First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ...

First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ... First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ...
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First World War Collections in the UKA preliminary horizon-scanHoldinginstitutionCambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(overview)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:DSpace@CambridgeUniversity ofCambridge:ChurchillCollegeArchives CentreUniversity ofCambridge:King’s CollegeArchive CentreItem/ collection Link to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationManuscriptsand UniversityArchivesVickers PlcPapers ofSiegfried Sassoon(1886 - 1967)Papers of CharlesHardinge, firstBaron Hardingeof Penshurst(1858-1944)Papers andcorrespondenceof Sir JosephJohn ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940)DSpace@CambridgePersonal papersof Sir WinstonChurchill and 570others prominentfigures from hislifetimeModern of the universityand as well as medievalmanuscripts, collectionsof personal papers fromthe twentieth century.Company archivescharting the historyof shipbuilding firmVickers plcManuscripts of poems andprose, journals and lettersof the poet SiegfriedSassoon, a man mostfamous for his publishedDeclaration in July 1917opposing the continuationof the war.Private papers of CharlesHardinge, 1st BaronHardinge of Penhurst.Papers andcorrespondence of SirJoseph John ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940) who wasa scientific advisor to thegovernment during theFirst World War.Deposit of digital contentof a scholarly or heritagenature, as part of an OpenAccess initiativePapers of those men andwomen whose publicservice overlappedwith Churchill’s and inparticular those who wereinfluential during the FirstWorld War.Personal papers witha particular focus onearly twentieth centuryliterature, fine art andeconomics.Eastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesSubject area Status Medium Key individuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Networking Online access Link to website Terms of useMilitary service(British),Government andpoliticsNaval andshippingHighlysignificantPersonal papers,institutionalrecords,photographiccollectionsJ. R. Monsell (1877-1952),Herbert Crocker (1877-1962),Edward Hilton Young (1879-1960), Robert Crewe-Milnes(1858-1945), SamuelHoare (1880-1959), WilliamGerhardie (1895-1977)Subject guide for military papers of the First World War (text from website): TheDepartment holds several collections of letters home from officers and menserving on the Western Front during the period 1914-18. These include the wardiaries and letters of Colonel E.D. Ridley (Add.7065-70); letters from servicemento Mrs Prime of Cambridge (Add.7660); the correspondence of E.J. Dent,Professor of Music at Cambridge University, with graduates serving in France(Add.7973); letters home from Colonel Bertram Romilly, serving in France withthe Scots Guards in 1915 (Add.9656); and correspondence of Lt F.B. Turner,Royal Garrison Artillery, from Flanders to his father in India, 1918-19 (Add.9588).The J.R. Monsell papers include First World War letters, sketchbooks andnotebooks of the illustrator, relating to his service in France,1914-19 (Add.9437).Also of note are English translations by Lt Colonel D.C. Philpott, Chief Censor,India Base, Port Said, of letters sent home by Indian troops serving in Palestine,1918 (Add.6170). The RCS (Royal Commonwealth Society) Collection contains thediary of Lt Colonel Herbert Crocker, while commander of the Cheshire Regimentin Iraq, 1917-18 (RCMS 63/10). The RCS collection includes two scrapbooks ofFirst World War Memorabilia belonging to Captain Arthur O. Temple Clarke,R.A.S.C. (RCMS 319). Naval service: The papers of Lieutenant Edward HiltonYoung, R.N.V.R., 1st Lord Kennet, include correspondence, war diaries and navalpapers 1914-19.The papers of the 1st Marquess of Crewe contain ministerial and cabinet papersrelating to the First World War, including correspondence and papers on theIndian Expeditionary Force (Iraq) 1914-15 and the Volunteer Training Corps,1915-8. The papers of Viscount Templewood, Sir Samuel Hoare, contain materialon British military intelligence concerning Russia, Italy and the Balkans duringthe First World War and the early 1920s. The papers of the writer WilliamGerhardie include correspondence with his family while on military service withthe British Army in Russia, 1917-20 (Add.8292).Important Company papers Vickers Limited, as the company was known before a merger with ArmstrongWhitworth and Company in 1927, was one of the most important manufacturersused by the Royal Navy in the early part of the twentieth century. The companyworked out of the Clyde shipyards as well as the Naval Construction Yard atBarrow-in-Furness. By the outbreak of the First World War, the company wereable to produce ships, submarines, naval parts, firearms such as the Vickersmachine gun, ordnance such as torpedoes and aircraft.Popular culture Important Private papers Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)Government andpoliticsScience andTechnologyImportant Private papers Charles Hardinge (1858-1944)Regular Private papers Joseph John Thompson(1856-1940)Empire Important Theses,photographiccollectionsGovernment andpolitics, Navaland shippingCulturalresponses,Government andpoliticsHighlysignificantPrivate