Guidelines for K-2 Midterm-Report Cards - Henderson County ...

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K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher GuidelinesKindergarten Midterm Progress ReportsMidterm Progress Report documents are delivered by Sheila Zachary and delivered via the printer directly to your school.Requests for additional hard copies of documents are to be made to Sheila Zachary (697-4733 EXT. 2255).Online versions of Grades 1 and 2 Midterm Progress Reports (English and Spanish versions) are available for downloadfrom First Class conference foldersAttendanceTeachers are to access attendance and tardyinformation through their NCWISE system.Assistance in how to run reports with tardyand attendance information can be obtainedby contacting the NCWISE data manager atthe school site.1. Attendance and tardies are recorded year-to-date. In the ―Days absent‖ and ―Daystardy‖ boxes record the total number ofdays absent/tardy up to the present date.2. Place a check in the ―Areas checked needimprovement‖ section if a student is:missing greater than 8-9% of totalschool days attended up to that point inthe school year (by HCPS Board Policy#405 students must be in attendance aminimum of 164 days out of 180 daysduring the school year)arriving late on a repetitive basisleaving early on an excessive basisReading, Writing, Math, etc.1. It is the teacher's prerogative to mark reading,writing, and math for the first midterm.All other areas require an ―S‖ or an ―N‖marking that appropriately describes thestudent‘s progress for the first midterm.However, progress in all of these areasshould be shared with parents at a conferencebefore the end of the 1 st nine weeks ofthe school year.2. An ―S‖ or an ―N‖ marking that appropriatelydescribes the student‘s progress in allareas listed on midterms is required for 2 nd ,3 rd , and 4 th quarter.3. Markings on midterms should reflect studentprogress to date. To make the decisionabout whether a student should receive an―S‖ or an ―N,‖ the following should betaken into consideration:teacher observation of student progressduring reading, writing and math lessons(whole group, small group, one-on-one)notes taken by the teacher during readingor writing conferences with studentsstudent work samplescompleted assessments in language artsor math up to that point in the gradingperiod4. Teachers need to place an ―S‖ nextto ―Demonstrates reading skills atexpected level‖ if the student hasmet the following criterion:Scored ―proficient‖ on all required componentsof 3D assessment up to thatpoint in time as well as scored―proficient‖ on any progress monitoringassessments thus far in the current quarter.3D Reading progress monitoring of the TRCassessment does not require a written componentand thus may give a higher readinglevel score than may be scored at the nextquarterly benchmark assessment.5. If a student receives an “N” in any area,the teacher is required to include a commentaddressing the student’s progressHenderson County Public Schools110

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>Kindergarten <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s<strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong> documents are delivered by Sheila Zachary and delivered via the printer directly to your school.Requests <strong>for</strong> additional hard copies of documents are to be made to Sheila Zachary (697-4733 EXT. 2255).Online versions of Grades 1 and 2 <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s (English and Spanish versions) are available <strong>for</strong> downloadfrom First Class conference foldersAttendanceTeachers are to access attendance and tardyin<strong>for</strong>mation through their NCWISE system.Assistance in how to run reports with tardyand attendance in<strong>for</strong>mation can be obtainedby contacting the NCWISE data manager atthe school site.1. Attendance and tardies are recorded year-to-date. In the ―Days absent‖ and ―Daystardy‖ boxes record the total number ofdays absent/tardy up to the present date.2. Place a check in the ―Areas checked needimprovement‖ section if a student is:missing greater than 8-9% of totalschool days attended up to that point inthe school year (by HCPS Board Policy#405 students must be in attendance aminimum of 164 days out of 180 daysduring the school year)arriving late on a repetitive basisleaving early on an excessive basisReading, Writing, Math, etc.1. It is the teacher's prerogative to mark reading,writing, and math <strong>for</strong> the first midterm.All other areas require an ―S‖ or an ―N‖marking that appropriately describes thestudent‘s progress <strong>for</strong> the first midterm.However, progress in all of these areasshould be shared with parents at a conferencebe<strong>for</strong>e the end of the 1 st nine weeks ofthe school year.2. An ―S‖ or an ―N‖ marking that appropriatelydescribes the student‘s progress in allareas listed on midterms is required <strong>for</strong> 2 nd ,3 rd , and 4 th quarter.3. Markings on midterms should reflect studentprogress to date. To make the decisionabout whether a student should receive an―S‖ or an ―N,‖ the following should betaken into consideration:teacher observation of student progressduring reading, writing and math lessons(whole group, small group, one-on-one)notes taken by the teacher during readingor writing conferences with studentsstudent work samplescompleted assessments in language artsor math up to that point in the gradingperiod4. Teachers need to place an ―S‖ nextto ―Demonstrates reading skills atexpected level‖ if the student hasmet the following criterion:Scored ―proficient‖ on all required componentsof 3D assessment up to thatpoint in time as well as scored―proficient‖ on any progress monitoringassessments thus far in the current quarter.3D Reading progress monitoring of the TRCassessment does not require a written componentand thus may give a higher readinglevel score than may be scored at the nextquarterly benchmark assessment.5. If a student receives an “N” in any area,the teacher is required to include a commentaddressing the student’s progress<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools110

