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Menwith Hill, the biggest communications and informationcollection centre in the world, and RAF Fylingdales sited in NorthYorkshire, are now “officially” joined at the hip by the burgeoningUS Missile Defence Shield. A few hundred miles east, Poland andthe Czech Republic have already agreed to site interceptor missilesilo sites attached to the programme. It’s a move that hasinfuriated Russia, and just weeks ago, led to the testing of a newtype of bomb that the Russians claim will remove a small town.And while the UK insists “there are no plans” to install interceptorbases on the mainland, defence sources say it is “inevitable”.It was just before Christmas 2002, that Eye Spy learned the USGovernment had formally requested that Fylingdales be upgradedto accommodate the new technology required to run the MissileDefence Shield. Without Fylingdales, the system would be seriouslyflawed. MILSTAR and SATCOM, two US military satellitecommunications systems were already sited at Fylingdales. Theupgrading work at Fylingdales that started in 2003 is now complete,though passers-by won’t see any difference, most of thework has been carried out behind closed doors and well awayfrom the public gaze....WALKING WITH THE NEW SHOEBOMBERSAL-QAIDA CONTINUE TO USE AND DEVELOP THE SHOE BOMBIn late October, information gleaned from European intelligenceagencies prompted the FBI and Department of HomelandSecurity (DHS), to issue internal memos to various frontlinesecurity forces. The FBI warned that a pair of speciallyconverted shoes containing blasting caps, had been seized inEurope. Though the identity of the agency involved with thecounterterrorism operation was not named, it has beenconfirmed the shoes were not worn by a person, but containedwithin luggage - indicating they were recovered duringa routine search by security personnel. Security analysts toldEye Spy that by not wearing the shoes, the owner of theluggage could deny they belonged to him or her or that theywere “planted”.EversinceBritishterroristRichardReid,the infamous “shoe bomber” tried to downAmerican Airlines Flight 63 to Miami on 22December 2001, most airport security serviceshave insisted passengers remove footwear as

they pass through airport controls. In the US, a strict “100 percent X-ray footwear inspection policy”exists, but that’s far from the case with some airports. News that al-Qaida has decided its operativesuse the luggage hold is disturbing, though not surprising. Several intelligence briefings issued byvarious agencies warn that the group continue to refine their efforts to use converted footwear, but thisis the first time real evidence has been acquired. It is believed the shoes were found in luggage carriedon a bus.THE OSI - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC INFLUENCEA DIRECTORATE FOR PLANTING <strong>INTELLIGENCE</strong>?SPACE SURVEILLANCE PHOTOGRAPHSREVEAL SYRIA’S SECRET NUCLEARWEAPONS SITEThe Mossad’s extraordinary operation targeting asuspected Syrian nuclear weapons facility, has beenthe focus of much attention. Hesitant to confirm ornegate the attack, Tel Aviv has allowed bits of informationto leak to a wider intelligence audience, scientistsand senior media correspondents. Denial is not aword that can be associated with this story.As published in Eye Spy 51, the operation - codenamedBlack September - rendered a covert nuclearbomb research facility useless. The site was maskedLess than six months after 9/11, and as adirect response to terrorism, senior USdefence and intelligence strategists met toconsider establishing the Office of StrategicInfluence. The directorate was intended toinfluence public opinion abroad by plantingstories in the media and by sending outdisguised literature, e-mails etc. It was thebrainchild of Donald Rumsfeld... but doesthe OSI still exist?BLACK SEPTEMBERTHE PHOTO <strong>INTELLIGENCE</strong>Syrian government officials movequickly to dismantle and landscapean area in the remote northof the country following an Israelair operation that destroyed asuspected nuclear reactor...

