ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

ModelSim SE GUI Reference - Parent Directory

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UM-296A - <strong>ModelSim</strong> <strong>GUI</strong> changesVariables (Locals) windowIn 6.0, the Variables window becomes the Locals pane. The name change reflects theincreased variety of non-persisting data objects that may be viewed during simulation. Anon-persistent object is one which may come and go during the course of simulation. Dataobjects which do persist can be viewed using the Objects window (formerly called theSignals window).See "Locals pane" (GR-163) for complete menu option details.Edit menuThe Variables window > Edit menu changes as follows:• Edit > Expand/Collapse menu selections become Main window > Edit > Expand >Expand Selected, Collapse Selected, Expand All, and Collapse All• Edit > Change becomes Main window > Edit > Advanced > Change5.8 Locals window > Edit 6.0 Main window > Edit > Expand> Advanced<strong>ModelSim</strong> <strong>SE</strong> <strong>GUI</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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