ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

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GR-541 - Simulator windowsSimulation Configuration dialogPurpose Menu command Additional informationAdd a simulationconfiguration to theopen projectFile > Add to Project>SimulationConfiguration"Creating a Simulation Configuration"(UM-48), "Start Simulation dialog" (GR-85)When adding a simulation configuration, you are presented with a modified version of the"Start Simulation dialog" (GR-85) that includes two additional options:• Simulation Configuration NameThe name you want for the Simulation Configuration.• Place in FolderThe organization folder in which you want the Simulation Configuration placed. ClickAdd Folder to create a new folder. See "Organizing projects with folders" (UM-50) fordetails.<strong>ModelSim</strong> <strong>SE</strong> <strong>GUI</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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