Establishing an Upper-Bound for the Benefits of NextGen Trajectory ...

Establishing an Upper-Bound for the Benefits of NextGen Trajectory ... Establishing an Upper-Bound for the Benefits of NextGen Trajectory ...
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Frequency60005154500038864000300027312556Airway routesGCD routesMinimum 7.3 nm 14.6 nmAverage 642.4 nm 612.3 nmMedian 518.3 nm 489.2 nmMode 98.6 nm 60.4 nmMaximum 2,497.4 nm 2,485.1 nmSD 473.3 nm 466.3 nmSum 12,783,583.0 nm 12,184,854.0 nm20792000Flight using airway routesFlights using GCD routes9821000812562335 336 284165180100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500Distance flown when using airway / direct routes (nm)Frequency20000180001600014000120001000080006000400017951MinimumAverageMedianModeMaximumSDSum-7.9 nm30.1 nm17.3 nm0.0 nm1,498.5 nm60.7 nm598,724.8 nmFig. 1. Comparison of histograms of the distances flown using airways anddirect routesdistance is done with the utils.getGCDistanceNM function ofFACETs API. The external program also records the totalnumber of flights in each sector, including all the sector levels,i.e., low, high, and super. Distances and sector loads are writteninto text files for further analyses.A. Distances flownIII. RESULTSFigure 1 compares the histogram of the distance flown whenusing airways to the histogram of the distance flown whenusing direct routes. The figure also includes the descriptivestatistics for the scenarios. When using airways, most ofthe flights travel less than 1,000 nm, with a peak of flightsbetween 200 and 400 nm. Short flights, i.e., less than 200nm are frequent, but not a majority in this input file. Thereis a long tail in the distribution, but the actual number offlights is low compared to the other distances. The flights withlonger distances correspond to flights from Alaska or other USterritories not directly in the continent.When using direct routes, most of the flights travel less than1,000 nm, with a peak of flights between 200 and 400 nm.Short flights, i.e., less than 200 nm are more frequent thanwhen using airways. This is an immediate benefit of usingdirect routes: shorter flown distances. The comparison of thetails shows that their frequencies are similar.The distribution for the scenario of the direct routes isshifted toward the shorter distances. This is evident in thatthe average, median, and mode are smaller in this scenariothan they are in the airways scenario. The standard deviationis also smaller indicating that the distribution is less dispersein this scenario.The figure shows that the input file used in this experimentsis dominated by short to mid distance distance flights. Thisreflects that the input file comes from a database that containsonly data for actual domestic flights in the US. The greaterchanges in the frequencies are observed in the flights from 0to 200 nm, and from 800 to 1,000 nm. This suggests that thebenefits of using direct routes are clearer in short flights or intrans-continental flights.Figure 2 shows the distribution of the differences of distanceflown by corresponding flights in both scenarios, i.e., it is a20000Fig. 2.1093616110 46 10 21 6 18 14 4 5 0 1 2 3-50 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450Difference in the distance flown (nm)Histogram of the flight-by-flight difference in the distance flownTABLE IINUMBER OF MINUTES WITH AT LEAST ONE SECTOR SATURATED OR ONTHE VERGE OF SATURATIONNumber of minutes with at leastScenarioone sector on or above(% of the total 2,114 minutes)MAP 80% of MAPFlights using airway routes 689 (32%) 944 (44%)Flights using direct routes 456 (21%) 917 (43%)paired comparison of distances. The figure also includes thedescriptive statistics for the distribution. The 1,093 (5.5%) ofthe differences in the distance flown are negative indicatingthat the direct routes are longer than the airway routes. Thisis mathematically incorrect. This is due to errors in themeasurement of the distance during the simulation. Noticethat the minimum difference is -7.9 nm, and the bin of thehistogram goes from -100 to 0 nm, so the negative differencesare in this 7.9 nm range. The peak of the histogram occurswhen the difference is between 0 and 100 nm, 90% of thedifferences are in this range.A paired two-tail t-test shows that the mean of the differencebetween the distances flown by corresponding flights in thetwo scenarios is significantly different than zero (M=30.1,SD = 60.7, N = 19,900), t = 69.9647 and the two-tail p =0.000. A 95% confidence interval about the mean is (29.2,30.9). This average reduction in the distance flown addsto 598,724.8 nm saved when using direct routes instead ofairways. The reduction in distance flown benefits the airlinesand the environment, through a reduction in fuel burned, i.e.,less pollution and lower costs.B. Sectors over MAPA metric for the load of sectors is a function of time, space,the number of flights, and routes of the flights. The number offlights did not change between scenarios in this experiment.The routes are expected to change significantly when goingfrom flight plans to direct routes. With this change in the typeof route the distribution of sector load through time and spaceis also expected to change.