papers Winston Churchill (1874-1965), John Arbuthnot“Jacky” Fisher (1841-1920),Clement Attlee (1883-1967), Reginald McKenna(1863-1943), Tufton PercyHamilton Beamish (1874 -1951), Henry Ralph Crooke(1875 - 1952), Andrew BrownCunningham (1883-1963),Charles Saumarez Daniels(1894-1981), FredericCharles Dreyer (1878-1956),John Ernest Troyte Harper(1874-1949), Percy Noble(1880-1955), BertramHome Ramsay (1883-1945),James Fownes Somerville(1882-1949), Hugh MontagueTrenchard (1873-1956),Mona Chalmers Watson(1872-1936), Rosslyn ErskineWemyss (1864-1933), HenryRawlinson (1864-1925)Important Private papers Rupert Brooke (1887-1915),Charles Robert Ashbee(1863-1942), Clive Bell(1881-1964), Vanessa Bell(1879-1961), Duncan Grant(1885-1978), Roger Fry(1866-1934), T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), E. M. Forster (1879-1970), John Maynard Keynes(1883-1946), John TresidderSheppard (1881-1968)One of the highlights of the collection is MS Add. 9852: poetical notebooksand drafts, and poems in journals (1897–1950s). Includes Poems: by SiegfriedSassoon 1916 and Poems: 1917–18, a notebook in which Sassoon collected hisFirst World War poetry; and The Heart’s Journey (1925–27), a notebook of draftsand revised fair copies.Papers relating to Hardinge’s work as Viceroy of India 1910-1916 andAmbassador in Paris 1920-1922. Also documents covering his contribution toIrish, Indian, and League of Nations politics after 1916. Includes correspondencewith the 2nd Baron of Montagu of Beaulieu, 1915-1918.Sir Joseph John Thomson was an advisor to several government departmentsduring the First World War. He was also a member of the Board of Inventionand Research that was set up in 1915 to promote scientific endeavour to helpthe war effort.Allows academics to share scholarly work, theses and other collection-relatedprojects. For example the Royal Commonwealth Society Photograph Project:Digitising images from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century.For example Recruits being sworn in shows five African recruits, watched byan African in uniform and two English officers, each with one hand grasping anunidentified volume, swearing their oath of loyalty. Photograph taken c.1914to 1918.Papers of Sir Winston Churchill cover his time in office during the First WorldWar, as First Lord of the Admiralty until 1915 and then, between 1917 and1919, as Minister of Munitions. Between these two appointments he fought onthe Western Front, commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers.Other highly important collections include the papers of Admiral of the FleetJohn Arbuthnot “Jacky” Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone. He was FirstSea Lord between the years 1904 and 1910 and again between 1914-1915. Inthe years preceding the First World War he was involved in the developmentof the Dreadnought class, battle cruisers and submarines. As First Sea Lord,he, along with Winston Churchill, who was First Lord of the Admiralty at thetime, was blamed for the disastrous Gallipoli campaign of 1915. Papers of SirRosslyn Erskine Wemyss, First Sea Lord (1917-1919). Papers of Henry SeymourRawlinson, Commander of the British First Army (1915-1916), Fourth Army (1916and 1918) and Second Army (1917-1918). The papers of Clement Attlee, futureLabour Prime Minister, who served, as a Captain and ultimately as a Major,with the South Lancashire Regiment at Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and in Francein 1918. Reginald McKenna (1863-1943), Liberal MP; President of the Board ofEducation, 1907-8; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1908-11; Home Secretary, 1911-15; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1915-16. Naval officers include Rear-AdmiralTufton Percy Hamilton Beamish (1874 - 1951), Admiral Sir Henry Ralph Crooke(1875 - 1952), Admiral of the Fleet Andrew Brown Cunningham, 1st Viscount(1883-1963), Admiral Sir Charles Saumarez Daniels (1894-1981), Admiral SirFrederic Charles Dreyer (1878-1956), Vice-Admiral John Ernest Troyte Harper(1874-1949), Admiral Sir Percy Noble (1880-1955), Admiral Sir Bertram HomeRamsay (1883-1945) and Admiral Sir James Fownes Somerville (1882-1949).Royal Air Force officers include Marshal of the Royal Air Force Hugh MontagueTrenchard, 1st Viscount (1873-1956), Assistant Commandant, Central FlyingSchool, 1913-1914; GOC Royal Flying Corps, 1915-1917; Chief of Air Staff, 1918-1929. Correspondence between Mona Chalmers Watson, who founded and ranthe WAAC and her brother, first Baron Geddes.Papers of Rupert Brooke (1887 - 1915), war poet, who died of septicaemiaon the way to Gallipoli. Papers of Charles Robert Ashbee (1863 - 1942), oneof the founders of the Arts and Craft Movement. Papers of members of theBloomsbury group like Clive and Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant (the so-calledCharleston Papers). Papers of Roger Fry, (1866-1934), painter and art critic.Papers of the Hayward Bequest of T.S. Eliot Material. Papers of E.M. Forster(1879-1970), novelist. Papers of John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), economist.He was strongly opposed to the severity of the reparations payments imposed onGermany at the end of the First World War, a view explained in his controversialbook The Economic Consequences of the Peace, published in 1919. Papers ofJohn Tresidder Sheppard, classics professor at Cambridge, whose intelligencework during the First World War that earned him an MBE.Manuscripts Reading Room:Open to all those with a LibraryReader’s Ticket. No appointmentnecessary but it is best to check theavailability of a manuscript beforevisiting. For further information onthe Manuscripts Reading Room, oron the availability of documents,please telephone 01223 333143 or01223 365689; or e-mail - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmNone specific to the collectionNone specific to the specific to the collectionNone specific to the collectionSearchablecataloguesContactinformationSearchablecatalogueNo onlinecatalogueNo onlinecatalogueOnline resource!