So you think you can polka? - Slovene National Benefit Society

So you think you can polka? - Slovene National Benefit Society

So you think you can polka? - Slovene National Benefit Society


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4PROSVETA19. Maja 2010SlovenskaStranUreja Vida KosirV Izoli začeli graditiuniverzitetni kampusJani Vales odkril nov komet P/2010H2HEADLINE: Jani Valesdiscoursed the new cometP/2010H2TOPIC: A few days agoJani Vales, who for manyyears has been a collaboratorat the Črni Vrh observatory,discovered an unusuallybright object, similar to aasteroid, in pictures of thesky. Two days of observationsfrom around the worldproved that Vales had discovereda rather unusual objectthat hadn’t been noticed byanyone prior to this.The asteroid was discoveredin a part of the sky thatwas probed by the Ameri<strong>can</strong>Catalina Research Program– which takes photographs ofthe sky every night searchingHEADLINE: The Malikoveccave has been inviting people forsome timeTOPIC: The renovation andcleaning of the Malikovec Karstcave near Semič has been suspendedby the supervisory service. Lastyear, local residents performedmore than 3,000 hours of volunteerwork to clean the cave. Theyremoved a lot of waste and dirt, andthey built new cement steps – butthey made a mistake; they shouldhave only renovated the originaltimber steps.People started to clean the Malikoveccave decades ago, and laterall the work stopped. The peoplelost their willingness to help fouryears ago when unknown vandalsHEADLINE: In Izolathey will build a universitycampusTOPIC: In Izola, workersfor the Ljubljana GrosupljeConstruction Company havestarted the preparation workto build Livada University,the first Slovenian universitycampus in the Primorskoregion. In 13 months thefirst object, which will be theCenter for MediterraneanCultures, will be completed.Student housing will be locatedin the second building,which will be constructednext year.In the region of Livade, adozen Izola residents maintaingardens, without permission,on the land whereconstruction of the newbuilding will soon start.These residents have beennotified by the municipalityto remove everything fromthe grounds because there isa chance they will lose everythingin the coming days.Delavci Gradbenega podjetjaGrosuplje, Ljubljana, sov Izoli začeli pripravljalna delaza gradnjo prvega slovenskegauniverzitetnega kampusa LivadeUniverze na Primorskem.Raztezal se bo med blokomza neprofitnimi stanovanji inPrešernovo cesto, na zemljišču,ki ga je izolska občina v časužupanje Brede Pešan podarilaUniverzi na Primorskem. V13 mesecih bodo zgradili prviobjekt, v katerem bo Centermediteranskih kultur. Naročajopa že projektno dokumentacijoza drugi blok in študentskedomove, ki jih bodo začeligraditi prohodnje leto. Kerna območju Livad kak ducatizolskih prebivalcev brez dovoljenjobdeluje njivice, nakaterih rastejo vrtnine, jih jeobčina pozvala, naj z zemljiščodstranijo svoje stvari, saj bodosicer morda v prihodnjih dnehostali brez vsega.DELOfor small materials – only 15hours prior to Vales’s discovery.Following his discovery,Vales sent the information tothe Ameri<strong>can</strong> Minor PlanetCenter, which immediatelyissued a summons to therest of the observers to takeadditional measures. Withtheir help it was determinedthat the object is close to twoastronomic units away fromthe Earth.To date, the discovery ofthe P/2010H2 comet is themost important discoveryat the Črni vrh observatory,and its finding drewexceptional attention fromscientists who are exploringour universe.Idrijčan Jani Vales, ki je žeJama Malikovec od nekdaj privlači ljudidestroyed part of the cave’s inventoryand some of the stalactites, andtook whatever they found useful.“The Malikovec cave means alot for all of us in Semič. We wouldlike to arrange exhibitions in thecave such as singing performancesand concerts, and we could arrangeother cultural activities such asliterary evenings and recitals. Aliving nativity scene has alreadybeen arranged.“We would also like to beautifythe surroundings. We could dedicatefour acres of land to classicalBelokranjski ferns and white birchtrees, and we could start an orchardwith a variety of fruit trees,” MayorJanko Bukovec said regarding themunicipality’s plans.HEADLINE: Sport weekends inKoperTOPIC: The Koper municipality,along with the Slovenian Olympic Committeeand various athletic associations,arranged a new project, “Sports WithUs,” which came to life at the beginningof April. Every Saturday morningthrough the end of December (exceptJuly and August) will be reserved foractivities such as aerobics, dance, swimming,ball games and athletics whichwill be offered free of chrage to allgenerations. The programs will be ledby a group of professionals, educatorsand qualified mentors who will greet allparticipants every Saturday morning at9 a.m. in Tavern. They will then lead thedolga leta <strong>So</strong>delavec observatorjaČrni vrh, je pred dnevi naslikah neba odkril nenavadnosvetel objekt, podoben asteroidu.Po dveh dneh opazovanjiz observatorjev po vsem svetuse je izkazalo, da je Idrijčanodkril precej nenavaden objekt,ki ga pred tem ni opazil nihčedrug.Asteroid se je nahajal nadelu neba, ki ga je 15 ur predValesovim odkritjem posnelameriški iskalni programCatalina, ki vsako noč snemanebo in išče mala telesa našegaosončja. Vales je po odkritjupodatke poslal v ameriškiCenter za male planete (MinorPlanet Center), kjer so takojizdali poziv ostalim opazovalcem,naj naredijo dodatnemeritve. Z njihovo pomočjoŠportni vikendi v Kopruso ugotovili, da je objekt odZemlje oddaljen približno dveatronomski enoti.Odkritje kometa P/2010H2je doslej najpomembnejše odkritjeobservatorija na Črnemvrhu, ki je pritegnilo izjemnopozornost znanstvenikov, ki seukvarjajo z raziskavami našegaosončja.IDRIJSKE NOVICEČiščenje kraške jame Malikovecpri