research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University

research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University

research - Associated Student Government, Northwestern University


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RESEARCHZaharoffone third of a child’s caloric intake in Cebu comes fromsnack foods prepared outside of the house (Adair et al.2005). In the CLHNS alone these effects can be seen.Among the mothers that began in the study in 1983, 6%were obese or overweight at the time while 35% wereobese or overweight in 1998 (Adair 2004). In 1996 30%of people in Cebu were suffering from chronic disease,a major sign of an area in a nutritional transition. Thenutritional transition is marked by increased incomes,consumer good, fatty foods and sedentary jobs alongwith a decrease in housework. These increased levelsof obesity and overweight people are concentrated inCebu, again pointing to the effects of urbanization(Adair 2004). The nutritional transition may be augmentingleptin levels in some way.The trends in leptin compared to anthropometricmeasures were consistent with the literature basedon western populations. Leptin correlated with BMI,Weight, Ticeps and Subscapular skinfolds, waist andhip circumference and WHR. The larger models,however, show that triceps skinfold and the measuresof subcutaneous fat account for the variation when allfactors (subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and body size)are taken into account. In males, waist circumference,hip circumference and WHR are still significant, butless significant than triceps and subscapular skinfolds.Therefore, in males visceral fat is a significant contributorto variation in leptin. Among measures of subcutaneousfat, in males’ triceps skinfolds is the best measurewith the highest t-value. Among females only tricepsskinfolds are significant when other measure of fat andsize are added to the model. Subcutaneous fat measuredthrough triceps skinfolds are obviously the strongestindicator of leptin in both sexes.While it was demonstrated that the population inthe Philippines is lean, they do not share traits withother lean populations. Both gender have strong correlationsbetween anthropometric measures and leptin,and subcutaneous fat has a very strong relationship withleptin in both males and females. The correlation in bothgenders was much weaker when the top 10% (based onBMI) was removed, reiterating the fact that leptin correlatesmost strongly at high adipose levels, this findingreflects previous data from lean populations.Observing leptin in lean populations, and seeing themechanism by its original intention will not be possiblein this population due to the high leptin levels. Furtherstudies should investigate why leptin levels in this populationare so high, and if leptin can be used as a negativefeedback loop to fight obesity.Literature CitedAbout the CLHNS — UNC Carolina Population Center. UNC Carolina Population Center. Web.06 Dec. 2011. .Adair, Linda S. 2004. Dramatic Rise in Overweight and Obesity in Adult Filipino Women andRisk of Hypertension. Obesity Research. 12.8.Adair, Linda S., and Barry M. 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