First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ...

First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ... First World War Collections in the UK - JISC World War One ...
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First World War Collections in the UKA preliminary horizon-scanHoldinginstitutionBritish FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveBritish FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveBritish FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveBritish FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveItem/ collection Link to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationFictionNon-fictionSilent of British fictionfilms from 1896 onwards.Collection of Britishnon-fiction films includingthose commissioned bygovernment departmentsthat are preserved asPublic Records by theBritish Film Institute incollaboration with theNational Archives.Collection of silent fictionand non-fiction films thatdate from 1895 to 1929.Many are held uniquely bythe British Film Institute.Collection of cinemaephemera. Personalpapers of film makers,working papersof organisations,memorabilia andpromotional information.London regionLondon regionLondon regionLondon regionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionSubject area Status Medium Key individuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Networking Online access Link to website Terms of useAll Pre-eminent Film Noel Pemberton-Billing(1880-1948)Propaganda produced during the war to give lessons to civilians throughfictional stories. For example: Ministry of Information film entitled The Secret(1918) shows how a housewife can win back the allegiance of her husband’sstomach from her neighbour by using grated potato peel as a substitute forsuet in her puddings. Also It Is For England! (1916), a Union Jack Film companyproduction, in which a reincarnated saint unmasks a baronet as a German spy.Pemberton Billing and the Vigilantes (1918), a propaganda film made on behalfof the Vigilantes, a morality pressure group form led by Noel Pemberton BillingMP as part of his campaign for ‘A Cleaner Britain’.All Pre-eminent Film Topical Budget: Silent news reel first issued in 1911. During the First WorldWar the War Office took control of the production company and the BFI holdsnearly 1000 films made between 1914 and 1920. The company never convertedto sound and ceased production in 1931. Pathe Animated Gazette: First Britishnewsreel, begun in 1910 and produced under one name or another until 1970.Few reels survive from the 1910-1920 period but some are held at the BFI.Gaumont Graphic: Silent newsreel from 1910 - 1932. BFI holds original nitratefilm material while ITN Source holds viewing copies.All Pre-eminent Film Topical Budget: Silent news reel first issued in 1911. During the First WorldWar the War Office took control of the production company and the BFI holdsnearly 1000 films made between 1914 and 1920. The company never convertedto sound and ceased production in 1931. Pathe Animated Gazette: First Britishnewsreel, begun in 1910 and produced under one name or another until 1970.Few reels survive from the 1910-1920 period but some are held at the BFI.Gaumont Graphic: Silent newsreel from 1910 - 1932. BFI holds original nitratefilm material while ITN Source holds viewing copies.All Pre-eminent Ephemera Michael Balcon (1896-1977) Special Collections: Personal papers mainly date cover directors and producersworking in the interwar years, for instance Sir Michael Balcon (1896-1977),founder of Victory Motion Pictures in 1921 and Gainsborough Pictures in 1924,and director of Gaumont-British from 1931.BFI National Library: ResearchViewing Service is available byappointment Monday - Friday: 10.30am - 5.30pm. Two to three weeks’notice should be allowed, and usersshould provide full details of title,year, transmission date, etc, asappropriate. Viewing fees apply.BFI National Library: ResearchViewing Service is available byappointment Monday - Friday: 10.30am - 5.30pm. Two to three weeks’notice should be allowed, and usersshould provide full details of title,year, transmission date, etc, asappropriate. Viewing fees apply.BFI National Library: ResearchViewing Service is available byappointment Monday - Friday: 10.30am - 5.30pm. Two to three weeks’notice should be allowed, and usersshould provide full details of title,year, transmission date, etc, asappropriate. Viewing fees apply.BFI National Library: ReadingRoom: Special Collections:Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:10.30am - 1.30pm and 2pm -5.30pm. Wednesday: 2pm - 5.30pm.Available to view by appointment.Unpublished scripts and pressbooks can be viewed via the BFINational Library Reading Roomand do not require an appointment.Unpublished scripts and pressbooks can be requested via theReading Room or directly throughSpecial Collections. As many arestored off-site, users need to allowup to one week for them to!/!/!/!/ digitisedcontentSearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSearchablecatalogue information andsynopsis available online.Registered users can view clipsat information andsynopsis available online.Registered users can view clipsat information andsynopsis available online.Registered users can view clipsat Collections can besearched via database or papercatalogue in the BFI NationalLibrary Reading Room. Itemscannot be ordered via thecatalogue, instead them must beordered by speaking to Librarystaff over the telephone or inperson.British FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveStills, Postersand of still,photographs andillustrations from films,dating from 1896. Postercollection from the early1900s onwards.London regionNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Photographiccollections,works of artStills, posters and designs: No accessible online catalogue but the BFI collectionis extensive so contact the BFI National Archive for details. Contact formsavailable online at National Library, StephenStreet, London: Opening Times:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday andFriday: 10.30am - 5.30pm andWednesday: 1pm - 5.30pm. Contactthe Stills, Posters and Designsdepartment for further informationon the content of the collection.Online resource. Log in viaeducational!