Semiču je ustavljeno, prav takoprenova. Dela v jami so ustavileinšpekcijske službe. Lani so domačiniopravili več kot tri tisoč ur prostovoljnegadela, da so jamo očistili.Izkopali so sto kubičnih metrov odpadkovin zemlje ter naredili betonskestopnice, a so ga s tem polomili, sajbi morali samo obnoviti originalneiz brun.Malikovec so začeli čistiti že preddesetletjem, pozneje so dela zastala.Ljudje so izgubili precej volje predštirimi leti, ko so neznani vandali razbilidel inventarja jame, del kapnikovin izropali, kar je bilo uporabno. Vstopv jamo je pravo brezno, stopnice sobile narejene z brun. Med lanskimčiščenjem in prenovo so prostovoljciparticipants to various locations, mainlyto Bonifica and to the swimming pool inŽušterna. All children who participatein these athletic activities must be atleast 6 years old.V Mestni občini Koper so v sodelovanjuz Olimpijskem komitejem Slovenije,Javnim zavodom za šport MO Koper inŠportno zvezo Koper začeli pripravljatiprojekt “Športaj z nami”, ki je zaživel vzačetku aprila. Od 3. aprila pa vse do zadnjesobote v juniju, nato pa še od prve sobotev septembru do zadnje sobote v decembru,bodo sobotna jutra rezervirana za športnedejavnosti od aerobike, plesa, plavanja,iger z žogo in tudi atletike, ki bodo vsemgeneracijam dostopne brezplačno. Junijabodo izpeljali tudi potapljanje. Programizdelali del stopnic iz betona, kar jeseveda neskladno s prvotno jamo.Zato so inšpekcijske službe ustaviledelo in zahtevajo stopnice iz brun.“Za jamo Malikovec v Semiču sezelo zanimamo. Tu želimo prirejatirazstave, pevske nastope in koncerte.Jaslice so že uveljavljene, lahko biprerejali tud druge kulturne prireditve,kot so literarni večeri, recitacijeipd. Želimo urediti tudi okolico. Dvahektara zemljišča bi lahko nameniliza klasični belokranjski steljnik zbrezami, uredili bi sadovnjak znajrazličnejšim drevjem,” je povedalo načrtih občine župan JankoBukovec. Kraška jama Malikovecje bila znana že pred desetletjem,ko so v predbožičnem in prednovoletnemčasu v njej postavljali živewww.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.combo vodila skupina strokovno izobraženihin usposobljenih mentorjev, ki bodo vsakosobotno jutro zainteresirane počakali ob9. uri v Taverni, nato pa znjimi odšli narazlične lokacije. Glede na to, da ne greza enkraten dogodek, temveč ponavljajočese vikende, je po besedah <strong>So</strong>nje Poljšak,predsednice Športne zveze Koper, to prvitak projekt v Sloveniji. Najmlajši, ki sebodo lahko udeležili teh vikendov, morajobiti stari vsaj šest let. Na predstavitvi pa sose rekreacije udeležili tudi starejši, zlastičlani Koronarnega društva Slovenske Istre,kar pomeni, da zgornje omejitve pri starostini. Program športnih dejavnosti bodo prilagodilisposobnostim udeležencev in tehdo konca junija pričakujejo vsaj 5000.DELOTemeljita prenova Grand hotela MetropolHEADLINE: A thoroughrenovation of the MetropolGrand HotelTOPIC: The managementof the Bernardin Hotel Companyhas indeed picked anunusual time to renovate theMetropol Grand Hotel, whichfor many years has been themost luxurious five-starhotel in Portorož. The hotelwill be closed for a monthand will reopen May 18.Portorož hotels are usuallyrenovated during thewinter. This was also consideredfor the Metropol GrandHotel, which was renovatedonly once (in 1996) since itsopening.Uprava družbe Hoteli Bernardinse je res v nenavadnemčasu odločila za prenovo Grandhotela Metropol, dolga leta najboljrazkošnega portoroškegahotela s petimi zvezdicami.Hotel bo zaprt do 18. maja.V dobrem mesecu bodo odstrehe do tal obnovili vse,vendar bodo ohranili zunanjopodobo, ki jo je zasnoval arhitektEdo Mihevc. To pa zato,ker jim je pri nemškem proizvajalcukeramičnih ploščicuspelo kupiti prav takšnefasadne ploščice, kakršne odzačetka (od leta 1972) krasijota hotel.Portoroške hotele ponavadiobnavljajo pozimi. To je veljalotudi za Grand hotel Metropol,ki so ga od njegovega nastankadoslej prenovili samo enkrat(leta 1996), sicer pa je kot edenredkih portoroških hotelovobratoval vse dni v letu. Tudizato, ker je nekakšen “hišni”hotel portoroške igralnice in jeimel goste tudi v turistično najbolj“suhih” zimskih dneh.Viktorijo vodi najstarejši hotelirski parHEADLINE: Viktoriais led the by oldest hoteliercoupleTOPIC: In their retirementyears, Viktoria andMiro Pevec have become tenantsof the hotel in RogaškaSlatina. Viktoria will soonbe 80 years old, and herhusband Miro is a few yearsolder. They became the oldestSlovenian hotel operators byleasing the Viktoria Hotel.“We visited this wonderfulhealth resort for more than30 years, and three yearsago we moved here fromRadomlje,” said Viktoria,who is officially the directorof the hotel.The Pevecs have signeda one-year lease agreementwith the owners, and duringthis time they will put all oftheir efforts into the hotel,where they would like to hostSlovenian pensioners. Theyare arranging evening musicalgatherings, conversationsin front of the fireplace,swimming and many otheractivities.Zakonca Viktorija in MiroPevec sta v upokojenskem obdobjupostala najemnika hotelav Rogaški Slatini. Gospa Viktorijabo kmalu stara 80 let, možMiro pa jih ima še nekaj več.Z najemom hotela Viktorija stapostala najstarejši slovenskihotelirski par. “Več kot tridesetlet sva z možem obiskovala toprečudovito zdravilišče, predtremi leti pa sva se preselila izRadomelj,” je povedala ViktorijaPevec, ki je uradno tudidirektorica. Hotel je menjal ževeč najemnikov, imenoval seje Sisak in nato daljše obdobjeManzzato. Zakonca Pevec staz lastnikom sklenila enoletnonajemno pogodbo, v tem časupa se bosta prizadevala, da biv hotel, ki je streljaj nad slatinskimzdraviliškim središčem,privabljala predvsem slovenskeupokojence. Ugodjehotela želita ponuditi vsem, kiimajo radi domačnost, zdravoživljenje in razgibano dogajanje,primerno za starostnike.Tako ponujata večerna srečanjaob glasbi, pogovore ob kaminu,sprehode, plavanje in številnedruge dejavnosti.DELOPtice in ribe pomirjajoŽivali vzbujajo v človeku toplino, varnost in zaupanje. Skrbzanje še posebno dobro dene starejšim in preprečuje njihovoosamljenost. Čeprav mnogi najprej pomislijo na psa ali mačko,ne gre pozabiti na ptice in ribe. Zelo učinkovito preprečujejostres in depresijo. Ptice so primerne predvsem za ljudi, ki sovečino dneva doma: ustvarijo prijetno ozračje, saj se hitronaučijo komunikativnosti, s katero preprečujejo osamljenostin depresijo. Ribe so učinkovite proti stresu, prinašajo notranjimir in uravnovešenost. Primerne so za ljudi, ki so izpostavljeništevilnim dražljajem iz okolja, živčnim in tistim, ki sonemirni zaradi poklicnih preobremenitev.PRVI V RAZREDU - Mamasprašuje sina, kdo je prviv razredu. “Luka!”