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>Kindergarten <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s (cont’d.)either in the blank space on the back of themidterm progress report in the box of thecurrent quarter or the teacher may chooseto write a separate note to be sent homewith the midterm progress report if morespace is needed.Make a copy of any notes attached to a report card andstore them in your classroom records.6. Teachers may write comments on the backof the midterm progress report document asthey deem appropriate <strong>for</strong> students achievingan ―S‖ in any areas addressed on this document.An updated Kindergartendocument is available inthe ―3D Reading Pilot‖conference folder that may be senthome as an accompaniment to the<strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>. This documentis intended to share mCLASS:3d Reading Assessment in<strong>for</strong>mation.This document can be completed bythe teacher either by hand or digitallyand a hard copy printed out and senthome to parents/guardians. Please seeyour principal regarding his/herwishes in sending this document toparents.Back of <strong>Midterm</strong>Teachers may write comments or helpful suggestionsin the blank space provided <strong>for</strong> eachquarter on back of the midterm progress report.Parent Conferences1. HCPS teachers should conduct a parent conferenceby the end of the first nine weeks‘grading period.2. It is recommended that the teacher checksthe ―teacher requests conference‖ box if astudent is per<strong>for</strong>ming below grade level inany subject area at any point in the schoolyear.3. When midterms are returned, teachers needto check to see if a parent has requested aconference and then follow-up promptly regardingthat request. If the teacher requesteda conference, contact the parent promptlyand schedule a meeting.4. It is recommended that teachers documentALL attempts that are made to conferencewith parents/guardians. This includes phoneconversations and notes sent home.Recommendation: Make a copy of midterms after allprogress in<strong>for</strong>mation has been recorded be<strong>for</strong>e sendingthem home with students in case any of the documents arenot returned to school.<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools111

