ACTORS’ WORKSHOP Taught by David LeeStrasberg, Lee Strasberg’s son, the seminar isdesigned to hone skills and develop new possibilitiesfor advanced actors while creating a nurturing beginningfor less experienced actors. Coming up fast, registersoon. Fri.-Sun., Jan. 25-27. Zach Theatre, 1510Toomey, 476-0541. $175 (immersion; $75, observational) Peephole:The Songs of Dick PriceThe Dick Price Fan Club presents a full evening ofsongs by Austin’s great novelty songwriter, featuringsuch twisted ditties as “Knife and Fork,” “FatherSambuco,” “Happy Dinosaur,” and “I Know Who You Are,I Saw What You Did,” as performed by Adriene Mishler,Mark Stewart, Jay Byrd, Matt Hislope – and Esther’sFollies’ Lyova Rosanoff on the piano. Where? In a privatehome, which they’ll divulge the address of when youreserve your tickets.Sun.-Wed., Jan. 20-30, 8pm. 800/838-3006. $15. THe ClUBsCAP CITY COMEDY CLUB 8120 Research #100,467-2333. Griffin “With his routine full of hilariousobservations about life, love, and self-evaluation,Griffin brings together all ages and ethnic backgrounds,which makes for an uproariously goodtime.” Which explains why he slew them atMontreal, was on The History Channel with LewisBlack, and has a steady gig coming up on ComedyCentral’s “The Workaholics.” Jan. 17-19. Thu., 8pm;Fri.-Sat., 8 & 10:30pm. $9-13.Sebastian Maniscalco One of the four featuredcomedians in Vince Vaughn’s Wild West ComedyShow film, this Chicago native’s a regular on thelate-night TV circuit and “reminds fans of a youngJerry Seinfeld who constantly challenges his audienceto recognize the absurdities of everyday life.”Allison Breen opens. Jan. 23-26. Wed.-Thu., 8pm;Fri.-Sat., 8 & 10:30pm. $17-21.BusTin’ ouTall oVer That quiet holidaylull? Yeah, definitely over. We’redoin’ our dandiest to keep up withall the drag shows, DJ sets, touringqueer artists, and theme nightsthat are popping up like so manymushrooms. Help a unicorn out,would ya? Email us the Cavellos showshis shoes at pump Up theglam (see Friday).on our GaydarBEDPOST CONFESSIONS Very nice bedtime stories,if you know what we mean. Like the swinging fromthe rafters kind. This month: Our own Andy Campbellheats you up like a Hot Pocket. Ungh! Thu., Jan. 17,8pm. The North Door, 501 N. I-35, 485-3001. $ STATE OF THE CHAMBER Kind of like theState of the Union but without the red guys frowningand the blue peeps cheering. In 2012, Austin’s gaychamber of commerce grew from 15 to over 220members. Come learn what 2013 holds in store.Free appetizers; cash bar. Thu., Jan. 17, 6:30-8:30pm.Hyatt Regency Austin, 208 Barton Springs Rd. Free, $5parking. PIKE Take a hike, and see the Pike.Thursdays, 8-10pm. Saxon Pub, 1320 S. Lamar,448-2552. WRIGHT Come see why they named thestage in her honor. Alternating Fridays, 7-9pm. Rusty’s,405 E. Seventh. Free.THE HILL COUNTRY RIDE FORAIDS KICKOFF PARTY We saythis every year, and it’s still true:We can’t imagine a better way tocheck out the “field,” as it were,or at least the bumper you’d mostlike to slipstream behind duringthe big ride. Whoa. Fri., Jan. 18,7-10pm. Brazos Place, 800 Brazos.Free; cash bar. T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 18, 2013 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mc o u r t e s y o fd e V a K i K n o W l e s / a G l c cPUMP UP THE GLAM Agenda cover boy andshoo-in for the shoe-in, Roosevelt Cavellos showsall at this official launch of the Haus of RooseveltCouture. Plus Bad JohnPaul’s photography and thepremiere of Rooz’s new commercial, “L’envie deChaussures.” Fri., Jan. 18, 9pm. Haven, 409 Colorado.