- “Inkdo je prvi v matematiki?”- “Tomaž!”- “In vslovenščini?”- “Rudi!”- “Kaj pa ti?” - “Jaz prvivstanem, ko pozvoni zakonec ure!”V portoroški igralnici somalce nejevoljno sprejelinenadno vest, da je treba hotelza dober mesec zapreti, a drugeizbire ni. Rjave keramičneploščice, s katerimi je obloženastavba, so se namreč že začelekrušiti in celo padati s pročelja.Nove bodo tudi po obnovi ohranilelesketajoč videz zunanjosti,saj emajlirane keramičneploščice kljub temnorjavi barvizelo odbivajo svetlobo. S tem jearhitekt dosegel, da so sončnižarki ustvarili žarečo hotelskostavbo na gričku Sv. Lovrenca.Poleti pa takšna fasada mendaodbija tudi toplotne žarke.Hotel bodo prenavljali vdveh fazah. Najprej bosta navrsti streha in pročelje, v drugifazi pa tudi vseh 97 sob v sedmihnadstropjih. Obnovili bodovse napeljave, talne in stenskeobloge. Na koncu bodo sobeopremili z elektroniko tako,da bo ogrevanje, hlajenje inrazsvetljavo mogoče upravljatitudi iz recepcije.DELOZlata Radostv MariboruHEADLINE: Golden Radostin MariborTOPIC: The 21st arrangementof Naša pesem (Our<strong>So</strong>ng) was held in Mariborin mid-April. The RadostGodovič girl’s chorus, alongwith their conductor, DamjanaVončina, participatedat this high-level state competitionfor the third time.Intensive work, self-sacrificeand devotion to the musicbrought the singers fromGodovič a gold tablet at theNaša pesem competition. Atotal of 23 of the top adultchoirs and small groups(800 singers) which wereselected by three Slovenianchorus experts participatedin this competition. All of thechoruses were judged by aninternational five-memberpanel of judges according tostandards that are consideredfor more demandinginternational competitions.At this competition, the<strong>you</strong>ng girls from Godovičtried to show and prove howmuch they improved in thelast three years, and they roseto the top of the Slovenianchoral sphere. This is a hugesuccess for the Godovič areaand the Idrija municipality.Sredi aprila je v Mariborupotekala že 21. prireditev Našapesem. Državnega tekmovanja,ki je na zelo visokiravni, se je dekliški pevskizbor Radost Godovič z zborovodkinjoDamjano Vončinaudeležil tretjič. Intenzivnodelo, požrtvovalnost in predanostglasbi so pevkam izGodoviča letos prinesli zlatoplaketo na Naši pesmi. Tekmovanjase je udeležilo 23vrhunskih odraslih pevskihzborov in malih skupin z 800pevci. <strong>So</strong>delovali so le najboljšiodrasli zbori, ki so jih za totekmovanje izbrali trije slovenskizborovski strokovnjaki.Vse zbore je ocenjevala mednarodnapetčlanska komisijapo standrdih in kriterijah, kiveljajo za zahtevnejša mednarodnatekmovanja. Mnogimzborom prav nastop na Našipesmi predstavlja odskočnodesko pri mednarodni uveljavitvi.Letošnja sezona je bila zaRadost natančno načrtovanaprav zaradi Naše pesmi. Vaje,trije pripravljalni koncerti, posvets slovenskim dirigentomStojanom Kuretom, intenzivnevaje z Ambrožem Čopijemin potem nastop v Mariboru.Tu so dekleta želela pokazatiin dokazati, da so v zadnjihtreh letih napredovala, da soprerasla povprečje in se povzpelana sam vrh v slovenskemzborovskem prostoru.To je uspeh za Godovič inidrijsko občino. V Mariboruni bilo zbora, ki bi prihajal iztako majhnega kraja. Zboriki so prijeli zlato, prihajajo izLjubljane, kopra, Ljutomera,Brežic in Železnikov. V tejdružbi je tudi 16 deklet izGodoviča in okolice.IDRIJSKE NOVICEČEVLJI V ZMRZOVALNIK - Morda se sliši čudno, a verjamite,da deluje: če imate težave z glivičnimi beleznimina nogah, pospravite čevlje vsaj za tri dni v zmrzovalnoomaro. Skrbno jih zavite v plastično vrečko, mraz boopravil preostalo. Glivice so namreč zelo odporne in lahkomirujejo več tednov, preden izzovejo nove infekcije. Pritakšnih težavah priporočajo bombažne nogavice in dovoljvelike čevlje, ki nog ne utesnujejo in ne pospešujejopotenja.jaslice. Prireditve so vedno privabileveliko obiskovalcev zaradi enkratnegapodzemnega sveta in posebneosvetlitve. Malikovec je predvidenv semiški občini kot pomembnaturistična in izletniška točka.Po ustnem izročilu je bila jamapribežališče poganskih praprebivalcevBele krajine, ki so tudi še popokristjanjenju v njej skrivaj malikovalisvoje poganske malike. Zato jetudi dobila ime Malikovec in zaraditakega slovesa o njej dolgo ni bilonobenih pisnih virov. Po ljudskemizročilu so se domačini v jami skrivalpred Turki in plenilskimi roparji.Doslej odkriti jamski rovi so dolgi 80metrov, globoki pa 28. V njej živi večvrst netopirjev.DELO

