Financial Year 2012-13 (27 MB) - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Financial Year 2012-13 (27 MB) - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Financial Year 2012-13 (27 MB) - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.


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ue#³e keÀer TB®eer Gæ[eve31 ¢¬¸¿¤¸£ <strong>2012</strong>‡›¸'00031 ¢¬¸¿¤¸£ 2011‡›¸'0001 ]¸›¸¨¸£ú 2011‡›¸'000Š¸) ¢›¸¨¸½©¸¸Ê ˆÅú ˆÅúŸ¸÷¸¸Ê Ÿ¸Ê ˆÅŸ¸ú ˆ½Å œÏ¸¨¸š¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸Ê „÷¸¸£-\¸[õ¸¨¸ ƒ¬¸œÏˆÅ¸£ £í¸ À¨¸«¸Ä ˆ½Å œÏ¸£¿ž¸ Ÿ¸Ê ©¸½«¸ 430,000 - -¨¸«¸Ä ˆ½Å ¸¾£¸›¸ ¨¸¼¢Ö 40,000 430,000 -470,000 430,000 -Redemption during the year (43,204) -Balance at the end of the year 426,796 430,000 -d) <strong>The</strong> movement in the provision for diminutionin the value of investments is as follows:Balance at beginning of the year 105,943 172,430 -Charge for the year - - 172,430¨¸«¸Ä ˆ½Å ¸¾£¸›¸ œ¸º›¸¢¥¸Ä¢‰¸÷¸ (91,441) (66,487) -31 ¢¬¸¿¤¸£ ˆÅ¸½ ©¸½«¸ 14,502 105,943 172,430i) <strong>The</strong>re were no impairment provisions required on held for trading financial assets as at 31 December <strong>2012</strong>,2011 (Nil)ii) <strong>The</strong> fair value of Available -fro-sale financial assets is based on published market prices, by the the NigerianStock Exchangeiii) All the Held for trading financial assets are denominated in Nairaiv) <strong>The</strong> maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of the financial assets classifiedas available for sale7. <strong>Financial</strong> assets and liabilitiesCategorisation of financial assets and financial liabilitiesœÏ÷¡¸½ˆÅ ª½µ¸ú ˆ½Å ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ‚¸¦¬÷¸¡¸¸Ê ‡¨¸¿ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ½¡¸÷¸¸‚¸Ê ˆÅú ¬¸¿¢ž¸Ä÷¸ £¸¢©¸¡¸¸¿ ƒ¬¸ œÏˆÅ¸£ íÿ À31 ¢¬¸¿¤¸£ <strong>2012</strong>¨¡¸¨¸¬¸¸¡¸ ˆ½Å¢¥¸‡ š¸¸¢£÷¸(‡ûŨ¸ú’úœ¸ú‡¥¸)¢¤¸ÇÅú ˆ½Å¢¥¸‡ „œ¸¥¸¤š¸(„¢\¸÷¸Ÿ¸»¥¡¸)œ¸¢£œ¸Æ¨¸÷¸¸ ˆ½Å¢¥¸‡ š¸¸¢£÷¸(œ¸¢£©¸¸½š¸›¸ ¥¸¸Š¸÷¸œ¸£ ¥¸¸¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸)†µ¸ ‡¨¸¿ œÏ¸œ÷¸í¸½›¸½ ¡¸¸½Š¡¸(œ¸¢£©¸¸½š¸›¸ ¥¸¸Š¸÷¸œ¸£ ¥¸¸¡¸¸ Š¸¡¸¸)]¸¸½”õ‡›¸'000 ‡›¸'000 ‡›¸'000 ‡›¸'000(ˆÅ) ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ‚¸¦¬÷¸¡¸¸¿‚›¡¸ ú‹¸¸Ä¨¸¢š¸ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ‚¸¦¬÷¸¡¸¸¿ - - - -‚›¡¸ ‚¥œ¸¸¨¸¢š¸ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ‚¸¦¬÷¸¡¸¸¿›¸ˆÅ ‡¨¸¿ ›¸ˆÅ ÷¸º¥¡¸ 1,670,851 1,670,851¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ‚¸¦¬÷¸¡¸¸¿ Àœ¸¢£œ¸Æ¨¸÷¸¸ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢]¸÷¸ 458,698 - - 458,698¢¤¸ÇÅú-ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡-„œ¸¥¸¤š¸ - 448,655 - - 448,655¤¸¸¿”ì¸ - - 426,796 426,796¨¡¸¸œ¸¸£ ¬¸½ œÏ¸œ÷¸ í¸½›¸½ ¡¸¸½Š¡¸ - - - 941,673 941,673‚›¡¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ í¸½›¸½ ¡¸¸½Š¡¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ œ¸»¨¸Ä ž¸ºŠ¸÷¸¸›¸ - - - 2,439,094 2,439,094- 448,655 426,796 5,051,618 6,385,767374¢ ›¡¸» ƒ¢›”¡¸¸ ‡©¡¸¸½£¿¬¸ ˆ¿Åœ¸›¸ú ¢¥¸¢Ÿ¸’½”THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD.

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