$10. BIRTHDAY PARTY SITUATION Oilcan’sand Ursula: Two great tastes that taste great togetherto celebrate 23 years. Nineties music via DJsDivorceé and Tip from Mouthfeel. Nineties divas byLady Grackle and Lady MF Glitta. Fri., Jan. 18, 10pm.Oilcan Harry’s, 211 W. Fourth, 320-8823. WITH LZ LOVE Holy Caturday! Join ourmost precious felinesque diva and (in a previous catlife) Sylvester backup singer. Foot Patrol is alsoon the bill. Sat., Jan. 19, 9pm. Flamingo Cantina,515 E. Sixth. $7; $5 if you dress like a, ERA Nu attitude with DJs Divorcée and ScienceSlumberParty. Sat., Jan. 19, 9pm. Cheer Up Charlie’s,1104 E. Sixth.BY KATe XGAYPLACESWEET TEA & DA HEADBAND WITH THESUGARFOOT HUSTLERS Have we diedand gone to heaven? If we have, St.Peter’s been replaced by the Boux-Tay Krewe. Old Gray Mule andManateemann share the bill.Sat., Jan. 19, 10pm. SpiderHouse 29th St. Ballroom,2906 Fruth. Free.HER HRC PROHIBITIONPARTY Slap your best butchin some pinstripes and flapyour flapper over to Seventhas HRC goes 1920s. Therewill be plenty of gin – probablynot of the bathtub variety– and plenty of sin, includingGrrlz Will Be Boiz, Lisa Marshall,Margaret Wright, comedians LeahChaney and Allie Rolison, and Austin’sbeloved Jigglewatts. Sun., Jan. 20, 6-9pm.Rusty’s, 405 E. Seventh, 763/232-6058. $15, $25 VIP;21+.’S VINCE CLARKE Depeche, Yazoo,Erasure, remix master: That’s some heavenly action,babies. Sun., Jan. 20, 9pm. Elysium, 705 Red River.$10, $50 VIP. CABIN REPUBLICANS JANUARY MIXER Cometo El Sol and see what’s up with our local branch ofthe Gay Ol’ Partiers. Mon., Jan. 21, 6:30-8:30pm.El Sol y la Luna, 600 E. Sixth, 428-5475. Still the fruit’s number one place to hoofit Tuesday nights. 10pm. Barbarella, 615 Red, VAGINAS Search Facebook for “The SteelVaginas: Discussion Group on Feminism(s)” to discoverthis semiweekly romp through the nuancedebbs and flows of the F Word. Second and fourthWednesdays of the month, 7:30pm. The Q, 3408 CAROLOKE IS BACK! Bernadette’s is back!Lizzy Caroloke is back! Life is worth living again! Wednesdays, 9pm-12mid. Bernadette’s, 2039 Airport. Free.EXTRAORDINARY CREATURE Loghry Photographyand musical artist KLoud present “ExtraordinaryCreature in Ordinary Circumstances.” Thu., Jan. 24,6:30-9pm. Caffe Medici, 2222-B Guadalupe,474-5730. Free. SHOT: THE VIDEO PREMIERE Christeene andPJ Raval present the Austin premiere of her filthylowness’ latest. See it with friends. Thu., Jan. 24,8:30-10:30pm. Cheer Up Charlie’s, 1104 E. Sixth. MERRY MARTINI MIXER Shake and stir yoursocial connections at this annual soiree with a “Rockthe Casbah” theme. Sat., Jan. 25, 7-11pm. 499 Congress.$45 special early rate. TALK: A SYMPOSIUM WITH BENEFITS Let’stalk about sex, baby, with a panel of sexperts, includinga certain mister Dan Savage. Stay tuned. Mon.,Jan. 28, 8am-7pm. Alma Thomas Fine Arts Center,1001 E. University Ave., Georgetown, 512/863-1504.Free with preregistration; open to the gay bits to the full array of Gay Place listings

COLDTOWNE THEATER 4803-B Airport, Week in Coldness: They’re right there onAirport Boulevard, where the goodness is funkyand the funk is getting good. Thursday NightSocial Club improv with socks on. The evening’sdrink-infused shmoozing improves with improv.Thu., 8:30pm. The Mission Thu., 10pm. Bad Boys,featuring improv by boys who are, well, other thanpolite, let’s say. Fri., 8:30pm. Live at ColdTowneis stand-up comedy. Fri., 10pm. Dads in BarsImprov troupe Precious Dads team up with localmixologists to riff off true tales of the bartendinglife. Skol! Sat., 8:30pm. The Frank Mills andtheir smart, character-driven improv run rampantwith Midnight Society. Sat., 10pm. Turn of theCentury Paris: Speakeasy Sat., 11pm. And