/dspace_cam SearchablecatalogueMonday - Friday: 9am - 5pm. Usersshould make contact in advance,giving details of their researchsubject and listing the collectionsthey will wish to consult. They willalso need to register as Readerseither online beforehand or onarrival. There is no formal researchservice but if necessary, researchcan be undertake on the user’sbehalf; charged apply.King’s College Archive Centre:Monday to Thursday: 9.30am –12.30pm and 1.30pm – 5.15pm.Intending readers must make anappointment with the Archivistbefore visiting King’s and shouldbring with them two forms ofphotographic identification and aletter of introduction.Links to enable users to share each pageof the website on over 340 other specific to the collectionFull alphabeticallisting andlinks to sitesthat havemore detailedcatalogues,for instance,Janus.Full alphabeticallisting andlinks to sitesthat havemore detailedcatalogues,for instance, to the collection is availablefrom the Manuscripts Reading Roomcounter. In addition, computer databasesfor the Vickers archives may be searchedon request. Contact: John Wells (01223333055; number of different catalogueswith different levels of detail.All provide a reference numberand a means of contacting therepository. No digital content.Copies can be made in personafter consultation with anarchivist.No digitised content availableonline.No digitised content availableonline.No digitised content availableonline.Royal Commonwealth Society:This collection holds public lowresolutionimages. DSpace alsostores high-resolution versionsof these images for the purposeof digital preservation, however,these are not accessible bythe public.No digitised content availableonline. Users can photocopy orscan most documents in personfor a small fee.Given the personal natureof the collections, each havespecific access and reproductionconditions. Contact the archivefor further details.Page 8

First World War Collections in the UKA preliminary horizon-scanHoldinginstitutionUniversity ofCambridge:Trinity CollegeLibraryUniversity ofCambridge:Trinity CollegeLibraryUniversity ofCardiffUniversity ofGlasgowUniversity ofGlasgowKing’s CollegeLondon: LiddellHart Centre forMilitary Archives(overview).Some specificexamples listedbelow but not acomprehensivelist of all privatepapers relatingto the FirstWorld War.King’s CollegeLondon: LiddellHart Centrefor MilitaryArchives: TheServing SoldierKing’s CollegeLondon: LiddellHart Centre forMilitary Archives(specific)Item/ collection Link to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationAdditionalpapers andcorrespondenceof Sir JosephJohn ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940)Papers andcorrespondenceof Sir GeorgePaget ThomsonFRS (1892 - 1975)Archives andManuscriptscollections:Papers of EdwardThomas (1878-1917)SpecialCollections:ManuscriptsArchive Services:Scottish BusinessArchivePrivate papersof over 700senior defencepersonnel whoheld office inthe years since1900. See linkto introductoryguide to FirstWorld WarcollectionsThe ServingSoldier isan ongoingdigitisationproject supportedby JISC thatmakes availableonline keydocuments andphotographsfrom theArchives.Private papersof Field MarshalEdmund (HenryHynman) Allenby,1st ViscountAllenby ofMegiddo and ofFelixstowe, GCB,GCMG, GCVO(1880-1936) papers andcorrespondence of SirJoseph John ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940) who wasa scientific advisor to thegovernment during theFirst World War.Papers andcorrespondence of SirGeorge Paget ThomsonFRS (1892 - 1975) whoserved in the RFC duringthe First World War.The world’s largestarchive of materialrelating to EdwardThomas. Includes writings,correspondence andpersonal artefacts.Manuscripts andphotographic collectionsof individuals thatserved during the war,a great number in the6th Battalion CameronHighlanders.Scottish businessarchive contains over400 collections coveringdifferent types ofbusinesses and industriesin Scotland. The Archiveholds particularly strongcollections in the followingareas: shipbuilding,railway locomotivemanufacture, textiles Private papers of over 700senior defence personnelwho held office in theyears since content hasso far been drawn fromfifty of the eight hundredprivate paper collectionsheld at the Liddell HartCentre for MilitaryArchives.Papers arranged inthe following sections:personal papers andcorrespondence;Palestine and Egypt;speeches, lectures andarticles; newspapercuttings; photographsand photograph albums;correspondence receivedby Wavell during writing ofAllenby; material collectedby Wavell for Allenby inEgypt, including papersrelating to Lawrence.Eastern EnglandEastern EnglandWalesScotlandScotlandLondon regionLondon regionLondon regionUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesSubject area Status Medium Key individuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Networking Online access Link to website Terms of useScience andTechnologyRegular Private papers Joseph John Thompson(1856-1940)Aerial warfare Regular Private papers George Paget Thomson(1892-1975)Culturalresponses,Military service(British)Military service(British)Industries andbusiness, Navaland shippingGovernment andpoliticsGovernment andpolitics, Militaryservice (British),Aerial Warfare,Science andtechnology,PropagandaGovernment andpoliticsImportantImportantHighlysignificantHighlysignificantHighlysignificantHighlysignificantPrivate papers,photographiccollections,objects - small,oral testimony,printed booksPrivate papers,photographiccollectionsPrivate papers,institutionalrecords,photographiccollectionsEdward Thomas (1878-1917)Alec Lawrence Macfie (1898-1980), Alexander MacCallumScott (1874-1928)Sir Joseph John Thomson was an advisor to several government departmentsduring the First World War. He was also a member of the Board of Inventionand Research that was set up in 1915 to promote scientific endeavour to helpthe war effort.Sir George Paget Thomson was attached to the Royal Aircraft Factory atFarnborough where he became a member of the famous ‘Chudleigh Mess’and formed lasting friendships with F.W. Aston, W.S. Farren, B.M. Jones, F.A.Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell), G.I. Taylor and others.Letters written between 1896 and 1917. Book reviews, essays and poems. Booksand maps from the family library. Personal artefacts. A tape recording of HelenThomas talking about her husband.Manuscript collections: Material relating to the 6th Battalion CameronHighlanders including diaries and letters from the front. Papers of AlecLawrence Macfie (1898 - 1980), Professor of Political Economy at GlasgowUniversity from 1945 to 1958, he served on the Western Front in 1917 and1918. MacCallum Scott Papers: Alexander MacCallum Scott (1874-1928)was Secretary of the League of Liberals against Aggression and Militarism,and Secretary of the New Reform Club before becoming Liberal M.P. for theBridgeton constituency of Glasgow in 1910. During the First World War hewas Parliamentary Private Secretary to Winston Churchill. The papers includecorrespondence with constituents and contemporaries, drafts of speeches, andpolitical diaries.Guides to each type of industry are available online. These list sources forshipping companies, railway companies, aircraft construction industries,mining companies, textile companies, breweries and printers and many morebusinesses that operated in Scotland in the early twentieth century. IncludesHouse of Fraser Archive that incorporates the company records of Army & NavyStores Ltd (HF 128). The Army & Navy Stores supplied additional equipment andclothing to soldiers and sailors during the First World War.Trinity College Library, Cambridge,CB2 1TQ: Monday - Friday: 9am- 5pm. To make an appointmentcontact the College Archivist andManuscript Cataloguer by post orat: College Library,Cambridge, CB2 1TQ: Monday- Friday: 9am - 5pm. To makean appointment contact theCollege Archivist and ManuscriptCataloguer by post or Collections ResearchRoom, Arts and Social StudiesLibrary, Colum Drive, Cardiff,CF10 3EU: Monday - Friday: 9am- 5pm. A research enquiry serviceis available, contact the Libraryby post at Information Services,Cardiff University, PO Box 430,Cardiff, CF24 0DE or by telephoneon 029 2087 4818 or by email Opening Hours: Monday- Thursday: 9am - 7pm and Friday:10am - 5pm. Vacation OpeningHours: Monday to Thursday: 9am- 5pm and Friday: 10am – 5pm.Free to all, no need to make anappointment, temporary Reader’sTicket issued on arrival. Someitems may take up to 24 hoursto be retrieved so calling aheadis advised. Access to onlinecatalogues is available in theReading Room.Archive search rooms’ openinghours: Monday: 1.30pm -5pm, Tuesday - Wednesday:9.30am - 5pm, Thursday: 9.30- 8pm and Friday: 9.30am - 5pm.Appointments are advised. Linkto booking form: specific to the collectionNone specific to the collectionNone specific to the to enable users to share each pageof the website on over 340 other sitesFull cataloguelisting availablevia the NationalArchives’Access toArchives pageFull cataloguelisting availablevia the NationalArchives’Access toArchives pageNo onlinecatalogueSearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSearchablecataloguePrivate papers Approximately 150 collections relate to the First World War. Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pm None specific to the collection SearchablecataloguePrivate papers,photographiccollectionsPrivate papersArthur Bryant (1899-1985),John Frederick CharlesFuller (1878-1966)Edmund (Henry Hynman)Allenby (1880-1936)A Royal Flying Corps Trainee: Documents relating to the service of Sir ArthurBryant, historian, in the Royal Flying Corps. The Birth of the Tank: Notes madeby Majot General John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966) detailing histhoughts on the use of armoured vehicles that later became known as tanks.Photographs of Gallipoli, the Western Front and the German Eastern Front.Collection of colour propaganda posters recently purchased by King’s from theMoravian Church of North America.After attending Royal Military College at Sandhurst, Allenby was commissionedinto 6 Inniskilling Dragoons in 1882. He served in South Africa and the UK beforeattending the Staff College at Camberley in 1896. Allenby was promoted severaltimes in the decade that followed. He served on Western Front as Commander ofCavalry Div (later Cavalry Corps), BEF, 1914; Commander, 5 Army Corps, 1915;Commander, 3 Army, 1915-1917; Commander-in-Chief, Egyptian ExpeditionaryForce, Palestine and Egypt, 1917-1919. He was awarded the rank of FieldMarshal in 1919 and served as High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan inthe years between 1919 and 1925. Related papers:!/ServingSoldierDigitisedcontentMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pm None specific to the collection content at The Serving Soldierwebsite: all available for consultation- contact college archivist fordetails. From Nuffield CollegeLibrary: “Archive readers arerequired to make a signedundertaking not to copy, quoteor publish either the wholeor any part of material theyconsult without permission ofthe owner(s) of the copyright inthe original documents. Suchpermission must be sought fromthe copyright owner; it cannot begranted by Nuffield College.No digitised content availableonline. Access is by appointmentonly.An searchable online catalogueis currently under construction.Digitised images used on thewebsite are not available todownload or copy.No digitised content availableonline. Item reference numberscan be used to fill out an enquiryform.Open, subject to signature ofreader’s undertaking form.Copies, subject to the conditionof the original, may be suppliedfor research use only. Requeststo publish original materialshould be submitted to theTrustees of the Liddell HartCentre for Military Archives,attention of the Director ofArchive Services.New content is being publishedregularly. Each selection ofaround 50 images is availableeither as a PDF file for downloador in gallery format, with adetailed zoom available for manycollections. Related or similaritems are listed alongside eachcollection to enable linkedthemes to be explored more. Weencourage the use of images inteaching and research: Pleaseright click images to copy/saveand embed in your classroompresentations. All images arealso available at high resolutionfor publication: Please contactthe Liddell Hart Centre for moreinformation.Open, subject to signature ofreader’s undertaking form anda letter of introduction. Copies,subject to the condition of theoriginal, may be supplied forresearch use only. Requests topublish original material shouldbe submitted to the Trusteesof the Liddell Hart Centre forMilitary Archives, attention of theDirector of Archive Services.Page 9

<strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>Collections</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UK</strong>A prelim<strong>in</strong>ary horizon-scanHold<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>stitutionCambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(overview)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:Departmentof Manuscriptand UniversityArchives(examplecollection)CambridgeUniversityLibrary:DSpace@CambridgeUniversity ofCambridge:ChurchillCollegeArchives CentreUniversity ofCambridge:K<strong>in</strong>g’s CollegeArchive CentreItem/ collection L<strong>in</strong>k to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationManuscriptsand UniversityArchivesVickers PlcPapers ofSiegfried Sassoon(1886 - 1967)Papers of CharlesHard<strong>in</strong>ge, firstBaron Hard<strong>in</strong>geof Penshurst(1858-1944)Papers andcorrespondenceof Sir JosephJohn ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940)DSpace@CambridgePersonal papersof Sir W<strong>in</strong>stonChurchill and 570o<strong>the</strong>rs prom<strong>in</strong>entfigures from hislifetimeModern<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>dex.htmlRecords of <strong>the</strong> universityand as well as medievalmanuscripts, collectionsof personal papers from<strong>the</strong> twentieth century.Company archiveschart<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> historyof shipbuild<strong>in</strong>g firmVickers plcManuscripts of poems andprose, journals and lettersof <strong>the</strong> poet SiegfriedSassoon, a man mostfamous for his publishedDeclaration <strong>in</strong> July 1917oppos<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>uationof <strong>the</strong> war.Private papers of CharlesHard<strong>in</strong>ge, 1st BaronHard<strong>in</strong>ge of Penhurst.Papers andcorrespondence of SirJoseph John ThomsonFRS (1856 - 1940) who wasa scientific advisor to <strong>the</strong>government dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong><strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>.Deposit of digital contentof a scholarly or heritagenature, as part of an OpenAccess <strong>in</strong>itiativePapers of those men andwomen whose publicservice overlappedwith Churchill’s and <strong>in</strong>particular those who were<strong>in</strong>fluential dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong><strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>.Personal papers witha particular focus onearly twentieth centuryliterature, f<strong>in</strong>e art andeconomics.Eastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandEastern EnglandUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesUniversityarchivesSubject area Status Medium Key <strong>in</strong>dividuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Network<strong>in</strong>g