RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


8. Reports to be submitted by the Consultant to MPRDC8.1 All reports, documents and drawings are to be submitted separately for each of the traffichomogenous link of the Project Road. The analysis of data and the design proposals shallbe based on the data derived from the primary surveys and investigations carried out duringthe period of assignment. The sources of data and model relationships used in the reportsshall be indicated with complete details for easy reference.8.2 Project preparation activities will be split into four stages as brought out below.Stage 1: Quality Assurance Plan; Inception ReportStage 2: Feasibility study and Project Selection and Prioritization Report (PSPR)Stage 3: Draft Detailed Project Report .Stage4: Detailed Project Report (Part II)8.3 Time schedule in respect of all such stages has been indicated in the next para. Consultantshall be required to complete, to the satisfaction of the client, all the different stages ofstudy within the time frame indicated in the schedule of submission in para 10 pertaining toReports and Documents for becoming eligible for payment for any part of the next stage.8.4 The Consultant shall submit to the client the reports and documents in bound volumes(and not spiral binding form) after completion of each stage of work as per the scheduleand in the number of copies as given in Enclosure II. Further, the reports shall also besubmitted in floppy diskettes / CD’s in addition to the hard copies as mentioned inEnclosure-II. Consultant shall submit all other reports mentioned specifically in thepreceding paras of the TOR.8.5 The time schedule for various submissions prescribed at s.l.no.1 above shall be strictlyadhered to. No time-over-run in respect of these submissions will normally be permitted.Consultant is advised to go through the entire terms of reference carefully and plan hiswork method in such a manner that various activities followed by respective submissionsas brought out at Sl.No.1 above are completed as stipulated. Consultant is, therefore,advised to deploy sufficient number of supporting personnel, both technical andadministrative, to undertake the project preparation activities in each construction package(Section) simultaneously. As far as possible, the proposal should include completeinformation such as number of such persons, name, position, period of engagement,remuneration rate etc. The Consultant is also advised to start necessary survey worksfrom the beginning so as to gain time in respect of various other activities in that stageSTAGE -18.1.1 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) DocumentImmediately upon the award, the Consultants shall submit four copies of the QAPdocument covering all aspects of field studies, investigations design and economicanalysis. The quality assurance plans/procedures for different field studies,engineering surveys and investigation, design and documentation activities shouldADB-IV65

e presented as separate sections like engineering surveys and investigations, trafficsurveys, material geo-technical and sub-soil investigations, road and pavementinvestigations, investigation and design of bridges & structures, environment andR&R assessment, economic & financial analysis, drawings and documentation;preparation, checking, approval and filing of calculations, identification andtracability of project documents etc. Further, additional information as per formatshall be furnished regarding the details of personal who shall be responsible forcarrying out/preparing and checking/verifying various activities forming part ofproject preparation, since inception to the completion of work.8.1.2 Inception Report (IR)STAGE -2The report shall cover the following major aspects:(i) Project appreciation;(ii) Detailed methodology to meet the requirements of the TOR finalised inconsultation with the MPRDC officers; including scheduling of various subactivitiesto be carried out for completion of various stages of the work;stating out clearly their approach & methodology for project preparation afterdue inspection of the entire project stretch and collection/ collation ofnecessary information;(iii) Task Assignment and Manning Schedule;(iv) Work programme;(v) Proforma for data collection;(vi) Key plan and Linear Plan;(vii) Development plans being implemented and / or proposed for implementationin the near future by the local bodies and the possible impact of suchdevelopment plans on the overall scheme for field work and design for thestudy;(viii) Draft design standards; and8.2.1 Feasibility study8.2.1.1 The Consultant shall commence the project preparation for the road projects inaccordance with the accepted IR and the report shall contain the following:i. Executive summaryii. Project description including possible alternative alignments/bypasses andtechnical/engineering alternativesiii. Methodology adopted for the studyiv. Socioeconomic profile of the project areasv. Road safety audit including black spot identification and analysisvi. Indicative design standards, methodologies and specificationsvii. Traffic surveys and analysisviii. Outline proposals for rehabilitation / widening of existing roads includingshoulder composition and cross sections; rehabilitation / widening of existingstructures; new bridges, cross structures, underpasses/overpasses, subways;ADB-IV66

e presented as separate sections like engineering surveys and investigations, trafficsurveys, material geo-technical and sub-soil investigations, road and pavementinvestigations, investigation and design of bridges & structures, environment andR&R assessment, economic & financial analysis, drawings and documentation;preparation, checking, approval and filing of calculations, identification andtracability of project documents etc. Further, additional in<strong>for</strong>mation as per <strong>for</strong>matshall be furnished regarding the details of personal who shall be responsible <strong>for</strong>carrying out/preparing and checking/verifying various activities <strong>for</strong>ming part ofproject preparation, since inception to the completion of work.8.1.2 Inception Report (IR)STAGE -2The report shall cover the following major aspects:(i) Project appreciation;(ii) Detailed methodology to meet the requirements of the TOR finalised inconsultation with the MPRDC officers; including scheduling of various subactivitiesto be carried out <strong>for</strong> completion of various stages of the work;stating out clearly their approach & methodology <strong>for</strong> project preparation afterdue inspection of the entire project stretch and collection/ collation ofnecessary in<strong>for</strong>mation;(iii) Task Assignment and Manning Schedule;(iv) Work programme;(v) Pro<strong>for</strong>ma <strong>for</strong> data collection;(vi) Key plan and Linear Plan;(vii) Development plans being implemented and / or proposed <strong>for</strong> implementationin the near future by the local bodies and the possible impact of suchdevelopment plans on the overall scheme <strong>for</strong> field work and design <strong>for</strong> thestudy;(viii) Draft design standards; and8.2.1 Feasibility study8.2.1.1 The Consultant shall commence the project preparation <strong>for</strong> the road projects inaccordance with the accepted IR and the report shall contain the following:i. Executive summaryii. Project description including possible alternative alignments/bypasses andtechnical/engineering alternativesiii. Methodology adopted <strong>for</strong> the studyiv. Socioeconomic profile of the project areasv. Road safety audit including black spot identification and analysisvi. Indicative design standards, methodologies and specificationsvii. Traffic surveys and analysisviii. Outline proposals <strong>for</strong> rehabilitation / widening of existing roads includingshoulder composition and cross sections; rehabilitation / widening of existingstructures; new bridges, cross structures, underpasses/overpasses, subways;ADB-IV66

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