TRADECRAFTREPORTING FOR SPIESTHE PRIVATE WORLD OF INTEL SOURCES AND INFILTRATIONIn September the world’s press reported onthe separation of France’s President NicolasSarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia. Aflamboyant handsome couple, naturally thestory captured the imagination of the public,but not so another small article concerningSarkozy in Le Figaro. However, to the intelligenceworld this one was far more relevant.Sarkozy if you believed this piece, was oncethe fourth most important intelligence officerin the Mossad. It’s comparable to sayingTony Blair was a very high-ranking CIAofficial during his tenure in Downing Street.Few broadsheets (if any) gave the articleany credence. Now it’s not that Le Figaro isa paper of low repute, it is not, but the claimwas simply too momentous to believe. Moreimportantly, from whence did it come?...MEDIA GATEWAYSDisinformation and psychological warfareare two of the intelligence world’s mostpowerful tools. Undoubtedly some elementsREPORTING FORSPIESfall under the “spy tradecraft” category. Usedcorrectly, they can cause an avalanche of mistrustand confusion. However, because of thevery nature of this type of tradecraft, it often reliesheavily on a vulnerable media or journalist who

elieves they have been “specially chosen”because of their standing. Perhaps there aremany in the media who don’t truly understandthey have been selected because theintelligence world regard them as “easygateways”.SEEDED AND DENIABLE STORIESMost government offices recognise thatusing a prestigious news outlet is preferableand adds credibility to a story. But tabloidsalso receive the odd “gem” - especially ifreputations need blackening. Yet the relationshipbetween the media and power-broker isnever simple - just ask the White HouseCommunication Service. President Bush’sadministration has for some time faced ahostile press. How a story is portrayed oftendepends on the political leaning of an editor,owner or station. When an official (source)speaks to a journalist (contact), it’s usually“off the record”, but the very fact they arespeaking is a clue that information or intelligenceis being imparted. What’s delivered(story) may be a prompt or a steer or a“wink” that the journalist has been chosen especially to present or reveal a crucial story. If the mediaoutlet has an embedded intelligence operative, it makes it easier to push the story into the publicdomain....LUNCHES WITH SPOOKSIn the 1990s, David Rose was the UK’s left-leaning Observer newspaper home affairs correspondent.He found himself caught in the ‘never never’ world of “sources, contacts and deniability”. Of hisdealings with the secret world of intelligence, Rose said:“Every national paper and broadcasting outlet has one - and usually, only one - a reporter to whomeach agency will speak, provided they observe the niceties [Eye Spyemphasis]. For these favoured few, there will be accesslikely to grow as the journalist proves his orher “worth”, along with considerableperks.Ever wonder how somejournalists alwaysseem to get the key tothe “inside story”?“One of the things that made meuneasy about my lunches with MI5and MI6, which usually took place atvery expensive restaurants....Everything you need to know aboutthis special tradecraft and more....

THE NETTLETIP AFFAIRJEAN CHARLES DE MENEZES’ SURVEILLANCEThe Metropolitan Police has been found guilty ofbreaching health and safety laws over the shootingof innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes inStockwell tube station. Scotland Yard CommissionerSir Ian Blair refused to resign as judgeissued a £175,000 fine. Surveillance and firearmsofficers will not face prosecution...Throughout the case at the Old Bailey court house,Scotland Yard officials defended the actions of anelite surveillance and firearms team caught up inthe shooting of Brazilian electrician Jean Charles deMenezes. He was mistaken for escaped 21/7London suicide bomber Hussain Osman - MI5code-name Nettletip.The Metropolitan Police had denied breaking healthand safety laws at the Old Bailey court housewhere a jury has been privy to intimate details.Sir Ian insisted it was an “isolated breach performedunder extraordinary circumstances,” andgave his backing to all the officers involved in counter-terrorism. Ronald Thwaites QC, for the MetropolitanPolice, told the jury that Mr de Menezes was shot dead because he reacted as officers “expecteda suicide bomber to behave.” He said that the fact that Mr de Menezes had a forged stamp inhis passport and had taken cocaine “could be relevant to why he reacted in the way he did when hewas stopped.”Eye Spy looks at what really went wrong and the specialScotland Yard firearms unit CO19