don’tforget the rest o’ the week: Stand-up with TheJam on Sundays, Maggie Maye’s stand-up mic onMondays, the ongoing Stool Pigeon on Tuesdays,Miller and Purselly on Wednesdays, and – yes,check the website!ESTHER’S POOL 525 E. Sixth,’s Follies Musical comedy skits, magic,and a political satirical revue with the bustlingbackdrop of Sixth Street on view through thestagefront window! “DC – The Musical!” and“Hilary’s Turn” and “2013, Gangnam Style!” andmore – new skits and classics bring the laughsall evening long. Bonus: The large-scale illusionsand arch antics of magician Ray Anderson.LISTINGSReservations recommended. Thu., 8pm; Fri.-Sat.,8 & 10pm. $22-27.THE HIDEOUT THEATRE 617 Congress,’s Hideoutrageous! Here’s your one-stopemporium of laughter and sweet coffee drinksDowntown, run like a brilliant clockwork made fromDel Close’s skull. The Threefer brings you threetroupes in one night. Thu., 8pm. $5. The FreeFringe Improv goes experimental, and who knowsWTF these free-range humans will come up with?Thu., 10pm. Free. The TV Set Your favorite showsand movies, right there on the improv stage. Fri.,8pm. $5. The Spectacle presents ‘Best of Austin’winners Pgraph, with Curtis Needs a Ride. Fri.,10pm. $12. FANDOM: Improvised Fan FictionA different ’verse improvised each week! Now:Batman. Sat., 8pm. $12. Maestro It’s improviseragainst improviser, a whole stage-full of them,battling for victory. Sat., 10pm. $12. AnotherWeekender brings the students and FuriouslyMissing. Sun., 8pm. $5.INSTITUTION THEATER 3708 Woodbury,’s Institutional! The Birthday ClusterfunkThis four-way party’s hosted by Justin Davis andboasts performances by celebrants C.J. Allen,Dave Buckman & Rachel Madorsky, and KaciBeeler (who, along with Courtney Hopkin, isgonna “f*ck sh*t up”). Thu., Jan. 17, 8pm. $5.Butt Kapinski: We Are the Dark An interactivecomedy-noir fantasia by L.A.’s Deanna FleysherMobile? are we. Take us with you.DISH NETWORKA.J. JENKINSYour personal satellite/internet retailer(512) 571-3731WeekendsJAn. 11 - feB. 3fridAy AndsAturdAyAt 7:30 p.M.sundAysAt 2:00 p.M.512.869.7469 512.869.5081www.thegeorgetownpalace.orgSUPPORTED IN PART BYhistoric georgetown810 S. AUSTIN AvE.t i c k e t p r i c e s$24 General Admission;$22 seniors (55+);$14 Active Military & students 10-22;$10 children 9 & youngerTHE ART SCHOOLAT LAGUNA GLORIAAdults Children Parent/Child TeensRegister now for Spring 2013 // 512.323.6380 or YOURSELF!Laguna Gloria3809 W 35th StreetAustin, TX 78703a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JANUARY 18, 2013 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 51

LISTINGS<strong>The</strong>aTreOpeningJ DR. BRIAN GREENE: THE HIDDEN REALITYWe’re putting this in “theatre” because 1) we don’thave a science department, and 2) this is somekinda show the good doctor puts on, alright, withvideo enhancements abetting his evocative descriptionsof string theory and parallel universes and soon – all those amazing things you’ve likely heardthis author and theoretical physicist championingon award-winning TV programs. Thu., Jan. 17, 8pm.Paramount <strong>The</strong>atre, 713 Congress, 472-5470. $ SOMETHING INC. This: “Marsupiallibrarians, audience analysts, Deep Sea Diver DiaperDude, games/prizes, dancing vibes from DJ Bottomand live music with Andi Skeemax and the SlowJams.” It’s from the Palfloat people and it’s free, soc’mon. Fri., Jan. 18, 8pm. Cherrywood Coffeehouse,1400 E. 38½, 538-1991. WEIRD! TRUE HOLLYWOOD TALES: IT’S SOCOLD IN THE D Lashonda Lester’s lively series ofpop-culture edutainment begins again, with presentationson the city of Detroit. <strong>The</strong> history and