RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)riding quality of the road segment, flood proneness, presence ofexpansive soils in the foundation and weak structures;environmental sensitivity;social and economic considerations, such as predominant land usepattern and illiteracy levels along the road corridor, proximity toprimary health centers and educational institutions, social categoryof the population along the segment;levels of poverty and unemployment;involuntary resettlement impacts; andany other concerns that may arise from the findings andrecommendations of the initial poverty and social assessments,resettlement plans and indigenous peoples development plans to beprepared for the Projects.C. Approval of Projects3 (a) The consultant shall review, evaluate and rank the projects in accordance withthe requirements of paragraph 2 here above, and verify the informationprovided with respect to the Projects and compliance with the selectioncriteria.(b) The following documentation and information, prepared in accordance withsound financial, engineering, and environmental and road maintenancepractices shall be furnished for MPRDC’s approval:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)scope of the Project indicating the road link or location, length,present condition and improvements proposed;feasibility studies including lEEs and EMMPs which shall have beenprepared with adequate public consultation, and the recommendationsarising therefrom;checklists for initial poverty and social assessment, involuntaryresettlement and indigenous peoples development;details of compliance of the Project with the selection criteriadescribed in paragraph 1 above;cost estimates;details of proposed contract packages for procurement of civil works;andproposed implementation schedule.(c) The initial poverty and social assessments with respect to the projects should beprepared and carried out in accordance with the ADB Handbook onIncorporating Social Dimensions and Handbook on Poverty and SocialAnalysis. If required, the resettlement plans, indigenous peoples developmentplans with respect to the projects shall be prepared and carried out inaccordance with the Resettlement Framework And Indigenous PeoplesDevelopment Framework prepared for this Project and agreed between theState and ADB, the relevant policies and guidelines of ADB, in particular,ADB-IV75

Handbook on Resettlement -A Guide to Good Practice, Handbook onIncorporating Social Dimensions and Handbook on Poverty and SocialAnalysis.D. Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement4. It shall be ensured that:(i) technical design for the road rehabilitation works under the Project,does not require widening of the existing rights of way and each civilworks contract package is closely screened to exclude those roadsegments which may require widening of the existing right of way.(ii) involuntary resettlement is minimized and only those road segmentswith insignificant resettlement impact or no negative impact areselected;(iii) the relevant resettlement plans are updated and modified toincorporate changes, if any, that may be necessitated by the detailedengineering designs prepared for the Projects in accordance with therequirements specified in paragraph 3 here above.E. Environmental Concerns5. It shall be ensured that:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)The Project is carried out, and all Project facilities are designed andmonitored in compliance with the existing environmental laws andregulations of India and the State Government, and the EnvironmentalAssessment Guidelines (2003) of ADB, as may be amended fromtime to time;All environmental mitigation measures identified in the lEEs and theEMMPs prepared for the Projects are incorporated in such Projects'design for carrying out during construction, operation andmaintenance of the Projects;Local communities and other stakeholders are duly consulted duringthe implementation of the Projects on such mitigation measures;The Projects do not. include road segments passing through nationalparks or sanctuaries, and the clearances required by the Forest Act(1991) and Environment Protection Act (1986) with respect tosegments passing through reserve forests are obtained in a timelymanner prior to commencement of construction at such segment.ADB-IV76

(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)riding quality of the road segment, flood proneness, presence ofexpansive soils in the foundation and weak structures;environmental sensitivity;social and economic considerations, such as predominant land usepattern and illiteracy levels along the road corridor, proximity toprimary health centers and educational institutions, social categoryof the population along the segment;levels of poverty and unemployment;involuntary resettlement impacts; andany other concerns that may arise from the findings andrecommendations of the initial poverty and social assessments,resettlement plans and indigenous peoples development plans to beprepared <strong>for</strong> the Projects.C. Approval of Projects3 (a) The consultant shall review, evaluate and rank the projects in accordance withthe requirements of paragraph 2 here above, and verify the in<strong>for</strong>mationprovided with respect to the Projects and compliance with the selectioncriteria.(b) The following documentation and in<strong>for</strong>mation, prepared in accordance withsound financial, engineering, and environmental and road maintenancepractices shall be furnished <strong>for</strong> MPRDC’s approval:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)scope of the Project indicating the road link or location, length,present condition and improvements proposed;feasibility studies including lEEs and EMMPs which shall have beenprepared with adequate public consultation, and the recommendationsarising therefrom;checklists <strong>for</strong> initial poverty and social assessment, involuntaryresettlement and indigenous peoples development;details of compliance of the Project with the selection criteriadescribed in paragraph 1 above;cost estimates;details of proposed contract packages <strong>for</strong> procurement of civil works;andproposed implementation schedule.(c) The initial poverty and social assessments with respect to the projects should beprepared and carried out in accordance with the ADB Handbook onIncorporating Social Dimensions and Handbook on Poverty and SocialAnalysis. If required, the resettlement plans, indigenous peoples developmentplans with respect to the projects shall be prepared and carried out inaccordance with the Resettlement Framework And Indigenous PeoplesDevelopment Framework prepared <strong>for</strong> this Project and agreed between theState and ADB, the relevant policies and guidelines of ADB, in particular,ADB-IV75

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