DIANA INQUESTTHE ‘MI6’ <strong>SPY</strong> WITH “POINTY SHOES”Ten years after the death of Princess Diana, 36, her lover Dodi Fayed, 42, and chauffeur andsuspected MI6 agent Henri Paul, the final inquest has started at London’s High Court. The jury ofsix women and five men selected by ballot will decide if she was killed unlawfully, or if it was asimple tragic accident. In any event, it will not stop the conspiracy theorists.MI6 OPERATING IN PARISIt has been suggested that agents hired by MI6, and overseen by two officers were somehow responsiblefor the crash. Lord Justice Baker did confirm MI6 members were operational in Paris during thesummer of 1997, but that they had “bigger fish to fry other than tracking Diana.”The spy theory cropped up again when witness Jacques Morel spoke via video link from Paris. He saidhe stepped on the boot of someone emerging from the tunnel just after the crash. The conversationbetween London and Paris was surreal. “So you don’t want to talk about the man whose foot I steppedon?” said Morel. “Not really,” replied the barrister. “It’s very important,” said Mr Morel, who explainedthe sore foot inside “pointy boots” belonged to an MI6 agent. He contends he spoke with MohammedAl Fayed just hours after the crash. Mr Fayed, according to Morel said: “I knew they were there.They’re the bastards that did it, the secret service.”.....

LITVINENKO’SPRIVATE MI6 VISIONSECRET SIGNALSThe murdered former FSB officer AleksanderLitvinenko, privately held ambitions to work forMI6, according to former KGB intelligenceofficer and double agent Oleg Gordievsky.However, diplomatic sources and persons closeto the intelligence community, believe he hadalready been recruited as an agent. It’s anothertwist in the on-going saga of this case; itsdrama, plot-line and intrigue has even caughtthe imagination of Hollywood scriptwriters,though this latest revelation will mean morework for the editors.Oleg Gordievsky, who was recently awarded thehonour ‘Companion of the Most DistinguishedOrder of Saint Michael and Saint George’ (CMG)“for services to the security of the United Kingdom”,was speaking to refute allegations thatLitvinenko was indeed an actual an MI6 agent.A number of new reports in the British andRussian press state Sir John Scarlett - ‘C’ - first‘tapped’ on Litvinenko’s shoulder when he wasin charge of MI6’s field station in Moscow....Prime suspect Andrei Lugovoi and AleksanderLitvinenko’s distraught wife - Marina

DISGUISE TECHNIQUES - PART TWOSECRETS OF THE <strong>SPY</strong> TRADEEye Spy continues its indepth look at how the intelligence world utilise this special tradecraft...SELECTED EXTRACTSDressing up is an intelligence term used tophrase the actions of persons utilising uniformsto perform tasks in plain sight. In Eye Spy’s lookat how the security services perform undercoveroperations (infiltration), we provided manyexamples of how, by donning a certain uniformor garment, the operative can blend-in to theenvironment. It’s also a skill adopted by thepolice, and sadly, with increasing success, bycriminals. Take for example an incident whichoccurred in November 2003. A gang of Bosnianthieves used NATO uniforms to rob a securityvan. The hoodlums wore uniforms of the NATOStabilisation Force, or S-For, complete withinsignia. The robbers even set up a check-pointbased on the real thing. Their planning wasmeticulous, and because NATO check pointswere a common sight in the country, no-one,including the security guards, suspected anythingwas untoward - until they were robbed ofabout £750,000 ($1.5m). Even the getaway vanwas a clone of the S-For trucks and carried itslogo....

