RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


Enclosure -ILIST OF KEY PERSONNEL TO BE FIELED FOR PREPARATION OF DETAILEDPROJECT REPORTS.No. Name of the position Number of Periodpersons1 Sr. Highway Engineer-cum-Team Leader 1 122 Highway Engineer 1 123 Pavement Specialist 1 44 Bridge Engineer 1 65 Traffic Engineer 1 46 Material-cum-Geo-technical Engineer 1 47 Senior Survey Engineer 1 68 Transport Economist 1 29 Environmental Specialist 1 310 Resettlement & Rehabilitation Specialist 1 311 Social Development Specialist 1 212 Quantity Surveyor/ Documentation Expert 1 6Note: All necessary inputs of manpower such as field technical staff , office staff other than theabove as deemed necessary shall be provided by consultants within the quoted price to ensurethat the entire work is completed in accordance with the TOR within stipulated time frame.ADB-IV85

Schedule for Submission of Reports and DocumentsSubmission Time w.e.f Date of Commencement of Consultancy Services (in months)S.No. Activity No. ofcopiesEnclosure -IITime Period for totalassignment12 Months1 Monthly Reports / Quality Assurance Plan 3 Every month2 Inception Report( i ) Inception Report3 21 days3 F.S. REPORT & PSPRi) Draft Feasibility Reportii) Final Feasibility Report(within 15 days of receiving comments of MPRDCon draft feasibility report)iii) Strip Plan with L. A. Reports & Plans4663 Months4 Months4 Monthsiv) PSPR64 Months4 Draft Detailed Project Report(DDPR).i) Final DDPR including details and drawings forrepair/rehabilitation of existing bridges(Final DDPR within 15 days of receiving commentsof MPRDC)6 8 Months5 Detailed Project Report (DPR)i) Final DPR (including drawings and draft bidding (ICB)documents)6 Project clearances /NOC from concerned State agencieslike Forest, Irrigation etc.(Original letters from the concerned agencies and 5photocopies of each.)7 Project Clearances/NOC/ approvals from CentralGovt. Deptt. Like MOEF, Railway, etc.6 9 Months10 MonthsAnother 2 monthsNote :1. Reports are to be submitted in two sets in CDs and one USB (per drive) along with required Nos. of hardcopies mentioned above.2. Consultant has to submit land plan of all the roads assigned under this agreement within four months ofissue of work order positively, otherwise his IPC for stage fourth may not be paid. The LA plan shall alsobe countersigned by officials of Revenue department not below the rank of Tehsildar duly verified andcountersigned by GM/DM MPRDC.ADB-IV86

Enclosure -ILIST OF KEY PERSONNEL TO BE FIELED FOR PREPARATION OF DETAILEDPROJECT REPORTS.No. Name of the position Number of Periodpersons1 Sr. Highway Engineer-cum-Team Leader 1 122 Highway Engineer 1 123 Pavement Specialist 1 44 Bridge Engineer 1 65 Traffic Engineer 1 46 Material-cum-Geo-technical Engineer 1 47 Senior Survey Engineer 1 68 Transport Economist 1 29 Environmental Specialist 1 310 Resettlement & Rehabilitation Specialist 1 311 Social Development Specialist 1 212 Quantity Surveyor/ Documentation Expert 1 6Note: All necessary inputs of manpower such as field technical staff , office staff other than theabove as deemed necessary shall be provided by consultants within the quoted price to ensurethat the entire work is completed in accordance with the TOR within stipulated time frame.ADB-IV85

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