RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


(ii)(iii)(iv)rehabilitation, new construction requirement etc. in MS EXCEL or anyother format which could be imported to widely used utility packages.Topographic Surveys and Drawings: All topographic data would besupplied in (x, y, z) format along with complete reference so that the datacould be imported into any standard highway design software. Thedrawing files would be submitted in dxf or dwg format.Rate Analysis: The Consultant shall submit the rate analysis for variousworks items including the data developed on computer in this relation sothat it could be used by the Authority later for the purpose of updating thecost of the project.Economic and Financial Analysis.11.2 Software11.2.1 The Consultant shall also hand-over to MPRDC floppies/CD’s containing anygeneral software including the models which may have been specificallydeveloped for the project.11.2.2 The floppy diskettes/CD’s should be properly indexed and a catalogue givingcontents of all floppies/CD’s and print-outs of the contents (data from fieldstudies topographic data and drawings) should be handed over to MPRDC at thetime of submission of the Final Report.******ADB-IV73

A. Selection Criteria for ProjectsSUPPLEMENT - ISELECTION AND EVALUATION OF PROJECTS1. The Projects shall be meet the criteria set forth hereinafter.(a) The Projects shall comprise road sections that comply with any of thefollowing:(i) The selected priority road sections to be upgraded and expandedshall be linked to the State highway network or importantindustrial / tourism centers;(ii) The selected state road sections to be improved shall have highertraffic volume than 500 vehicles a day and more dynamiceconomic and commercial activities;(iii) The selected state road sections to be rehabilitated shall belocated in such districts in which economic performance maypotentially be enhanced with improved road infrastructure andconditions; and(iv) The selected state road sections shall improve connectivity withthe rural roads included under the PMGSY and the Rural RoadsProject, linking major populous settlements to main andsecondary road networks that will facilitate access of the ruralpoor to better economic opportunities and social services:(b) The economic analysis for each Project shall have been prepared inaccordance with the ADB's Guidelines for the Economic Analysis ofProjects and the estimated economic internal rate of return of each Projectshall be equal to or greater than twelve percent (12%).(c) The Projects shall have met the- technical specifications and designcriteria, including the design codes, set by the Indian Roads Congress'standard publication for state highways and major district roads.(d) The Projects shall have undertaken road safety audits to identify areas ofmajor concern, including black spots, and measures to be taken to improvedetailed engineering designs with respect to road safety.B. Evaluation and Ranking of Projects2. Prior to submission for MPRDC's approval, each Project shall have beenevaluated and ranked in accordance with a scoring system (project rankingcriteria), which takes into account the following concerns:(i)traffic level and composition, and connectivity with major arterialand trunk routes;ADB-IV74

A. Selection Criteria <strong>for</strong> ProjectsSUPPLEMENT - ISELECTION AND EVALUATION OF PROJECTS1. The Projects shall be meet the criteria set <strong>for</strong>th hereinafter.(a) The Projects shall comprise road sections that comply with any of thefollowing:(i) The selected priority road sections to be upgraded and expandedshall be linked to the State highway network or importantindustrial / tourism centers;(ii) The selected state road sections to be improved shall have highertraffic volume than 500 vehicles a day and more dynamiceconomic and commercial activities;(iii) The selected state road sections to be rehabilitated shall belocated in such districts in which economic per<strong>for</strong>mance maypotentially be enhanced with improved road infrastructure andconditions; and(iv) The selected state road sections shall improve connectivity withthe rural roads included under the PMGSY and the Rural RoadsProject, linking major populous settlements to main andsecondary road networks that will facilitate access of the ruralpoor to better economic opportunities and social services:(b) The economic analysis <strong>for</strong> each Project shall have been prepared inaccordance with the ADB's Guidelines <strong>for</strong> the Economic Analysis ofProjects and the estimated economic internal rate of return of each Projectshall be equal to or greater than twelve percent (12%).(c) The Projects shall have met the- technical specifications and designcriteria, including the design codes, set by the Indian Roads Congress'standard publication <strong>for</strong> state highways and major district roads.(d) The Projects shall have undertaken road safety audits to identify areas ofmajor concern, including black spots, and measures to be taken to improvedetailed engineering designs with respect to road safety.B. Evaluation and Ranking of Projects2. Prior to submission <strong>for</strong> MPRDC's approval, each Project shall have beenevaluated and ranked in accordance with a scoring system (project rankingcriteria), which takes into account the following concerns:(i)traffic level and composition, and connectivity with major arterialand trunk routes;ADB-IV74

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