musicalheritage of the Motor City is covered here, along withthe controversial life and disappearance of JimmyHoffa, the death of Supremes founder FlorenceBallard, and the murder of Motown icon Marvin Gaye.Sat., Jan. 19, 8pm. Salvage Vanguard <strong>The</strong>ater, 2803Manor Rd., 474-7886. $10. VARIATIONS Dave Steakley directs MoisésKaufman’s drama in which a present-day musicscholarmother struggling with her daughter is contrastedwith Ludwig van Beethoven struggling with thedemands of his genius. Zach <strong>The</strong>atre’s got somebodycoming in from New York to play Beethoven, but thisshow stars Beth Broderick and pianist Anton Nel.Jan. 23-Feb. 17. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 2:30pm. Zach<strong>The</strong>atre, 1510 Toomey, 476-0541. $25-65 ($18,student rush tickets). INVISIBLE, INC. <strong>The</strong> Hidden Room, that cabal ofprofessional theatremakers who recently brought usthe amazing Rose Rage, now command a Long Centerstage to present the new Paul Menzer drama abouttwo feuding stage magicians in Depression-era NewYork City. Directed by Beth Burns. See review, p.30.Through Jan. 20. Thu.-Sat., 8pm; Sun., 5pm. LongCenter for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside,474-5664. $18.50 and up. STRANGE UNDOING OF PRUDENCIA HARTtakes place in a bar, for one thing. For another, it’sperformed by the National <strong>The</strong>atre of Scotland, touringhere under the auspices of Texas Performing Artsand those progressive savants of Fusebox Festival.It’s an evening of eerie, anarchic theatre and livemusic, and we reckon it’s going to sell out, so makethose reservations now. Jan. 17-19. Thu.-Fri., 8pm;Sat., 2 & 8pm. <strong>The</strong> Palm Door, 401-A Sabine. $32(students, $10). LION KING <strong>The</strong> big, fierce Disney productionreturns to <strong>Austin</strong> with a roar like engines. This is themusical production that’s loved even by people whodislike musicals, the Disney property cherished evenby people who hate on the Mouse: a spectacularbased-on-the-movie show that will undo your biasesand touch you deep in that circle of life. Through Feb.10. Tue.-Fri., 8pm; Sat., 2 & 8pm; Sun., 1 & 6:30pm.Bass Concert Hall, 2350 Robert Dedman Dr., UT campus,477-6060. $29 and up. Different Stages presents Doug Wright’sObie-winning drama about the Marquis de Sade andthe contentious, talespinning turbulence of his yearsspent confined to the Charenton Asylum for theInsane. What can you expect from this show? “Sex.Perversion. Violence.” Also, a fine cast directed byNorman Blumensaadt, featuring Craig Kanne as thenotorious Marquis. Through Jan. 26. Thu.-Sat., 8pm;Sun., 5:30pm. City <strong>The</strong>atre, 3823-D Airport, 524-2870.$15-30. HEART OF A KING <strong>The</strong> life ofQueen Elizabeth I is portrayed by three separatewomen (Angela Loftus, Lorella Loftus, and JenniferUnderwood) in this new play by Lorella Loftus. HenryVIII, Thomas Seymour, Robert Dudley, William Cecil,Mary I, and Mary Queen of Scots make appropriateappearances, of course, and the whole show’sdirected by Karen Jambon. See review, p.30. ThroughJan. 26. Thu.-Sun., 8pm. <strong>The</strong> Vortex, 2307 Manor Rd.,478-5282. $10-30. (2-for-1 admission on Thursdaysand Sundays with donation of two canned goods forSafePlace). Jaston Williams, known to many <strong>Austin</strong>ites as ThatOne Greater Tuna Actor, is directed by Larry Randolphin this revealing and humorous Jay Presson Allen playabout Truman Capote. Back at Zach after 12 years – bypopular demand! Through March 10. Thu.-Sat., 8pm;Sun., 2:30pm. Zach <strong>The</strong>atre, 1510 Toomey, 476-0541.