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6. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYUnaudited Unaudited AuditedHalf year to Half year to Year to30 April 2007 30 April 2006 31 Oct 2006£000 £000 £000Total recognised income and expense for the period/year 10,568 8,801 13,954Dividends (3,610) (2,130) (3,695)Retained profit for the period/year 6,958 6,671 10,259Ordinary shares issued 22 152 153Share premium arising 6,774 26,250 26,266Other recognised gains/losses 471 (339) 586Net addition to shareholders’ funds 14,225 32,734 37,264Opening shareholders’ funds 93,825 56,561 56,561Closing shareholders’ funds 108,050 89,295 93,8257. ACQUISITIONSOn 30 March 2007 the Group acquired the entire share capital of Simmel Difesa S.p.A. A summary of the assets acquiredand consideration paid is set out below:£000Intangible assets 14,706Property, plant and equipment 1,979Net cash 4,662Working capital 1,786Deferred tax (1,146)Provisions falling due within one year (1,095)Provisions falling due in more than one year (4,378)16,514Goodwill 36,86353,377ConsiderationCash 46,584Share issue 6,793Total consideration 53,377Cash consideration consisted of £42,171,000 paid on completion, with a further £4,413,000 payable within 90 days ofcompletion. The acquisition was funded by an additional medium term loan and by the issue of 373,551 new ordinaryshares.At 30 April 2007 the estimated fair value of assets and liabilities are provisional and will be updated following thecompletion of the fair value exercise.Summary of cash flows:£000Cash paid for acquisitions in the period (42,171)Cash acquired 4,662Cash paid for acquisitions reported in prior periods (281)Net cash outflow (37,790)16

7. ACQUISITIONS (cont.)**Prior period balance sheet restatementDuring the prior year the Group acquired Technical Ordnance Inc.. The fair value of intangible assets acquired of £6,721,000was recognised at 30 April 2006 based on provisional values. The fair values have been finalised since April 2006 and inaccordance with IFRS3 an increase of £13,002,000 has been made retrospectively to the value of intangible assets,principally due to the recognition of additional customer relationship assets. Goodwill has been retrospectively decreased by£13,002,000. Amortisation charges on acquired intangible assets for the period to 30 April 2007 are such that the cumulativeamortisation charged is appropriate for the revised fair value of intangible assets. This is the only adjustment relating to priorperiods.8. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTOn 4 June 2007 the Group announced the conditional acquisition of Dyno Nobel’s High Energy Materials business inNorway for £2.8 million. The acquisition is expected to complete in July following the transfer of certain key operatinglicences and business contracts.9. INSURANCE CLAIMThe Group is pursuing a claim against its former insurance brokers, concerning the insurance cover for Kilgore FlaresCompany LLC and the brokers’ subsequent handling of a claim following a manufacturing incident at Kilgore FlaresCompany LLC on 18 April 2001. During the half year the Group incurred costs of £34,000 (2006: £33,000) in relation to theclaim, which were written-off.The balance of the claim that had not been recovered from the Group’s insurance brokers at 30 April 2007 was £2,476,000(2006: £2,712,000), which has been included within other debtors. Foreign exchange movements of £119,000 (2006:£84,000) have been recognised through the Statement of Recognised Income and Expense.10. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS: MARINE BUSINESSThe results of the discontinued marine business for the period, or to the date of disposal, which have been included in theconsolidated income statement, were as follows:Unaudited Unaudited AuditedHalf year to Half year to Year to30 April 2007 30 April 2006 31 Oct 2006£000 £000 £000Revenue 3,785 5,104 11,348Trading loss (including finance expense) (137) (177) (984)Loss on disposal (1,548) - (7,970)Loss before tax (1,685) (177) (8,954)Tax (241) 48 864Loss after tax (1,926) (129) (8,090)The loss on disposal in the period ended 30 April 2007 includes £0.7 million in respect of closure provisions, predominantlyrelating to leased premises which the Group no longer occupies.On 30 June 2006, the Group sold its McMurdo Lights business to Daniamant Limited for the sum of £2.8 million;£0.2 million of the consideration is receivable in July 2007.On 15 December 2006, the Group announced the conditional sale of its McMurdo Marine Electronics business to SignatureIndustries Limited for £2.8 million. The sale completed on 5 April 2007. Deferred contingent consideration of up to£1.5 million, receivable in December 2007, is dependent on revenue targets being achieved and has not been recognised inthe interim financial statements at 30 April 2007.On 21 December 2006, the Group sold the entire share capital of Leafield Marine Limited for £436,000.On 18 May 2007, post period end, the Group sold the entire share capital of I.C.S. Electronics Limited for £1.Amounts included within ‘Assets held for sale’ and ‘Liabilities held for sale’ in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at30 April 2007 relate to a receivable for deferred consideration following the sale of the McMurdo Lights business andrecoverable working capital balances, provisions and taxation balances retained following the sale of the McMurdo MarineElectronics business.17

6. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITYUnaudited Unaudited AuditedHalf year to Half year to Year to30 April 2007 30 April 2006 31 Oct 2006£000 £000 £000Total recognised income and expense for the period/year 10,568 8,801 13,954Dividends (3,610) (2,130) (3,695)Retained profit for the period/year 6,958 6,671 10,259Ordinary shares issued 22 152 153Share premium arising 6,774 26,250 26,266Other recognised gains/losses 471 (339) 586Net addition to shareholders’ funds 14,225 32,734 37,264Opening shareholders’ funds 93,825 56,561 56,561Closing shareholders’ funds 108,050 89,295 93,8257. ACQUISITIONSOn 30 March 2007 the <strong>Group</strong> acquired the entire share capital of Simmel Difesa S.p.A. A summary of the assets acquiredand consideration paid is set out below:£000Intangible assets 14,706Property, plant and equipment 1,979Net cash 4,662Working capital 1,786Deferred tax (1,146)Provisions falling due within one year (1,095)Provisions falling due in more than one year (4,378)16,514Goodwill 36,86353,377ConsiderationCash 46,584Share issue 6,793Total consideration 53,377Cash consideration consisted of £42,171,000 paid on completion, with a further £4,413,000 payable within 90 days ofcompletion. The acquisition was funded by an additional medium term loan and by the issue of 373,551 new ordinaryshares.At 30 April 2007 the estimated fair value of assets and liabilities are provisional and will be updated following thecompletion of the fair value exercise.Summary of cash flows:£000Cash paid for acquisitions in the period (42,171)Cash acquired 4,662Cash paid for acquisitions reported in prior periods (281)Net cash outflow (37,790)16

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