/ digitisedcontent users can accessthe site. Reproduction of imagesfrom the site requires thecorrect copyright clearances.British FilmArchive (BFI)National ArchiveBFI InView Digitised collectionof films documentingBritain’s history, fundedvia a JISC digitisationprogramme. Partners:Freemantle media, BBC,the National Archives,UK Parliament and OpenMedia.London regionNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Film Organised by Theme (Education, UK Industry and Economy, Health, Law andOrder, Environment and Immigration, Race and Equality) and by Collection(Government Film, Politics, Early Film, Industry and Television).None specific to content only availableto members of educationalinstitutions.British LibraryLegal depositlibrary of theUnited Kingdomand the Republicof Library is entitledto receive a copy of everybook published in theUK and Ireland since aParliamentary Act in 1911.London regionNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Printed books Histories of regiments, battalions, divisions and armies. Memoirs ofsoldiers. Analysis of battles and strategy. Accounts of life on the home front.Interpretative work on how British society was changed by war etc.Business & IP Centre, Humanities,Rare Books & Music, Science,Social Sciences: Monday: 10am -8pm, Tuesday - Thursday: 9.30am- 8pm, Friday and Saturday: 9.30am- 5pm. New readers must registerfor a British Library photographicReader Pass at the ReaderRegistration Office, St.!/britishlibrarySearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentLibrary catalogue:, store and send shelfmarks and geographic classes.These can then be used toorder books to view, arrangeinter-library loans or orderdocuments as part of DocumentSupply Services: is currently not possible torequest archive and manuscriptcollection items directly fromSearch Our Catalogue: Archivesand Manuscripts.British Library(Archives andmanuscripts) organised byname of collection or as‘Additional Manuscripts’.London regionNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Private papers,public recordsJohn Rushworth Jellicoe(1859-1935), Douglas Haig(1861-1928), Horatio HerbertKitchener (1850-1916),Wilfred Owen (1893-1915)India Office Records including Indian Army First World War- War Diaries andrecords detailing pay increases for the ‘native army’ following the First WorldWar. Papers and correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet John RushworthJellicoe, first Earl Jellicoe, who served as First Sea Lord between 1916 and 1917.(Add. MSS 48989–49052). Douglas Haig’s account of operations on western front(Add. MS 52460). Papers and correspondence of Horatio Herbert Kitchener, firstEarl Kitchener. Highlight from English Literature section: Handwritten draftcopy of Wilfred Owen’s Dulce et Decorum Est.Asian & African Studies, Maps,Manuscripts: Monday: 10am - 5pm,Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am -5pm. New readers must registera British Library photographicReader Pass at the ReaderRegistration Office, St.!/britishlibrarySearchablecatalogueArchives and manuscripts: Library(Sound archive)Archival soundrecordings testimony from thosethat lived through the FirstWorld War.London regionNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Oral testimony Oral testimony of people that lived through the war or remember their parents’or grandparents’ part in it. Music and performances dating from that era.Sound Archive Listening & ViewingService: Available by appointmentin the Rare Books and MusicReading Room during!/britishlibrarySearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSound archive: to listen online. TheBritish Library Sound Archiveuses the XML-based MetadataEncoding and TransmissionStandard (METS). The ASRwebsite is fully compliant withthe Open Archive InitiativeProtocol for Metadata Harvesting(OAI-PMH), allowing third-partyprojects to provide access to theASR files.Use, store and send shelfmarks and geographic classes.These can then be used toorder books to view, arrangeinter-library loans or orderdocuments as part of DocumentSupply Services: digitised content availableonlineBritish Library(NewspaperLibrary)Newspapers,magazines and localand foreign languagenewspapers.London regionNationalcollectionNewspapersand journalismPre-eminent Newspapers Full sets of the main London editions of all national daily and Sundaypublications from first date of publication to the present day. Official militarypublications, long-standing Armed Services publications, shorter runs of wartimeArmy and Unit publications, general wartime periodicals and miscellaneousjournals, magazines, garrison and unit periodicals.Monday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm.New readers must register fora Newspaper Reader Pass ora British Library photographicReader Pass at the ReaderRegistration Office, St.!/britishlibrarySearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentNewspapers form part of the integratedcatalogue: Library(examplecollection)NorthcliffePapers relating to AlfredC.W. Harmsworth,Viscount Northcliffe;location and catalogue62153 - 62397.London regionNationalcollectionNewspapersand journalismImportant Private papers Alfred Harmsworth (1865-1922)Papers documenting the life of Viscount Northcliffe, who, by the time of theFirst World War, owned the Daily Mail, The Times and The Mirror. As a result hewas hugely influential in channelling public opinion over many wartime issues.For example the ‘Shell Crisis’ of 1915. In 1917 he acted as head of Britain’s warmission in the United States and the following year he took up the position ofdirector of propaganda aimed at enemy countries.Asian & African Studies, Maps,Manuscripts: Monday: 10am - 5pm,Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am -5pm. New readers must registera British Library photographicReader Pass at the ReaderRegistration Office, St. Pancras.Online resourceNone specific to the collectionNo onlinecatalogueEmail enquiries: mss@bl.ukBritish Library(Images Online)Digital imagelibrary of internationalposters, colouredillustrations andnewspapers.London regionNationalcollectionNewspapersand journalism,propagandaImportant Works of art Images caricaturing each of the main countries and the ways that they conductthe war. E.g. Wilhelm’s Nightmare, 1914, by I.M. Mashinistov, is a poemaccompanied by illustrations that show Kaiser Wilhelm II in a state of distressas the bold Russian cavalryman gallops towards Germany (part of Russian andSoviet Posters collection).Links to enable users to share each pageof the website on over 340 other sitesSearchablecatalogue each image, users havethese options: enlarge, add tolightbox, add to basket, viewprice and download.Page 22

First World War Collections in the UKA preliminary horizon-scanHoldinginstitutionLesbian andGay NewsmediaArchiveNational Libraryof ScotlandNational Libraryof Scotland:ScottishScreen Archive,GlasgowNational Libraryof Scotland(ManuscriptsDivision)National Libraryof Scotland(Digital archive)RoyalCommissionon the Ancientand HistoricalMonumentsof Scotland:SCRANItem/ collection Link to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationNationalcollection ofpress cuttingsand campaigningmaterial forsexual equalityLegal depositlibrary of theUnited Kingdomand the Republicof IrelandNationalcollection ofScottish filmsManuscriptsDivision: ScottishhistoricalcollectionsDigital archiveof the NationalLibraryOnline learningresource base ofScottish cuttings,dating from the latenineteenth century, fromnon-gay press.National Library ofScotland is entitled toreceive a copy of everybook and newspaperedition published in theUK and Ireland, witha particular focus onScotland.National collectionincludes eight-four filmsfrom the 1910s. Thesecover, amongst othersubjects, sports matches,regimental marches androyal visits during the FirstWorld War.Papers of Field Marshal(Earl) Haig and ViscountHaldane are the mostimportant First WorldWar-related manuscriptsheld in the ManuscriptsDivision. The NLS alsoholds the papers ofMairi Chisholm, who,exceptionally, served asa nurse in the front lineand the diary of LanceCorporal George Ramage.Digital image of completebooks and other printedtexts page by page,photographs, posters,maps and drawings.Images and media froma range of museums,galleries and librariesincluding the NationalLibrary of Scotland.London regionScotlandScotlandScotlandScotlandScotlandNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionSubject area Status Medium Key individuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Networking Online access Link to website Terms of useNewspapersand journalism,WomenRegular Newspapers Valerie Arkell-Smith(1895-1960)All Pre-eminent Printed books,newspapersAllGovernment andpolitics, Militaryservice (British)Propaganda,military service(British),military service(non-British)All (inc. Militaryservice (British),Industries andbusiness, navaland shipping)HighlysignificantNewspaper cuttings relating to the life of Valerie Arkell-Smith who enlisted firstas a VAD nurse in 1915 and subsequently in the WRAF. After her first marriageto Australian officer Harold Arkell-Smith ended acrimoniously, she began tocross-dress and to use the name “Victor Barker”, who she pretended had been aColonel in the RAF. The newspaper cuttings from the Daily Express and the DailyHerald refer to her ‘marriage’ to a woman, who believed her to be a man, in 1923and the exposure in court of this false marriage in 1929.Histories of regiments, battalions, divisions and armies. Memoirs ofsoldiers. Analysis of battles and strategy. Accounts of life on the home front.Interpretative work on how British society was changed by war etc.Film Films focusing on the lives of children - boys passing out of the Boy’s Brigadein 1915, girls dancing around a May pole at the Bo’ness Children’s FairFestival in 1913. Several film from the series called Borders Local Newsreelscovering military preparation in the latter half of 1914. British Moving PictureNews reels from 1919 including peace celebrations. Films capturing life inGlasgow and Clyde during the war including His Majesty’s Visit to Clyde (1917).Copies of Pathe Gazette including Women’s War Workers (about women beingemployed on Glasgow trams) and Women’s Prohibition Demonstration (infavour of prohibiting alcohol). Patriotic Porkers - a film on the benefits of savinghousehold refuse - although sponsored by the Ministry of Food, the IWM do nothave this title in their collection. Scottish Moving Picture News: Films aboutfundraising for the war, wartime weddings and funerals, Scottish Troops forthe Front and many others. Topical Budget News items including one in whichPresident Wilson reviews the troops and another in which military medals areawarded.Pre-eminent Private papers Richard Haldane (1856-1928), Douglas Haig (1861-1928), David Henderson(1862-1921), Mairi Chisholm(1896-1981), George Ramage(1882-1934)Pre-eminentHighlysignificantPrivate papers,institutionalrecords,photographiccollections,works of artPhotographiccollections, film,oral testimony,works of artDouglas Haig (1861-1928)James Maxton (1885-1946)Viscount Haldane served as Secretary of State for War from 1905, first inCampbell-Bannerman’s short-lived Liberal government and