Abstract Submission Tutorial - ARVO

Abstract Submission Tutorial - ARVO

Abstract Submission Tutorial - ARVO


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<strong>Abstract</strong> <strong>Submission</strong>Confirmation Email and Co-author Disclosures• You will receive a system-generated email confirming the submission of yourabstract.• Note: NEW DISCLOSURE COLLECTION PROCEDURES:Co-authors of your abstract must submit full disclosure of any commercialrelationships within the last (12) months. They will also receive an email instructingthem to log in to their account in the abstract system to provide their commercialrelationship disclosure(s). If they have no commercial relationship(s) to disclosure,they must log in to indicate that they have no disclosures. Disclosure submission isdue one week after receipt of the disclosure submission email.AS SUBMITTER, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFIRM DIRECTLY WITHEACH CO-AUTHOR that they have received their disclosure submission email andhave submitted their disclosure(s) into their account by the one week due date.A co-author’s submitted disclosure will immediately populate from their account intoyour abstract submission. You can return to your submission at any time and click onView Proof. In the Commercial Relationship(s) Disclosure section of the Proof, ‘NoAnswer' will be indicated for individuals who have not submitted their disclosures.ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT DISCLOSURES FROM ALL CO-AUTHORSWILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND NOT FORWARDED FOR REVIEW.www.arvo.org | www.iovs.org | journalofvision.org | tvstjournal.org

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