Number of sectors543210-1-2-3-4-5-6Airways > direct396 minutes (> 0)11:0011:2411:4812:1212:3613:0013:2413:4814:1214:3615:0015:2415:4816:1216:3617:0017:2417:4818:1218:3619:0019:2419:4820:1220:3621:0021:2421:4822:1222:3623:0023:2423:480:120:361:001:241:482:122:363:003:243:484:124:365:005:245:486:126:367:007:247:48Fig. 3.MAPGMT time of 1/27/2007Airways < direct242 minutes (< 0)Minute by minute difference in the number of sectors on or aboveThe time distribution of the sector load is analyzed in thisexperiment. TABLE II shows that controllers spend 32% oftheir time managing congested sectors, i.e., at or above the sector’sMAP, when the flights use airway routes. But controllersspend 21% of their time managing congested sectors when theflights use direct routes. The values for 80% of MAP give anidea of the distribution of sector load in the two scenarios.The percentage of time controllers spend managing sectorswith 80% or more of their MAPs is similar in both scenarioswith a small reduction for the case of direct routes. Thissimilarity indicates that using direct routes mostly reduces thefrequency of overloaded sectors, but does not change the totaltime controllers spend managing “almost saturated” sectors.Comparing the sector loads minute by minute provides moreinsight of effect of using direct routes in the NAS. Figure 3shows that using airways produces load peaks (486 minutes,positive side of the vertical axis) that are often higher in valueand closer in time than when using direct routes. Using directroutes produce few intense peaks (value -4 and -5), but thepeaks (192 minutes) are more scattered in time. So controllerswill have more time to “rest” between peaks of saturationwhen flights use direct routes and the saturation will be, inaverage smaller than when using airways.TABLE IIIFLIGHT DELAYS ON THE OEP-35 AIRPORTS OBTAINED BY LIMITINGARRIVAL CAPACITYAirportcode(ICAO)NumberofflightsFlight planTotaldelay(min)Avgdelay(min)Direct routeTotaldelay(min)NumberofflightsAvgdelay(min)KATL 941 7,066.9 7.5 960 6,550.3 6.8KBOS 167 90.0 0.5 169 85.0 0.5KBWI 147 120.8 0.8 148 143.5 1.0KCLE 130 188.8 1.4 132 206.2 1.6KCLT 262 275.7 1.0 265 265.7 1.0KCVG 244 246.5 1.0 247 234.8 1.0KDCA 161 145.0 0.9 163 156.1 1.0KDEN 413 128.2 0.3 416 131.2 0.3KDFW 562 178.3 0.3 569 188.7 0.3KDTW 203 163.2 0.8 206 167.0 0.8KEWR 212 278.7 1.3 213 246.5 1.2KFLL 103 84.4 0.8 105 90.0 0.8KHNL 81 85.0 1.0 88 54.8 0.6KIAD 117 74.9 0.6 117 114.6 1.0KIAH 363 278.8 0.8 364 252.5 0.7KJFK 156 168.6 1.1 157 178.4 1.1KLAS 216 207.0 1.0 222 249.3 1.1KLAX 328 173.4 0.5 333 167.6 0.5KLGA 187 207.0 1.1 191 221.8 1.2KMCO 219 191.6 0.9 222 179.2 0.8KMDW 163 315.5 1.9 164 241.6 1.5KMEM 93 35.7 0.4 95 43.7 0.4KMIA 111 55.4 0.5 113 53.5 0.5KMSP 247 330.3 1.3 249 277.4 1.1KORD 695 885.2 1.3 706 921.8 1.3KPDX 83 84.3 1.0 84 81.3 1.0KPHL 183 161.2 0.9 186 166.0 0.9KPHX 76 30.3 0.4 76 28.2 0.4KPIT 66 23.2 0.4 66 20.2 0.3KSAN 128 244.0 1.9 130 248.2 1.9KSEA 139 206.3 1.5 142 170.2 1.2KSFO 179 98.0 0.5 184 91.8 0.5KSLC 267 903.7 3.4 268 894.8 3.3KSTL 119 93.1 0.8 121 89.0 0.7KTPA 136 257.5 1.9 137 233.0 1.7Totals 7,897 14,076.4 1.8 8,008 13,444.0 1.7C. ConflictsThe total number of conflicts detected reduced from 23,071when using flight plans to 12,308 when using direct routes.This is an improvement in safety, i.e., lower probability ofaccident, and a further reduction in the workload of the controllers,i.e., they have to resolve 46.7% less conflicts. Magill[4] found that, for similar separation rules, the reduction wasabout 35%.D. DelaysThe flight ground delays generated by the GDPs defined forthe OEP-35 airports are summarized in Table III. The arrivalcapacities of the OEP-35 airports were set to VFR rates forthe whole day. Ground Delay Programs were activated at allthe OEP-35 airports.The total ground delay generated for the OEP-35 airportsreduces from 21,396.53 minutes when using airway routes to20,916.25 minutes when using direct routes. The average delayfor all the OEP-35 airports remains similar between scenarios:the reduction is in the order of few seconds.The mean flight delay differs from airport to airport rangingfrom 10.65 min to 0.33 min in the case of the airway routes,but from 10.93 min to 0.31 min in the case of direct routes.These numbers are low with respect to the observations of theactual airports due to (i) absence of international flights, (ii)the scenarios resulted in the same degree of over-scheduling ofdepartures and arrivals. The effect of the direct routing wouldbe equally likely to over-schedule arrivals as it would be toreduce simultaneous arrivals.TABLE IV summarizes the results of the two scenarios andthe previous tables and charts (see Table ?? for reference).IV. CONCLUSIONSThis experiment consisted of two scenarios with the sameset of 19,900 domestic flights in the NAS. The scenarios wereexecuted using FACET. In one scenario flights used airwaysthe same way they currently do in the NAS. In the secondscenario flights used direct routes. The arrival rate of theOEP-35 airports was set to the VFR rates using the GDPfunctionality provided by FACET.