then in Asquith’sgovernment until a smear campaign by the Northcliffe press forced himfrom office in 1915 for supposed pro-German sympathies. He also served asLord Chancellor between June1912 and May 1915. Field Marshal (Earl) Haigcommanded the British Expeditionary Force from 1915 until the end of thewar. Correspondence and press cuttings of Sir David Henderson, commanderof the Royal Flying Corps in 1914. Mairi Chisholm worked with her friend ElsieKnocker as a nurse in the front line. They set up an independent medicalstation at Pervyse so that they could treat soldiers from the front lines quicklyand thus save lives. The NLS holds papers and diaries whilst the Imperial WarMuseum holds her diary and interviews given after the war. Lance CorporalGeorge Ramage served with the 1st Gordon Highlanders in France in 1915. Hisdiary includes descriptions of the first gas attacks used against the British inFlanders. In-depth study entitled ‘The Jock, the General and the Nurse’: World War ‘Official Photographs’: Collection of nearly two thousandimages taken by official British war photographers, taken from the papers ofField Marshal (Earl) Haig that are held in the NLS Manuscript Division. Thephotographs are split into nine sections: Photographs of Haig, British WesternFront, Cavalry, Royal visits, Other visitors, Allies, Germans, Photographersand After the War. Soviet Union posters: Dating from 1919, some are Civil Warpropaganda posters.Contributors include: Aberdeen City Council: images of the city and surroundingarea during the First World War and in its aftermath, Museum of Flight (NationalMuseums of Scotland): Aircraft, pilots, women workers, Dumfries and GallowayMuseums Service: trench life on the Western Front, East Lothian MuseumServices: range of objects including souvenirs, Edinburgh Film Workshop Trust/ Comataidh Craolaidh Gaidhlig (sync rights) (Copyright owner: Imperial WarMuseum, London): range of films, Lothian Health Service Archives: photos ofnurses, doctors and patients in wards and in the grounds of military hospitals,Falkirk museum: local scenes, Hulton Getty: many famous scenes including thesurrender of the German fleet at Scapa Flow, Imperial War Museum: works ofart connected to Scotland’s shipbuilding industry, Napier University: portraitsof soldiers, Christmas cards, memorials, letters, National Library of Scotland:huge range of photographs and prints, NLS Scottish Film Archive, Imperial WarMuseum films, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments ofScotland: photographs of steel works and ruins of buildings that had been inuse during the First World War, Scottish National Portrait Gallery: portrait ofJames Maxton, Independent Labour Party MP after the war, Scottish FisheriesMuseum: documents relating to war work, Dundee City Archives: documentsabout the fishing industry during the war and St Andrews University Library:photographs of trench life and soldiers on Scottish military bases.Bishopsgate Library OpeningHours: Monday - Tuesday: 9.30am- 5.30pm, Wednesday: 9.30am- 8pm, Thursday - Friday: 9.30am -5.30pm. First Friday of each month:9.30am - 2pm. Access is strictly byappointment and researchers willbe supervised during their visit. Tel.020 7392 9270. Email: Research can becarried out by staff on behalf of aresearcher but charges apply.General Reading Room OpeningHours: Monday - Tuesday:9.30am - 8.30pm, Wednesday:10am - 8.30pm, Thursday - Friday:9.30am - 8.30pm and Saturday:9.30am - 1pm.Opening hours for viewings:Monday - Friday: 9.15am -12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4.45pm.Appointments are necessary dueto very limited space. For Film/video viewings call 0845 366 4600or email Forresearch appointments to consultmanuscripts or printed holdings,call the Curator on 0845 366 4602or email Officehours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm.The Library’s manuscriptcollections are available onrequest for consultation by allwith a genuine reason for doingso. Manuscripts may be consultedunder supervision in the SpecialMaterials Reading Room. Openinghours: Monday - Tuesday:9.30am - 8.30pm, Wednesday:10am - 8.30pm, Thursday - Friday:9.30am - 8.30pm and Saturday:9.30am - 1pm.None specific to the collection!/ andability to bookmark web pagesNone specific to collectionNone specific to the collectionSearchablecatalogue(incomplete)SearchablecatalogueSearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSearchablecatalogueOnline resource None specific to the collection Searchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentOnline resource None specific to the collection Searchablecatalogueand cuttings from newspapercopies published between 1937 -1969 have so far been indexed.Print, save or email searchresults. Shelf marks are thenused to order up an availablecopy to the Reading Room.Digitised clips used on thewebsite are not available todownload or copy. Copies canbe obtained by contacting theArchive directly. Licence feesapply for purposes other thanpersonal use. See form: enquiries Ordersfor copies of the manuscriptsmust be put in writing; telephonerequests are not sufficient.Images and texts can be usedunder Creative Commonslicence i.e. ‘Creative Commons,Attribution - Non-commercial- Share-alike 2.5 UK: Scotland’.The images can be enlarged,bookmarked and emailed.Free users can search and seethumbnail images. Users canbecome Personal, Community,Education or InstitutionSubscribers and gain access tolarge rights cleared resources,full captions, learning packs;create, save, share; & Scribblesocial networking.National Libraryof WalesLegal depositlibrary of theUnited Kingdomand the Republicof National Libraryof Wales is entitled toreceive a copy of everybook published in theUK and Ireland since aParliamentary Act in 1911.WalesNationalcollectionAll Pre-eminent Printed books Histories of regiments, battalions, divisions and armies. Memoirs ofsoldiers. Analysis of battles and strategy. Accounts of life on the home front.Interpretative work on how British society was changed by war etc.General Opening Hours: Monday -Friday: 9.30am - 6pm and Saturday:9.30am - 5pm. Reading Rooms:Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 6pmand Saturday: 9.30 - 5pm. It is notpossible to order materials onSaturday to be viewed that day.Readers should order the materialonline by midnight on Thursday tobe able to view it on!