www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.comPROSVETAMay 19, 20107S N P JF r a t e r n a lMembers celebrating 50, 60, 70 and 80 years with the <strong>Slovene</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Benefit</strong> <strong>So</strong>cietyby JOSEPH C. EVANISHSNPJ <strong>National</strong> PresidentWe of the SNPJ belong to an organizationthat has a very ex traordinary and diversemember ship. Our members range in agefrom newborn to 100-plus years. Theycome from many different parts of the United States,have a wide variety of ideas and have many differentbackgrounds. But they all have something in common –their loyalty and love of SNPJ.It is through our older members, the backbone of our<strong>So</strong>ciety, that our <strong>you</strong>nger members have learned andwill continue to learn the meaning of fra ternalism. Theyhave guided our <strong>So</strong>ciety through the good times and thetrying times with one common goal... unity and harmonywithin the SNPJ.Every year, more and more of these respected SNPJelders reach the 50-, 60-, 70- and astronomical 80-yearmilestone of membership in the <strong>Slovene</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Benefit</strong><strong>So</strong>ciety. It is our privilege to honor some of this elitegroup of elders.In acknowledging our elder members, we show ourrespect for these honorees by offering our thanks andappreciation for the loy alty they have shown the <strong>So</strong>cietyfor so many years. In a small way we <strong>can</strong> etch theirnames into the archives of the SNPJ even more throughPROSVETA.Upon reaching the 50-year mile stone, the ExecutiveCommittee forwards a certificate of recognition. Sixty-yearmembers receive a diamond-studded gold pin; 70-yearmem bers receive an embroidered fleece blanket and 80-year members receive an SNPJ custom blanket.We ask our elite elders, once they have received theirawards from the <strong>So</strong>ciety, to submit a short report on theirpast and present life style which includes Lodge affilia tion,hobbies and other informa tion which might be of interestto PROSVETA readers.We welcome letters from all of our fraternal honorees.<strong>So</strong>metimes, over the years, a member transfers to anotherLodge out of state. This short report enables us to passalong addresses so that longtime ac quaintances <strong>can</strong> keep intouch or renew old friendships which have gone astray.Our congratulations to all who have reached thesehonored mile stones. It is said that our future is in the<strong>you</strong>ng, but without our elite elders the traditions andheritage of the SNPJ would not be able to grow and our<strong>you</strong>ng would not learn the true meaning of unity, harmonyand fraternalism.Bro. STANLEY BAZYK (721)Bro. MARION BELLE (566)• As a 70-year member of Struthers,Ohio, Lodge 277, Sis. ANNSTOKLOSA was recognized bythe <strong>So</strong>ciety. She writes:“Thank <strong>you</strong> for the lovely blanket.I have a daughter and twosons, all of whom are membersof SNPJ. My son-in-law, who justpassed away in March at age 62,was also a member.“Thank <strong>you</strong> again.”Sis. ANN STOKLOSA (277)40 Grimm Heights Ave.Struthers, OH 44471• Sis. MARY ANN CHUCK of MilwaukeeLodge 584 was honoredby the <strong>So</strong>ciety for her 60-yearmembership. She writes:“Thank <strong>you</strong> so much for the60-year membership pin.“I was born July 25, 1929, toMary and John Susan in BonCarbo, Colo. I graduated fromTrinidad High School in 1947. Myfather worked in the coal mines andwhen the mines closed in 1948, wemoved to Tacoma, Wash. Theremy father worked in the smelteruntil his retirement.“My mother suggested I write toa soldier whose name was listedin PROSVETA, and that’s how Imet my future husband! After along-distance courtship, Kennethand I were married on April 15,1950, in Tacoma. I left my familyand friends behind to head eastto Oconomowoc, Wis., where myhusband and his Slovenian parentshad opened Chuck’s Resorton Silver Lake in 1947. Over theyears the business grew froma tavern and picnic facility to afull-service restaurant, Chuck’sSupper Club.“We raised our three children,Karen Ann, Nancy and Kenneth,all of whom helped with the business.Our grandchildren, Kyle andKevin, were also eager to help outas they were growing up.“Because we were proud ofour heritage and our membershipwith Badger Lodge 584, we werepleased to host several specialSlovenian nights complete withauthentic food, music (includingthe Fun-O-Leers) and dancing.The restaurant was sold in 1994,and my husband passed awayshortly after.“Though I am no longer ableto attend the meetings in Milwaukee,I do enjoy keeping in touchwith their activities through the‘Badger Jabber’ column in thePROSVETA.”Sis. MARY ANN CHUCK (584)1294 Lily RoadOconomowoc, WI 53066Sis. PAULINE JOHNSONFROM PREVIOUS COLUMN• Denver Lodge 218 and the <strong>So</strong>cietyrecognized Sis. PAULINEJOHNSON for attaining 70 years ofSNPJ membership. She writes:“What an unexpected surpriseto receive the comfy SNPJ blanket!The letter saying I had beenaffiliated with SNPJ for 70 yearstriggered my memory so I checkedall of my old records. As I remembered,my parents, Paul and AntoniaPaulovich, and my brother,Anthony J. Paulovich, were alsomembers of the <strong>So</strong>ciety.“On my SNPJ record I waslisted as Anne Paulovich. I havealways been called Anne, althoughmy birth certificate says PaulineElizabeth Paulovich. At some pointit became necessary to use mylegal name, so I updated all namechanges with the Lodge when Iwas married.“I seldom <strong>think</strong> about how oldI am, but this excursion to thepast made me realize how manyyears have rolled by! Mahalo nuiloa (Thank <strong>you</strong> very much) for theblanket.”Sis. PAULINE JOHNSON (218)P.O. Box 446Honaunau, HI 96726• Lodge 721 in Aliquippa, Pa., andSNPJ honored Bro. STANLEYBAZYK for attaining 50 years ofmembership with the <strong>So</strong>ciety. Bro.Bazyk writes:“I am retired and live in Greenville,N.Y., with Sandy, my wife of42 years. We have three childrenand four grandchildren.