Onl<strong>in</strong>e access L<strong>in</strong>k to website Terms of useMilitary service(British),Government andpoliticsNaval andshipp<strong>in</strong>gHighlysignificantPersonal papers,<strong>in</strong>stitutionalrecords,photographiccollectionsJ. R. Monsell (1877-1952),Herbert Crocker (1877-1962),Edward Hilton Young (1879-1960), Robert Crewe-Milnes(1858-1945), SamuelHoare (1880-1959), WilliamGerhardie (1895-1977)Subject guide for military papers of <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> (text from website): TheDepartment holds several collections of letters home from officers and menserv<strong>in</strong>g on <strong>the</strong> Western Front dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> period 1914-18. These <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>the</strong> wardiaries and letters of Colonel E.D. Ridley (Add.7065-70); letters from servicemento Mrs Prime of Cambridge (Add.7660); <strong>the</strong> correspondence of E.J. Dent,Professor of Music at Cambridge University, with graduates serv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> France(Add.7973); letters home from Colonel Bertram Romilly, serv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> France with<strong>the</strong> Scots Guards <strong>in</strong> 1915 (Add.9656); and correspondence of Lt F.B. Turner,Royal Garrison Artillery, from Flanders to his fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong> India, 1918-19 (Add.9588).The J.R. Monsell papers <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> letters, sketchbooks andnotebooks of <strong>the</strong> illustrator, relat<strong>in</strong>g to his service <strong>in</strong> France,1914-19 (Add.9437).Also of note are English translations by Lt Colonel D.C. Philpott, Chief Censor,India Base, Port Said, of letters sent home by Indian troops serv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Palest<strong>in</strong>e,1918 (Add.6170). The RCS (Royal Commonwealth Society) Collection conta<strong>in</strong>s <strong>the</strong>diary of Lt Colonel Herbert Crocker, while commander of <strong>the</strong> Cheshire Regiment<strong>in</strong> Iraq, 1917-18 (RCMS 63/10). The RCS collection <strong>in</strong>cludes two scrapbooks of<strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> Memorabilia belong<strong>in</strong>g to Capta<strong>in</strong> Arthur O. Temple Clarke,R.A.S.C. (RCMS 319). Naval service: The papers of Lieutenant Edward HiltonYoung, R.N.V.R., 1st Lord Kennet, <strong>in</strong>clude correspondence, war diaries and navalpapers 1914-19.The papers of <strong>the</strong> 1st Marquess of Crewe conta<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>isterial and cab<strong>in</strong>et papersrelat<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g correspondence and papers on <strong>the</strong>Indian Expeditionary Force (Iraq) 1914-15 and <strong>the</strong> Volunteer Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Corps,1915-8. The papers of Viscount Templewood, Sir Samuel Hoare, conta<strong>in</strong> materialon British military <strong>in</strong>telligence concern<strong>in</strong>g Russia, Italy and <strong>the</strong> Balkans dur<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> and <strong>the</strong> early 1920s. The papers of <strong>the</strong> writer WilliamGerhardie <strong>in</strong>clude correspondence with his family while on military service with<strong>the</strong> British Army <strong>in</strong> Russia, 1917-20 (Add.8292).Important Company papers Vickers Limited, as <strong>the</strong> company was known before a merger with ArmstrongWhitworth and Company <strong>in</strong> 1927, was one of <strong>the</strong> most important manufacturersused by <strong>the</strong> Royal Navy <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> early part of <strong>the</strong> twentieth century. The companyworked out of <strong>the</strong> Clyde shipyards as well as <strong>the</strong> Naval Construction Yard atBarrow-<strong>in</strong>-Furness. By <strong>the</strong> outbreak of <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>, <strong>the</strong> company wereable to produce ships, submar<strong>in</strong>es, naval parts, firearms such as <strong>the</strong> Vickersmach<strong>in</strong>e gun, ordnance such as torpedoes and aircraft.Popular culture Important Private papers Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967)Government andpoliticsScience andTechnologyImportant Private papers Charles Hard<strong>in</strong>ge (1858-1944)Regular Private papers Joseph John Thompson(1856-1940)Empire Important Theses,photographiccollectionsGovernment andpolitics, Navaland shipp<strong>in</strong>gCulturalresponses,Government andpoliticsHighlysignificantPrivate papers W<strong>in</strong>ston Churchill (1874-1965), John Arbuthnot“Jacky” Fisher (1841-1920),Clement Attlee (1883-1967), Reg<strong>in</strong>ald McKenna(1863-1943), Tufton PercyHamilton Beamish (1874 -1951), Henry Ralph Crooke(1875 - 1952), Andrew BrownCunn<strong>in</strong>gham (1883-1963),Charles Saumarez Daniels(1894-1981), FredericCharles Dreyer (1878-1956),John Ernest Troyte Harper(1874-1949), Percy Noble(1880-1955), BertramHome Ramsay (1883-1945),James Fownes Somerville(1882-1949), Hugh MontagueTrenchard (1873-1956),Mona Chalmers Watson(1872-1936), Rosslyn