RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


Scenario – III Base Costs and Base Benefits minus 20%Scenario - IV Drop in traffic growth rates by 50%Scenario - VNo generated traffic benefitsScenario - VITwo-year project implementation delayScenario - VII Less than optimal road maintenance such as delayor omission of periodic maintenanceScenario - VIII Base Costs plus 20% and Base Benefits minus 20%4.12.8 The sensitivity scenarios given above are only indicative. The Consultants shallselect the sensitivity scenarios taking into account possible construction delays,construction costs overrun, traffic volume, revenue shortfalls, operating costs,exchange rate variations, convertibility of foreign exchange, interest ratevolatility, non-compliance or default by contractors, political risks and forcemajeure.4.12.9 The economic analysis shall take into account all on-going and future road andtransport infrastructure projects and future development plans in the project area.4.12.10The consultant shall suggest ways of enhancing/making the projects in termsof project economics attractive.5. Selection and Prioritization of projectsFor the purpose of selection as project for ADB financing, a road project must meetthe selection criteria and evaluation requirements including attaining a minimum 12%estimated economic internal rate of return. The sub-projects shall further be prioritizedusing the ranking criteria. The project selection criteria including evaluation andranking criteria are at Supplement I. The consultant shall prepare and submit a reporton Selection and Prioritization of projects as early as possible, e.g. preliminary list atSTAGE 2 – Interim Report for GoMP and ADB consideration. The preparation of biddocuments and final detailed design report should be carried out only after therespective projects are determined for possible ADB financing.6. Time period for the service6.1 Time period envisaged for the study of each of the projects is nine months. The finalreports, drawings and documentation shall be completed within this time schedule.6.2 MPRDC shall arrange to give observations and comments on all sketches, drawings,reports and recommendations and other matters and proposals submitted for decisionby the Consultant through GM/DM of MPRDC in such reasonable time so as not todelay or disrupt the performance of the Consultant’s services.ADB-IV63

7. Project Team and Project Office of the Consultant7.1 The Consultants shall be required to form a multi-disciplinary team for thisassignment. The consultants Team shall be manned by adequate number of expertswith relevant experience in the execution of similar detailed design assignments.7.2 List of key personnel to be fielded under the technical team is given in Enclosure I asper clients assessment. The key personnel fielded by the consultant shall not beshifted during the entire period of the services.7.3 All the key personnel mentioned will be evaluated at the time of evaluation oftechnical proposal. Consultants are advised in their own interest to frame thetechnical proposal in an objective manner as far as possible so that these could beproperly assessed. The bio-data of the key personnel should be signed on every sheetby the personnel concerned and the last sheet of each bio-data should also be signedby the authorised signatory of the Consultants.7.4 The Consultants shall establish an office at the Project Site manned by senior keypersonnel during the course of the surveys and investigations. All the project relatedoffice work shall be carried out by the consultant in their site office unless there arespecial reasons for carrying out part of the office work elsewhere for which priorapproval of MPRDC shall be obtained. The address of site office including thepersonnel manning it including their Telephone and FAX numbers will be intimatedby the Consultant to MPRDC before commencement of the services.7.5 All necessary technical support staff and office support staff shall be provided by theconsultant. They should however bring out the details of these personnel and theirduration of deployment in the technical proposal.7.6 The consultant shall mobilize all necessary survey equipment, computers, software,other equipment and all other equipment required to fulfill the job7.7 The consultant shall include all necessary vehicles motorcycles etc in his proposalwhich may be required to carry out the job.7.8 The rates to be quoted shall be on per kilometer basis (excluding exploratory boringfor bridges/fly over/ROBs.) and it shall include all costs / expenses, taxes, duties,service tax, cess etc as applicableThe rates for exploratory boring shall be quoted on per meter basis and it shallinclude all costs / expenses, taxes, duties, service tax, cess etc as applicableADB-IV64

7. Project Team and Project Office of the Consultant7.1 The Consultants shall be required to <strong>for</strong>m a multi-disciplinary team <strong>for</strong> thisassignment. The consultants Team shall be manned by adequate number of expertswith relevant experience in the execution of similar detailed design assignments.7.2 List of key personnel to be fielded under the technical team is given in Enclosure I asper clients assessment. The key personnel fielded by the consultant shall not beshifted during the entire period of the services.7.3 All the key personnel mentioned will be evaluated at the time of evaluation oftechnical proposal. Consultants are advised in their own interest to frame thetechnical proposal in an objective manner as far as possible so that these could beproperly assessed. The bio-data of the key personnel should be signed on every sheetby the personnel concerned and the last sheet of each bio-data should also be signedby the authorised signatory of the Consultants.7.4 The Consultants shall establish an office at the Project Site manned by senior keypersonnel during the course of the surveys and investigations. All the project relatedoffice work shall be carried out by the consultant in their site office unless there arespecial reasons <strong>for</strong> carrying out part of the office work elsewhere <strong>for</strong> which priorapproval of MPRDC shall be obtained. The address of site office including thepersonnel manning it including their Telephone and FAX numbers will be intimatedby the Consultant to MPRDC be<strong>for</strong>e commencement of the services.7.5 All necessary technical support staff and office support staff shall be provided by theconsultant. They should however bring out the details of these personnel and theirduration of deployment in the technical proposal.7.6 The consultant shall mobilize all necessary survey equipment, computers, software,other equipment and all other equipment required to fulfill the job7.7 The consultant shall include all necessary vehicles motorcycles etc in his proposalwhich may be required to carry out the job.7.8 The rates to be quoted shall be on per kilometer basis (excluding exploratory boring<strong>for</strong> bridges/fly over/ROBs.) and it shall include all costs / expenses, taxes, duties,service tax, cess etc as applicableThe rates <strong>for</strong> exploratory boring shall be quoted on per meter basis and it shallinclude all costs / expenses, taxes, duties, service tax, cess etc as applicableADB-IV64

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