RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


of work and shall be complete with plans, designs, BOQ andtechnical specifications.(v) Environmental monitoring plans during and after constructionincluding scaling and measurement techniques for the performanceindicators selected for monitoring.(vi) The EMP should be amendable to be included in the contractdocuments for the works.(vii) Incorporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB and theMPRDC, till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/ MPRDC, asapplicable.4.10.4 Reporting requirements for social and poverty impactsThe reports to be prepared by the consultant would cover the following:(i) Initial Poverty and Social Assessment Report along with mitigation planfor social risks and vulnerabilities especially related to gender,HIV/AIDS transmission and Human trafficking, etc.(ii) Checklists for initial poverty and social assessment, involuntaryresettlement and indigenous peoples development.(iii) Resettlement Framework(iv) Resettlement plan/s for each sub-project(v) IPDF(vi) IPDP(if required )(vii) Initial Base line Data with aim to prepare PPMS to be prepared byconsultant and got approved by MPRDC.4.11 Estimation of Quantities and Project Costs4.11.1 The Consultants shall prepare detailed estimates for quantities (consideringdesigns and mass haul diagram) and project cost for the entire project (civilpackages wise), including the cost of environmental and social safeguardsproposed based on MORTH’s Standard Data Book and market rate for the inputsor the local schedule of rates. The estimation of quantities shall be based ondetailed design of various components of the projects. The estimation ofquantities and costs would have to be worked out separately for each civil workPackage as defined in this TOR.4.11.2 The Consultants shall make detailed analysis for computing the unit rates for thedifferent items of works. The unit rate analysis shall duly take into account thevarious inputs and their basic rates, suggested location of plants and respectivelead distances for mechanized construction. The unit rate for each item of worksshall be worked out in terms of manpower, machinery and materials. Costestimates include foreign exchange and local components, separately identifyingtaxes and customs duties.4.11.3 The project cost estimates so prepared are to be checked against rates for similaron-going works in IndiaADB-IV61

4.12 Economic Analysis4.12.1 The road project should be divided into the traffic homogenous links based on thefindings of the traffic studies. The homogenous links of the road project shouldbe further subdivided into sections based on physical features of road andpavement, sub-grade and drainage characteristics etc. The economic analysisshall be carried out separately for each traffic homogenous link as well as for theproject.4.12.2 The values of input parameters and the rationale for their selection for theeconomic analyses shall be clearly brought out.4.12.3 For models to be used for the economic analyses, the calibration methodology andthe basic parameters adapted to the local conditions shall be clearly brought out.4.12.4 The economic should bring out the priority of the different homogenous links interms of project implementation.4.12.5 The Consultants shall carry out economic analysis for the road project inaccordance with the ADB guidelines for Economic Analysis of Projects. Theanalysis should be for each of the sections covered under this TOR. The benefitand cost streams should be worked out for the project using HDM-IV or otherinternationally recognized life-cycle costing model.4.12.6 The economic analysis shall cover but be not limited to be following aspects:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)assess the capacity of existing roads and the effects of capacityconstraints on vehicle operating costs (VOC);calculate VOCs for the existing road situation and those for theproject;quantify all economic benefits, including those from reducedcongestion, travel distance, road maintenance cost savings and reducedincidence of road accidents; and,estimate the economic internal rate of return (EIRR) for the projectover a 200-year period after construction/rehabilitation. In calculatingthe EIRRs, identify the tradable and non-tradable components ofprojects costs and the border price value of the tradable components;Saving in time value.Deleted.4.12.7 Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) should beworked out based on these cost-benefit stream. Furthermore, sensitivity of EIRRand NPV worked out for the different scenarios as given under:Scenario - IScenario - IIBase Costs and Base BenefitsBase Costs plus 20% and Base BenefitsADB-IV62

of work and shall be complete with plans, designs, BOQ andtechnical specifications.(v) Environmental monitoring plans during and after constructionincluding scaling and measurement techniques <strong>for</strong> the per<strong>for</strong>manceindicators selected <strong>for</strong> monitoring.(vi) The EMP should be amendable to be included in the contractdocuments <strong>for</strong> the works.(vii) Incorporating any other as per the suggestions of the ADB and theMPRDC, till the acceptance of the reports by the ADB/ MPRDC, asapplicable.4.10.4 Reporting requirements <strong>for</strong> social and poverty impactsThe reports to be prepared by the consultant would cover the following:(i) Initial Poverty and Social Assessment Report along with mitigation plan<strong>for</strong> social risks and vulnerabilities especially related to gender,HIV/AIDS transmission and Human trafficking, etc.(ii) Checklists <strong>for</strong> initial poverty and social assessment, involuntaryresettlement and indigenous peoples development.(iii) Resettlement Framework(iv) Resettlement plan/s <strong>for</strong> each sub-project(v) IPDF(vi) IPDP(if required )(vii) Initial Base line Data with aim to prepare PPMS to be prepared byconsultant and got approved by MPRDC.4.11 Estimation of Quantities and Project Costs4.11.1 The Consultants shall prepare detailed estimates <strong>for</strong> quantities (consideringdesigns and mass haul diagram) and project cost <strong>for</strong> the entire project (civilpackages wise), including the cost of environmental and social safeguardsproposed based on MORTH’s Standard Data Book and market rate <strong>for</strong> the inputsor the local schedule of rates. The estimation of quantities shall be based ondetailed design of various components of the projects. The estimation ofquantities and costs would have to be worked out separately <strong>for</strong> each civil workPackage as defined in this TOR.4.11.2 The Consultants shall make detailed analysis <strong>for</strong> computing the unit rates <strong>for</strong> thedifferent items of works. The unit rate analysis shall duly take into account thevarious inputs and their basic rates, suggested location of plants and respectivelead distances <strong>for</strong> mechanized construction. The unit rate <strong>for</strong> each item of worksshall be worked out in terms of manpower, machinery and materials. Costestimates include <strong>for</strong>eign exchange and local components, separately identifyingtaxes and customs duties.4.11.3 The project cost estimates so prepared are to be checked against rates <strong>for</strong> similaron-going works in IndiaADB-IV61

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