“I enjoy hiking and bicycling inthe summer, and snowshoeing inthe winter. Last summer we spenttwo weeks hiking in Glacier <strong>National</strong>Park, Montana. This summer weare planning a three-week trip tothe Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyonand Zion national parks.”Bro. STANLEY BAZYK (721)181 Skyview Dr.Greenville, NY 12083• As 70-year member of Universal,Pa., Lodge 715, Sis. JOSEPHINEBENN was recognized by the<strong>So</strong>ciety.Josephine was born Jan. 23,1922, in the former Yugoslavia.She came to the United Stateswith her parents, Matt and CarolinePapesh, five years later. Her fatherowned a business in the old countrythat required the family to travelback and forth between the U.S.and Europe. Her mother wasn’t asea-worthy traveler so she stayedwith relatives in Marianna, Pa.While in Yugoslavia, Sis. Bennattended grade school and learnedSlovenian as her first language.She returned to the U.S. with herfather and re-started her life asan Ameri<strong>can</strong> citizen. The familyhad a second child, Henry, bornapproximately six years afterJosephine.Two or three years later, thefamily moved from Marianna toBurgettstown, Pa., where Josephine’sfather followed availablejobs in the coal mining industry.Josephine attended BurgettstownHigh School until her junior year.She made many lifelong friends.In search of work, Sis. Benntraveled to Pittsburgh. <strong>So</strong>me ofthe job opportunities did not workout, but she did find work withfamilies in Squirrel Hill, Pa. TheySis. JOSEPHINE BENNFROM PREVIOUS COLUMNliked the way Sis. Benn related totheir children and they found her tobe a trusted housekeeper.Due to the war effort, Josephinetook a job in East Pittsburgh withWestinghouse. She started out inthe cafeteria and worked her wayup to the tool dispensing departmentthanks to many promotions.Her supervisors were both happyand sad to see her move on toother departments.Sis. Benn attended beautyschool at the Pittsburgh BeautyAcademy where she learned alifelong trade that served her wellinto the 1950s. Prior to this schooling,she met her future husband,Michael Benn of Francis Mine,Pa. They married and moved toWilkinsburg, Pa., then to PennHills. In 1984, they moved to asmaller home in Churchill, Pa.,after Josephine’s hip replacementsurgery.Sis. JOSEPHINE BENN (715)2402 Collins RoadPittsburgh, PA 15235• Bro. AL ROGINSKI of Ambridge,Pa., Lodge 33 was honored by the<strong>So</strong>ciety for his 50-year membership.He writes:“Thank <strong>you</strong> for the gifts commemoratingmy 50 years as amember of SNPJ. My memories,both SNPJ and otherwise, arehappy ones.“I am a lifelong resident of Ambridge,Pa., one of nine childrenborn to the late Konstanty and LauraRoginski. I served my countrywith the Seabees 96 Battalion andwas employed in the steel industry,A.M. Byers and H.H. Robertson,from which I retired.“My lovely wife Mary and I havebeen married for 61 years. We arethe proud parents of six children,including two former Miss SNPJs:Linda (1973) and Kathy (1986).We are also the grandparentsof nine.“Mary and I have been activein SNPJ locally through Lodge 33,serving as officers of the Reveliers.We are also former members of theSNPJ Heritage Center Committee.I was a member of the SNPJRecreation Center Committee andserved as an SNPJ Regional VicePresident. We’ve enjoyed threetrips to beautiful Slovenia andcountless travels to SNPJ eventsaround the country.“When I <strong>think</strong> of SNPJ, I <strong>think</strong>of good friends, good times, goodmusic and good food. I look forwardto more good times in theyears to come.”Bro. AL ROGINSKI (33)1472 Merriman RoadAmbridge, PA 15003• Euclid, Ohio, Lodge 566 and the<strong>So</strong>ciety recognized Bro. MARIONBELLE for attaining 60 years ofSNPJ membership. Bro. Bellewrites:“My first memory of SNPJ isSis. JOSEPHINE BENN (715) Bro. DEL REZEK (643)Bro. AL ROGINSKI (33) Sis. NANCY HUGHES (106)Bro. MARION BELLEFROM PREVIOUS COLUMNthe monthly dues. I rememberLodge secretaries sitting behindlong tables in the 1940s, collectingdues in the lower hall of theSlovenian Home on St. Clair Ave.Our Lodge secretary was LeoPolsak, a smiling and pleasantman. I became a member of theYouth Circle 2 chorus, along withevery kid in the neighborhood. Ourchorus was huge!“After high school graduation,I received an invitation fromUncle Sam to report for an Armyentrance exam. I joined the AirForce instead.“The ‘50s were the beginning ofmy long SNPJ experience. My futurewife and I spent many Sundayafternoons dancing and socializingat the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road.If I wasn’t playing bass with a <strong>polka</strong>band, I was having a good timewith my friends.“During the 1960s, my girlsjoined Youth Circle 2. Attendingpicnics, going on trips and performingin concerts was a wonderfulexperience for all the children andtheir parents.“The ‘70s welcomed dinnerdances at the Slovenian Home.The Spartans Lodge put on aspectacular program every year.Many Lodges followed, and thesocial calendar became filled withaffairs. My daughter attended theDebutante Ball at the SlovenianHome, another top-shelf affairunder the auspices of SNPJ.“Around this time, we beganour yearly vacations to the SNPJRecreation Center. With eightother families, it was a marathonof fun. Our group consisted of asax player and piano accordionplayer, and other musicians alsoon vacation sat in on our sessions.Our final song was always ‘GodBless America’ at 2 a.m.”Bro. MARION BELLE (566)6251 Melshore Dr.Mentor, OH 44060• Lodge 643 in Girard, Ohio, andSNPJ honored Bro. DEL REZEKfor attaining 60 years of membershipwith the <strong>So</strong>ciety. Bro. RezekBro. DEL REZEKFROM PREVIOUS COLUMNwrites:“I thank SNPJ for rewarding mewith the diamond-studded 60-yearpin. Membership in the SNPJ hasbeen a family tradition for fourgenerations, beginning with theday my father, Frank Rezek Sr.,joined the <strong>So</strong>ciety in 1910. Alongwith my parents’ membershipto Lodge 643, there were alsothe memberships of my brotherFrank Jr., sister Betty and myself.Also members are my wife Millie,daughters Sue and Sally, and fivegranddaughters. I currently serveLodge 643 as vice president.