RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...

RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ... RFP for BHOPAL & Narmadapuram Division - Madhya Pradesh ...


ecommendations given in widely used international practicesincluding AASHTO, NAASRA, RTAC and TRL wherever. The design of pavement shall be rigorous and shall make use ofthe latest Indian and International practices. The designalternatives and the most appropriate design, option shall beestablished on life-cycle costing and techno-economicconsideration. For the design of pavement, each set of design input shall bedecided on the basis of rigorous testing and evaluation of itssuitability and relevance in respect of in-service performance ofthe pavement. The design methodology shall accompany thedesign proposals and shall clearly bring out the basic assumptions,values of the various design inputs, rationale behind the selectionof the design inputs and the criteria for checking and controlduring the implementation of works. In other words, the design ofpavement structure should take due account of the type,characteristics of materials used in the respective courses,variability of their properties and also the reliability of trafficpredictions. Furthermore, the methodology adopted for the designof pavement shall be complete with flow charts indicating thevarious steps in the design process, their interaction with oneanother and the input parameter required at each step. For the design of overlays for the existing pavement, thestrengthening requirement shall duly take into account the strengthof the existing pavement vis-à-vis the remaining life. The overlaythickness requirements shall be worked out for each road segmenthomogenous with respect to condition, strength and sub-gradecharacteristics. The rehabilitation provisions should also includethe provision of regulating layer. For existing pavement withacceptable levels of cracking, provision of a crack inhibiting layershould also be include. Latest techniques of pavement design and rehabilitation likeprovision of geo-synthetics and cold/hot pavement recycling, useof modified bitumen etc. should be duly considered. Deleted. Design of Embankments4. The embankments design should provide for maximumutilization of locally available materials consistent with economy.Use of fly ash wherever available within economical leads andtechnically feasible must be considered. In accordance withADB-IV51

Government guidelines, use of flyash within 50kms from ThermalPower Stations is mandatory. The Consultants shall carry out detailed analysis and designfor all embankments of height greater that 6 m based on relevantIRC publications. The design of embankments should include the requirementsfor protection works and traffic safety features. Design of Bridges and Structures4. The Consultant shall prepare General ArrangementDrawing (GAD) and Alignment Plan showing the salient featuresof all the bridges and structures proposed to be constructed /reconstructed/ widened along the road sections covered under theStudy. These salient features such as alignment, overall length,span arrangement, cross section, deck level, founding level, type ofbridge components (superstructure, substructure, foundations,bearings, expansion joint, return walls etc.) shall be finalized basedupon hydraulic and geo-technical studies, cost effectiveness andease of construction. The GAD shall be supplemented byPreliminary designs. In respect of span arrangement and type ofbridge a few alternatives with cost-benefit implications should besubmitted to enable MPRDC to approve the best alternative. The location of all at-grade level crossings shall beidentified falling across the existing level crossings for providingROB at these locations. The Consultants shall prepare preliminaryGAD for necessary construction, reconstruction or wideningseparately to the Client. The Consultant shall assist MPRDC inpursuing the Indian Railways Authorities or/and any statutoryauthority of State/Central Government for approval of the GADfrom concerned Authorities. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and AlignmentPlan by MPRDC and Railways, the Consultant shall preparedetailed design as per IRC and Railways guidelines and detaileddrawings for all components of the bridges and structures. TheConsultant shall furnish the design and detailed drawings forsuitable protection works and/or river training works whereverrequired. The existing structures having inadequate carriagewaywidth shall be widened/ reconstructed in part or fully as per thelatest MORT&H guidelines. The Consultant shall furnish theADB-IV52

Government guidelines, use of flyash within 50kms from ThermalPower Stations is mandatory. The Consultants shall carry out detailed analysis and design<strong>for</strong> all embankments of height greater that 6 m based on relevantIRC publications. The design of embankments should include the requirements<strong>for</strong> protection works and traffic safety features. Design of Bridges and Structures4. The Consultant shall prepare General ArrangementDrawing (GAD) and Alignment Plan showing the salient featuresof all the bridges and structures proposed to be constructed /reconstructed/ widened along the road sections covered under theStudy. These salient features such as alignment, overall length,span arrangement, cross section, deck level, founding level, type ofbridge components (superstructure, substructure, foundations,bearings, expansion joint, return walls etc.) shall be finalized basedupon hydraulic and geo-technical studies, cost effectiveness andease of construction. The GAD shall be supplemented byPreliminary designs. In respect of span arrangement and type ofbridge a few alternatives with cost-benefit implications should besubmitted to enable MPRDC to approve the best alternative. The location of all at-grade level crossings shall beidentified falling across the existing level crossings <strong>for</strong> providingROB at these locations. The Consultants shall prepare preliminaryGAD <strong>for</strong> necessary construction, reconstruction or wideningseparately to the Client. The Consultant shall assist MPRDC inpursuing the Indian Railways Authorities or/and any statutoryauthority of State/Central Government <strong>for</strong> approval of the GADfrom concerned Authorities. Subsequent to the approval of the GAD and AlignmentPlan by MPRDC and Railways, the Consultant shall preparedetailed design as per IRC and Railways guidelines and detaileddrawings <strong>for</strong> all components of the bridges and structures. TheConsultant shall furnish the design and detailed drawings <strong>for</strong>suitable protection works and/or river training works whereverrequired. The existing structures having inadequate carriagewaywidth shall be widened/ reconstructed in part or fully as per thelatest MORT&H guidelines. The Consultant shall furnish theADB-IV52

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