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Domain 3: Adaptive SkillsStandardsAdditional Information &/or Resources (if applicable)<strong>Competency</strong> 1: ReflectionStandard A: Continually takenote of what is or is not working(via student-level data, technologyapplications, pedagogical strategies,supervisor feedback, etc) and thentake action to iteratively improve.Standard B: Collaboratively,transparently, and proactivelyseek out feedback from students,parents, and colleagues tocontinuously improve instructionand teaching practices.Standard C: Apply lessonsand takeaways about their ownexperiences as learners, both onlineand offline, to their workwith students.Resources:Berry, A., & Hamilton, M. L. (n.d.). Self-study of teacher education practices. OxfordBibliographies. Retrieved from http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199756810/obo-9780199756810-0089.xmlResources:Regional Education Laboratory at EDC – Northeast & Islands. 2013. AnnotatedBibliography: Is there information on peer evaluators/peer observers for teacherevaluation at the K-12 level? Retrieved from http://www.relnei.org/wp-content/referencedocs/RELNEI_RD0107_Peer_Evaluation.pdfAdditional Information:<strong>Teacher</strong>s use their own learning process to:• demonstrate the development and implementation of successful strategies foronline teaching environments; and• anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom.<strong>Competency</strong> 2: Continuous improvement and innovationStandard A: Engage in problemsolving through continuous planning,designing, testing, evaluation, andre-calibration of teaching methods.Standard B: Use technologyappropriately, innovatively, creatively,and purposefully to work effectivelyand efficiently.Resources:Using Design Thinking to Build <strong>Blended</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> PilotsDesign Thinking for EducatorsResources:Rose, D. H., & Gravel, J. W. (2012). Curricular opportunities in the digital age. Jobs for theFuture. Retrieved from http://studentsatthecenter.org/topics/curricular-opportunitiesdigital-ageHowland, J. L., Jonassen, D., Marra, R. M. (2011). Meaningful learning with technology(4 th ed). New York: Pearson.<strong>Competency</strong> 3: CommunicationStandard A: Make collaborative andconnected learning [an instructionaltechnique that connects learners tosources of information beyond theirteacher of record and textbook a corepart of one’s professional practice.Standard B: Establish and maintainopen communication channels,online and in person, with students,educators, and other stakeholders tosupport student learning.Additional Information:By engaging in connected learning, learners are:• Provided sources of information beyond their teacher of record and textbook.Resources:DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R. E., Black, E., & Preston, M. (2008). Best practices in teaching K-12online: Lessons learned from Michigan Virtual School teachers. Journal of InteractiveOnline <strong>Learning</strong>, 7(1), 10-35. Retrieved from http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/pdf/7.1.2.pdf16www.INACOL.org

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