“I started playing the accordionat age 10. In 1955, the Del RezekOrchestra was formed, playingthroughout the east and midwest.Last year I had ulnar nerve surgeryon my right hand and havenot been able to perform with thegroup. Hopefully brighter days areup <strong>polka</strong> road!“I am a charter member of thePenn Ohio Polka Pals. I have alsoserved as their recording secretaryfor the past 10 years.“Again, thank <strong>you</strong> for rememberingme with the pin.”Bro. DEL REZEK (643)993 Gary Ave.Girard, OH 44420• As 50-year member of Imperial,Pa., Lodge 106, Sis. NANCYHUGHES was recognized by the<strong>So</strong>ciety.Nancy (Morrow) Hughes wasborn in the Carnot area of MoonTownship, Pa., Jan. 10, 1928. Shegrew up in Clinton, Pa., with herthree sisters and three brothers.Nancy married Elmer HughesNov. 30, 1950. The couple livedin Imperial where Sis. Hughesworked as a cook for Cole’s Pub,formerly New Star Inn.Nancy enjoyed cooking andspending time with her family,which included her sisters,brothers, and many nieces andnephews.Editor’s Note: Sis. Nancy Hughespassed away April 8, 2010. The<strong>So</strong>ciety extends condolences tothe Hughes family on their loss.Sis. PAULINE JOHNSONCONTINUES NEXT COLUMNSis. JOSEPHINE BENNCONTINUES NEXT COLUMNBro. MARION BELLECONTINUES NEXT COLUMNBro. DEL REZEKCONTINUES NEXT COLUMN

8PROSVETAMay 19, 2010www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.comSNPJ fraternal sympathiesBr o. Da n i e l M. No v a k• Lo d g e 777 •FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla.— With sadness, the Novakfamily and members of Lodge777 sadly report the April 14,2010, passing of Bro. Daniel M.Novak, 86, in Venice, Fla.Dan had a very meaningfuland productive life. He servedand fought for his country inWorld War II. In civilian lifehe was a licensed real estatebroker, a vocation operated asa family business. He retiredas a U.S. Postal Service lettercarrier.Bro. Novak had a long andloving marriage to his beautifulwife Anne, who preceded himin death in 1997.Dan combined his love fortravel with visits to his familyresiding in various areas. A vacationhome in Highlands, N.C.,was a favorite gathering place.As a charter member parishionerof Our Lady Queenof Martyrs Church in FortLauderdale, Dan served asusher, lecturer and EucharisticMinister over a period of nearly50 years. He was a memberof the Knights of Columbusand the St. Vincent DePaul<strong>So</strong>ciety.As a member and officerof SNPJ Lodge 777, he tookan active part in Lodge activitiesand served as a “goodwillambassador” from his time ofenrollment as a charter member.He played an integral partin the growth of Lodge 777and will be remembered as adedicated leader.Bro. Novak is survived bya large and loving family thatincludes children Daniel S.(Jackie) Novak, Dr. Gary (Leslie)Novak, Gregory (Rose)Polka dance pleases at theSlovenian Workmen’s Homeby PAT NEVARLodge 158CLEVELAND — The SlovenianWorkmen’s Home, 15335Waterloo Road, Cleveland, willhost a <strong>polka</strong> dance Saturday,May 22. The doors will open at5:30 p.m. and the Eddie RodickBand will play for <strong>you</strong>r enjoymentfrom 6 to 10 p.m.Tickets purchased in advanceare $10, or they <strong>can</strong> bepurchased for $12 at the door.Included in the ticket price area delicious sandwich and softdrink. A cash bar will also beserving <strong>you</strong>r favorite refreshments.Tickets are available at theFriday fish fry from 3 to 8 p.m.,at the Polka Hall of Fame, fromany board member or by phoningPat at (216) 789-9746.The March <strong>polka</strong> dancewas enjoyed by everyone inattendance. Many requested tohave dances more often. Thedate of the next dance has notyet been set, but will probablybe held in late summer.Slovenian Nat’l. HomesFed announces officersby EDWARD GABROSEK (626)Slovenian <strong>National</strong> HomesFederation President1.2.CLEVELAND — The Federationof Slovenian <strong>National</strong>Homes announces the followingofficers for the 2010-2011calendar years: PresidentEdward Gabrosek, First VicePresident Steve Zalar, SecondVice President Gerri Hopkins,Financial Secretary Lou Grzely,Corresponding/RecordingSecretary Karen O’Donnell,Executive Secretary PatriciaIpavec Clarke, and auditorsLarry Hocevar, Anna MaeMannion and Al Zdolshek.The Federation of Slovenian<strong>National</strong> Homes supports eightSlovenian homes in NortheastOhio, and promotes thepreservation of the Slovenianlanguage and culture.2010 Wisconsin SNPJ Golf OutingTony Mlinar MemorialJune 19, 2010at New Berlin Hills Golf Course, New Berlin, WITeam Scramble – 7:30 a.m. Shotgun StartNameLodgeNo.Policy No.Novak, James (Rosemary)Novak, Russell (Mary) Novak,Anne Novak (Ron) Smith andPaul Novak; 12 grandchildrenand their spouses; twogreat-grandchildren; and twobrothers, Edward Novak andLarry Novak.A Catholic Mass was celebratedApril 20 at Our LadyQueen of Martyrs Church,Fort Lauderdale. Intermentfollowed at Our Lady Queenof Heaven Cemetery, N. Lauderdale,Fla.On behalf of the membersof Lodge 777 and the <strong>Slovene</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Benefit</strong> <strong>So</strong>ciety, weoffer our sincere sympathies toBro. Novak’s family, relativesBr o. Lo u i s F. Ca in k a r• Lo d g e 559 •Known as a pioneer inIllinois municipal lawand as someone whowas always there for the “littleperson,” Bro. Louis Cainkar(559) passed away of naturalcauses on April 20, 2010, atthe age of 98.Born in 1911 in St. Louis,Bro. Cainkar was the <strong>you</strong>ngestson of <strong>Slovene</strong> immigrants.His mother, Luisa, died whenhe was 5 years old, leavinghis only sister, Lillian CainkarZasadil, to take on the role offamily nurturer. His father,Vincent, rose to the presidencyof SNPJ, largely because ofhis tireless efforts to “help hisfellow men,” which includedorganizing <strong>Slovene</strong> coal andsteel workers with prominentunion organizer Eugene Debs.Young Louis traveled acrossthe country by car with hisfather during his SNPJ presidency,which lasted from 1919until his sudden death in 1948,developing intimate knowledgeof the difficult lives ofimmigrant workers.Bro. Cainkar studied law atDePaul University and graduatedmagna cum laude in 1937.While a law student, he was recognizedfor his achievements,including his participation inDePaul’s prize-winning mootcourt. It was at DePaul that hemet the late Ruth Lawler Hendershott,who became his wifeof more than 60 years.Bro. Cainkar was chosenas DePaul Law School commencementspeaker 50 yearsafter his graduation. In his1987 speech he urged newlawyers to strive for honestyand integrity, qualities he foundlacking in many in the legalprofession. Cainkar also donatedgenerously to DePaul’sand friends on their loss.Sis. Ma r y F. Ho w a r d• Lo d g e 225 •GIRARD, Kan. — The Howardfamily and members ofLodge 225 sadly announce theMarch 29, 2010, passing of Sis.Mary F. (Klinkon) Howard, 92,of Camp 50, Kan., in St John’sRegional Medical Center,Joplin, Mo.Sis. Howard was born Jan.11, 1918, in Camp 50, thedaughter of Joseph and Mary(Sterle) Klinkon. She wasraised and attended schools inCamp 50.Mary moved to ChicagoBro. LOUIS F. CAINKAR (559)Former SNPJ AttorneyLaw School.Upon graduation, Louisjoined the law firm of McKinleyand Price where he handledinsurance and personal injurycases. His law practice continuedin the U.S. Marines,where he reached the rank ofmajor. Sent into combat duty,he was one of few survivorsof the Battle of Tarawa, wheremore than 3,000 Marines losttheir lives as they were gunneddown in low water. This grislyexperience never left Bro.Cainkar’s memory.Louis established his ownlaw firm, Louis F. Cainkar,Ltd., in the early 1950s. Livingon 95th Street in EvergreenPark, Ill., Bro. Cainkar advertisedhis business with amodest sign that still hangs inthe basement of his home. Hecommenced his specializationin the field of municipal law —for which he was to become renowned— when he was calledupon in 1951 to act as attorneyfor the newly formed village ofEvergreen Park. He guided thevillage through a post-WorldWar II population boom andthe development of one of thenation’s first shopping malls,the Evergreen Plaza.Bro. Cainkar’s law firmIn Loving Memoryand returned to Camp 50 in1974. She was a homemakerand worked at Carson Pirie-Scott Department Store whilein Chicago. In addition to herSNPJ Lodge 225 membership,Mary was also a member ofSt. Joseph Catholic Churchin Arma, Kan., and the ŽivioSlovenci Singers.On March 22, 1947, shemarried John S. Howard inChicago. Mr. Howard preced edher in death in 1966.Survivors include a brother,Joseph A. (Helen) Klinkonof Frontenac, Kan.; lovingnephews Joe (Joyce) Klinkonof Camp 50, Jerry (Diana)Prosi of Dearborn, Mich., Johneventually became one of themost prominent municipal lawfirms in the area, handling thelegal affairs of municipalitiessuch as Hickory Hills, Alsip,Oak Lawn, Bridgeview, Summit,McCook, Hometown andBurbank, and a wide range ofpark districts, library districts,as well as Moraine ValleyCommunity College.When southwest suburbanBurbank, Ill., incorporatedas a city in June 1970, it hadno laws, no zoning and nolegal infrastructure. MayorFitzgerald hired Bro. Cainkarto build the legal code of thecity from scratch, as Louis wasconsidered the most knowledgeablemunicipal attorneyin the area.Two of Bro. Cainkar’s foursons, Vincent (DePaul Law1974) and Michael (St. LouisUniversity Law 1982), and agrandson, Joseph (DePaul Law2003), later joined the familylaw firm. Vincent transferredfrom St. Louis University LawSchool to DePaul Law Schoolto join his father, who wasmanaging a massive amountof work single-handedly.<strong>So</strong>n James (Purdue 1973;Northwestern MBA) is a civilengineer and now presidentof the engineering firm FrankNovotny and Associates.Daughter Louise (NorthwesternPh.D. 1988), a recognizedauthor and scholar on immigrantsand Arab and MuslimAmeri<strong>can</strong>s, is a professor atMarquette University. Shewas always encouraged by herfather to work for social justice,carrying forward the work ofhis own father.Although a key figure inthe development of Chicago’ssouthwest suburbs, Bro. Cainkarshunned the limelight andendeavored to remain downto-earth.A mayor of Evergreen(Diane) Klinkon of Winfield,Kan., and Larry (Linda) Prosiof San Diego; and 15 greatniecesand great-nephews. Shewas preceded in death by herparents, husband and a sister,Antonia Ann Prosi.A Mass of Christian Burialwas celebrated April 10 at St.Joseph Catholic Church, Arma,with Fr. Lawrence Carney ascelebrant. Burial followed inPittsburg Garden of MemoriesCemetery.On behalf of the membersof Lodge 225 and the <strong>Slovene</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Benefit</strong> <strong>So</strong>ciety, weextend our condolences to Sis.Howard’s family and friendson their loss.Park described Louis as quietand persistent. He was knownas someone who would tell itlike it is. “The family is booksmart but also street smart,”Mayor Sexton once told areporter.Bro. Cainkar was an ardentbenefactor to Catholic schools,including Mother McAuleyand Brother Rice high schools,Holy Redeemer Parish, andDePaul University, as well asSNPJ where the Home Office’sboard room was dedicated in1994 in honor of his father.Louis was retained as SNPJ’sGeneral Counsel in 1956 andserved in that capacity fornearly 40 years. The LouisCainkar family also donatedthousands of dollars to theSNPJ Scholarship Fund overthe years. This philanthropicgiving highlights interestingaspects of Bro. Cainkar’s personalityand values.