$40. CAll BOARDJ ARTS ADVOCACY 101 This free panel discussionis open to anyone who believes that the artsare a vital contributor to our community and wouldlike to become involved in the public policy process.With Michael Burke, Scott Daigle, Marcy Hoen, andFusebox’s Brad Carlin. Wed., Jan. 23, 6:30pm. LongCenter for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside,457-5100. Free. STRASBERG THEATRE & FILM INSTITUTE:ACTORS’ WORKSHOP Taught by David LeeStrasberg, Lee Strasberg’s son, the seminar isdesigned to hone skills and develop new possibilitiesfor advanced actors while creating a nurturing beginningfor less experienced actors. Coming up fast, registersoon. Fri.-Sun., Jan. 25-27. Zach <strong>The</strong>atre, 1510Toomey, 476-0541. $175 (immersion; $75, observational) Peephole:<strong>The</strong> Songs of Dick Price<strong>The</strong> Dick Price Fan Club presents a full evening ofsongs by <strong>Austin</strong>’s great novelty songwriter, featuringsuch twisted ditties as “Knife and Fork,” “FatherSambuco,” “Happy Dinosaur,” and “I Know Who You Are,I Saw What You Did,” as performed by Adriene Mishler,Mark Stewart, Jay Byrd, Matt Hislope – and Esther’sFollies’ Lyova Rosanoff on the piano. Where? In a privatehome, which they’ll divulge the address of when youreserve your tickets.Sun.-Wed., Jan. 20-30, 8pm. 800/838-3006. $15. THe ClUBsCAP CITY COMEDY CLUB 8120 Research #100,467-2333. Griffin “With his routine full of hilariousobservations about life, love, and self-evaluation,Griffin brings together all ages and ethnic backgrounds,which makes for an uproariously goodtime.” Which explains why he slew them atMontreal, was on <strong>The</strong> History Channel with LewisBlack, and has a steady gig coming up on ComedyCentral’s “<strong>The</strong> Workaholics.” Jan. 17-19. Thu., 8pm;Fri.-Sat., 8 & 10:30pm. $9-13.Sebastian Maniscalco One of the four featuredcomedians in Vince Vaughn’s Wild West ComedyShow film, this Chicago native’s a regular on thelate-night TV circuit and “reminds fans of a youngJerry Seinfeld who constantly challenges his audienceto recognize the absurdities of everyday life.”Allison Breen opens. Jan. 23-26. Wed.-Thu., 8pm;Fri.-Sat., 8 & 10:30pm. $17-21.BusTin’ ouTall oVer That quiet holidaylull? Yeah, definitely over. We’redoin’ our dandiest to keep up withall the drag shows, DJ sets, touringqueer artists, and theme nightsthat are popping up like so manymushrooms. Help a unicorn out,would ya? Email us the Cavellos showshis shoes at pump Up theglam (see Friday).on our GaydarBEDPOST CONFESSIONS Very nice bedtime stories,if you know what we mean. Like the swinging fromthe rafters kind. This month: Our own Andy Campbellheats you up like a Hot Pocket. Ungh! Thu., Jan. 17,8pm. <strong>The</strong> North Door, 501 N. I-35, 485-3001. $ STATE OF THE CHAMBER Kind of like theState of the Union but without the red guys frowningand the blue peeps cheering. In 2012, <strong>Austin</strong>’s gaychamber of commerce grew from 15 to over 220members. Come learn what 2013 holds in store.Free appetizers; cash bar. Thu., Jan. 17, 6:30-8:30pm.Hyatt Regency <strong>Austin</strong>, 208 Barton Springs Rd. Free, $5parking. PIKE Take a hike, and see the Pike.Thursdays, 8-10pm. Saxon Pub, 1320 S. Lamar,448-2552. WRIGHT Come see why they named thestage in her honor. Alternating Fridays, 7-9pm. Rusty’s,405 E. Seventh. Free.THE HILL COUNTRY RIDE FORAIDS KICKOFF PARTY We saythis every year, and it’s still true:We can’t imagine a better way tocheck out the “field,” as it were,or at least the bumper you’d mostlike to slipstream behind duringthe big ride. Whoa. Fri., Jan. 18,7-10pm. Brazos Place, 800 Brazos.Free; cash bar. T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 18, 2013 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mc o u r t e s y o fd e V a K i K n o W l e s / a G l c cPUMP UP THE GLAM Agenda cover boy andshoo-in for the shoe-in, Roosevelt Cavellos showsall at this official launch of the Haus of RooseveltCouture. Plus Bad JohnPaul’s photography and thepremiere of Rooz’s new commercial, “L’envie deChaussures.” Fri., Jan. 18, 9pm. Haven, 409 Colorado.