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>1 st and 2 nd Grade <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s<strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong> documents are delivered by Sheila Zachary and delivered via the printer directly to your school.Requests <strong>for</strong> additional hard copies of documents are to be made to Sheila Zachary (697-4733 EXT. 2255).Online versions of Grades 1 and 2 <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s (English & Spanish versions) are available <strong>for</strong> download fromFirst Class conference foldersAttendanceTeachers are to access attendance and tardy in<strong>for</strong>mationthrough their NCWISE system. Assistancein how to run reports with tardy and attendancein<strong>for</strong>mation can be obtained by contacting theNCWISE data manager at the school site.1. Attendance and tardies are recorded year-to-date.In the ―Days absent‖ and ―Days tardy‖ boxes recordthe total number of days absent/tardy up tothe present date.2. Place a check in the ―Areas checked need improvement‖section if a student is:missing greater than 8-9% of total schooldays attended up to that point in the schoolyear (by Board Policy #405 students must bein attendance a minimum of 164 days out of180 days during the school year)arriving late on a repetitive basisleaving early on an excessive basisReading, Writing, Math, etc.1. Place a check mark next to the blank that appropriatelydescribes the student‘s progress to thecurrent midterm grading period in reading, writingand math. Notice that the midterm does not requireyou to record reading levels, writing rubricscores or math rubric scores. You areconveying to parents whether their childis ―above, at, or below grade level‖ atmidterm. To make the decision aboutwhether a student is achieving ―above, at, or belowgrade level‖ the following could be taken intoconsideration:teacher observation of student progress duringreading, writing, and math lessons (wholegroup, small group, one-on-one)notes taken by the teacher during reading orwriting conferences with studentsstudent work samplesassigned projects (EX: independent, cooperativeteam, whole class, grade level)completed assessments in language arts ormath up to that point in the grading period2. Teachers need to place a check mark() indicating the student‘s readingability as ―below grade level,‖ ―on gradelevel,‖ or ―above grade level‖ accordingto the following criterion:On Grade Level (expected grade level)Student must have scored ―proficient‖ on all requiredcomponents of 3D reading assessment upto that point in time as well as scored―proficient‖ on any progress monitoring assessmentsthus far in the current quarter of his/herassigned grade level.3D reading progress monitoring of TRCdoes not require a written componentand thus may give a higher reading levelscore than may be scored at the nextquarterly benchmark assessment.Above Grade LevelStudent must have scored at least ―proficient‖on all required components of 3D readingassessment up to that point in time and havescored at least ―proficient‖ on any progressmonitoring assessments thus far in the currentquarter of his/her assigned grade levelandBe reading at least 1 TRC level above thehighest reading level designated on the reportcard <strong>for</strong> the current quarter of his/her assignedgrade level.3. If a check mark is placed next to ―below gradelevel‖ in reading, writing, or math, the teacherwill also need to indicate whether the student is―showing progress‖ or ―not showing progress‖by placing a check mark next to one of those twochoices.<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools115

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>1 st and 2 nd Grade <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress <strong>Report</strong>s (cont’d.)If a student is achieving “below” grade level,the teacher is required to include a commentaddressing the student’s progress either in theblank space at the bottom of each curriculumarea’s box or on the back of the midterm progressreport document in the box of the currentquarter. The teacher may also choose to write aseparate note to be sent home with the midtermprogress report if more space is needed.4. There is some open space at the bottom of eachcurriculum area box and on the back of the midtermprogress report document. Teachers maycomment in these areas as they deem appropriate<strong>for</strong> students achieving ―at‖ or ―above grade‖level.Areas Checked Needs ImprovementLeave all areas blank in this section unless the childis not meeting the requirements in a particular area.If a teacher places a check mark in any box in thisarea, then s/he needs to record a comment related tothis check mark on the back of the midterm.A document is availablein the ―3D Reading Pilot‖conference folder thatmay be sent home as anaccompaniment to the <strong>Midterm</strong> Progress<strong>Report</strong>. This document is intendedto share mCLASS: 3D ReadingAssessment in<strong>for</strong>mation. This documentcan be completed by the teachereither by hand or digitally and a hardcopy printed out and sent home to parents/guardians.Please see your principalregarding his/her wishes in sendingthis document to parents.Back of <strong>Midterm</strong>Teachers may write comments or helpful suggestionsin the blank space on back of the midterm progressreport.Parent Conferences1. Teachers should conduct a conference by theend of the first nine weeks‘ grading period.2. It is recommended that the teacher check the―teacher requests conference‖box if a child is per<strong>for</strong>ming―below‖ grade levelin any subject area at anypoint in the school year.3. When midterms are returned,teachers need tocheck to see if a parent hasrequested a conference and then follow-uppromptly regarding that request. If the teacherrequested a conference, contact the parentpromptly and schedule a meeting.4. It is recommended that teachers document ALLattempts that are made to conference with parents.This includes phone conversations andnotes sent home.Recommendation: Make a copy of midterms afterall progress in<strong>for</strong>mation has been recorded be<strong>for</strong>esending them home with students in case any of thedocuments are not returned to school.<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools116