Frequency60005154500038864000300027312556Airway routesGCD routesMinimum 7.3 nm 14.6 nmAverage 642.4 nm 612.3 nmMedi<strong>an</strong> 518.3 nm 489.2 nmMode 98.6 nm 60.4 nmMaximum 2,497.4 nm 2,485.1 nmSD 473.3 nm 466.3 nmSum 12,783,583.0 nm 12,184,854.0 nm20792000Flight using airway routesFlights using GCD routes9821000812562335 336 284165180100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500Dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown when using airway / direct routes (nm)Frequency20000180001600014000120001000080006000400017951MinimumAverageMedi<strong>an</strong>ModeMaximumSDSum-7.9 nm30.1 nm17.3 nm0.0 nm1,498.5 nm60.7 nm598,724.8 nmFig. 1. Comparison <strong>of</strong> histograms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ces flown using airways <strong>an</strong>ddirect routesdist<strong>an</strong>ce is done with <strong>the</strong> utils.getGCDist<strong>an</strong>ceNM function <strong>of</strong>FACETs API. The external program also records <strong>the</strong> totalnumber <strong>of</strong> flights in each sector, including all <strong>the</strong> sector levels,i.e., low, high, <strong>an</strong>d super. Dist<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>an</strong>d sector loads are writteninto text files <strong>for</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>an</strong>alyses.A. Dist<strong>an</strong>ces flownIII. RESULTSFigure 1 compares <strong>the</strong> histogram <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown whenusing airways to <strong>the</strong> histogram <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown whenusing direct routes. The figure also includes <strong>the</strong> descriptivestatistics <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> scenarios. When using airways, most <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> flights travel less th<strong>an</strong> 1,000 nm, with a peak <strong>of</strong> flightsbetween 200 <strong>an</strong>d 400 nm. Short flights, i.e., less th<strong>an</strong> 200nm are frequent, but not a majority in this input file. Thereis a long tail in <strong>the</strong> distribution, but <strong>the</strong> actual number <strong>of</strong>flights is low compared to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r dist<strong>an</strong>ces. The flights withlonger dist<strong>an</strong>ces correspond to flights from Alaska or o<strong>the</strong>r USterritories not directly in <strong>the</strong> continent.When using direct routes, most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flights travel less th<strong>an</strong>1,000 nm, with a peak <strong>of</strong> flights between 200 <strong>an</strong>d 400 nm.Short flights, i.e., less th<strong>an</strong> 200 nm are more frequent th<strong>an</strong>when using airways. This is <strong>an</strong> immediate benefit <strong>of</strong> usingdirect routes: shorter flown dist<strong>an</strong>ces. The comparison <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>tails shows that <strong>the</strong>ir frequencies are similar.The distribution <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> scenario <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> direct routes isshifted toward <strong>the</strong> shorter dist<strong>an</strong>ces. This is evident in that<strong>the</strong> average, medi<strong>an</strong>, <strong>an</strong>d mode are smaller in this scenarioth<strong>an</strong> <strong>the</strong>y are in <strong>the</strong> airways scenario. The st<strong>an</strong>dard deviationis also smaller indicating that <strong>the</strong> distribution is less dispersein this scenario.The figure shows that <strong>the</strong> input file used in this experimentsis dominated by short to mid dist<strong>an</strong>ce dist<strong>an</strong>ce flights. Thisreflects that <strong>the</strong> input file comes from a