/ have the option witheach item to Request or ‘Saveto My List’.National Libraryof WalesArchives papers of manypeople prominent duringthe First World War, forexample politician DavidLloyd George and writerand poet Edward Thomas.WalesNationalcollectionGovernment andpolitics, Militaryservice (British),Recruitmentconscriptionand tribunals,CulturalresponsesPre-eminentPrivate papers,institutionalrecords,photographiccollectionsDavid Lloyd George (1863-1945), Frances Stevenson(1888-1972), Edward Thomas(1878-1917), William HenryDavies (1871-1940), DavidJones (1895-1974), BertaRuck (1978-1978)Lloyd George manuscripts: Papers of the Lloyd George family (1886 - 1968)including those of David Lloyd George, one of the most important politiciansof the early twentieth century. The major archive of Lloyd George’s papers,those which he bequeathed to his second wife Frances, is in the custody of theParliamentary Archive at the House of Lords, London. The National Library ofWales houses four further groups of records directly relevant to David LloydGeorge: William George Papers, Olwen Carey-Evans Papers, A. J. SylvesterPapers, and the Frances Stevenson Family Papers. Papers of Edward and HelenThomas; Edward Thomas, already a well-established literary critic, beganwriting poetry in 1914 and in 1915 enlisted in the Artists’ Rifles. He was killed onthe first day of the Battle of Arras in April 1917 and the majority of his poetry waspublished posthumously. Includes correspondence between Edward and his wifeHelen, drafts, journals, memoranda and photographs. W H Davies manuscripts:These include drafts and published forms of his poets, correspondence andphotographs of William Henry Davies (1871 - 1940), Welsh poet and writer.Papers of David Jones, artist and poet who served with the Royal Welch Fusiliersduring the First World War. Papers of Berta Ruck (1878 - 1978), romanticnovelist. Papers of Ithel Davies, conscientious objector during the First WorldWar. There are other personal papers of men who served in the armed forcesduring the First World War. Cardiganshire Great War Tribunal (Appeals)Records: Set up with the advent of conscription in 1916 to assess claimants’fitness for military service.Reading Rooms: Monday - Friday:9.30am - 6pm and Saturday: 9.30- 5pm. It is not possible to ordermaterials on Saturday to be viewedthat day. Readers should orderthe material online by midnight onThursday to be able to view it onSaturday.None specific to the collectionSearchablecatalogue have the option witheach item to Request or ‘Saveto My List’.Page 23

<strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> <strong>Collections</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UK</strong>A prelim<strong>in</strong>ary horizon-scanHold<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>stitutionLesbian andGay NewsmediaArchiveNational Libraryof ScotlandNational Libraryof Scotland:ScottishScreen Archive,GlasgowNational Libraryof Scotland(ManuscriptsDivision)National Libraryof Scotland(Digital archive)RoyalCommissionon <strong>the</strong> Ancientand HistoricalMonumentsof Scotland:SCRANItem/ collection L<strong>in</strong>k to website Brief description Region Type oforganisationNationalcollection ofpress cutt<strong>in</strong>gsand campaign<strong>in</strong>gmaterial forsexual equalityLegal depositlibrary of <strong>the</strong>United K<strong>in</strong>gdomand <strong>the</strong> Republicof IrelandNationalcollection ofScottish filmsManuscriptsDivision: ScottishhistoricalcollectionsDigital archiveof <strong>the</strong> NationalLibraryOnl<strong>in</strong>e learn<strong>in</strong>gresource base ofScottish<strong>in</strong> cutt<strong>in</strong>gs,dat<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>the</strong> laten<strong>in</strong>eteenth century, fromnon-gay press.National Library ofScotland is entitled toreceive a copy of everybook and newspaperedition published <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>UK</strong> and Ireland, witha particular focus onScotland.National collection<strong>in</strong>cludes eight-four filmsfrom <strong>the</strong> 1910s. Thesecover, amongst o<strong>the</strong>rsubjects, sports matches,regimental marches androyal visits dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong><strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>.Papers of Field Marshal(Earl) Haig and ViscountHaldane are <strong>the</strong> mostimportant <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>War</strong>-related manuscriptsheld <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> ManuscriptsDivision. The NLS alsoholds <strong>the</strong> papers ofMairi Chisholm, who,exceptionally, served asa nurse <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> front l<strong>in</strong>eand <strong>the</strong> diary of LanceCorporal George Ramage.Digital image of completebooks and o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>in</strong>tedtexts page by page,photographs, posters,maps and draw<strong>in</strong>gs.Images and media froma range of museums,galleries and libraries<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> NationalLibrary of Scotland.London regionScotlandScotlandScotlandScotlandScotlandNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionNationalcollectionSubject area Status Medium Key <strong>in</strong>dividuals Highlights or Detailed Description Hours of access Social Network<strong>in</strong>g Onl<strong>in</strong>e access L<strong>in</strong>k to website Terms of useNewspapersand journalism,WomenRegular Newspapers Valerie Arkell-Smith(1895-1960)All Pre-em<strong>in</strong>ent Pr<strong>in</strong>ted books,newspapersAllGovernment andpolitics, Militaryservice (British)Propaganda,military service(British),military service(non-British)All (<strong>in</strong>c. Militaryservice (British),Industries andbus<strong>in</strong>ess, navaland shipp<strong>in</strong>g)HighlysignificantNewspaper cutt<strong>in</strong>gs relat<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> life of Valerie Arkell-Smith who enlisted firstas a VAD nurse <strong>in</strong> 1915 and subsequently <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> WRAF. After her first marriageto Australian officer Harold Arkell-Smith ended acrimoniously, she began tocross-dress and to use <strong>the</strong> name “Victor Barker”, who she pretended had been aColonel <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> RAF. The newspaper cutt<strong>in</strong>gs from <strong>the</strong> Daily Express and <strong>the</strong> DailyHerald refer to her ‘marriage’ to a woman, who believed her to be a man, <strong>in</strong> 1923and <strong>the</strong> exposure <strong>in</strong> court of this false marriage <strong>in</strong> 1929.Histories of regiments, battalions, divisions and armies. Memoirs ofsoldiers. Analysis of battles and strategy. Accounts of life on <strong>the</strong> home front.Interpretative work on how British society was changed by war etc.Film Films focus<strong>in</strong>g on <strong>the</strong> lives of children - boys pass<strong>in</strong>g out of <strong>the</strong> Boy’s Brigade<strong>in</strong> 1915, girls danc<strong>in</strong>g around a May pole at <strong>the</strong> Bo’ness Children’s FairFestival <strong>in</strong> 1913. Several film from <strong>the</strong> series called Borders Local Newsreelscover<strong>in</strong>g military preparation <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> latter half of 1914. British Mov<strong>in</strong>g PictureNews reels from 1919 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g peace celebrations. Films captur<strong>in</strong>g life <strong>in</strong>Glasgow and Clyde dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> war <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g His Majesty’s Visit to Clyde (1917).Copies of Pa<strong>the</strong> Gazette <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Women’s <strong>War</strong> Workers (about women be<strong>in</strong>gemployed on Glasgow trams) and Women’s Prohibition Demonstration (<strong>in</strong>favour of prohibit<strong>in</strong>g alcohol). Patriotic Porkers - a film on <strong>the</strong> benefits of sav<strong>in</strong>ghousehold refuse - although sponsored by <strong>the</strong> M<strong>in</strong>istry of Food, <strong>the</strong> IWM do nothave this title <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir collection. Scottish Mov<strong>in</strong>g Picture News: Films aboutfundrais<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>the</strong> war, wartime wedd<strong>in</strong>gs and funerals, Scottish Troops for<strong>the</strong> Front and many o<strong>the</strong>rs. Topical Budget News items <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g one <strong>in</strong> whichPresident Wilson reviews <strong>the</strong> troops and ano<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong> which military medals areawarded.Pre-em<strong>in</strong>ent Private papers Richard Haldane (1856-1928), Douglas Haig (1861-1928), David Henderson(1862-1921), Mairi Chisholm(1896-1981), George Ramage(1882-1934)Pre-em<strong>in</strong>entHighlysignificantPrivate papers,<strong>in</strong>stitutionalrecords,photographiccollections,works of artPhotographiccollections, film,oral testimony,works of artDouglas Haig (1861-1928)James Maxton (1885-1946)Viscount Haldane served as Secretary of State for <strong>War</strong> from 1905, first <strong>in</strong>Campbell-Bannerman’s short-lived Liberal government and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>in</strong> Asquith’sgovernment until a smear campaign by <strong>the</strong> Northcliffe press forced himfrom office <strong>in</strong> 1915 for supposed pro-German sympathies. He also served asLord Chancellor between June1912 and May 1915. Field Marshal (Earl) Haigcommanded <strong>the</strong> British Expeditionary Force from 1915 until <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>war. Correspondence and press cutt<strong>in</strong>gs of Sir David Henderson, commanderof <strong>the</strong> Royal Fly<strong>in</strong>g Corps <strong>in</strong> 1914. Mairi Chisholm worked with her friend ElsieKnocker as a nurse <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> front l<strong>in</strong>e. They set up an <strong>in</strong>dependent medicalstation at Pervyse so that <strong>the</strong>y could treat soldiers from <strong>the</strong> front l<strong>in</strong>es quicklyand thus save lives. The NLS holds papers and diaries whilst <strong>the</strong> Imperial <strong>War</strong>Museum holds her diary and <strong>in</strong>terviews given after <strong>the</strong> war. Lance CorporalGeorge Ramage served with <strong>the</strong> 1st Gordon Highlanders <strong>in</strong> France <strong>in</strong> 1915. Hisdiary <strong>in</strong>cludes descriptions of <strong>the</strong> first gas attacks used aga<strong>in</strong>st <strong>the</strong> British <strong>in</strong>Flanders. In-depth study entitled ‘The Jock, <strong>the</strong> General and <strong>the</strong> Nurse’:<strong>in</strong>dex.html<strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> ‘Official Photographs’: Collection of nearly two thousandimages taken by official British war photographers, taken from <strong>the</strong> papers ofField Marshal (Earl) Haig that are held <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> NLS Manuscript Division. Thephotographs are split <strong>in</strong>to n<strong>in</strong>e sections: Photographs of Haig, British WesternFront, Cavalry, Royal visits, O<strong>the</strong>r visitors, Allies, Germans, Photographersand After <strong>the</strong> <strong>War</strong>. Soviet Union posters: Dat<strong>in</strong>g from 1919, some are Civil <strong>War</strong>propaganda posters.Contributors <strong>in</strong>clude: Aberdeen City Council: images of <strong>the</strong> city and surround<strong>in</strong>garea dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong> and <strong>in</strong> its aftermath, Museum of Flight (NationalMuseums of Scotland): Aircraft, pilots, women workers, Dumfries and GallowayMuseums Service: trench life on <strong>the</strong> Western Front, East Lothian MuseumServices: range of objects <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g souvenirs, Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh Film Workshop Trust/ Comataidh Craolaidh Gaidhlig (sync rights) (Copyright owner: Imperial <strong>War</strong>Museum, London): range of films, Lothian Health Service Archives: photos ofnurses, doctors and patients <strong>in</strong> wards and <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> grounds of military hospitals,Falkirk museum: local scenes, Hulton Getty: many famous scenes <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>surrender of <strong>the</strong> German fleet at Scapa Flow, Imperial <strong>War</strong> Museum: works ofart connected to Scotland’s shipbuild<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustry, Napier University: portraitsof soldiers, Christmas cards, memorials, letters, National Library of Scotland:huge range of photographs and pr<strong>in</strong>ts, NLS Scottish Film Archive, Imperial <strong>War</strong>Museum films, Royal Commission on <strong>the</strong> Ancient and Historical Monuments ofScotland: photographs of steel works and ru<strong>in</strong>s of build<strong>in</strong>gs that had been <strong>in</strong>use dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>, Scottish National Portrait Gallery: portrait ofJames Maxton, Independent Labour Party MP after <strong>the</strong> war, Scottish FisheriesMuseum: documents relat<strong>in</strong>g to war work, Dundee City Archives: documentsabout <strong>the</strong> fish<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dustry dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> war and St Andrews University Library:photographs of trench life and soldiers on Scottish military bases.Bishopsgate Library Open<strong>in</strong>gHours: Monday - Tuesday: 9.30am- 5.30pm, Wednesday: 9.30am- 8pm, Thursday - Friday: 9.30am -5.30pm. <strong>First</strong> Friday of each month:9.30am - 2pm. Access is strictly byappo<strong>in</strong>tment and researchers willbe supervised dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>ir visit. Tel.020 7392 9270. Email: Research can becarried out by staff on behalf of aresearcher but charges apply.General Read<strong>in</strong>g Room Open<strong>in</strong>gHours: Monday - Tuesday:9.30am - 8.30pm, Wednesday:10am - 8.30pm, Thursday - Friday:9.30am - 8.30pm and Saturday:9.30am - 1pm.Open<strong>in</strong>g hours for view<strong>in</strong>gs:Monday - Friday: 9.15am -12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4.45pm.Appo<strong>in</strong>tments are necessary dueto very limited space. For Film/video view<strong>in</strong>gs call 0845 366 4600or email Forresearch appo<strong>in</strong>tments to consultmanuscripts or pr<strong>in</strong>ted hold<strong>in</strong>gs,call <strong>the</strong> Curator on 0845 366 4602or email J.McBa<strong>in</strong> Officehours: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm.The Library’s manuscriptcollections are available onrequest for consultation by allwith a genu<strong>in</strong>e reason for do<strong>in</strong>gso. Manuscripts may be consultedunder supervision <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> SpecialMaterials Read<strong>in</strong>g Room. Open<strong>in</strong>ghours: Monday - Tuesday:9.30am - 8.30pm, Wednesday:10am - 8.30pm, Thursday - Friday:9.30am - 8.30pm and Saturday:9.30am - 1pm.None specific to <strong>the</strong> collection!/ andability to bookmark web pagesNone specific to collectionNone specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionSearchablecatalogue(<strong>in</strong>complete)SearchablecatalogueSearchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentSearchablecatalogueOnl<strong>in</strong>e resource None specific to <strong>the</strong> collection Searchablecatalogueand digitisedcontentOnl<strong>in</strong>e resource None specific to <strong>the</strong> collection Searchablecatalogueand<strong>in</strong>gshttp://ma<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=<strong>First</strong><strong>in</strong>/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=<strong>First</strong><strong>in</strong>dex.cfm? cutt<strong>in</strong>gs from newspapercopies published between 1937 -1969 have so far been <strong>in</strong>dexed.Pr<strong>in</strong>t, save or email searchresults. Shelf marks are <strong>the</strong>nused to order up an availablecopy to <strong>the</strong> Read<strong>in</strong>g Room.Digitised clips used on <strong>the</strong>website are not available todownload or copy. Copies canbe obta<strong>in</strong>ed by contact<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>Archive