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>1 st and 2 nd Grade <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Cards</strong><strong>Report</strong> card documents are ordered by Sheila Zachary and delivered via the printer directly to your school.Requests <strong>for</strong> additional hard copies of documents are to be made to Sheila Zachary (697-4733 EXT. 2255).An online version of the Kindergarten <strong>Report</strong> Card (English & Spanish versions) is available <strong>for</strong> download from First Classconference folders.AttendanceTeachers are to access attendance and tardy in<strong>for</strong>mationthrough their NCWISE system. Assistancein how to run reports with tardy and attendancein<strong>for</strong>mation can be obtained by contacting theNCWISE data manager at the school site.1. Attendance and tardies are recorded year-todate.In the ―Days absent‖ and ―Days tardy‖boxes record the total number of days absent/tardy up to the present date.2. Place a check in the ―Areas checked need improvement‖section if a student is:missing greater than 8-9% of total schooldays attended up to that point in time in theschool year (by HCPS Board Policy #405students must be in attendance a minimumof 164 days out of 180 days during theschool year)arriving late on a repetitive basisleaving early on an excessive basis3. Mark the ―Grade placement <strong>for</strong> Next Year‖ atthe end of 4 th quarter.Reading1. During the first nine weeks of the school year,HCPS K-5 teachers should conference with parents.During that conference parents need to begiven an explanation of how their child will beassessed in language arts including:The BOY/MOY/EOY 3D Readingbenchmark scores, as well asHCPS quarterly expectationshow reading assessments are scored2. Teachers need to place a check mark() indicating the student‘s readingability as ―below grade level,‖ on ―ongrade level,‖ or ―above grade level‖according to the following criterion:On Grade Level (expected grade level)Student must score ―proficient on all requiredcomponents of 3D assessment <strong>for</strong>the designated quarter of his/her assignedgrade level.3D reading progress monitoring of theTRC assessment does not require awritten component and thus may give ahigher reading level score than may bescored at the next quarterly benchmark assessment.Above Grade LevelStudent must score at least ―proficient‖ onall required components of 3D assessment<strong>for</strong> the designated quarter of his/her assignedgrade levelandScore at least one TRC level above thehighest reading level designated on the reportcard <strong>for</strong> the current quarter of his/herassigned grade level.See p. 9-10 of this notebook <strong>for</strong> additional in<strong>for</strong>mationon quarterly report card requirements.3. Teachers need to place a check mark beside―needs improvement‖ if a student obtained alow score/did not meet the quarterly expectationon any assessments:<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools117