“Bro. Cainkar had a brilliantlegal mind and provided excellentand valuable counsel to the<strong>So</strong>ciety. Many of the SNPJ’smost important legal opinionsand decisions were authored byLouis F. Cainkar and are stillreferenced by SNPJ’s leadership,”said Joseph C. Evanish,SNPJ <strong>National</strong> PresidentThose who knew him wellhad enormous respect for hisintegrity, his ability to cultivatea broad range of relationshipsand his respect for all humanbeings. State Senator LouisViverito, who Bro. Cainkarmentored, noted that Louischose to live among the peoplehe served, although he couldhave lived anywhere. Bro.Cainkar’s daughter recalls herfather’s moral counsel: “Don’tever <strong>think</strong> <strong>you</strong> are better thananyone else.” Louis nevermoved from his home on 96thStreet in which he spent the last60 years of his life.3.4.The $80 per person entry fee covers greens fees, cart, prizes, lunch and beverages.Return this form, along with entry fees, to:Tony Mlinar Jr.1032 S. 87th St., West Allis, WI 53214Phone: (414) 257-3385 or (414) 645-2050 [work]Make checks payable to Tony Mlinar Jr.ENTRY DEADLINE IS JUNE 1, 2010The Home Office will verify all memberships. Complete tournament rulesare available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department, 247 WestAllegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.CAL Don Gorjup Open Golf TournamentMay 29, 2010at Rolling Green Golf Course, Huntsburg, OH9 a.m. Shotgun Start1.2.3.4.Check Entry:Men Ladies YouthNameLodgePhoneHdcp.The $72 entry fee covers greens fees, cart, prizes, dinner, andsandwich and beverage at the turn. Youth entry fee is $64.Return this form, along with entry fees, to:Rick Gorjup7180 Kory Ct., Concord, OH 44077-2221Phone: (440) 354-5001 [H] or (440) 773-3233 [C]Make checks payable toSNPJ Cleveland Athletic League (CAL)ENTRY DEADLINE IS MAY 22, 2010The Home Office will verify all memberships. Complete tournamentrules are available by contacting the SNPJ Fraternal Department,247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126.Senior Cornerby CARL ZVANUTLodge 107DEVON, Pa. — One of the pleasures ofbeing in a home like this is being out ofit once in a while. But, necessarily, I takepart of it along with me.Part of that part are the medicines thatfollow me wherever I go. These medicinesaren’t in small bottles that are convenientto carry, but in blister cards about thesize of a small napkin. The cards, eachwith 30 or so blisters for a month of pills,stack poorly and unstack easily. The realfun is punching pills out of the blisters,finding many that get away from my wellintentioned,though ineffective, copying ofthe expert pill punchers at this place. I <strong>can</strong>appreciate what it must be like to punchpills every day, but I still <strong>can</strong>’t do it without one getting away from me.Then there is the procedure for gettingpills out of this place. There’s nothingIn Loving MemoryW. Daniel BiearmanDec. 11, 1935 — May 26, 1994Those we love remain with us,for love itself lives on.And cherished memories never fadebecause a loved one’s gone...Those we love <strong>can</strong> never be,more than a thought apart.For as long as there is a memory,they’ll live on within our heart.Sadly missed by his wife Esther; daughter Susan (Jay) Sedmak; sons Fred (Brenda)and Dennis (Joyce); and grandchildren Katie, Stephanie, Sam and Christine.wrong with having a procedure; the powersthat be have to be on top of things nomatter the paper work involved. <strong>So</strong> tokeep the powers that be informed, thoselower down must fill out forms detailingwhat’s on each card, like <strong>you</strong>r name andhow many pills are going out. There is nocomputer involved, it’s hand written, soit takes a lot longer. And for the “lowerdowner,” filling it out <strong>can</strong> surely be exasperating.I get to sign off on the list whenI’m handed the stack of blister cards thatare properly held together in a pile by arubber band.Matching the time the pills are signedoff to me with the time I leave this placeis always in conflict because the sign offprocedure is an addition to the normalduties of the attendants. Experience hasdictated my being alert as to their progress.Returning the pills to the nurses stationis simplicity itself; I hand in the pill pileand that’s that.These blister-mounted pills are not theleast expensive way to obtain the pills,BRIDGEVILLE, PACaught in a dilemma?Yo u r k i d s w a n t :• Cool clothes• Computer games• All the new musicYo u r k i d s n e e d:• A college education• Security• Continuing life styleSNPJ c a n ta k e c a r e o f w h a tyo u r c h i l d r e n n e e d s o yo u c a nc o n c e n t r at e o n w h a t t h e y w a n t !but it’s the way to go if <strong>you</strong> have to orwant to. The alternative is do-it-<strong>you</strong>rselfordering and keeping up-to-date inventory.Back when I did that, it was done by whatis now known as “snail mail.” I suspecte-mail, faxes and credit cards make thistask much easier.As for health reform, I’ve read thathalf of seniors are for reform and half areagainst reform. I’ve also read that, generally,we are confused by it. I’m against itbut also confused. I’m against it becausemy HMO premium will likely increase astheir subsidy from the government is cutuntil the HMO’s cost to the governmentis the same as Medicare’s. On the otherhand, my premium never went down, onlyup, in all the years I’ve had the HMO,so it would likely have gone up anywaywithout reform. <strong>So</strong> how <strong>can</strong> I be againstreform (which will make the premiumgo up) when it would likely have goneup without reform? <strong>So</strong> I am confused,like many other seniors. I’ll wait and seewhat happens.<strong>Slovene</strong> <strong>National</strong><strong>Benefit</strong> <strong>So</strong>ciety247 W. Allegheny RoadImperial, PA 151261-800-843-7675(724) 695-1100Fax: (724) 695-1555e-mail: snpj@snpj.comwww.snpj.org

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