RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


econstruction of existing structures; service roads, truck lay byes, bus stops,etc in order to finalize those before taking up the detailed designix. Environmental screening and initial environmental examinationx. Checklists for involuntary resettlement, indigenous people’s development, andinitial poverty and social assessments; Initial social impacts including impactson poverty and on indigenous peoplexi. Preliminary land acquisition/resettlement impact, and resettlementrequirementsxii. Preliminary Cost estimatesxiii. Economic analysis8.2.1.2 The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations shall be submittedin a separate volume as an Appendix to the Report. Any comments, revisions and modifications in the Report suggested by MPRDCshall be incorporated and submitted within 15 days of receipt of comments fromMPRDC.8.2.2. Project Selection and Prioritization Report (PSPR)STAGE: 3The report on Project Selection and Prioritization shall be prepared to present thedetails of qualification or otherwise of road project through the selection criteriaand evaluation requirements (Supplement I) including attainment of a minimum12% estimated economic internal rate of return. The sub-projects shall further beprioritized using the ranking criteria (Supplement I). The report shall includerecommendations/ proposals for contract packages for procurement of civil worksand proposed implementation schedule.8.3.1 Draft Detailed Project Report (DDPR) The DDPR Submission shall consist of construction package-wise Main Report,Design Report, Materials Report, Engineering Report, Drainage Design Report,Economic and Financial Analysis Report, Environmental Assessment Reportincluding Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Package-wise bid Documents andDrawings. The Report volumes shall be submitted as tabulated in para 10 above. The Documents and Drawings shall be submitted for each section (Package) andshall be in the following format:Volume-I, Main Report8.3.1.4 This report will present the project background, social analysis of the project,details of surveys and investigations carried out, analysis and interpretation ofsurvey and investigation data, traffic studies and demand forecasts, designs, costADB-IV67

estimation, environmental aspects, economic and commercial analyses andconclusions. The report shall include Executive Summary giving brief accountsof the findings of the study and recommendations. The Report shall also include maps, charts and diagrams showing locations anddetails of existing features and the essential features of improvement andupgrading. The Environmental Impact study report including Initial EnvironmentalExamination (IEE) and EMMP (Environmental Monitoring And ManagementPlan) for each project shall be submitted separately as a part of the main report. The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations and input dataused for the preliminary design shall be submitted in a separate volume as anAppendix to Main Report.Volume - II, Design Report8.3.1.8 This volume shall contain design calculations, supported by computer printout ofcalculations wherever applicable. The Report shall clearly bring out the variousfeatures of design standards adopted for the study. The design report will be intwo parts. Part-I shall primarily deal wit the design of road features andpavement composition while Part-II shall deal with the design of bridges andcross-drainage structures. The design report shall include detailed analysis forrecommendations with regard to the proposals for rehabilitation, wideningincluding shoulder composition and cross-sections, new bridges, cross drainagestructures, underpasses, overpasses, subways, reconstruction of existing bridges,service roads, road amenities in line with the description given above. The subsoilexploration report including the complete details of boring done, analysesand interpretation of data and the selection of design parameters shall beincluded as an Appendix to the Design Report. The detailed design for all features should be carried out as per the requirementsof the Design Standards for the project. However, there may be situationswherein it has not been possible to strictly adhere to the design standards due tothe existing site conditions, restrictions and other considerations. The reportshould clearly bring out the details of these aspect and the standards adopted.Volume - III, Materials Report8.3.1.9 The Materials Report shall contain details concerning the proposed borrowareas and quarries for construction materials and possible sources of water forconstruction purposes. The report shall include details on locations of borrowareas and quarries shown on maps and charts and also the estimated quantitieswith mass haul diagram including possible end use with leads involved, thedetails of sampling and testing carried out and results in the form of importantindex values with possible end use thereof.ADB-IV68

econstruction of existing structures; service roads, truck lay byes, bus stops,etc in order to finalize those be<strong>for</strong>e taking up the detailed designix. Environmental screening and initial environmental examinationx. Checklists <strong>for</strong> involuntary resettlement, indigenous people’s development, andinitial poverty and social assessments; Initial social impacts including impactson poverty and on indigenous peoplexi. Preliminary land acquisition/resettlement impact, and resettlementrequirementsxii. Preliminary Cost estimatesxiii. Economic analysis8.2.1.2 The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations shall be submittedin a separate volume as an Appendix to the Report. Any comments, revisions and modifications in the Report suggested by MPRDCshall be incorporated and submitted within 15 days of receipt of comments fromMPRDC.8.2.2. Project Selection and Prioritization Report (PSPR)STAGE: 3The report on Project Selection and Prioritization shall be prepared to present thedetails of qualification or otherwise of road project through the selection criteriaand evaluation requirements (Supplement I) including attainment of a minimum12% estimated economic internal rate of return. The sub-projects shall further beprioritized using the ranking criteria (Supplement I). The report shall includerecommendations/ proposals <strong>for</strong> contract packages <strong>for</strong> procurement of civil worksand proposed implementation schedule.8.3.1 Draft Detailed Project Report (DDPR) The DDPR Submission shall consist of construction package-wise Main Report,Design Report, Materials Report, Engineering Report, Drainage Design Report,Economic and Financial Analysis Report, Environmental Assessment Reportincluding Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Package-wise bid Documents andDrawings. The Report volumes shall be submitted as tabulated in para 10 above. The Documents and Drawings shall be submitted <strong>for</strong> each section (Package) andshall be in the following <strong>for</strong>mat:Volume-I, Main Report8.3.1.4 This report will present the project background, social analysis of the project,details of surveys and investigations carried out, analysis and interpretation ofsurvey and investigation data, traffic studies and demand <strong>for</strong>ecasts, designs, costADB-IV67

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