Performing such operations requires the personto wear a disguise and not spend time changingtheir physical appearance. In the case file citedabove, the gang wore NATO headgear andbalaclavas which masked their faces - the disguisewas in the uniform already.....For agents involved in undercover work (long orshort-term), most police, security services andintelligence agencies have trained personnel - the“backroom boys” and a wardrobe full of “gear”.This is when the classroom training really comesinto its own - the earlier research into behaviour(see part one Eye Spy 51) and the many differentcharacters and personalities that surround us. It’salso the one time that acting and dress wearalone might not be enough to help the disguise ordeception. Enter the true disguise expert. With alittle help from cosmetics, a person can be madeto look older (sadly taking years off an operativeis more difficult - though not impossible), injured,strong or weak, rich or poor. Combined witheverything else it is possible to effectively createa new person - complete with a unique personalityand lifestyle.Some operatives will spend time with each other and study personality, facial expressions etc. and“absorb” the detail. An aggressive operative may study a passive person. Others will spend timepeople watching - studying the type of person that they might encounter during an operation.....MI6 AND CIA “ALLOVER RUSSIA”OLD FOES LOCK HORNSNikolai Patrushev, director of Russia’sFederal Security Service (FSB), hasaccused MI6 and the CIA of “usingagents to meddle in Russia affairs” andcreating a “climate of protest” prior topresidential elections in Russia nextMarch.Down on his luck? Or a seriouslygood undercover operative?“They are trying to influence acts ofprotest and the mood of protest inRussia in a way that is favourable to theirleadership,” Patrushev told theArgumenty i Fakty newspaper in aninterview. Patrushev said MI6, in particular,was using the former Soviet satellites

of Poland, Georgia, Latvia and Estonia to generate unrest. “The CIAand SIS continue to attract their partners and several others to workagainst Russia,” he said. “American and British special servicesexert serious influence on the these states and some other countriesin Eastern Europe.”Russia’s intelligence services have been forced on the offensive byevents surrounding former KGB man Aleksander Litvinenko andjournalist Anna Politkovskaya, both murdered in recent months.Though the FSB has denied any involvement in Litvinenko’s deathone year ago, five officers belonging to some of its....THE BRITISH SECURITY COORDINATIONMI6 OPERATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe British Security Coordination (BSC)was a hugely influential and powerfulcovert intelligence directorate based inMidtown Manhattan in the RockefellerCenter (it was initially based in WallStreet). Overseen by the UK Governmentthrough several MI6 officers and liaisonstaff, the BSC ran hundreds of covertoperations under the noses of Washington.Established in 1940 on the orders ofWinston Churchill, its initial role was, ineffect, to run British interests in the Americasand help secure US assistance on awide range of subjects. Headed by Canadianbusinessman and entrepreneurWilliam Stephenson (code-name Intrepid -assigned by Churchill himself), historiansalso accept the BSC had an ulterior objective- to make sure the United Statesentered the war.Sir William Stephenson ran MI6 spy operationsacross the United States and under the nosesof the FBI. The BSC’s overall strength was saidtotal 3,000 - a remarkable figureThe BSC’s several front companies and, asubtle but clever undercover programmewith several media personalities, assuredgood publicity for the UK. Ultimately therewere many “prompts” from the BSC to US‘friendly editors’ to run stories pilingpressure on the public to help get Americato physically join with Britain in the waragainst the Nazis. Besides infiltrating themedia, unions and public service organisationswere also targeted.....