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>1 st and 2 nd Grade <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Cards</strong> (cont’d.)If “needs improvement” is marked, the teacher isrequired to make a comment in either the space inthe “Reading” box on the back of the report card orplace a check mark in the “notes attached” sectionof the “Reading” box and write a note to includewith the report card. If ―needs improvement‖ is notchecked, teachers are not required to record commentsin this section but they may choose to recordany comments deemed appropriate in order to conveyassessment in<strong>for</strong>mation to parents.A document is available in the―3D Reading Pilot‖ conferencefolder that may be senthome as an accompaniment to the <strong>Report</strong>Card. This document is intended to sharemCLASS: 3D Reading Assessment in<strong>for</strong>mation.This document can be completedby the teacher either by hand or digitallyand a hard copy printed out and sent hometo parents/guardians. Please see your principalregarding his/her wishes in sendingthis document to parents.Make a copy of any notes attached to a reportcard and store them in your classroom records.Writing1. During the first nine weeks of the school year,HCPS K-5 teachers should conference with parents.During that conference, parents need to begiven an explanation of how their child will beassessed in writing each quarter including:what each rubric score meansthe objectives that are included in ―content‖and in ―conventions‖rubric score expectations per grading periodA copy of the rubric should be given to parents totake home as a reference (A copy of the English versionof the writing rubric is in the K-2 Literacy AssessmentNotebook. The rubric can be downloadedin Spanish and/or English from 1 st and 2 nd gradeteachers’ conference folders on First Class).2. Teachers need to place a check mark beside―needs improvement‖ in the ―Writing‖ box <strong>for</strong>the designated quarter if a student:did not meet the quarterly expectation onthe writing rubricORthe student did not demonstrate proficiencyon an item(s) in the area of thewriting rubric that is of concern to theteacherIf “needs improvement” is marked, the teacher isrequired to make a comment in either the spacein the “Writing” box, make a comment on theback of the report card or place a check mark inthe “notes attached” section of the “Writing” boxand write a note to include with the report card. If―needs improvement‖ is not checked, teachers arenot required to record comments in this section butthey may choose to record any comments deemedappropriate in order to convey assessment in<strong>for</strong>mationto parents.Make a copy of any notes attached to a reportcard and store them in your classroom records.3. This area of the report card is <strong>for</strong> recordingassessment in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding writing nothandwriting. Assessment in<strong>for</strong>mation pertainingto handwriting is documented at the bottomof the report card.Math1. During the first nine weeks of the school year,HCPS K-5 teachers are required to conferencewith parents. During that conference parentsneed to be given an explanation of how theirchild will be assessed in math including:how assessments are scored (1-4 points;show the rubric scoring choices on themath profile and a sample of a task sheetfrom the math assessment notebook if it isappropriate)how these rubric scores are totaledhow the sum from the math profile needsto fall within the range listed on the reportcard in order <strong>for</strong> their child to be achievingon grade level each quarter<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools118

K-2 Literacy Assessment Handbook Rev. 06/2011Teacher <strong>Guidelines</strong>1 st and 2 nd Grade <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Cards</strong> (cont’d.)If “needs improvement” is marked, the teacher isrequired to make a comment in either the space inthe “Math” box , make a comment on the back ofthe report card or place a check mark in the “notesattached” section of the “Math” box and write anote to include with the report card. If ―needs improvement‖is not checked, teachers are not requiredto record comments in this section but they maychoose to record any comments deemed appropriatein order to convey assessment in<strong>for</strong>mation to parents.Make a copy of any notes attached to a report cardand store them in your classroom records.CitizenshipAreas in this section are left blank if a student ismeeting expectations in these areas. Only place acheck mark in areas that need improvement. If“needs improvement” is marked, the teacher is requiredto make a comment either on the back of thereport card or write a note to include with the reportcard.Handwriting, Health, Science, Social StudiesThese areas are left blank unless improvement isneeded. Only place a check mark in areas that needimprovement. If “needs improvement” is marked,the teacher is required to make a comment eitheron the back of the report card or write a note to includewith the report card.Back of <strong>Report</strong> CardIn the blank spaces designated <strong>for</strong> each quarter,teachers may record comments or helpful suggestionsregarding a student‘s progress.Parent Conferences1. All HCPS K-5 teachers should conference withparents by the end of the first nine weeks.2. It is recommended that the teacher check the―teacher requests conference‖ box if a child isper<strong>for</strong>ming ―below‖ grade level in any subjectarea at any point in the school year.3. When report cards are returned, teachers needto check to see if a parent has requested a conferenceand then follow-up promptly regardingthat request. If the teacher requested a conference,contact the parent promptly and schedulea meeting.4. It is recommended that teachers document ALLattempts that are made to conference with parents.This includes phone conversations andnotes sent home.Recommendation: Make a copy of report cardsafter all progress in<strong>for</strong>mation has been recordedbe<strong>for</strong>e sending them home with students in caseany of the documents are not returned to school.Make a copy of any notes attached to a report cardand store them in your classroom records.<strong>Henderson</strong> <strong>County</strong> Public Schools119

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