$10. BIRTHDAY PARTY SITUATION Oilcan’sand Ursula: Two great tastes that taste great togetherto celebrate 23 years. Nineties music via DJsDivorceé and Tip from Mouthfeel. Nineties divas byLady Grackle and Lady MF Glitta. Fri., Jan. 18, 10pm.Oilcan Harry’s, 211 W. Fourth, 320-8823. WITH LZ LOVE Holy Caturday! Join ourmost precious felinesque diva and (in a previous catlife) Sylvester backup singer. Foot Patrol is alsoon the bill. Sat., Jan. 19, 9pm. Flamingo Cantina,515 E. Sixth. $7; $5 if you dress like a, ERA Nu attitude with DJs Divorcée and ScienceSlumberParty. Sat., Jan. 19, 9pm. Cheer Up Charlie’s,1104 E. Sixth.BY KATe XGAYPLACESWEET TEA & DA HEADBAND WITH THESUGARFOOT HUSTLERS Have we diedand gone to heaven? If we have, St.Peter’s been replaced by the Boux-Tay Krewe. Old Gray Mule andManateemann share the bill.Sat., Jan. 19, 10pm. SpiderHouse 29th St. Ballroom,2906 Fruth. Free.HER HRC PROHIBITIONPARTY Slap your best butchin some pinstripes and flapyour flapper over to Seventhas HRC goes 1920s. <strong>The</strong>rewill be plenty of gin – probablynot of the bathtub variety– and plenty of sin, includingGrrlz Will Be Boiz, Lisa Marshall,Margaret Wright, comedians LeahChaney and Allie Rolison, and <strong>Austin</strong>’sbeloved Jigglewatts. Sun., Jan. 20, 6-9pm.Rusty’s, 405 E. Seventh, 763/232-6058. $15, $25 VIP;21+.’S VINCE CLARKE Depeche, Yazoo,Erasure, remix master: That’s some heavenly action,babies. Sun., Jan. 20, 9pm. Elysium, 705 Red River.$10, $50 VIP. CABIN REPUBLICANS JANUARY MIXER Cometo El Sol and see what’s up with our local branch ofthe Gay Ol’ Partiers. Mon., Jan. 21, 6:30-8:30pm.El Sol y la Luna, 600 E. Sixth, 428-5475. Still the fruit’s number one place to hoofit Tuesday nights. 10pm. Barbarella, 615 Red, VAGINAS Search Facebook for “<strong>The</strong> SteelVaginas: Discussion Group on Feminism(s)” to discoverthis semiweekly romp through the nuancedebbs and flows of the F Word. Second and fourthWednesdays of the month, 7:30pm. <strong>The</strong> Q, 3408 CAROLOKE IS BACK! Bernadette’s is back!Lizzy Caroloke is back! Life is worth living again! Wednesdays, 9pm-12mid. Bernadette’s, 2039 Airport. Free.EXTRAORDINARY CREATURE Loghry Photographyand musical artist KLoud present “ExtraordinaryCreature in Ordinary Circumstances.” Thu., Jan. 24,6:30-9pm. Caffe Medici, 2222-B Guadalupe,474-5730. Free. SHOT: THE VIDEO PREMIERE Christeene andPJ Raval present the <strong>Austin</strong> premiere of her filthylowness’ latest. See it with friends. Thu., Jan. 24,8:30-10:30pm. Cheer Up Charlie’s, 1104 E. Sixth. MERRY MARTINI MIXER Shake and stir yoursocial connections at this annual soiree with a “Rockthe Casbah” theme. Sat., Jan. 25, 7-11pm. 499 Congress.$45 special early rate. TALK: A SYMPOSIUM WITH BENEFITS Let’stalk about sex, baby, with a panel of sexperts, includinga certain mister Dan Savage. Stay tuned. Mon.,Jan. 28, 8am-7pm. Alma Thomas Fine Arts Center,1001 E. University Ave., Georgetown, 512/863-1504.Free with preregistration; open to the gay bits to the full array of Gay Place listings

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