database that containsonly data <strong>for</strong> actual domestic flights in <strong>the</strong> US. The greaterch<strong>an</strong>ges in <strong>the</strong> frequencies are observed in <strong>the</strong> flights from 0to 200 nm, <strong>an</strong>d from 800 to 1,000 nm. This suggests that <strong>the</strong>benefits <strong>of</strong> using direct routes are clearer in short flights or intr<strong>an</strong>s-continental flights.Figure 2 shows <strong>the</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> differences <strong>of</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ceflown by corresponding flights in both scenarios, i.e., it is a20000Fig. 2.1093616110 46 10 21 6 18 14 4 5 0 1 2 3-50 50 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450Difference in <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown (nm)Histogram <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flight-by-flight difference in <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flownTABLE IINUMBER OF MINUTES WITH AT LEAST ONE SECTOR SATURATED OR ONTHE VERGE OF SATURATIONNumber <strong>of</strong> minutes with at leastScenarioone sector on or above(% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total 2,114 minutes)MAP 80% <strong>of</strong> MAPFlights using airway routes 689 (32%) 944 (44%)Flights using direct routes 456 (21%) 917 (43%)paired comparison <strong>of</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ces. The figure also includes <strong>the</strong>descriptive statistics <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> distribution. The 1,093 (5.5%) <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> differences in <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown are negative indicatingthat <strong>the</strong> direct routes are longer th<strong>an</strong> <strong>the</strong> airway routes. Thisis ma<strong>the</strong>matically incorrect. This is due to errors in <strong>the</strong>measurement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce during <strong>the</strong> simulation. Noticethat <strong>the</strong> minimum difference is -7.9 nm, <strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong> bin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>histogram goes from -100 to 0 nm, so <strong>the</strong> negative differencesare in this 7.9 nm r<strong>an</strong>ge. The peak <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> histogram occurswhen <strong>the</strong> difference is between 0 <strong>an</strong>d 100 nm, 90% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>differences are in this r<strong>an</strong>ge.A paired two-tail t-test shows that <strong>the</strong> me<strong>an</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> differencebetween <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ces flown by corresponding flights in <strong>the</strong>two scenarios is signific<strong>an</strong>tly different th<strong>an</strong> zero (M=30.1,SD = 60.7, N = 19,900), t = 69.9647 <strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong> two-tail p =0.000. A 95% confidence interval about <strong>the</strong> me<strong>an</strong> is (29.2,30.9). This average reduction in <strong>the</strong> dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown addsto 598,724.8 nm saved when using direct routes instead <strong>of</strong>airways. The reduction in dist<strong>an</strong>ce flown benefits <strong>the</strong> airlines<strong>an</strong>d <strong>the</strong> environment, through a reduction in fuel burned, i.e.,less pollution <strong>an</strong>d lower costs.B. Sectors over MAPA metric <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> load <strong>of</strong> sectors is a function <strong>of</strong> time, space,<strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> flights, <strong>an</strong>d routes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> flights. The number <strong>of</strong>flights did not ch<strong>an</strong>ge between scenarios in this experiment.The routes are expected to ch<strong>an</strong>ge signific<strong>an</strong>tly when goingfrom flight pl<strong>an</strong>s to direct routes. With this ch<strong>an</strong>ge in <strong>the</strong> type<strong>of</strong> route <strong>the</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> sector load through time <strong>an</strong>d spaceis also expected to ch<strong>an</strong>ge.

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