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Standard D: Model a growthorientationtowards learning in selfand others.Additional Information:Model growth-orientation by sharing:• personal professional development plans; and• lessons learned through implementation.Resources:Reflection: K–12 Service-<strong>Learning</strong>. National Service Resources. Retrieved fromhttps://www.nationalserviceresources.gov/files/reflectionk-12.docStandard E: Have anentrepreneurial spirit, and possesscreativity, imagination, and drive.Resources:Davis, V. (2014). How the Maker Movement is moving into classrooms. Edutopia.Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/maker-movement-moving-intoclassrooms-vicki-davis<strong>Competency</strong> 2: Orientation toward change and improvementStandard A: Embrace change andmodel this for others by seeking newways for improvement.Standard B: Proactively initiatechange in response to students’needs and progress.Standard C: Adapt to theuncertainty and ambiguity thatis part of improving teaching andlearning practices.Additional Information:Embrace:• Students’ need to reflect on areas of improvement in their learning environment;• <strong>Teacher</strong>s’ need to be adaptable to change (at classroom, school, and programlevels) and need to model for students and fellow staff members; and• A learning environment that is designed in a way to welcome change forthemselves and their students and fellow staff members.Additional Information:Initiate change by accepting:• The interconnectedness of technology and pedagogy; and• How technology and pedagogy effectively can translate into deeper approachesto course design and instruction and lead to better experiences for all learnersand to transformative teacher practice.Additional Information:<strong>Teacher</strong> embraces change by:• working and prioritizing in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity;• adapting quickly and appropriately to changing circumstances;• utilizing professional relationships and the extended learning community topromote innovation and advance one’s own and the field’s learning;• contributing to the profession—and progression—of teaching, includinginvolvement in evaluation and integration; and• participating in action research on a regular basis to improve professional• practice using existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support ofstudent learning.Standard D: Act as and encourageothers to be independent and selfdirectedlearners.Standard E: Demonstrate theprofessional responsibility tocontribute to the effectiveness,innovation, vitality, and self-renewalof the teaching profession, as well asto their school and community.Resources:Learn NC. Building and maintaining and online professional learning community.Retrieved from http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/701214www.INACOL.org

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