RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


SUPPLEMENT-IISAMPLE CHECKLISTS FOR SAFETY AUDITChecklistsThe use of checklists is highly recommended as they provide a useful “aide memoire” for theaudit team to check that no important safety aspects are being overlooked. They also give to theproject manager and the design engineer a sense of understanding of the place of safety audit inthe design process. The following lists have been drawn up based on the experience ofundertaking systematic safety audit procedures overseas. This experience indicates that extensivelists of technical details has encouraged their use as “tick” sheets without sufficient thoughtbeing given to the processes behind the actions. Accordingly, the checklists provide guidelineson the principal issues that need to be examined during the course of the safety audits.Stage 1-During Feasibility Study1. The audit team should review the proposed design from a road safety perspective and checkthe following aspectsCONTENTSAspects to be checkedA1 : GeneralITEMSA. Safety and operational implications of proposedalignment and junction strategy with particularreferences to expected road users and vehicle typeslikely to use the road.B. Width options considered for various sections.C. Departures from standards and action taken.D. Provision of pedestrians, cyclists and intermediatetransportE. Safety implications of the scheme beyond its physicallimits i.e. how the scheme fits into its environs androad hierarchy Departures from standards Cross-sectional variation Drainage Climatic conditions Landscaping Services apparatus Lay-byes Footpaths Pedestrian crossings Access (minimize number of private accesses) Emergency vehicles Public Transport Future widening Staging of contracts Adjacent developmentADB-IV81

A2 : Local AlignmentA3 : JunctionsA4 : Non-Motorised roadusers ProvisionA5 : Signs and LightingA6 : Construction andOperation Visibility New/Existing road interface Safety Aids on steep hills. Minimise potential conflicts Layout Visibility Adjacent land Pedestrians Cyclists Non-motorised vehicles Lighting Signs/Markings Buildability Operational Network ManagementStage 2 – Completion of Preliminary Design1. The audit team should review the proposed design from a road safety perspective andcheck the following aspectsCONTENTSITEMSAspects to be checkedA. Safety and operational implications of proposedalignment and junction strategy with particularreferences to expected road users and vehicletypes likely to use the road.B. Width options considered for various sections.C. Departures from standards and action taken.D. Provision of pedestrians, cyclists andintermediate transportE. Safety implications of the scheme beyond itsphysical limits i.e. how the scheme fits into itsenvirons and road hierarchyB1 : General Departures from standards Cross-sectional variation Drainage Climatic conditions Landscaping Services apparatus Lay-byes Footpaths Pedestrian crossings Access (minimize number of privateaccesses) Emergency vehicles Public TransportADB-IV82

SUPPLEMENT-IISAMPLE CHECKLISTS FOR SAFETY AUDITChecklistsThe use of checklists is highly recommended as they provide a useful “aide memoire” <strong>for</strong> theaudit team to check that no important safety aspects are being overlooked. They also give to theproject manager and the design engineer a sense of understanding of the place of safety audit inthe design process. The following lists have been drawn up based on the experience ofundertaking systematic safety audit procedures overseas. This experience indicates that extensivelists of technical details has encouraged their use as “tick” sheets without sufficient thoughtbeing given to the processes behind the actions. Accordingly, the checklists provide guidelineson the principal issues that need to be examined during the course of the safety audits.Stage 1-During Feasibility Study1. The audit team should review the proposed design from a road safety perspective and checkthe following aspectsCONTENTSAspects to be checkedA1 : GeneralITEMSA. Safety and operational implications of proposedalignment and junction strategy with particularreferences to expected road users and vehicle typeslikely to use the road.B. Width options considered <strong>for</strong> various sections.C. Departures from standards and action taken.D. Provision of pedestrians, cyclists and intermediatetransportE. Safety implications of the scheme beyond its physicallimits i.e. how the scheme fits into its environs androad hierarchy Departures from standards Cross-sectional variation Drainage Climatic conditions Landscaping Services apparatus Lay-byes Footpaths Pedestrian crossings Access (minimize number of private accesses) Emergency vehicles Public Transport Future widening Staging of contracts Adjacent developmentADB-IV81

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