ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

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Main window GR-89Other Options• Enable Hazard Checking (-hazards)Enables hazard checking in Verilog modules.• Disable Timing Checks in Specify Blocks (+notimingchecks)Disables the timing check system tasks ($setup, $hold,...) in specify blocks.• User Defined Arguments (+)Arguments are preceded with “+”, making them accessible through the Verilog PLIroutine mc_scan_plusargs. The values specified in this field must have a "+" precedingthem or <strong>ModelSim</strong> may parse them incorrectly.• Delay Selection (+mindelays | +typdelays | +maxdelays)Use the drop-down menu to select timing for min:typ:max expressions.Libraries tabThe Libraries tab includes these options:• Search Libraries (-L)Specifies the libraries to search for design units instantiated from Verilog.• Search Libraries First (-Lf)Same as Search Libraries but these libraries are searched before ‘uselib.<strong>ModelSim</strong> <strong>SE</strong> <strong>GUI</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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