directly. Licence feesapply for purposes o<strong>the</strong>r thanpersonal use. See form: enquiries Ordersfor copies of <strong>the</strong> manuscriptsmust be put <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g; telephonerequests are not sufficient.Images and texts can be usedunder Creative Commonslicence i.e. ‘Creative Commons,Attribution - Non-commercial- Share-alike 2.5 <strong>UK</strong>: Scotland’.The images can be enlarged,bookmarked and emailed.Free users can search and seethumbnail images. Users canbecome Personal, Community,Education or InstitutionSubscribers and ga<strong>in</strong> access tolarge rights cleared resources,full captions, learn<strong>in</strong>g packs;create, save, share; & Scribblesocial network<strong>in</strong>g.National Libraryof WalesLegal depositlibrary of <strong>the</strong>United K<strong>in</strong>gdomand <strong>the</strong> Republicof<strong>in</strong>dex.php?id=2The National Libraryof Wales is entitled toreceive a copy of everybook published <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>UK</strong> and Ireland s<strong>in</strong>ce aParliamentary Act <strong>in</strong> 1911.WalesNationalcollectionAll Pre-em<strong>in</strong>ent Pr<strong>in</strong>ted books Histories of regiments, battalions, divisions and armies. Memoirs ofsoldiers. Analysis of battles and strategy. Accounts of life on <strong>the</strong> home front.Interpretative work on how British society was changed by war etc.General Open<strong>in</strong>g Hours: Monday -Friday: 9.30am - 6pm and Saturday:9.30am - 5pm. Read<strong>in</strong>g Rooms:Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 6pmand Saturday: 9.30 - 5pm. It is notpossible to order materials onSaturday to be viewed that day.Readers should order <strong>the</strong> materialonl<strong>in</strong>e by midnight on Thursday tobe able to view it on!/<strong>in</strong>/gw/chameleon?sessionid=2011072610483617152&sk<strong>in</strong>=full&lng=en&<strong>in</strong>st=consortium&gw_local_host=localhost&<strong>in</strong>%2Fgw%2Fchameleon&<strong>in</strong>%2Fgw%2Fchameleon%3Fsessionid%3D2011072610483617152%26amp%3Bsk<strong>in</strong>%3Dfull%26amp%3Blng%3Dcy%26amp%3B<strong>in</strong>st%3Dconsortium%26amp%3Bfunction%3DRETURN%26amp%3Breturn_context%3DReturnContext1Users have <strong>the</strong> option wi<strong>the</strong>ach item to Request or ‘Saveto My List’.National Libraryof WalesArchives<strong>in</strong>dex.php?id=5221Personal papers of manypeople prom<strong>in</strong>ent dur<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>, forexample politician DavidLloyd George and writerand poet Edward Thomas.WalesNationalcollectionGovernment andpolitics, Militaryservice (British),Recruitmentconscriptionand tribunals,CulturalresponsesPre-em<strong>in</strong>entPrivate papers,<strong>in</strong>stitutionalrecords,photographiccollectionsDavid Lloyd George (1863-1945), Frances Stevenson(1888-1972), Edward Thomas(1878-1917), William HenryDavies (1871-1940), DavidJones (1895-1974), BertaRuck (1978-1978)Lloyd George manuscripts: Papers of <strong>the</strong> Lloyd George family (1886 - 1968)<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those of David Lloyd George, one of <strong>the</strong> most important politiciansof <strong>the</strong> early twentieth century. The major archive of Lloyd George’s papers,those which he bequea<strong>the</strong>d to his second wife Frances, is <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> custody of <strong>the</strong>Parliamentary Archive at <strong>the</strong> House of Lords, London. The National Library ofWales houses four fur<strong>the</strong>r groups of records directly relevant to David LloydGeorge: William George Papers, Olwen Carey-Evans Papers, A. J. SylvesterPapers, and <strong>the</strong> Frances Stevenson Family Papers. Papers of Edward and HelenThomas; Edward Thomas, already a well-established literary critic, beganwrit<strong>in</strong>g poetry <strong>in</strong> 1914 and <strong>in</strong> 1915 enlisted <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Artists’ Rifles. He was killed on<strong>the</strong> first day of <strong>the</strong> Battle of Arras <strong>in</strong> April 1917 and <strong>the</strong> majority of his poetry waspublished posthumously. Includes correspondence between Edward and his wifeHelen, drafts, journals, memoranda and photographs. W H Davies manuscripts:These <strong>in</strong>clude drafts and published forms of his poets, correspondence andphotographs of William Henry Davies (1871 - 1940), Welsh poet and writer.Papers of David Jones, artist and poet who served with <strong>the</strong> Royal Welch Fusiliersdur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>. Papers of Berta Ruck (1878 - 1978), romanticnovelist. Papers of I<strong>the</strong>l Davies, conscientious objector dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>War</strong>. There are o<strong>the</strong>r personal papers of men who served <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> armed forcesdur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>War</strong>. Cardiganshire Great <strong>War</strong> Tribunal (Appeals)Records: Set up with <strong>the</strong> advent of conscription <strong>in</strong> 1916 to assess claimants’fitness for military service.Read<strong>in</strong>g Rooms: Monday - Friday:9.30am - 6pm and Saturday: 9.30- 5pm. It is not possible to ordermaterials on Saturday to be viewedthat day. Readers should order<strong>the</strong> material onl<strong>in</strong>e by midnight onThursday to be able to view it onSaturday.None specific to <strong>the</strong> collectionSearchablecatalogue have <strong>the</strong> option wi<strong>the</strong>ach item to Request or ‘Saveto My List’.Page 23

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