Ersk<strong>in</strong>eWemyss (1864-1933), HenryRawl<strong>in</strong>son (1864-1925)Important Private papers Rupert Brooke (1887-1915),Charles Robert Ashbee(1863-1942), Clive Bell(1881-1964), Vanessa Bell(1879-1961), Duncan Grant(1885-1978), Roger Fry(1866-1934), T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), E. M. Forster (1879-1970), John Maynard Keynes(1883-1946), John TresidderSheppard (1881-1968)<strong>One</strong> of <strong>the</strong> highlights of <strong>the</strong> collection is MS Add. 9852: poetical notebooksand drafts, and poems <strong>in</strong> journals (1897–1950s). Includes Poems: by SiegfriedSassoon 1916 and Poems: 1917–18, a notebook <strong>in</strong> which Sassoon collected his<strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> poetry; and The Heart’s Journey (1925–27), a notebook of draftsand revised fair copies.Papers relat<strong>in</strong>g to Hard<strong>in</strong>ge’s work as Viceroy of India 1910-1916 andAmbassador <strong>in</strong> Paris 1920-1922. Also documents cover<strong>in</strong>g his contribution toIrish, Indian, and League of Nations politics after 1916. Includes correspondencewith <strong>the</strong> 2nd Baron of Montagu of Beaulieu, 1915-1918.Sir Joseph John Thomson was an advisor to several government departmentsdur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>. He was also a member of <strong>the</strong> Board of Inventionand Research that was set up <strong>in</strong> 1915 to promote scientific endeavour to help<strong>the</strong> war effort.Allows academics to share scholarly work, <strong>the</strong>ses and o<strong>the</strong>r collection-relatedprojects. For example <strong>the</strong> Royal Commonwealth Society Photograph Project:Digitis<strong>in</strong>g images from <strong>the</strong> late n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century to <strong>the</strong> late twentieth century.For example Recruits be<strong>in</strong>g sworn <strong>in</strong> shows five African recruits, watched byan African <strong>in</strong> uniform and two English officers, each with one hand grasp<strong>in</strong>g anunidentified volume, swear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>ir oath of loyalty. Photograph taken c.1914to 1918.Papers of Sir W<strong>in</strong>ston Churchill cover his time <strong>in</strong> office dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>War</strong>, as <strong>First</strong> Lord of <strong>the</strong> Admiralty until 1915 and <strong>the</strong>n, between 1917 and1919, as M<strong>in</strong>ister of Munitions. Between <strong>the</strong>se two appo<strong>in</strong>tments he fought on<strong>the</strong> Western Front, command<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> 6th Battalion of <strong>the</strong> Royal Scots Fusiliers.O<strong>the</strong>r highly important collections <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>the</strong> papers of Admiral of <strong>the</strong> FleetJohn Arbuthnot “Jacky” Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher of Kilverstone. He was <strong>First</strong>Sea Lord between <strong>the</strong> years 1904 and 1910 and aga<strong>in</strong> between 1914-1915. In<strong>the</strong> years preced<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> he was <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> developmentof <strong>the</strong> Dreadnought class, battle cruisers and submar<strong>in</strong>es. As <strong>First</strong> Sea Lord,he, along with W<strong>in</strong>ston Churchill, who was <strong>First</strong> Lord of <strong>the</strong> Admiralty at <strong>the</strong>time, was blamed for <strong>the</strong> disastrous Gallipoli campaign of 1915. Papers of SirRosslyn Ersk<strong>in</strong>e Wemyss, <strong>First</strong> Sea Lord (1917-1919). Papers of Henry SeymourRawl<strong>in</strong>son, Commander of <strong>the</strong> British <strong>First</strong> Army (1915-1916), Fourth Army (1916and 1918) and Second Army (1917-1918). The papers of Clement Attlee, futureLabour Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister, who served, as a Capta<strong>in</strong> and ultimately as a Major,with <strong>the</strong> South Lancashire Regiment at Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and <strong>in</strong> France<strong>in</strong> 1918. Reg<strong>in</strong>ald McKenna (1863-1943), Liberal MP; President of <strong>the</strong> Board ofEducation, 1907-8; <strong>First</strong> Lord of <strong>the</strong> Admiralty, 1908-11; Home Secretary, 1911-15; Chancellor of <strong>the</strong> Exchequer, 1915-16. Naval officers <strong>in</strong>clude Rear-AdmiralTufton Percy Hamilton Beamish (1874 - 1951), Admiral Sir Henry Ralph Crooke(1875 - 1952), Admiral of <strong>the</strong> Fleet Andrew Brown Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham, 1st Viscount(1883-1963), Admiral Sir Charles Saumarez Daniels (1894-1981), Admiral SirFrederic Charles Dreyer (1878-1956), Vice-Admiral John Ernest Troyte Harper(1874-1949), Admiral Sir Percy Noble (1880-1955), Admiral Sir Bertram HomeRamsay (1883-1945) and Admiral Sir James Fownes Somerville (1882-1949).Royal Air Force officers <strong>in</strong>clude Marshal of <strong>the</strong> Royal Air Force Hugh MontagueTrenchard, 1st Viscount (1873-1956), Assistant Commandant, Central Fly<strong>in</strong>gSchool, 