13 DAYS OF OCTOBERTHE MOST DANGEROUS 2 WEEKS IN MANKIND’S HISTORYThe Cuban Missile Crisis began on 16 October1962 - the first of the Thirteen Days of October.On that day, President John F. Kennedywas informed that a U-2 mission flown overwestern Cuba two days earlier had takenphotographs of Soviet nuclear missile sites.The event was a watershed for the intelligencecommunity (IC) and the Central IntelligenceAgency, in particular. It demonstrated that thetechnological collection capabilities so painstakinglyconstructed to monitor the SovietUnion had matured to give the IC an unmatchedability to provide policymakers withsophisticated warning and situational awareness.RUMOURS OF NUCLEAR MISSILEDEPLOYMENT IN CUBAAfter the Soviet Union began supplying Cubawith conventional arms during the summer of1960, rumours about a nuclear missile deploymenton the island began emanating fromMiami’s Cuban émigré community. Despite anextensive array of assets targeted at FidelCastro’s regime, US intelligence could not substantiate the reports. And not for a lack of trying: the CIAdeployed ‘collection teams’ and conducted technical operations; the US military’s intelligence servicesand the FBI reached out to sources; the government had twice-a-month U-2 flights; the IC monitoredofficial and nonofficial third country sources, travellers, and media reports. The IC concluded that theexpatriates were trying to provoke the United States into taking military action against Castro....A splendid feature prepared by CIA historians and supported by some very rare photographs...<strong>INTELLIGENCE</strong>, COUNTERTERRORISMMI5 CHIEF SAYS 4,000 AL-QAIDA OPERATIVES IN UKDirector-General of MI5, Jonathan Evans, in his first major speechsince taking office in April 2007, warned that al-Qaida recruiters are“grooming” British youngsters as young as 15. “As I speak, terroristsare methodically and intentionally targeting young people and childrenin this country. They are radicalising, indoctrinating and groomingyoung, vulnerable people to carry out acts of terrorism,” he said in anaddress titled Intelligence, Counterterrorism and Trust to the Societyof Editors in Manchester. He also said valuable funds were beingused to stop increased Russian and Chinese spying. These aremonies he would have liked to have injected into terror group surveil-DGJonathanEvans

lance. As for young people and terrorism, his comments were direct: “This year, we have seen individualsas young as 15 and 16 implicated in terrorist-related activity,” he said. Mr Evans, 49, furtherwarned that MI5 now had 2,000 suspected terrorists under observance, though the Security Servicebelieve the UK is host to as many as 4,000 active al-Qaida operatives. “We suspect that there are asmany again that we don’t yet know of,” he admitted. It is a staggering number considering the manpowerand effort required just to launch a single surveillance operation.<strong>EYE</strong> <strong>SPY</strong> 52 BEST OF THE RESTMOSCOW THEATRE SIEGEFSB customised animal knockout gasFinally the FSB reveal what was used to disable over 40Chechen terrorists who stormed Moscow’s Dubrovka Theatre...MOSSAD AGENT’S DEATHMystery deepensAshraf Marwan “fell” to his death from his Mayfair apartment in London in June 2007. Now an eyewitness connected to Marwan has provided new information on two suspects...ON HER MAJESTY’S POSTAL STAMPSBond stamps his mark on Royal MailDetails about an exciting and highly new set of stamps featuring the imaginary MI6 spyYOUTUBE UNDER OBSERVANCESecurity officials target al-Qaida who are using the popular websiteSAUDIS PROVIDED INTEL ON 7/7Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah on a state visit to Britain maintains his intelligence service did notifyBritain about the London bomb plotTOPOFF 4Acting with intentFifteen thousand US security and emergency service staff participate in huge exerciseRED NOTICE FOR IRAN’S JACKALSInterpol eyes former Iranian spy chiefInterpol has put former Iranian intelligence chief Ali Fallahian, Mohsen Rabbani(pictured), former cultural attache at Iran’s embassy in Buenos Aires and AhmadVahidi, a former leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on its most wanted list. Theworldwide police organisation say the men, along with two other Iranians and aLebanese militant, are wanted for their involvement in the 1994 bomb attack on aJewish centre in Argentina.

PREDATOR TO REAPERBritain’s Ministry of Defence purchase thePredator for surveillance operation in AfghanistanOVER-THE-COUNTERPOLONIUM-210Just how easy is it to purchase the materialthat killed former FSB officer AleksanderLitvinenko?SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT FOR ALL YOUR NEEDSBACK ISSUES AND COMPLETE VOLUMES

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