1913-1914; GOC Royal Fly<strong>in</strong>g Corps, 1915-1917; Chief of Air Staff, 1918-1929. Correspondence between Mona Chalmers Watson, who founded and ran<strong>the</strong> WAAC and her bro<strong>the</strong>r, first Baron Geddes.Papers of Rupert Brooke (1887 - 1915), war poet, who died of septicaemiaon <strong>the</strong> way to Gallipoli. Papers of Charles Robert Ashbee (1863 - 1942), oneof <strong>the</strong> founders of <strong>the</strong> Arts and Craft Movement. Papers of members of <strong>the</strong>Bloomsbury group like Clive and Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant (<strong>the</strong> so-calledCharleston Papers). Papers of Roger Fry, (1866-1934), pa<strong>in</strong>ter and art critic.Papers of <strong>the</strong> Hayward Bequest of T.S. Eliot Material. Papers of E.M. Forster(1879-1970), novelist. Papers of John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), economist.He was strongly opposed to <strong>the</strong> severity of <strong>the</strong> reparations payments imposed onGermany at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>, a view expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> his controversialbook The Economic Consequences of <strong>the</strong> Peace, published <strong>in</strong> 1919. Papers ofJohn Tresidder Sheppard, classics professor at Cambridge, whose <strong>in</strong>telligencework dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> that earned him an MBE.Manuscripts Read<strong>in</strong>g Room:Open to all those with a LibraryReader’s Ticket. No appo<strong>in</strong>tmentnecessary but it is best to check <strong>the</strong>availability of a manuscript beforevisit<strong>in</strong>g. For fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong>formation on<strong>the</strong> Manuscripts Read<strong>in</strong>g Room, oron <strong>the</strong> availability of documents,please telephone 01223 333143 or01223 365689; or e-mail - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmMonday - Friday: 9.30am - 5.30pmand Saturday: 9.30am - 12.30pmNone specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionNone specific to <strong>the</strong> specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionNone specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionSearchablecataloguesContact<strong>in</strong>formationSearchablecatalogueNo onl<strong>in</strong>ecatalogueNo onl<strong>in</strong>ecatalogueOnl<strong>in</strong>e resource!/dspace_cam SearchablecatalogueMonday - Friday: 9am - 5pm. Usersshould make contact <strong>in</strong> advance,giv<strong>in</strong>g details of <strong>the</strong>ir researchsubject and list<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> collections<strong>the</strong>y will wish to consult. They willalso need to register as Readersei<strong>the</strong>r onl<strong>in</strong>e beforehand or onarrival. There is no formal researchservice but if necessary, researchcan be undertake on <strong>the</strong> user’sbehalf; charged apply.K<strong>in</strong>g’s College Archive Centre:Monday to Thursday: 9.30am –12.30pm and 1.30pm – 5.15pm.Intend<strong>in</strong>g readers must make anappo<strong>in</strong>tment with <strong>the</strong> Archivistbefore visit<strong>in</strong>g K<strong>in</strong>g’s and shouldbr<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>the</strong>m two forms ofphotographic identification and aletter of <strong>in</strong>troduction.L<strong>in</strong>ks to enable users to share each pageof <strong>the</strong> website on over 340 o<strong>the</strong>r specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionFull alphabeticallist<strong>in</strong>g andl<strong>in</strong>ks to sitesthat havemore detailedcatalogues,for <strong>in</strong>stance,Janus.Full alphabeticallist<strong>in</strong>g andl<strong>in</strong>ks to sitesthat havemore detailedcatalogues,for <strong>in</strong>stance, to <strong>the</strong> collection is availablefrom <strong>the</strong> Manuscripts Read<strong>in</strong>g Roomcounter. In addition, computer databasesfor <strong>the</strong> Vickers archives may be searchedon request. Contact: John Wells (01223333055;<strong>in</strong>e%20(1886-1967)<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>dex.htmlA number of different catalogueswith different levels of detail.All provide a reference numberand a means of contact<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>repository. No digital content.Copies can be made <strong>in</strong> personafter consultation with anarchivist.No digitised content availableonl<strong>in</strong>e.No digitised content availableonl<strong>in</strong>e.No digitised content availableonl<strong>in</strong>e.Royal Commonwealth Society:This collection holds public lowresolutionimages. DSpace alsostores high-resolution versionsof <strong>the</strong>se images for <strong>the</strong> purposeof digital preservation, however,<strong>the</strong>se are not accessible by<strong>the</strong> public.No digitised content availableonl<strong>in</strong>e. Users can photocopy orscan most documents <strong>in</strong> personfor a small fee.Given <strong>the</strong> personal natureof <strong>the</strong> collections, each havespecific access and reproductionconditions. Contact <strong>the</strong> archivefor fur<strong>the</strong>r details.Page 8

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